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Rian Johnson "I don’t really think in terms of universes or in terms of creating worlds or whatever. That’s not that interesting to me."


FYI in case you missed it, Rian Johnson basically flat out stated he couldn't give a shit about setting up a larger world with the SW franchise, all her cared about is making his 2 hour movie. quote starts at 10:20.

"Whenever you are writing, let’s say you are creating your own universe, you said you don’t think about actors, you are starting something from scratch, how is that approach versus something where you have a pre-existing universe? If you are writing characters for Star Wars, you have this universe, you have characters that everybody knows, and then now you are doing something from scratch. Do you find your approach is different for that?”

“No, not at all. Because I don’t really think in terms of universes or in terms of creating worlds or whatever. That’s not that interesting to me.”

“The only thing that is interesting to me is story. And the story specific to, like whether you are writing a Star Wars film that’s part of a three movie trilogy or a quote unquote original thing like Knives Out, you are still telling a story that is new to the thing that you are doing that it has to work within the context of that movie.”



He made a good Star Wars movie. He's made other decent movies. He's going to continue to keep making movies because he's far more successful at what he does than what you do.

Fact: Your opinions are shit



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I undertsand star wars is multi layere and people want vast worlds and shit, and that will come, but i felt his characters were more fleshed out in TLJ than compared to TFA and ROS. If he makes good and deep characters then thats great
He made a good Star Wars movie. He's made other decent movies. He's going to continue to keep making movies because he's far more successful at what he does than what you do.

Fact: Your opinions are shit


On one hand, I freely admit that he is a TRILLION percent more successful than I could ever hope to be. I don't have delusions of grandeur. I am a basement dwelling nobody, so you're right about that. Furthermore, I like every movie he made before TLJ and after TLJ (Brick and Knives Out are especially great films).

On the other hand, TLJ was a huge nail in the coffin of the Stywalker Saga, in my opinion. None of my own personal failings can change how I feel about Rian Johnson's "vision" of TLJ destroying Star Wars (well, for the most part).
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Ha ha His shitty movie fucked the trilogy into a tree and he cost Disney billions, Reylo
JJ fucked the series up originally by copying A New Hope and not starting from scratch with fresh new ideas, he fucke dit up even more by bringing back an "evil mastermind" that cant even lay pipe properly and has to clone himself.


Johnson added, “So, to me the notion of what’s the entire galaxy or world that you are creating or something, I can’t imagine getting excited about creating that. To me what I’m excited about is creating a two hour long experience for an audience to have in the theater. And that means how they engage moment to moment with the story and the characters that are on the screen. And that doesn’t change in either one of those.”

and i couldn't get excited about going to see the follow up to your shitty movie!
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Not all that crazy to me to hear that some creatives prefer just focusing on making an interesting film experience vs. having to do the heavy lifting of world building and strictly adhering to canon and all that. But if you're hired on for part 8 of Star Wars and you accept, maybe respect the canon and general expectations instead of thinking people want subversion.
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one of the Fandom Menace guys had a good point yesterday. Lucas reached out to Speilberg and Ron Howard both to direct prequels. they turned him down, probably because they didn't want to be under such strict supervision. Ron Howard directed Willow but they clashed a lot and it's probably why he turned it down. they are both directors who have their own unique vision. they knew they were wrong for the project, and they respectfully stepped away.

Rian really should have just turned this down too and continued doing his own thing. he's a talented guy, why not doing original things? IMO he saw a marketing opportunity. Last Jedi is basically an advert for the Rian Johnson Is a Subersive Genius Brand. he didn't care if he pissed people off because he's an Extremely Online guy and knew he could leverage that into his brand. he could put stuff in the movie like the salt thing specifically to encourage online trolling. the entire purpose of the movie is promoting his personal brand. it really has no purpose beyond that.

people pretend he had some great idea for the final movie but i have yet to hear it and this interview confirms he probably couldn't care less what happened after his 2 hours were up.
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On one hand, I freely admit that he is a TRILLION percent more successful than I could ever hope to be. I don't have delusions of grandeur. I am a basement dwelling nobody, so you're right about that. Furthermore, I like every movie he made before TLJ and after TLJ (Brick and Knives Out are especially great films).

On the other hand, TLJ was a huge nail in the coffin of the Stywalker Saga, in my opinion. None of my own personal failings can change how I feel about Rian Johnson's "vision" of TLJ destroying Star Wars (well, for the most part).

I'm all for the SW hate as this last trilogy is just a mess but I do like to be contrarian on some things. For Rian Johnson I have to give him a big pass because at the end of the day he didn't just make a movie that nobody saw and Disney said "well let's see how it goes"

If in reality there was no concrete plans for how the trilogy would start and end (which looks very much the case from what we got) then how can anybody blame Abrams or Johnson when they were hired to make a movie, they made a movie, Disney releases said move.

So going middle ground here the SW trilogy deserves tons of hate, but I don't think Rian Johnson is responsible for any of it, he just got paid to make a movie about a universe he clearly didn't care much about which points to Disney being idiotic.


His response makes perfect sense. It’s not a surprise he advocates for the importance of good storytelling.

TLJ story is well-constructed. People will continue to be angry that it didn’t do exactly what they expected so that they could’ve been spoonfed the exact same movie endlessly in their supposedly glorious imaginary Star Wars universe.
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His response makes perfect sense. It’s not a surprise he advocates for the importance of good storytelling.

TLJ story is well-constructed. People will continue to be angry that it didn’t do exactly what they expected so that they could’ve been spoonfed the exact same movie endlessly in their supposedly glorious imaginary Star Wars universe.

If the issue is solely "TLJ wasn't what I expected' than why did a lot of people on BOTH sides dislike RoS?


His response makes perfect sense. It’s not a surprise he advocates for the importance of good storytelling.

TLJ story is well-constructed. People will continue to be angry that it didn’t do exactly what they expected so that they could’ve been spoonfed the exact same movie endlessly in their supposedly glorious imaginary Star Wars universe.

He told a story about rebels running out of space gas.


Gold Member
Well he successfully killed nearly all my interest in Star Wars within 2.5 hours, so I gotta hand it to him...he did a thing

Seriously. I was a huge fan. Even played SWG from all the betas, to the very end of its shitty existence. Classic SWG was GOAT.

Had invites by LucasArts game producers to go to Skywalker Ranch for luncheons if I was ever in the area after meeting and hanging out with them. Loved, loved, loved Star Wars.

Then Disney happened. I was still hopeful, but it was waning after TFA. Then Rian and his atrocious Star Wars film happened, and I never went to the theater to see Rise, and still have not seen it. I used to soak up everything Star Wars, watch all the YouTubes, etc., now I never even click a single thing.

Also a WDW Annual Passholder, and STILL have not went to Galaxy's Edge. No desire to.

Sad, really. Garbage ass film.

This dude is still covering for Kathleen Kennedy,

You don't bite the ideological hand that feeds you. Career suicide in Hollywood.
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He told a story about rebels running out of space gas.

Or, you know, hope, optimism, the power of legends/hero myths, the difference between legend and reality, the influence of lost loved ones, that no one is perfectly evil or virtuous, among many other themes the story touches on.

As usual, people who hate on this movie act like obnoxious 10 year olds. Doesn’t really make it seem like you understand the film, or even want to. People hate on TLJ because it upset their hero myth about Luke Skywalker. People literally have revisionist history that Luke in the OT was perfectly virtuous and never faltered. When really he has many moments of struggle and doubt. Another reason why the movie is so smart.


Or, you know, hope, optimism, the power of legends/hero myths, the difference between legend and reality, the influence of lost loved ones, that no one is perfectly evil or virtuous, among many other themes the story touches on.

As usual, people who hate on this movie act like obnoxious 10 year olds. Doesn’t really make it seem like you understand the film, or even want to. People hate on TLJ because it upset their hero myth about Luke Skywalker. People literally have revisionist history that Luke in the OT was perfectly virtuous and never faltered. When really he has many moments of struggle and doubt. Another reason why the movie is so smart.

It’s not smart at all to go “everything you thought you knew is wrong!” and completely disregard everything that came before it.


As usual, people who hate on this movie act like obnoxious 10 year olds. Doesn’t really make it seem like you understand the film, or even want to. People hate on TLJ because it upset their hero myth about Luke Skywalker.
"movie is too smart for dummies!"

guess im not as smart as you

lol yes and im the one being obnoxious :messenger_tears_of_joy:
People literally have revisionist history that Luke in the OT was perfectly virtuous and never faltered. When really he has many moments of struggle and doubt. Another reason why the movie is so smart.
yes the movie points out that the incorrect view of Luke it has is incorrect. brilliant.

i never had delusions of Luke being a power god. i actually watched the OT! dude gets his ass handed to him constantly.

but go off beating those strawmen who only exist in your imagination
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Or, you know, hope, optimism, the power of legends/hero myths, the difference between legend and reality, the influence of lost loved ones, that no one is perfectly evil or virtuous, among many other themes the story touches on.

As usual, people who hate on this movie act like obnoxious 10 year olds. Doesn’t really make it seem like you understand the film, or even want to. People hate on TLJ because it upset their hero myth about Luke Skywalker. People literally have revisionist history that Luke in the OT was perfectly virtuous and never faltered. When really he has many moments of struggle and doubt. Another reason why the movie is so smart.

If you are going to take the one of the most well-known and beloved heroes in fiction and subvert their character arc, you better damn well execute it flawlessly. Luke already had a character arc across three films, and it was completed in Return of the Jedi when he turned Vader. Simply coming up with the idea for a subsequent film where he's a fallen hero isn't "smart", any moron can do that. What makes it "smart" is if you portray it in a respectful and believable way. Showing a 30 second scene where Luke had a bad dream about Kylo and tried to kill him is fucking idiotic. The audience already knows everything he went through 40 years ago to turn Vader. I'm all aboard the fallen hero idea, I think it is compelling framework for a story - but the way Rian Johnson did it was cheap and without any respect for the character.

Literally, movie storytelling 101 - SHOW, DON'T TELL. Don't TELL me Luke felt a certain way and acted accordingly. Don't TELL me through lines of dialogue and exposition. SHOW the struggle, the conflict, the interactions between Kylo and Luke and the arc that led to Luke failing and nearly killing Kylo. That would be a "smart" film. Rian's film is fucking stupid. If you honestly felt TLJ offered a sincere portrayal of Luke's character, then I refuse to believe you even know who Luke Skywalker is.


Rian should have just been have given a stand alone film. I think it would have been decent. To let him come in and do whatever he wanted in the middle of a trilogy (albeit, they seemed to have no direction, and JJ would have most likely done Empire again), was a huge mistake. But you know, when you start shooting a billion dollar franchise with no fucking clue about where its going to end up, that's what you get.

Brick is a a pretty good movie considering it looks like it was shot with a camcorder from 1978 and looks like it had a budget of about $5 dollars. The guy does have imagination in spades.
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Gold Member
JJ fucked the series up originally by copying A New Hope and not starting from scratch with fresh new ideas, he fucke dit up even more by bringing back an "evil mastermind" that cant even lay pipe properly and has to clone himself.
That's bull.
TFA made incredible money for Disney and most people loved it, even though people were a bit disappointed about the rehashed stuff. After 10 years of prequels bashing it's not surprising they went that route, though.

TLJ on the other side completely burned down the franchise.
It literally ended all of those story threads that were started in TFA, because he just DIDN'T GIVE A SHIT about Star Wars.
He just wanted to do his little auteur thing, and people like you think they get snowflake points for being contrarian about it.

Here is your internet cookie.
If you are going to take the one of the most well-known and beloved heroes in fiction and subvert their character arc, you better damn well execute it flawlessly. Luke already had a character arc across three films, and it was completed in Return of the Jedi when he turned Vader. Simply coming up with the idea for a subsequent film where he's a fallen hero isn't "smart", any moron can do that. What makes it "smart" is if you portray it in a respectful and believable way. Showing a 30 second scene where Luke had a bad dream about Kylo and tried to kill him is fucking idiotic. The audience already knows everything he went through 40 years ago to turn Vader. I'm all aboard the fallen hero idea, I think it is compelling framework for a story - but the way Rian Johnson did it was cheap and without any respect for the character.

Literally, movie storytelling 101 - SHOW, DON'T TELL. Don't TELL me Luke felt a certain way and acted accordingly. Don't TELL me through lines of dialogue and exposition. SHOW the struggle, the conflict, the interactions between Kylo and Luke and the arc that led to Luke failing and nearly killing Kylo. That would be a "smart" film. Rian's film is fucking stupid. If you honestly felt TLJ offered a sincere portrayal of Luke's character, then I refuse to believe you even know who Luke Skywalker is.
Next time they should ask people who can ACTUALLY WRITE a story about fallen heroes, like the people who created Cobra Kai.

What Johnson did with this material was just a bunch of lame crap.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I never had hopes for Star Wars, but Knives Out was too predictable; 40 minutes in you feel spoiled by the director, who has made very clear his political views. Once I realized that the film was an immigrant celebration and there is only one stereotypical rich straight white male character, the total chad, it was easy to point out the villain.

I am a liberal immigrant, but that doesn’t mean I have to appreciate bad comedies ruined for the sake of a political message.


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That's bull.
TFA made incredible money for Disney and most people loved it, even though people were a bit disappointed about the rehashed stuff. After 10 years of prequels bashing it's not surprising they went that route, though.

TLJ on the other side completely burned down the franchise.
It literally ended all of those story threads that were started in TFA, because he just DIDN'T GIVE A SHIT about Star Wars.
He just wanted to do his little auteur thing, and people like you think they get snowflake points for being contrarian about it.

Here is your internet cookie.
Regardless of what movie it was it made stupid money for Disney, I could also say that people also enjoyed the last jedi, while there is a divide for the last jedi there is also a divide because TFA does nothing new, atleast TLJ did something different and took a risk. The fact they were scared what the prequels did is justification that the series was on a downward spiral from a directors stupidity in the first place with his own franchise.

What story threads weren't burnt down from TFA? The Force Awakens didn't leave anything that had meaningful to take anywhere other than the ending with Luke and the light saber. The fact he throws it away brought more depth to his character than him coddling it like a baby.

Also people like me? Way to devalue an actual conversation with idiotic commentary about how "certain people" like a movie. Is there an adult to talk to on this forum? I'd rather have a meaningful conversation about a movie with one compared to someone with child like behaviours.


"movie is too smart for dummies!"

guess im not as smart as you

lol yes and im the one being obnoxious :messenger_tears_of_joy:

yes the movie points out that the incorrect view of Luke it has is incorrect. brilliant.

i never had delusions of Luke being a power god. i actually watched the OT! dude gets his ass handed to him constantly.

but go off beating those strawmen who only exist in your imagination

I really can't tell if this a joke post or not. I'll respond anyway since I know there are a lot of people who genuinely dislike the movie. You're talking to me about strawmen when you literally have a reductive, fake paraphrasing of what I said in your post. News for you - that is a strawman.

"yes the movie points out that the incorrect view of Luke it has is incorrect. brilliant." No idea what you are trying to say here. I said the movie deconstructs people's revisionist history about Luke in the OT. For instance, many people believe that he would never end up ostracizing himself on an island and losing hope that the light side can win. However, I would argue that based on the way he acts in the OT, it is not impossible to imagine Luke's darker side - which is shown to be pessimistic, doubtful, and hopeless - getting the best of him, we just need some explanation for how he became this way (which TLJ provides, but no one cares because of their irrational bias against the film). So no, the movie doesn't contradict itself like you are saying. It shows that there is a fallible man behind the legend. People believed there wasn't because of the mythification that occurred over the many years since the OT and longtime success of the franchise. The view of Luke stemming from that mythification is what the movie tears down.

Never said people had delusions of Luke being a "power god". Even if I did, how would TLJ deconstruct that? If anything it shows Luke to still be extremely powerful, just unwilling to make use of that power until later in the film.


JJ fucked the series up originally by copying A New Hope and not starting from scratch with fresh new ideas, he fucke dit up even more by bringing back an "evil mastermind" that cant even lay pipe properly and has to clone himself.

JJ, despite making a copy, at least set the story. Rian "the cunt" Johnson threw all of that out the window and decided to fuck making part 2 of a trilogy and made space balls 2 instead.

He's a cunt.


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JJ, despite making a copy, at least set the story. Rian "the cunt" Johnson threw all of that out the window and decided to fuck making part 2 of a trilogy and made space balls 2 instead.

He's a cunt.
What exactly was thrown out the window? The story was trash in the TFA where literally if that movie didnt happen you wouldnt miss anything, TFA is the definition of filler. Also JJ just didnt make a copy of a movie, he also made probably one of the worst endings and rushed movies in recent memory when it comes to ending a saga as long as star wars. If you think TLJ was a mess then wtf was TROS?
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that fucking ego lol

however, with that being said, looking at the recent trilogy, especially after RoS, he's not the source of the problem. Yeah, he fucked up and deviated big time, but he shouldn't be allowed to do so in the first place. The root of the problem is up top at Disney where KK had no fucking what they are doing, thus allowing this mess to happen in the first place.
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