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Assassin’s Creed Valhalla CG trailer - not as long as the reveal


i can only imagine how good the towers will look in 4k on next gen consoles
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Can't wait to take quests from black vikings.

Not p.c. but I lol'd at this.. in reality, though, there was plenty of contact between Vikings and "Saracens" (Muslims) - see https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-41567391 - and there may have been Viking voyages to North Africa.. and there's the North American stuff.. so it would be pretty easy to work in "diversity" without taking much license or breaking the historical frame, or seeming like liberal 'fan service'.. being an "SJW" is a little overbearing, but don't be a reactionary either
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I was never really an AC fan until I played the last one. That one really clicked with me and I loved every bit of it. Looking forward to seeing where they go with this one tomorrow.
Neither, the last one I played was AC2 back in the day but I saw AC Odyssey for cheap in a sale and well, I’m 260 odd hours in :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Just cleaning up the last few things. What an experience.


What time is it?
Vikings? Just when I thought I was out, Ubisoft pulls me back in. I'm a pretty casual Assassin's Creed player (went from Black Flag to Origins). It will be a little too soon, but by the time the Gold edition is $30, I'll probably be ready for this.


Gold Member
Let's see tomorrow how they turn Vikings into woke people and pretend they never raped or abducted any women from other lands.
Sadly, every army that has ever existed on Earth has raped and pillaged. Let's not find the faults of mankind but instead focus on the triumphs of humankind.


Hope my Viking won’t be dragged into...
A kid and husband/wife storyline. I wasn’t a fan, considering my Alexios wasn’t ready to settle, sleeps with anyone and anything and just wants to travel and be a misthios


So do I. I really like Origins and Odyssey. Valhalla will be a perfect round up to this trilogy.

Where they go after that I'm open. Lots of possibilities.
I love the new iterations, too. I only wish they bring back the hidden blade and continue to give me the option to wear a hood. Bitches love it when i wear a hood.


Gold Member
I never played Origins, and I’m still working through Odyssey.

Gonna definitely play Valhalla on either XsX or PS5 (I’m assuming it’s gonna be cross gen). Looking forward to it.

Storming castles as a Viking will be cool

Origins is something special. In the initial game start-up, choosing "guided story/quest" (whatever it's called) is a better choice. imo. If done in order, the quest(s) and overall immersion, build in intensity. This provides a more cohesive and orderly gaming experience while leaving time and areas to explore. The first trip to Alexandria...over the dunes to the East from Sewa (after doing some quests in order) is fantastic. Through the hell-scape of sand and heat, pushing forward. Haze in the distance like melting glass. Hallucinations testing resolve and sanity. Local townsfolk trying to pass through it all with livestock, seemingly as if they are all used to it. Then once arriving in Alexandria, seeing the great city in it's splendor like the Library of Alexandria. An incredible moment in gaming. Beautiful level design throughout each city and around the map. Onward to the tombs and Pyramid(s) to explore (they can be climbed), or even the grand city of Memphis. Or the mysterious city of Krokodeilópolis. There's a lot to see and do and it's all interesting in that each and every quest is unique


The game will definitely be cross gen, but they will surely show PS4 version. They will show next gen footage at either PS5 reveal or when MS shows XSX games.


The game will definitely be cross gen, but they will surely show PS4 version. They will show next gen footage at either PS5 reveal or when MS shows XSX games.
They could show PC footage in the trailer to be fair. One way of getting around any deal they have with Microsoft or Sony to show next gen footage at their conferences.


They're doing this about Vikings right? Well I do hope Ubisoft do not go the edgy and cool way because they actually were pillaging, raping, murdering, drugged and violent. But yeah, it's Ubisoft and it's a videogame. It will be cool and edgy.
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Finally we can fight with swords and axes, maybe even spears. This'll completely change how we play Assassins Creed.

Seriously though, when the hell are we getting a game set in Japan? I want a Ninja assassin. I want to run on water and walls, climb across ceilings, disguise as npcs, melt into shadows, and fight with a new range of weapons; katana, kunai, shuriken.

I want a game that'll give us new ways to kill enemies, new ways to stealth, and new experiences. A viking game sounds like it'll play the exact same way as the last two games.


They're doing this about Vikings right? Well I do hope Ubisoft do not go the edgy and cool way because they actually were pillaging, raping, murdering, drugged and violent. But yeah, it's Ubisoft and it's a videogame. It will be cool and edgy.
Nah, the main character is an Assassin this time around. Stuff like that is pretty firmly against the Creed. I don't think he'll align with Vikings or Saxons.

Personally, I'm just hoping for a classic Assassins vs Templar conflict. It's been too long.


I wonder what we are suppose to climb on since verticallity wasnt really the nordic way of life...
Only thing I can come up with is saxon strongholds, but if the game is suppose to take place in Scandinavia then I dont get it...


I wonder what we are suppose to climb on since verticallity wasnt really the nordic way of life...
Only thing I can come up with is saxon strongholds, but if the game is suppose to take place in Scandinavia then I dont get it...
You'll have a glider and you'll be able to climb cliffsides. gg ez
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Let's see tomorrow how they turn Vikings into woke people and pretend they never raped or abducted any women from other lands.

Oh just fuck off now. Can't we discuss anything without this bullshit anymore?

Also, congratulations on the low hanging fruit points. I'm sure plenty of keyboard warriors here agree with you.

You can do better, GAF.


Let's see tomorrow how they turn Vikings into woke people and pretend they never raped or abducted any women from other lands.
I actually dont think they will, in fact i bet the plot has you swapping sides and turning against the vikings.
Let's see tomorrow how they turn Vikings into woke people and pretend they never raped or abducted any women from other lands.


Is this opposite world?

Why is this comment getting so many likes?

Pretending that the vikings DID NOT participate in those things is the complete opposite of what being woke is and more so the complete opposite of what Ubi would do. Vikings are from Europe...theyre white. UBI will jump at the chance to portray them in a bad light.

You clearly dont know what woke means.

The strongest viking will be female. All the blonde vikings will have black husbands. Every enemy will be not white. All viking enemies will be portrayed as victims and morally superior. Thats what being woke is.

The govts of Europe are already trying to claim Norse mythology is racist and that Europeans should be ashamed of their culture and history.
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This will most likely be cross-gen like Black Flag was, in which case (if it is) i'll be looking to play this on the PS5. A friend of mine is certainly interested, mostly because he has a passion for anything Viking.


Gold Member
I remember the days I wouldn't be able to sleep with anticipation for an Assassin's Creed game, but not I feel sadness because I don't care for the franchise anymore. What happened? :(

I remember the days when I used to fall asleep playing Assassins Creed games, because I found them so boring (chasing icons on screen). But now I feel anticipation because I randomly bought Odyssey on sale and really enjoyed the experience. True story, funny how different people's experiences are.
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I remember the days when I used to fall asleep playing Assassins Creed games, because I found them so boring (chasing icons on screen). But now I feel anticipation because I randomly bought Odyssey on sale and really enjoyed the experience. True story, funny how different people's experiences are.
I'm not going to lie, i never really got into the older AC games, except Black Flag, but i used that more as a pirate simulator lol. But Origins and Odyssey changed that for me, i love them. Open world RPG's, and all the better for it.


i can say this for sure that all new games that i will be playing on pc will be ubisoft games mostly and then sony exclusives on it console, then new racing games whoever will make them and thats basicly it. its just noone making them for solo player anymore , be 3rd person or 1st person like far cry.
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Odyssey was great. Very fun gameplay and most importantly (for me), real historical value. The discovery tour in the last two games made me "play" them so much more than I already had before their releases.
Can't wait to see what we can do in this new game.
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yh i just love to see those places, explore maps , to see those pyramids i was blown away for sure never saw them in real it was like wow feeling . and earlier to explore london and paris, i mean AC games gave me so much, and coolest feeling when you really was walking on those places yourself and then you play it in game in old times and see wow this street changed or this stayed same. amazing. cant wait for new adventure.
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God of War shows the nordic mythology potencial, Ubisoft be like:


I'm not that excited to be honest.

Assassin's Creed is a shadow of it's former self to me.
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Assassins Creed will have a much more down to earth take on the Viking theme. There's room for both and they are releasing at different times.

Boss Mog

I wonder how many black vikings they'll put in.

No , but in all seriousness, this could be cool. We'll have to wait and see.
These games have such great success. They seem to he going from strength to strength.

Meanwhile Ubisoft is allowing Massive to essentially flush The Division IP down the shutter.

If Montreal gets in on The Division then I'll have hope for the IP. And it's a fucking shame.
Division has such great potential
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