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If you actually care about Xbox you need to be hammering them hard right now


Problem is that things in this industry takes years.

We HAMMERED Don Mattrick (him especially) and Xbox for the last 7 years. Every damn year we told them that Microsoft has no games. Every year they promised better games and that they are listening to the community.

And now we are in 2020 and things don't look better than they did for the past 7 years.

I think they are genuinely trying, but they are trying too many things at once and in the end nothing really works out if you aren't concentrating it properly.
And lets be honest here guys. What exactly is gamepass? It is a buffet with average food while Sony sells Steak and Nintendo sells overly expensive candy with cute faces on it.


How will this affect the add on's for halo, if I understand it correctly,(if i am wrong please correct) this is the last halo but they are going to keep updating it over time, adding more areas, zones missions etc etc, content drops

Is it possible, if the game is delayed say a year, it could end up being even bigger, better in options and much larger in scope.
This could be a really good thing in some ways.
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How will this affect the adds on for halo, if I understand it correctly,(if i am wrong please correct) this is the last halo but they are going to keep updating it over time, adding more areas, zones missions etc etc, content drops

Is it possible, if the game is delayed say a year, it could end up being even bigger, better in options and much larger in scope.
This could be a really good thing in some ways.

Ray-tracing integrated Day 1 too, which alone could have a pretty transformative effect on visuals.


XBOX needs to stop the forced and fake hype, stop hyping everything, including movie and CG trailers. Concentrate on delivering quality games. XBOX has changed the type of games they were known for. They've gone from lots of adult type games to titles like Super Lucky, Ori etc. That won't change their fortunes. Even though Kakuto Chojin on OG XBOX was not the best, I appreciated it as a fighter, it was a new IP and it had some unique features. You could play Ninja Gaiden on OG XBOX, you could play crimson skies, you could play the splinter cell series, you could play the Otogi games and DOA3 and so much more. There was a reason to own and OG XBOX, why? because of good exclusives....The fact that MS has been in PR defensive mode suggesting that exclusives don't matter is the furthest thing from the truth, the fact that people repeat and believe that PR is even sadder, because things their games fortune will never improve..

The trend of a lack of game quality will extend for many years to come based on the studios they acquired and the fact that they are about gamepass.....All your Inxile's, Rare's, Compulsion, Obsidian is only going to push gamepass quality content and their titles may be rushed, because if their top studios like 343 are behind the 8-ball, they would need new content to keep propping gamepass and they will need it in a hurry, so even their upcoming gamepass content will be less quality and rushed. Remember they said they need to have first party gamepass content rotating every 3 months, in essence new games for gamepass....

I think some are a bit too optimistic of gamepass fortunes. I hear people say, their AAA studios are not ready, but gamepass is great, no. If you see, they need their AAA studios to keep gamepass somewhat relevant, the smaller games wont keep people subscribed. People dollar subbed for Gears 5 and were banking to dollar sub for Halo Infinite, but if Infinite is delayed, it means there's even less traction for the service after it's revenue stream is already being heavily compromised through all these promotions....People feel it's doing well, but it's not and when MS's shuts it down, no one should be surprised and it's when you will get the real tea, that anybody who did business 101 can see through right now. In essence it's not a profit based business and it cannot sustain itself currently. MS is losing lots of money through missteps. 10 million gamepass subs are not people paying $15 a month, not even close, are not even active members.

XBOX should go back to working on new IP's, get their own, try something. Move away from Gears, Halo and Forza a bit unless they are rebooting these franchises. At least Sony rebooted GOW and GT and gave us a new racer in DC. They need to give people a reason to look at something from them that they can't get elsewhere and it's quality. Yet it looks like they are just not ready, if an almost 6 year old game in development is being delayed, then Playground is no where near releasing this Fable game, Forza does not look close to ready. Gears 5 if they don't improve this franchise, the next game will tank heavily amongst critics, there was no soul to any of the characters on Gears 5, story made no sense and graphics was overrated by a tech outlet which is cozy with MS. You need to have people who are normally against you to sing your praises, not vice versa, because it will be the equivalent of sweet nothings that does nothing to improve MS's fortunes...

At this point, MS came to the race and they have no shoes on. Lots of indie studios acquired in 2018, nothing to show. Gears team are not close to showing a game, hence why they are showing a 4K 60fps Gears 5 with a few tweaks. The Initiative always sounds to me like a studio where MS finally woke up. An initiative finally to bring some good AAA games, but with 40 odd staff members, there is no way that studio is going to measure up to Naughty Dog or any Studio from PS. The fact that turn 10 can't get something at launch, I think that was the biggest clue.....These guys have been at at it for over two years....and a no show on launch hardware? I mean we know 343 has been misfiring, but T10 is always there at launch.....So perhaps Schreier or someone has to break a story or perhaps Dusk Golem, because all these studios being unprepared when certain media outlets were ranting and raving on how prepared MS was, means somebody was straight lying and hiding the truth...

I'm not sure Microsoft has ever gotten it right.

Xbox had issues too, specifically around their contract with Nvidia which prevented them from being as aggressive with pricing and also cut the life cycle of the device short (not to mention making future backwards compatibility problematic). And while it wasn't as bad as DRE (Disc Read Errors) on PS2, the XBox used three different DVD drive manufacturers which resulted in variable performance and DDE (dirty disc errors). As much as I love the Duke, that controller design was a mistake. On the plus side, the hardware was really powerful and Micorsoft used their know-how in developing Xbox Live. It helps that they charged for the service and limited it to broadband connections only. Sony on the other hand went the free route putting a larger burden on developers and also supported dial-up. Having Halo revolutionize the console shooter certainly helps, but all and all they duked it out with Nintendo for a very distant 2nd place. A good first effort.

Bonus thought: The Rare acquisition.

Sony opened the door to Microsoft with insane pricing and continued down the path of Kutagari's eccentric hardware design philosophies. Microsoft countered with a more powerful, less expensive and easier to develop system and built upon their Live service which was miles ahead of PSN. It helps that they launched a year earlier. The issue is they also delivered what has to be the most faulty console hardware the industry has ever witnessed. After denying failure levels were above industry standard (3%-5%), they eventually extended the warranties on the 360 to 3 years. Sony managed to overtake them late in the generation but they finished a close 3rd and showed tremendous growth from the original Xbox. They also found success with Kinect and with the 360 always being connected, they could data mine how their console was being used (TV Apps). Combine the billion they sank in correcting their engineering follies and how their late success with Kinect/TV Apps led to them misreading the market and sabotaging the launch of the One. All and all it's their most successful foray into Xbox.

Bonus thought: Mismanaging their Bungie relationship.

Random: It will be interesting to see how Series X does. I'm not sure they'll ever make inroads into Asian markets which I guess makes the 360 performance even more remarkable.
Actually the percentage failure rate was 54%. I get that people felt 360 was successful and it certainly was moreso than OG XBOX, yet if you deduct that failure rate from XBOX 360's final tally you will get around 40 million units. Some people bought that console up to 13 times as they were heavily invested in LIVE, we know how devoted MS fans were to LIVE, their gamerscore, their controller and their friends, but in reality the actual installbase was much less due to the high failure rate. People forget that MS spent over 1 billion dollars to arrest RROD, which is a major loss from millions of defunct 360 units...

In essence, coming into this gen, people were misguided that XBOX would go to sell 80 million units, dis-regarding what really caused the spike in 360 sales and that's with them having better software support in the 360 days vs the XBOX ONE. People think it was because of DRM that MS is not pulling PS4 numbers, but fail to understand it's about brand awareness, PS exclusives and trust in Sony. People have no problem buying PS even in the last days till next gen, because they know the games and support will flow to the very end. MS has not proven that to gamers, so their playerbase will always be limited to the same hardcore crowd......I do think that their hardcore base will shrink even more next gen....but that's mostly on them and some of the fans who always commend them no matter what type of software they put out...who at the same time rail on 90+ Goty games, which review and sell a tonne to millions of people....Crying that your lesser games are fun and that the games which million more enjoyed are straight trash.....That is the mentality that the XBOX horde have to get over because they justify all the failings MS does over and over again, meaning there will be no change if they keep stamping MS's current output with their seal of approval....

Kev Kev

You need to be grilling them to no end, these constant mistakes and the never ending buffoonery needs to sink in as being totally unacceptable. Don't think they're reading this stuff right now? You bet your ass they are, and I have no doubt a lot of people are getting reemed as what's being said on these forum is being rattled off in Zoom meetings.

Don't praise them for delaying a game, because they should have had the foresight as a multi-billion dollar division of a near multi-trillion dollar business to have a contingency plan in place to account for the potential of Halo not making the launch window.. Their incompetence has further harmed the brand, they further put at risk game deals for you, content, sales which lead to more investment and so on and so forth. If you can't even be confident in a brand you have invested in then how is anyone else supposed to be? Do you think publishers and developers are really going to want to do deals with them now?

They're in tatters, this is worse mismanagement than what took place at Sega and killed them... Sega was still putting out awesome games even as they were nearly bankrupt and being driven into the grave, and you want me to thank these rich executives and studio heads who can't even get one game lined up for their next-gen console? Do you have any idea how asinine that is?

All of you know I'm all about them, it's no secret that I bleed green and I practically have a shrine for them. With that being said though enough is enough, we are the last vestige of hope for them. We are their consumers, we are the ones who have the capability to hold them accountable, and many of you think the answer is to be in denial and act like they're doing us a favor?

Come on, it's been years.... This was supposed to be when Phil was supposed to shine, when we were going to have our coming back moment, and it's all been dashed away because they couldn't be bothered to come prepared with literally years to do so... I think I'm more disappointed in a lot of you than them, the excuses are intolerable.
lol no calm down

i understand the frustration, but i guess i dont have that gear. i dont go int rage and get irate mode. especially when i havent actually spent any money yet.

sell me a product and theres a problem with it, then yes i can understand getting complainy. but this hasnt even released, i think people need to relax or just... ya know, not buy it?
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This is getting way too serious. I dont have the urge to even make some light fun of anything now. Thanks gaf!
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Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
All this outrage over a single game delay. Yeah it’s a bummer I can’t play halo this year but obviously game needs more time in the oven.

For people buying new consoles this year, sucks for them all around that neither has antything that great. Feels like year 1 of the Xbox one and PS4 with out the half way decent launch games, just a ton of up ports.

Thankfully there should still be some good games this year not tied to any of these botched console launches. Cyberpunk will keep me going for a while.


All new xbox games have to be streamable and scalable Cutting edge tech showcases run counter to that strategy. which could be a good thing.

Who wants MS to be another Sony? Not me. I kinda hate things like tlou2, GoW, H:Zero Dawn with their huge budgets, 6 year development times, dumb B-tier Netflix scripts, and generic AAA single player gameplay. Get studios who make point and click, card battlers, TellTale style games, Animal Crossing, etc. and dont take six years per game because of graphics, mocap, and all that other detritus that make modern videogaming mostly Entertainment Experiences and not so much game experiences.
Well, can't argue about (bad) taste I guess. Remember the times when MS released a new ip like Gears of War and it was up to debate whether it was better or not than Uncharted? I'm pretty sure most core gamers would like to see more of that from MS.

Lets face it, nobody is going to buy a next gen console to play card battlers and animal crossing clones, we all want to see full blown next gen AAA experiences.
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All this outrage over a single game delay. Yeah it’s a bummer I can’t play halo this year but obviously game needs more time in the oven.

For people buying new consoles this year, sucks for them all around that neither has antything that great. Feels like year 1 of the Xbox one and PS4 with out the half way decent launch games, just a ton of up ports.

Thankfully there should still be some good games this year not tied to any of these botched console launches. Cyberpunk will keep me going for a while.
That's the problem with spinning.... You get dizzy and end up forgetting stuff like:

The last triple A Xbox game was in september 2019. While the PS4 just keeps gettiing new games from Sony and the Switch is killing, the Xbox One was forgotten.

Halo Infinite was runing on PC and then was delayed, while the Xbox team hyped up the launch line up since last year....

Hellbalde 2, announced last year, still didn't show gameplay.

Rare showed a freaking game concept, rather than a new game.

Fable was nothing but a cg teaser.

There is not a single big Xbox first party game with a release date on the Xbox SX.

Not even Forza showed actual gameplay on the SX.... Even GT7 had gameplay on the PS5.... Which is probably a shocking thing.

When the biggest thing a new gen console has is a game from last gen.... Well, they fucked up.


yeah , I am cool. Why would I complain that they want to make the game better ? I liked most of the games they have soon at the May show and the July show. So I am fine with the future of Xbox.


Problem is that things in this industry takes years.

We HAMMERED Don Mattrick (him especially) and Xbox for the last 7 years. Every damn year we told them that Microsoft has no games. Every year they promised better games and that they are listening to the community.

And now we are in 2020 and things don't look better than they did for the past 7 years.

I think they are genuinely trying, but they are trying too many things at once and in the end nothing really works out if you aren't concentrating it properly.
And lets be honest here guys. What exactly is gamepass? It is a buffet with average food while Sony sells Steak and Nintendo sells overly expensive candy with cute faces on it.
Their concentrating was on getting studios and Gamepass . That was it . And they did that. The problem is , it takes long time to get this games out . I am actually happy for the future , because those games will start coming out. Don't act like PS4 launched with Last of US 2 , Ghost , God of War and Horizon .

Naked Lunch

Eh, i'm having a hard time remembering many amazing launch lineups. I usually just wait to buy the console till theres games I want to play. When you really look back, most launch window console libraries arent all that.

PS2 I waited till MGS2 - 1 year after launch.
360 I waited till Halo3 - 2 years after launch.
PS3 I waited till MGS4 - 2 years after launch.
XB1 I waited till Master Chief Collection - 1 year after launch.
PS4 waited for Bloodborne - 2 years after launch.

Both the XSX and PS5 have VERY weak launch lineups by my estimate.
Im waiting on both.


But isn't PS5 biggest game launching is a Standalone DLC game for game that was last gen ?
And since when that's an issue?

Many stand alone dlc games are better than the original. It's a new game coming to the PS5... But that's not all, this year Playstation got The Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima, two triple A games, Dreams and third party exclusives like FFVII Remake and Nioh 2.

The influx of Playstation exclusives didn't stop, at all.... While Xbox was completely abandoned, that's the big deal.

Playstation fans are getting exclusive games, Xbox aren't.... So people hyped the SX and they didn't show shit.

Perception is key.
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And since when that's an issue?

Many stand alone dlc games are better than the original. It's a new game coming to the PS5... But that's not all, this year Playstation got The Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima, two triple A games, Dreams and third party exclusives like FFVII Remake and Nioh 2.

The influx of Playstation exclusives didn't stop, at all.... While Xbox was completely abandoned, that's the big deal.

Playstation fans are getting games, Xbox don't.
That is my point , games take time. And Xbox is getting games . You are flat out ignoring the games coming out . I am excited for The Medium , The Gunk , Scorn , Chorus , Hellblade 2 , Awoved , Fable , Forza , The Ascend , The Second Extinction , etc
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That's the problem with spinning.... You get dizzy and end up forgetting stuff like:

The last triple A Xbox game was in september 2019. While the PS4 just keeps gettiing new games from Sony and the Switch is killing, the Xbox One was forgotten.

Halo Infinite was runing on PC and then was delayed, while the Xbox team hyped up the launch line up since last year....

Hellbalde 2, announced last year, still didn't show gameplay.

Rare showed a freaking game concept, rather than a new game.

Fable was nothing but a cg teaser.

There is not a single big Xbox first party game with a release date on the Xbox SX.

Not even Forza showed actual gameplay on the SX.... Even GT7 had gameplay on the PS5.... Which is probably a shocking thing.

When the biggest thing a new gen console has is a game from last gen.... Well, they fucked up.
That's the problem with spinning.... You get dizzy and end up forgetting stuff like:

The Series X is the most powerful next-gen console.

Nearly all games (on both consoles) are third-party.

Third-party games will probably be better on the Series X.


That's the problem with spinning.... You get dizzy and end up forgetting stuff like:

The Series X is the most powerful next-gen console.

Nearly all games (on both consoles) are third-party.

Third-party games will probably be better on the Series X.
Cool... But my point is over the first party stuff...

If you want to talk about power.... Well, let's wait and see if all that power will be put in good use. The OG Xbox was more powerful than the PS2.... Guess which console had more games and sold way more?
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I totally agree with OP.

The Halo demo that was presented looked ok to me, I was thinking the game was going to make it for launch, with lighting effects added. The plan looked feasible to me.

Now they are telling us the game is delayed ? Are you serious Phil Spencer ? This is the worst case scenario you could hope for your new console.
MS has been telling us that the next console would launch with Halo, it was going to me amazing and all. Years in the making.

And the game gets delayed a few months from launch ?

How are they supposed to get good console sales without this major game at launch ? Where is my premium Halo experience for Christmas 2020 ? How can you fuck up this much with your main series ?

No need to buy a Series X anymore for now. They better not announce Series S at all now, because this is going to make it even worse.
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That is my point , games take time. And Xbox is getting games . You are flat out ignoring the games coming out . I am excited for The Medium , The Gunk , Scorn , Chorus , Hellblade 2 , Awoved , Fable , Forza , The Ascend , The Second Extinction , etc
They took an year without releasing games on Xbox One.... And the best they were able to do was CG's for Hellblade, Avowed and Fable, while moneyhatting temporary exclusives.

Well, you like what you like, but this is a solid complain.


Gold Member
Eh, i'm having a hard time remembering many amazing launch lineups. I usually just wait to buy the console till theres games I want to play. When you really look back, most launch window console libraries arent all that.

PS2 I waited till MGS2 - 1 year after launch.
360 I waited till Halo3 - 2 years after launch.
PS3 I waited till MGS4 - 2 years after launch.
XB1 I waited till Master Chief Collection - 1 year after launch.
PS4 waited for Bloodborne - 2 years after launch.

Both the XSX and PS5 have VERY weak launch lineups by my estimate.
Im waiting on both.

For sure, most people here are too young to ever experience importing launch day consoles from Japan and it's inflated pricing.

I don't buy any console until there are ten games I want to play on it. That's a specific difference to ten games worth playing is you own the console, it basically shields you from overhyped cross gen ports and "My first next gen game" from developers.

You get it cheaper, bundled games, hardware revisions.

When Wii U hit that ten games, well for me just over then I brought it. Any game released after that was just a bonus, but it kept delivering great games. Super happy with that purchase. PS4 got there quick, XB1 took a while but only got more playtime with the fantastic backwards compatibility feature.


Gold Member
Nah I'm good. There's still lots I want to play on the XSX. Doesn't hurt that PS5 is launching with Kena as the only killer app I will miss on my Xbox, but I can just play that on my PS4.

It's COVID, bro. 2020 is insane.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
That's the problem with spinning.... You get dizzy and end up forgetting stuff like:

The last triple A Xbox game was in september 2019. While the PS4 just keeps gettiing new games from Sony and the Switch is killing, the Xbox One was forgotten.

Halo Infinite was runing on PC and then was delayed, while the Xbox team hyped up the launch line up since last year....

Hellbalde 2, announced last year, still didn't show gameplay.

Rare showed a freaking game concept, rather than a new game.

Fable was nothing but a cg teaser.

There is not a single big Xbox first party game with a release date on the Xbox SX.

Not even Forza showed actual gameplay on the SX.... Even GT7 had gameplay on the PS5.... Which is probably a shocking thing.

When the biggest thing a new gen console has is a game from last gen.... Well, they fucked up.

xbox one x was the best place (besides pc) to play any 3rd party game, look like it will be the same with series x. Yeah it’s a disapoiment that the 1st party offerings a lack luster at the moment (so bad a mini spider man dlc game is some how a system seller now), doesn’t change the fact the only major games this year will all play and look better on the new Xbox (if you don’t count pc).

Hopefully Halo hits sooner then later but even if they wait till next holiday it will be ready in time for the 1st major game on ps5, Horizon 2. That’s if it doesn’t get delayed...
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I like the xbox brand and was planning to get one around launch. After the last show, i block any xbox discussion. I'm done, just done with MS. I sold my One x a few weeks ago, still have a 360 but i'm done.

Remember the great games that came at launch and around, with the OG XBOX? And all the exclusive from SEGA and Tecmo and Capcom? Well, i remember. There was passion at this time. It's now dead. We have now 12 tflops (yeahhh 12 tflops of shits) games that look way worse than Sony 1st party on PS4 pro. 12 TFLOPS, 12 TFLOPS MS... where? PS5 - and fucking PS4 PRO (check Dreams) - is doing better with less. 😱😂🥳

I'm done.
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You need to be grilling them to no end, these constant mistakes and the never ending buffoonery needs to sink in as being totally unacceptable. Don't think they're reading this stuff right now? You bet your ass they are, and I have no doubt a lot of people are getting reemed as what's being said on these forum is being rattled off in Zoom meetings.

Don't praise them for delaying a game, because they should have had the foresight as a multi-billion dollar division of a near multi-trillion dollar business to have a contingency plan in place to account for the potential of Halo not making the launch window.. Their incompetence has further harmed the brand, they further put at risk game deals for you, content, sales which lead to more investment and so on and so forth. If you can't even be confident in a brand you have invested in then how is anyone else supposed to be? Do you think publishers and developers are really going to want to do deals with them now?

They're in tatters, this is worse mismanagement than what took place at Sega and killed them... Sega was still putting out awesome games even as they were nearly bankrupt and being driven into the grave, and you want me to thank these rich executives and studio heads who can't even get one game lined up for their next-gen console? Do you have any idea how asinine that is?

All of you know I'm all about them, it's no secret that I bleed green and I practically have a shrine for them. With that being said though enough is enough, we are the last vestige of hope for them. We are their consumers, we are the ones who have the capability to hold them accountable, and many of you think the answer is to be in denial and act like they're doing us a favor?

Come on, it's been years.... This was supposed to be when Phil was supposed to shine, when we were going to have our coming back moment, and it's all been dashed away because they couldn't be bothered to come prepared with literally years to do so... I think I'm more disappointed in a lot of you than them, the excuses are intolerable.

but why? We know that xbsex will be the most powerful console next gen, with this in mind it is safe to assume that most 3rd party games will look and run best on xbsex, with the theme of concern trolling I can add a note about recent rumours about re village having issues on ps5. Ms just announced 22 console exclusives that will be coming to xbsex in the next couple of years (safe to assume that there are more games coming that were not announced from 5-6 1st party studios that have not shown anything Yet). We know we will get a new forza horizon, new gears etc. Game pass value is increasing almost daily. So why should one hammer ms? Regardless of halo delay I am still getting xbsex day one.

btw. There are recent rumours about them acquiring more studios so that catalog of games and gamepass value will only be growing


xbox one x was the best place (besides pc) to play any 3rd party game, look like it will be the same with series x. Yeah it’s a disapoiment that the 1st party offerings a lack luster at the moment (so bad a mini spider man dlc game is some how a system seller now), doesn’t change the fact the only major games this year will all play and look better on the new Xbox (if you don’t count pc).

Hopefully Halo hits sooner then later but even if they wait till next holiday it will be ready in time for the 1st major game on ps5, Horizon 2. That’s if it doesn’t get delayed...

Wow, dude your such a troll.

Spiderman is stand-alone similar in size to something like Lost Legacy. Which started out as DLC but became stand-alone because of it's size. Miles morales will be a 10-15 hour game with side missions. Can we stop this narrative?

Like literally Even Insomniac came out to clarify what the scope of that game is.

I agree with Cop

If im a xbox fans il be upset at their current state

Xbox focus too much on gamepass

The halo infinite reaction tells you all you need

Thats their MO right now? I mean how do you think they were able to get the influx in cash to make these deals for gamepass on top of buying all those studios? XCloud, and gamepass aligns with the bigger part of the company.
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I mean, I like Xbox and have been in their ecosystem for nearly a decade now, but I'll pick up the new console when it looks like it'll be worthwhile. I'm sure that'll happen after a few years but I'm in no rush TBH.

If they can't offer up a compelling reason to jump in day1, then that's their problem not mine.


OP nailed it. I own all the consoles but I still preferred the Xbox brand. The 343 Halo bullshit was the straw that broke the camels back. To me Halo is Xbox. Maybe in 4 years if I’m still gaming or alive I might revisit Xbox again. As it stands now, I’m just shifting all my game purchases to the Sony and Nintendo.


xbox one x was the best place (besides pc) to play any 3rd party game, look like it will be the same with series x. Yeah it’s a disapoiment that the 1st party offerings a lack luster at the moment (so bad a mini spider man dlc game is some how a system seller now), doesn’t change the fact the only major games this year will all play and look better on the new Xbox (game if you don’t count pc).

Hopefully Halo hits sooner then later but even if they wait till next holiday it will be ready in time for the 1st major game on ps5, Horizon 2. That’s if it doesn’t get delayed...
Onex X was so good to MS that they discontinued it already, while the One S is still kicking.

This power approach by MS failed hard again (remember the og xbox?).

Also, calling Spiderman MM a mini dlc game.... Well, you should play more PC games, stand alone pc games are some of the best games.

On consoles Uncharted Lost Legacy (another mini dlc game?) is better than Uncharted 4, Halo Reach is an amazing game on 360 and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is better than any other Far Cry, for example.
Playstation users are more demanding, so Sony learned from the mistakes of the PS3 startup and was able to correct the situation. Those of Xbox settle for anything and rarely criticize, that's why they are always the last in sales. The end of One is being unfortunate and the beginning of Series X is pathetic, nothing happens, everything is going well for them. Xbox is going downhill.


Series S is a going to be a milestone in all this. If it’s deficient in any way and the reception is negative, well I’m not sure how this is all going to end.


Gold Member
As I said in the other thread, I really have no clue why anyone would hitch their wagon to Xbox right now. If you must have a next gen console now, get a PlayStation. When the Xbox fans here can only point to backwards compatibility and slightly better Madden, then you know they've truly lost. I can play Xbox One games on my One.

The crazy thing is... I feel like MS thought internally that the Infinite demo was going to impress people. It was right at the front of their hyped show, it had a long gameplay demo unlike everything else... I think they're shocked by the reaction and are scrambling, just like they did in 2013. And, if true, that says something.
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Series S is a going to be a milestone in all this. If it’s deficient in any way and the reception is negative, well I’m not sure how this is all going to end.

Only thing I can see if they do a $249-299 price and include 6 months of gamepass. If those rumors a while back are true and they do a sub model for buying the actual system that includes gamepass sub, that could be where they make up some ground this holiday if Titles for launch dont pane out.

As I said in the other thread, I really have no clue why anyone would hitch their wagon to Xbox right now. If you must have a next gen console now, get a PlayStation. When the Xbox fans here can only point to backwards compatibility and slightly better Madden, then you know they've truly lost. I can play Xbox One games on my One.

The crazy thing is... I feel like MS thought internally that the Infinite demo was going to impress people. It was right at the front of their hyped show, it had a long gameplay demo unlike everything else... I think they're shocked by the reaction and are scrambling, just like they did in 2013. And, if true, that says something.

I think it shows that not everything behind the scenes is super cohesive. I think they still have studio management issues. I'm hoping its only a 343 thing, but from what I've heard the issue stems bigger than just studios. I've heard because of the overhaul the OS engineers are doing in prep for next gen is where the issues lay.

Direct X 12 ultimate has had this giant roadmap that they are trying to implement for tons of new features that support the new hardware and all the ray tracing capabilities. Also AI based HDR system as well which they might be trying to also make work outside of xbox.

I heard their software kits last year were very behind, and a lot of third party developers didn't know about lockheart. I'm wondering if xbox being tied to direct X api is the bigger issue which being compounded by covid doesn't make it easier.
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Gold Member
Seriously. Games get delayed all the time. Especially with COVID going on, I am more surprised there haven't more of them.

I can't tell if people are just faking outrage or have genuinely lost their minds.

If you genuinely think this is just about one game then you can't see the forest for the trees.

Halo Infinite is the straw that broke the camels back.


I thought the XGS showcase had a lot of interesting looking content, best of all for GP subscribers those aren't even an additional cost. Honestly, Halo was one of the least impressive things they showed.

The third-party that has been announced is still there also.


Their concentrating was on getting studios and Gamepass . That was it . And they did that. The problem is , it takes long time to get this games out . I am actually happy for the future , because those games will start coming out. Don't act like PS4 launched with Last of US 2 , Ghost , God of War and Horizon .

I have just one question. Where do I act like PS4 launched with TLOU2, GoT, GoW and Horizon?


I think you misunderstand Xbox while still having some alright points. It's absolutely true that they have disappointed in their output of games, it's pretty crazy they haven't been able to deliver better games this generation and I do wonder what a fuck they have been doing for so many years. But they are also clearly going in a more digital and ubiquitous direction than Sony and Nintendo, rather than being a classical console the next generation of Xbox is a service that will span consoles, PC and gaming through the cloud, so their big focus is more about giving a value proposition in the form of GamePass and offering the cloud to play in. And in that, they have been making large strides.
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