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Polygon -Sony’s silence on PS5 has done wonders for the next-gen Xbox


Hard to Kill
No, he is talking about this outrage culture garbage.

Oh ...If so, yes that would be stupid.


Gold Member
I mean Sony isn’t doing it, so someone has to do it. Though I don’t put much stock on those rumors about pricing issues and part shortages, it doesn’t help them any from being dead quiet with that circulating the internet. Like the camera that supposedly got scrap.

I understand you like the brand and console and all(so do I) so this information would be a welcoming breath of fresh air, instead we just got silence, a weird looking dev kit and their unique (insert pretend to be shocked.gif) logo and a tidbit of info on expected things like Navi and zen, PS4/PSVR compatibility, only useful and interesting info was the damn controllers lol.

I know you probably think it’s concern trolling but there are those interested in their next gen console that would really like to know exactly what this console will look like and it’s performance.

You got any proof on that? Of course not, it’s fanboy conjecture. Oh and as for anticipation, got to know what it’s going to look like before getting excited about it.

There have been plenty of explanations in here already that I agreed with.

There is also a ton of concern trolling as well. You can’t ignore that mantra either.


Hellblade 2 and Project Mara.
If I had to make some VERY educated guesses, this year, I'd say we'll also 100% see what most of the other studios have been working on. Playground will definitely reveal their ARPG, The Initiative seems to be pretty far into development now too, and something that Double Fine has been working on next to Psychonauts 2. Forza Motorsport 8 as well.
Undead, Compulsion etc. will probably show some stuff at smaller events like those X0 things or Game Awards stuff.

It is still nothing. For the masses they just presented rendered video clips only. Where is a compelling gameplay footage?


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
They're not wrong but we will know who's gonna "win" in June when both have shown their launch and year1 games. But so far MS has the upper hand with games like Halo, Hellblade 2 and the ARPG from Playground Games being very far along according to shinobi602.
Hellblade 2 is still early in development according to MS

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
It is still nothing. For the masses they just presented rendered video clips only. Where is a compelling gameplay footage?
Well, E3 is coming up, so....
And I mean, seriously, Sony hasn't shown ANYTHING compelling. Like, at all. Unless you're just riveted by stylish fonts! Sheesh!
iPhone 12 releases this year and supposedly there’s an iPhone SE2 at the end of March.

Why won’t Apple release any info? Surely this strategy of not revealing anything before launch is costing them!

When a brand is as well known as PlayStation, they create news waves of their own. Unlike some consoles, the PS4 still has life left.

You're crazy if you think the PlayStation brand is even close to being anything the Apple brand is.


There have been plenty of explanations in here already that I agreed with.

There is also a ton of concern trolling as well. You can’t ignore that mantra either.

I know there’s a lot of that, it’s unfortunately unavoidable. I’m just interested in the console and would at least know what it’s going to look like, but I think a real concern is maybe Sony was obviously blindsided bu the current Coronavirus outbreak and maybe had a presentation planned.

I give Microsoft a little credit and a lot of luck for presenting their console late last year, so they didn’t have to deal with the same issue.

Im old enough to afford to buy both consoles --

I'm interested. Very. That's all you need to know, breh...

I think the best way to go these days is buy both consoles, especially if you don’t desire to game on PC.


The article is wrong.
The exact opposite has happened. MS didnt have a proper reveal event and the slow reveals didnt make enough of an impact.
We all talked about the new xbox, for 12 tflops etc for 2 days and thats it. Now everyone is talking about ghost of tsushima.
And Nioh 2.
And FFVII remake.
And The Last of Us 2...

The article is so wrong


Gold Member
The article is wrong.
The exact opposite has happened. MS didnt have a proper reveal event and the slow reveals didnt make enough of an impact.
We all talked about the new xbox, for 12 tflops etc for 2 days and thats it. Now everyone is talking about ghost of tsushima.
And Nioh 2.
And FFVII remake.
And The Last of Us 2...

The article is so wrong
There's probably been 50x more posts about the new Xbox than Nioh 2, FFVII Remake, LoU 2 and GoT combined.


Well, E3 is coming up, so....
And I mean, seriously, Sony hasn't shown ANYTHING compelling. Like, at all. Unless you're just riveted by stylish fonts! Sheesh!

I do not expect Sony to show anything yet and you already know my thoughts regarding it. They only confirmed that PS5 is upcoming and they will share more information about it in the future.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Pardon me, but I care about the games AND the hardware I will invest probably more than 600 bucks in a couple of months.

Come off it and just state the reality. You only care that your console of choice is slightly more powerful so you can feel better about your purchase. All the while ignoring the long and storied history of power not equating to console success.

The consoles are going to be more powerful than the previous generation. Fact. That is all we need to know. Does one output .4 more teraflops? Maybe, but it literally makes no difference. Do you know what does? The games. A console is nothing without the games and even a weak system can be massively successful as long as there are good games releasing on it.


Gold Member
And Godfall looked terrible. And that was actual gameplay.

And Hellblade’s first game was repetitively terrible, to the point of bored frustration. Even if I did enjoy the sound design and story overall.

But those movie games are all the rage now, eh? Even showed a music video, and somehow it’s gravy train.

Everyone can shit in their own hypocritical backyards with this silly back and forth.
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I'm convinced the two next-gen consoles won't launch this year with with the Corona virus and all.


And Hellblade’s first game was repetitively terrible, to the point of bored frustration. Even if I did enjoy the sound design and story overall.

But those movie games are all the rage now, eh? Even showed a music video, and somehow it’s gravy train.

Everyone can shit in their own hypocritical backyards with this silly back and forth.


Gold Member
And Hellblade’s first game was repetitively terrible, to the point of bored frustration. Even if I did enjoy the sound design and story overall.

But those movie games are all the rage now, eh? Even showed a music video, and somehow it’s gravy train.

Everyone can shit in their own hypocritical backyards with this silly back and forth.
No doubt.

I stopped playing HB after the first hour. It was easily the most overhyped piece of crap I played. I'd estimate in that hour, there was about 10 minutes of actual gameplay walking around, doing those red sign things and a couple fights.

The rest was mandatory cut scenes.

Wouldn't be as bad if I could skip the cut scenes and move on. But you couldn't.

It was a perfect game for a sub plan like GP. If I paid even $5 for it, I'd feel ripped off. It was barely a game. Watching videos later on, the rest of the game isn't much better. More cut scenes and repetitive fights against the same mob of raggy vulture men.
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As a PC gamer with no horse in this race I only see MS having the balls to show what they got.
Also Polygon silence would be preferable.
Is it balls or is it them completely giving up on their current gen and hoping you'll be interested in their next by getting out ahead of the game from a marketing standpoint. SONY has PS4s to sell, no reason to put a damper on those sales with big games coming out.. Not sure why people think MS is the one in the power position here...its SONY's market (esp outside US/UK)


RSI Employee of the Year
Xfans acting nervous with the recently announced RNDA 2 for both consoles and not only SeX, Sony's silence makes them even more nervous, because they don't have a grip on it and need confirmation to make their own future purchase. It's more like they are not that confident about Microsoft's output in general.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Xfans acting nervous with the recently announced RNDA 2 for both consoles and not only SeX, Sony's silence makes them even more nervous, because they don't have a grip on it and need confirmation to make their own future purchase. It's more like they are not that confident about Microsoft's output in general.
Why the hell would we be nervous? Phil already said a while ago Series X already has RDNA2 with hardware accelerated RT. We good, fam. No need for us to be nervous.
Xfans acting nervous with the recently announced RNDA 2 for both consoles and not only SeX, Sony's silence makes them even more nervous, because they don't have a grip on it and need confirmation to make their own future purchase. It's more like they are not that confident about Microsoft's output in general.

The fact of the matter is this, until Sony actually announce something, Microsoft have the more powerful console. And also until then, Microsoft have a little game called Halo infinite on day one. Let me tell you something, I know exactly where my money is going on day one. And it’s not on a PlayStation5.


Gold Member
The fact of the matter is this, until Sony actually announce something, Microsoft have the more powerful console. And also until then, Microsoft have a little game called Halo infinite on day one. Let me tell you something, I know exactly where my money is going on day one. And it’s not on a PlayStation5.


Bruh... First off:

1) Penello would know an ass load more than any Gaffer here. I'd take his word above the armchair specialists on this forum any day of the week and twice on Sundays, Taco Tuesdays and Freaky Fridays!

2) I cant swing the"right now, the games are on Playstation" as I simply dont share that perspective. At All. Sony games dont interest me. If you do, thats great! I just dont share your sentiments on the matter. And there are many, many more who feel the same way.

3) I suppose you're attempting to foreshadow your thoughts about power by naming off past generations? Yea, not buying it. Power is a big deal. It's not the only metric by which to gauge success for a specific console, but it plays a huge role - if it didn't - we wouldnt have new generations to begin with. And if Sony believed that themselves, they'd just outright cancel the PS5 instead of making excuses for it. Cause guess what; POWER MATTERS. And it'll matter among the majority of the gaming community if the PS5 happens to be 9TF in light of Series X 12Tf. This is the start of a NEW GENERATION. Power is always one of the first bullet points they touch on in the initial pitch when introducing new generations. Check your history.

You also forget, Power isnt just for the fans, its also for devs. They need more power to create better games. So, yeah broski. IT MATTERS.

4) You're HOPING Sony is just biding it's time before revealing the PS5 by way of just allowing the current generation to play out. I can understand that. You dont know that though, though I'll admit you could be right. But I dont believe that to be the only reason. Literally, when they could've just offered to display a digital release of the GDC conference, but instead, said nothing, and still haven't.......that tells me they took that out for a reason and it wasnt just the Corona Virus. That says they aren't ready. And when you add in they showed their fans a god damn logo -- that's just sloppy.

Gavon West Gavon West , relax "broski" (why are you xbox loyalists so condescending? lol)
It's just games after all ;)

1. Penello may very well be a genius (he is a MS engineer I think) but That matters not, he is still a biased source by working for Microsoft instantly his values become questionable regarding other companies particularly when he has been on this very forum pushing PR in the past...

Cerny is also a brilliant man, But can you honestly say if he came out and had something negative to say about the xbox specs you would take him completely seriously?

2. Your Personal perspective matters not in this regard, this is based on sales of over all systems and games, where playstation came out on top playstation 2 Wii etc etc, You can personally think playstation games are junk between your toes it means nothing in the grand scheme of things to what the masses think.

The masses went with playstation this generation, because playstation had the games they wanted the same could be said for the switch and Nintendo because Nintendo had the games they wanted lol

Microsoft has made huge moves with the xbox this generation but the games are not what the masses want, if they were we would see the sales to back that up we're just not seeing it, With the recent acquisitions This may change time will tell...

3. You are correct, power does matter in the beginning of a new generation absolutely but what you're missing is the fact that we have not gotten anything close to 9.2 Tera flops let alone 12...

As I have mentioned before both the Pro and the X are not being used to their maximum efficiency, they're rather being used to brute force higher resolution and other effects.

If they were being programmed for with no base systems being a concern we would have already seen a massive jump from what we're seeing now look at final Fantasy 7 remake, Look at gears 5, look at ghost of Tsushima all of these games look phenomenal and that's based off the OG systems (Xbone PS4), with both the pro and the X making them look better...

9.2 Tera flops will give us Amazing looking games if for some reason that's what we end up with, the games will still look incredible, if we end up with more that... well that will give us EVEN MORE phenomenal looking games :D

4. Firstly, yes that is my opinion, An opinion based off of history, and Sony's actions in the past. You tell me which is more likely that a multi million dollar company is simply biding its time waiting for the proper moment to announce their new system When it's most beneficial to them, or that a multi million dollar company heard their competition has a higher TF count than they were expecting and is now running around like a chicken with its head cut off, making last minute revisions and crying like a child on a playground who just lost their favorite toy...

In regards to the logo, yeah they showed the logo they've done it in the past, they showed the playstation 3 logo back in the day they also show the playstation 4 logo and now they've shown the 5 logo I really don't see the issue here.

What I genuinely don't understand is why someone who prefers Microsoft rather than talking about all the implications and potential of the specs they've released thus far:
the complete legacy support a backwards compatibility
the 12 Tera flops and the power it shall provide
The dedicated audio hardware
The dedicated ray tracing hardware to name a few...

instead choose to harp on and on about Sony and their so called "silence" this tells me that Sony has not left gamers minds and rather is very much imbedded in there lol


The fact of the matter is this, until Sony actually announce something, Microsoft have the more powerful console. And also until then, Microsoft have a little game called Halo infinite on day one. Let me tell you something, I know exactly where my money is going on day one. And it’s not on a PlayStation5.

What else we can expect from a fan of Halo franchise regarding consoles?
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So it’s about the games then, not all the flippy floppy false ego puffing. Agreed.
It's about power as well, which is why I'll throw my outdated 2080 Ti in the trash later this year and get a 3080 Ti :^)

Maybe I'll get an XSX too just for the sake of being able to chill on my couch while playing some Forza or something. I miss those times.
What else we can expect from a fan of Halo franchise regarding consoles?

Considering I bought two ps4s (and one at launch + a pro) and it was my primary gaming console for 3rd parties for the first half of the last generation, I’m pretty sure Sony is going to miss my money. Oh but hey keep assuming shit based on my forum icon. That’s some real deep Sherlock Holmes type shit.
The fact of the matter is this, until Sony actually announce something, Microsoft have the more powerful console. And also until then, Microsoft have a little game called Halo infinite on day one. Let me tell you something, I know exactly where my money is going on day one. And it’s not on a PlayStation5.

You mean the day one Halo Infinite we know absolutely nothing about? Microsoft has been spoon feeding Halo Fans nothing burgers since E3 2018.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Gavon West Gavon West , relax "broski" (why are you xbox loyalists so condescending? lol)
It's just games after all ;)

1. Penello may very well be a genius (he is a MS engineer I think) but That matters not, he is still a biased source by working for Microsoft instantly his values become questionable regarding other companies particularly when he has been on this very forum pushing PR in the past...

Cerny is also a brilliant man, But can you honestly say if he came out and had something negative to say about the xbox specs you would take him completely seriously?

2. Your Personal perspective matters not in this regard, this is based on sales of over all systems and games, where playstation came out on top playstation 2 Wii etc etc, You can personally think playstation games are junk between your toes it means nothing in the grand scheme of things to what the masses think.

The masses went with playstation this generation, because playstation had the games they wanted the same could be said for the switch and Nintendo because Nintendo had the games they wanted lol

Microsoft has made huge moves with the xbox this generation but the games are not what the masses want, if they were we would see the sales to back that up we're just not seeing it, With the recent acquisitions This may change time will tell...

3. You are correct, power does matter in the beginning of a new generation absolutely but what you're missing is the fact that we have not gotten anything close to 9.2 Tera flops let alone 12...

As I have mentioned before both the Pro and the X are not being used to their maximum efficiency, they're rather being used to brute force higher resolution and other effects.

If they were being programmed for with no base systems being a concern we would have already seen a massive jump from what we're seeing now look at final Fantasy 7 remake, Look at gears 5, look at ghost of Tsushima all of these games look phenomenal and that's based off the OG systems (Xbone PS4), with both the pro and the X making them look better...

9.2 Tera flops will give us Amazing looking games if for some reason that's what we end up with, the games will still look incredible, if we end up with more that... well that will give us EVEN MORE phenomenal looking games :D

4. Firstly, yes that is my opinion, An opinion based off of history, and Sony's actions in the past. You tell me which is more likely that a multi million dollar company is simply biding its time waiting for the proper moment to announce their new system When it's most beneficial to them, or that a multi million dollar company heard their competition has a higher TF count than they were expecting and is now running around like a chicken with its head cut off, making last minute revisions and crying like a child on a playground who just lost their favorite toy...

In regards to the logo, yeah they showed the logo they've done it in the past, they showed the playstation 3 logo back in the day they also show the playstation 4 logo and now they've shown the 5 logo I really don't see the issue here.

What I genuinely don't understand is why someone who prefers Microsoft rather than talking about all the implications and potential of the specs they've released thus far:
the complete legacy support a backwards compatibility
the 12 Tera flops and the power it shall provide
The dedicated audio hardware
The dedicated ray tracing hardware to name a few...

instead choose to harp on and on about Sony and their so called "silence" this tells me that Sony has not left gamers minds and rather is very much imbedded in there lol
Wait?? Is this anything like when Xbox fans wanna discuss Xbox stuff in Xbox threads but Sony fans become "concerned" so they intervene?

If so, yeah. Time to get over . Lol


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Why the hell would we be nervous? Phil already said a while ago Series X already has RDNA2 with hardware accelerated RT. We good, fam. No need for us to be nervous.
You just have to see the reactions across social media. If PS5 turns out to be more powerful, then it's going to get worse.
Is it balls or is it them completely giving up on their current gen and hoping you'll be interested in their next by getting out ahead of the game from a marketing standpoint. SONY has PS4s to sell, no reason to put a damper on those sales with big games coming out.. Not sure why people think MS is the one in the power position here...its SONY's market (esp outside US/UK)

It really comes down to this, I can't see the situation any other way. Sony has multiple massive exclusives still coming out, why would they take the focus off the ps4 and those titles? What does Microsoft have to worry about losing out on?
Sony has no reason to tell us the specs of the PS5 even though I wish they would. They can allow MS to say a thousand times that their console is the fastest. Then at the last minute Sony can announce a system one or two TF faster and create the largest media sensation in history. The forums will go NUTS.


Considering I bought two ps4s (and one at launch + a pro) and it was my primary gaming console for 3rd parties for the first half of the last generation, I’m pretty sure Sony is going to miss my money. Oh but hey keep assuming shit based on my forum icon. That’s some real deep Sherlock Holmes type shit.

First you brag about Halo Infinite at the same time having a Halo forum icon, and then you are surprised that somebody thinks of you as a Halo fan. Also it does not matter to me what you will buy. It can even be a calculator running Doom 1993.


Gold Member
Considering I bought two ps4s (and one at launch + a pro) and it was my primary gaming console for 3rd parties for the first half of the last generation, I’m pretty sure Sony is going to miss my money. Oh but hey keep assuming shit based on my forum icon. That’s some real deep Sherlock Holmes type shit.

You don’t need to explain yourself to me, I was merely having fun.


Gold Member
It's about power as well, which is why I'll throw my outdated 2080 Ti in the trash later this year and get a 3080 Ti :^)

Maybe I'll get an XSX too just for the sake of being able to chill on my couch while playing some Forza or something. I miss those times.

Sure, but it’s always about the games which causes you to want to invest in more power.
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