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Twitter being rebranded to “X”, bird logo going away


Not everything is his fault, but when bad things happen, the decisions you CAN make, and do make, reflect on your character. He had every reason not to shut it down, but he did. Thats showing you his character and where his priorities lie.

....and I'm not even gonna acknowledge the "its expensive" thing for a dude who has casually offered to buy countries and got roped into this 40 billion dollar fiasco in the first place, practically on a dare.
Like him or hate him, I don't support any type of business being milked for their services to the unseeable future. Also, they were using it for drones, which he probably wants no part of
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Oh no, Russia is not winning so that must result in WW3! Better do everything in my power to make sure Russia wins!
Yes, because it's so black and white isn't it? Droning people who were drafted against their will. How nice. I wouldn't want any part in it either
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Like him or hate him, I don't support any type of business being milked for their services to the unseeable future. Also, they were using it for drones, which he probably wants no part of

Milked? calling the purpose it was being used for as being "milked" is wildly flippant.

Elon was "advising" Ukraine to give Russia what they wanted wya before this right? Any way you slice it, its a terrible look. Of all things to defend this shouldn't be one of em.

Like, holy s*** lol. The lengths you guys will go to excuse, downplay or outright defend anything this guy does. to defend this guy worth 300 BILLION with a B dollars and tell me "bbbut starlink is expensive he just haaaad to shut it down ag the expensive of those Ukrainian lives" with a straight face, is wild to me.
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Gold Member
If the US can send billions to Ukraine, they can front the cost of starlink if it's so important. Shit isn't free. It sucks for the people there and I get it, but it's not like the conflict is Elon's fault.

You don't know the whole story. You should read up on it. Musk started out by handing out Starlink stations and giving it away for free. Then, he said he wasn't in a position to do it for free at the same time he was talking to Russia, and pulled the plug right then, without giving the Pentagon an opportunity to make a contract with him.

Then the US Government had to chase him around while he played hardball and bragged about being on the phone with Putin. Meanwhile Ukrainians died until the Pentagon could reign him in and get a deal signed.

Guy is an asshole.


You don't know the whole story. You should read up on it. Musk started out by handing out Starlink stations and giving it away for free. Then, he said he wasn't in a position to do it for free at the same time he was talking to Russia, and pulled the plug right then, without giving the Pentagon an opportunity to make a contract with him.

Then the US Government had to chase him around while he played hardball and bragged about being on the phone with Putin. Meanwhile Ukrainians died until the Pentagon could reign him in and get a deal signed.

Guy is an asshole.
The link I posted says he had no problem providing private internet. But then they started to use it for military purposes, which is a breach of contract.
Seems to me they should have set that up in the first place instead of blaming him for their screwup. I do see how the free/not free lingo is confusing the matter though.
Anyway, this is the wrong thread for the discussion.
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Gold Member
The link I posted says he had no problem providing private internet. But then they started to use it for military purposes, which is a breach of contract.
Seems to me they should have set that up in the first place instead of blaming him for their screwup. I do see how the free/not free lingo is confusing the matter though.
Anyway, this is the wrong thread for the discussion.

I think you made a Mistake Mistake . I checked every page of this thread for your supposed link, where is it? You say this is the wrong place for the topic even though you had no issue discussing Starlink in this thread before.

How were Ukrainian users of Starlink in breach of contract when there was no contract? So you don't know that SpaceX just handed Starlink units out like candy to military units on purpose, because while people were dying there was no luxury of time so Musk stepped up? And just decided to reverse course and turn them off in the middle of a battle so their stuff would break because Russia paid him a phone call? Or you do know that and feign ignorance?


Link is here BlackTron BlackTron
Like him or hate him, I don't support any type of business being milked for their services to the unseeable future. Also, they were using it for drones, which he probably wants no part of
Agreeing to use a service under certain terms, and then violating those terms, quite possibly falls under a breach of contract.
This is a twitter thread. Further discussions on Ukraine issues should go in the Ukraine war thread. Sorry for the derail
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Gold Member
Link is here BlackTron BlackTron

Agreeing to use a service under certain terms, and then violating those terms, quite possibly falls under a breach of contract. At least in a sense.
This is a twitter thread. Further discussions on Ukraine issues should go in the Ukraine war thread. Sorry for the derail
No thanks I wouldn't muck up the Ukraine War thread with arguments about Elon Musk being an asshole. Lets save that thread for actual war developments and not derail it.

So Musk said he was trying to avoid WW3 when he had a change of heart about helping Ukraine because Putin paid him a phone call. You say they were in breach of contract. What did you think they expected them to use Starlink to do when they supplied Ukraine with Internet? Get GPS directions to an ice cream stand? Musk reversed course because he realized he was pissing off his Russian buddies too much and wanted to please everyone.

Look at the timeline of actual events instead of just taking everything he says at face value and come to your own opinion.


No thanks I wouldn't muck up the Ukraine War thread with arguments about Elon Musk being an asshole. Lets save that thread for actual war developments and not derail it.

So Musk said he was trying to avoid WW3 when he had a change of heart about helping Ukraine because Putin paid him a phone call. You say they were in breach of contract. What did you think they expected them to use Starlink to do when they supplied Ukraine with Internet? Get GPS directions to an ice cream stand? Musk reversed course because he realized he was pissing off his Russian buddies too much and wanted to please everyone.

Look at the timeline of actual events instead of just taking everything he says at face value and come to your own opinion.
Your timeline of events does make some sense. But I'm not going to pretend I know everything he's thinking either. I just think it's quite possible he got called out for facilitating the conflict, and he wasn't comfortable with that. Now if he turned around and made a military contract with the US/Ukraine anyway, then yes, he's an asshole
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Gold Member
Your timeline of events does make some sense. But I'm not going to pretend I know everything he's thinking either. I just think it's quite possible he got called out for facilitating the conflict, and he wasn't comfortable with that. Now if he turned around and made a military contract with the US/Ukraine anyway, then yes, he's an asshole
I think you made a Mistake Mistake . I checked every page of this thread for your supposed link, where is it? You say this is the wrong place for the topic even though you had no issue discussing Starlink in this thread before.

How were Ukrainian users of Starlink in breach of contract when there was no contract? So you don't know that SpaceX just handed Starlink units out like candy to military units on purpose, because while people were dying there was no luxury of time so Musk stepped up? And just decided to reverse course and turn them off in the middle of a battle so their stuff would break because Russia paid him a phone call? Or you do know that and feign ignorance?
if its like any service it likely has a long ToS contract agreement before using it
ADL owe Musk $22 billion!

No wait, scratch that, they owe $4 billion!

Drop Dropping GIF by Gogglebox Australia

The more posts we get pasted into this thread directly from Musk and his sycophants the easier it gets to see the circus.


Ah yes, this week on the carnival of stupidity, The Jews stole half the value of Twitter from him. He’s willing to say anything for attention.
I mean to be fair, the ADL are a pretty insidious organisation.

They're basically the arbiters of irony considering the amount of misinformation they themselves put out lol.

EDIT: No clue how any of that is quantifiable in terms of revenue mind you but I very much welcome any organisation/person calling out the ADL on their bullshit.
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Ah yes, this week on the carnival of stupidity, The Jews stole half the value of Twitter from him. He’s willing to say anything for attention.
Didn't you know, it's always the *checks notes* not me people who are ruining the value of my Xctasy.


I hope he actually tries this suit.

It would force him to air out many of his foibles whilst trying to "expose" the ADL.

But me thinks he knows this, has no plans on actually going through with it and wants to skip some dogwhistles to fringe portions of his fanbase. They eat this stuff up


Gold Member
GUYS guys ok I figured it out. I know you had reservations about whether I could make it as CEO and find the secret but combining all my corporate experience and extremely smart brain I have narrowed it down to one last possibility.

It was the jews


Gold Member
Ah yes, this week on the carnival of stupidity, The Jews stole half the value of Twitter from him. He’s willing to say anything for attention.

Like the ACLU, the ADL is a captured organization who has done great and important work in the past, but now are going against their past values, actively pushing the government to violate the first amendment, and actively pushing the government to police private social media companies. It makes sense that Musk would be opposed to them.

Musk does say and do a lot of stupid things for attention, but I don't think it's fair or accurate to make this about antisemitism. Half the value, though? That's a pretty dumb assumption for musk to be making.
Like the ACLU, the ADL is a captured organization who has done great and important work in the past, but now are going against their past values, actively pushing the government to violate the first amendment, and actively pushing the government to police private social media companies. It makes sense that Musk would be opposed to them.

Musk does say and do a lot of stupid things for attention, but I don't think it's fair or accurate to make this about antisemitism. Half the value, though? That's a pretty dumb assumption for musk to be making.

I dont know anything about the ADL what are examples of its transgressions?


Gold Member
I dont know anything about the ADL what are examples of its transgressions?
Off the top of my head, an organization that's supposed to be about anti-defamation has been successfully sued and fined for defamation, because they wrongfully associated various individuals and organizations with hate groups. I remember reading that a court ruled there was nothing to support that association. The issue was really one of political disagreement. I forgot what people were all involved, but I believe that's what the 10.5 million dollar fine mentioned above is referring to.

[edit] Having thought about it a bit more, I think I might be getting the ADL mixed up with a different hate watch organization, so I've used strikethrough on what I now feel may be incorrect information. The rest of the post still applies.

They also accused Krystal Ball, Sagar Enjeti, and Joe Rogan of being antisemitic, due to their criticism of Israel when it comes to Palestine, after their appearance on Rogan's podcast. I think that seems to be a theme with them, much to the dismay of many progressives.

And then there's the insistence that the government involve themselves in the censoring of legally protected speech, circumventing and violating the first amendment. Here it is right from the man's mouth, right around the 3 minute mark.

"Mr chairman, if you did one thing as a committee, focus on the social media companies, hold them accountable for what they're doing"

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Off the top of my head, an organization that's supposed to be about anti-defamation has been successfully sued and fined for defamation, because they wrongfully associated various individuals and organizations with hate groups. I remember reading that a court ruled there was nothing to support that association. The issue was really one of political disagreement. I forgot what people were all involved, but I believe that's what the 10.5 million dollar fine mentioned above is referring to.

They also accused Krystal Ball, Sagar Enjeti, and Joe Rogan of being antisemitic, due to their criticism of Israel when it comes to Palestine, after their appearance on Rogan's podcast. I think that seems to be a theme with them, much to the dismay of many progressives.

And then there's the insistence that the government involve themselves in the censoring of legally protected speech, circumventing and violating the first amendment. Here it is right from the man's mouth, right around the 3 minute mark.

"Mr chairman, if you did one thing as a committee, focus on the social media companies, hold them accountable for what they're doing"

cheers, sounds like a standard lobby group
That 10,5 million dollar case from the '90's is a weird one, a slapfight between neighbours where one side says some things about gas chambers and the ADL gets involved. In the end the reason the ADL lost was that the Jewish family used a police scanner to record cordless phone conversations (remember those?) and that was just that year made illegal. ADL fucked up by using the recordings which were 100% true but inadmissable.

But I'm sure this means Musk is 100% guaranteed to win and have the judge rule the ADL will have to be renamed the DL while Joe Rogan all his buddies applaud from the crowd.


Gold Member
cheers, sounds like a standard lobby group
I would hope we haven't reached the point where standard lobby groups are asking the government to stop legally protected speech, and pushing the government to grant themselves the authority to decide what is and what is not hate speech and "misinformation," but even the ACLU has lost their way these days.
Ugh musk can't help himself. Whos he going to blame next?

ADL as an organisation is a piece of shit too. Isn't interesting protecting Jewish people; more interested in silencing all criticism of Israel .

No winners here.



"So instead I decided to be complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation, but this time me personally instead of my company, and helping the invaders rather than defenders"

Does he think this damage control is actually controlling any damage?



"Glad it wasn't activated in such a contentious territory." Give me a fucking break, it's only contentious if you are rooting for an invading country. Anyone else is clearly not seeing contention with fighting back an assaulting force who is hellbent on proving some quasi dream of Nazism as an excuse to literally burn a country to the ground.


voted poster of the decade by bots
One would think over time this decision would grow on you, but nope, still the dumbest rebrand of all time. It's akin to taking Ford or Coke or McDonalds and renaming them "Z".


Gold Member
If you read this article, you can see that Musk literally turned off Starlink while Ukrainian forces were pushing the front line in real time, resulting in chaos. People died because of it.

He may as well be Lex Luther at that point. I hope all his businesses fail and he loses every penny he has.

Edit: Imagine you are just a guy, a soldier fighting to the death, and actually making a difference at the front line of the enemy that killed your countries kids. Just when things are looking hopeful, chaos breaks out and you are shot, because a billionaire watching from far away decided something and pushed a button.

That's Elon Musk guys. If it were a movie or a game, we would be waiting for his inevitable death by Arnold or Rambo.

btw there is a clarification on this in a recent interview

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Gold Member
btw there is a clarification on this in a recent interview, but disappointing that a completely invented narrative you made up was so heavily liked.

"Clarification" that came from Elon Musk himself, delivered by his biographer, who said himself in your own linked video that Musk is like "Jekyll and Hyde"; not only that, but your video has this biographer delivering the exact same story that I did, only to follow up by "clarifying" what in fact happened now...this clarification that you speak of came from a tweet from Musk himself...that is the source...of course his paid biographer is now updating his past story...but thanks for adding to the discussion


Gold Member
It's naive to believe that Isaacson would be paid off, you do realize he's an highly credentialed and accomplished biographer right?

lol he still gets his information from a source, and updated his story after musk did, use some critical thinking

Edit: Here's another source, even though this one isn't Musks personal biographer or his own tweet on his own social platform, maybe it's worth a TINY bit, wait is this what I already posted? Did you read it yet? It's only got guys from the Pentagon in there. Read it thoroughly, don't skim https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/08/28/elon-musks-shadow-rule
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Gold Member
lol he still gets his information from a source, and updated his story after musk did, use some critical thinking

Edit: Here's another source, even though this one isn't Musks personal biographer or his own tweet on his own social platform, maybe it's worth a TINY bit, wait is this what I already posted? Did you read it yet? It's only got guys from the Pentagon in there. Read it thoroughly, don't skim https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/08/28/elon-musks-shadow-rule
the framing is idiotic, Ukrainians are desperately reliant on Starlink and they even admit that their army would collapse into chaos without it. He's literally done more for Ukraine than most european nations in terms of military support.



Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?

Update: apparently it's not being removed, just put in a different place.
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