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PS5 - New Demon Souls Screenshots


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Human form

But the moment you die you l become hollow

But theres what we called World Tendency in DeS

The more you died the less human your appearance will be and you l gravitate closer to Dark Tendency

If you gone too far to dark/black tendency the enemies will become harder and thougher

Man that sounds oppressive lol. Like if you die too much, why would the game get harder? Isn't that punishing you for NOT knowing what's coming next?

"Body Form and Soul Form
When you start the game, you are in Body form, your normal living self, but when you die your soul is bound to the Nexus. At this point, you will re-awaken there in Soul Form; the downside of this is that you will have your maximum HP halved in that state. You will do more damage while in Soul Form compared to Body Form if you have White Character Tendency.

Each time you defeat a world boss, you will automatically be revived if you are in Soul Form, which means you are transformed back to Body form. There are items called Stone of Ephemeral Eyes which will also revive you to Body form and full health at any time.

In Soul Form, if you are online, you can lay down a Blue Eye Stone to be summoned into another player's world to help him/her defeat a Demon. Doing so will restore your soul to your body. Alternatively you can invade another player's game as a Black Phantom with the aim of killing the host. If you are victorious you will regain your body. Regaining your body in another player's world will revive you at the start of the world you last died, in your own world. See the Online page for more details."

*Taken from the wiki

This honestly seems like some of the best\most thoughtful forms of multi-player since Journey.
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Gold Member
Yes and shadows also seem to be ray traced on the other pics. Lighting in general looks different from the performance mode, it has more depth.
i'm ignorant, how do you know that it's not like just a very good form of old school reflection? i saw pretty good puddle reflections in other games without rtx, last one being tlou2.

Omnipunctual Godot

Gold Member

I've NEVER played any Souls game, but the screenshots and gameplay video is forcing me to buy this game at launch. Especially after being told it's not hard in the "Ninja Giden" or "DMC" type of way.
I wonder if videogames will ever reach a level of graphical fidelity where blades of grass aren't just flat cutouts. Probably not.


i'm ignorant, how do you know that it's not like just a very good form of old school reflection? i saw pretty good puddle reflections in other games without rtx, last one being tlou2.
Ray tracing was confirmed by Bluepoint, if it's not used for the shadows or reflections where is it used then? Like i said, this time lighting looks different (must be 4K/30 fps mode with RT) and i can't see Bluepoint blatantly lying about it.


I've NEVER played any Souls game, but the screenshots and gameplay video is forcing me to buy this game at launch. Especially after being told it's not hard in the "Ninja Giden" or "DMC" type of way.
If you can, try Bloodborne or DS first before you spend 70-80 bucks. I'm not a bad gamer, i even managed to beat Cuphead, but i just don't have the patience for this trial & error stuff without saves before the bosses. Never beat more than 1 boss in those games before i got bored from doing all the trash again and again before being able to try the bosses.


I hope they make some changes to keep it all fresh. Like the skip in 2-2 where you jump down all the platforms. What if it let you get like 60% of the way through and then one of the platforms just breaks, killing you.

So you suddenly find out there is no shortcut anymore or there's some other path you have to find that's new. Or what if the whole interaction with Yurt is different, so you get surprised by finding some NPCs dead even though you thought you knew what you were doing. Take what we think we know from playing the original so much and slap us in the head with it.






I've NEVER played any Souls game, but the screenshots and gameplay video is forcing me to buy this game at launch. Especially after being told it's not hard in the "Ninja Giden" or "DMC" type of way.

Umm, it’s way less arcadey than NG or DMC, each of which you can button mash your way through with relative success. Doing that in DS will leave you swiftly dead.

Those screenshots are gorgeous.

Omnipunctual Godot

Gold Member
Man that sounds oppressive lol. Like if you die too much, why would the game get harder? Isn't that punishing you for NOT knowing what's coming next?

This honestly seems like some of the best\most thoughtful forms of multi-player since Journey.
You can also see bloodstains on the ground where other players died, and if you touch them, it basically shows you the last few seconds of their life. This can be helpful when you enter an area with a lot of bloodstains. It shows that some crazy shit is about to go down. For a few seconds you can also see specters of other players randomly if you are playing in the same area they are at the same time. It was also one of the first games I can think of that had random players communicating solely through a gesture/emote system.
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Man that sounds oppressive lol. Like if you die too much, why would the game get harder? Isn't that punishing you for NOT knowing what's coming next?

From removed this mechanic in Dark Souls, and then reintroduced it in a very nerfed form in Dark Souls 2.

It'll be interesting to see what Bluepoint does with this. I'll go out on a limb and predict HP won't be completely halved in Soul Form. Even for the Souls games, that's a bit nuts.


4'th screenhot looks like upscaled 1440p, but graphics is still spectacular. I'm guessing game is using RT GI because character ambient shadows looks just perfect, and there's also torchlight bouncing on knight armor.
Man that sounds oppressive lol. Like if you die too much, why would the game get harder? Isn't that punishing you for NOT knowing what's coming next?

I wouldn't worry about that too much. You're far more likely to understand the combat and how the game works in general before you ever get to that point. In fact you'll probably want certain tendencies so you can get weapons and other stuff only available during them.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Man that sounds oppressive lol. Like if you die too much, why would the game get harder? Isn't that punishing you for NOT knowing what's coming next?

Its not that bad because in return for the additional difficulty of darker WT, you get extra loot for everything you kill and of course loot isn't lost on death, only souls. In late game you want pure black WT in order to find rare mats anyway.

Souls' games difficulty is so overblown, the signature mechanic is effectively a second-chance after making a mistake anyway.


Man that sounds oppressive lol. Like if you die too much, why would the game get harder? Isn't that punishing you for NOT knowing what's coming next?

Kind of. Souls games do that a lot, but it's more psychological than it really is punishing. You'll learn how to manipulate the world tendency in various ways. There will be times where both light and dark tendencies will benefit you.


This game demonstrates that 4k is not needed, it is better to use lower resolution and push on graphic quality, not last this is the best next gen game so far


This game demonstrates that 4k is not needed, it is better to use lower resolution and push on graphic quality, not last this is the best next gen game so far

Yup. I feel like often 4K and RT are there more so they can advertise them, despite that accounting for them causes the games to look overall worse than needed.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Where are the screenshots?

They're in the OP. You can't see them?

If you can, try Bloodborne or DS first before you spend 70-80 bucks. I'm not a bad gamer, i even managed to beat Cuphead, but i just don't have the patience for this trial & error stuff without saves before the bosses. Never beat more than 1 boss in those games before i got bored from doing all the trash again and again before being able to try the bosses.

At this point, THIS is the only thing scaring me from buying the game at launch. I hate dying in games and losing 20-30 minutes of progress. Personally, I like losing no more than 5 minutes of progress. Typically anything more starts to feel like a chore.
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voted poster of the decade by bots
I've never played a demon anything game, I am ignorant on this series. Did they say this was a remake or a new game?


Gold Member
The Nexus will become a blood pool once again!
Players will be suiciding like Lemmings there because of the tendencies.
Hey, sometimes people gotta take the easy way out so you don't get invaded. Health nerf be damned.

Wait...they are going to have PVP right? I feel like I should ask.
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The original looks like trash compared to the remake, naturally. Contrarians btfo tbh
Nah, the original had a much more opressive and drab atmosphere than what the remake seems to go for. Whether it was tech limitation or not is irrelevant(i would say it was artistic decision judging by the plot and some of the more fucked up stuff in the game).

The remake so far looks more epic fantasy as opposed to medieval horror of the original.


They're in the OP. You can't see them?

At this point, THIS is the only thing scaring me from buying the game at launch. I hate dying in games and losing 20-30 minutes of progress. Personally, I like losing no more than 5 minutes of progress. Typically anything more starts to feel like a chore.
Im normally the same. But there is something so rewarding about beating something that you've died to multiple times in a Souls game

And generally if you die, its because you got careless


Not my kind of game but holy those graphics are what I expect from next gen

looks absolutely amazing

I may even give it a go... I really dislike the souls games personally (sorry if that offends fans of this genre) but these graphics are stunning such that I may get it just to experience
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