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Rise of Skywalker premiere press impressions are streaming in


So it’s a good movie, lol?

Interesting to see the turnaround. My initial thought is wondering whether TLJ is playing a part here - they’ve spent two years endlessly defending the thing, making it the ridiculous central point of political and cultural debates, and here comes an official release invalidating all of that by serving as, apparently, an apology.

Alternatively, it’s really, really, bad if the same people willing to go to the mat for TLJ, won’t defend this.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Surprising to see first impressions be negative. Maybe I’m remembering wrong but usually with these things it’s a controlled flood of positivity from carefully selected people to get the public hyped.

No shortage of those from fansite sources and the like. Gathering more sources for the OP, sec.
At least there's apparently a lot of action. That's the one thing that was absolutely unforgivable in TLJ, just how unfathomably boring most of that film was. If you keep me busy with action scenes, I probably won't care that much about anything else. That's why Rogue One is the best movie in the Disney era.

Good or bad, it's finally over now and I can get back to being sad about the complete purging of the old EU.
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Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I am irritated by the comments from the first tweet, complaining about:
with video game plotting, thin characters
Have you ever watched a Star Wars movie? When did Star Wars movies ever have deep characters or plots of more substance than a video game plot? That's like complaining that there are no satisfying shoot outs in a Mario game.


I am irritated by the comments from the first tweet, complaining about: Have you ever watched a Star Wars movie? When did Star Wars movies ever have deep characters or plots of more substance than a video game plot? That's like complaining that there are no satisfying shoot outs in a Mario game.

Depends. They did a lot with a little, as evidenced by the sheer love for these characters, forty years and multiple generations later.




Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Depends. They did a lot with a little, as evidenced by the sheer love for these characters, forty years and multiple generations later.
You can love simple, flat characters. Case in point: I love the dinosaur from Yoshi's Island who happens to have about the same character depth as the average Star Wars main character.


You can love simple, flat characters. Case in point: I love the dinosaur from Yoshi's Island who happens to have about the same character depth as the average Star Wars main character.

Are Luke, Han, Leia, and Obi-Wan flat characters? I would say not at all.

The rapid-fire pacing of the original trilogy, or even the original movie, didn’t leave them much time to develop, but what they had, they used extraordinarily well.

It’s entirely possible, even likely, to take that same approach with this new movie, and not be able to accomplish the same, leading to characters feeling flat and underdeveloped.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Are Luke, Han, Leia, and Obi-Wan flat characters? I would say not at all.

The rapid-fire pacing of the original trilogy, or even the original movie, didn’t leave them much time to develop, but what they had, they used extraordinarily well.

It’s entirely possible, even likely, to take that same approach with this new movie, and not be able to accomplish the same, leading to characters feeling flat and underdeveloped.
I would say so, yes. And of course, the movies being action movies with a simple good-evil dichotomy and a lot of passages that focus entirely on style rather than story telling plays an important role in that. They use relatable and memorable, yet chliché character stereotypes and are effective in making them relatable to many viewers, but there is no depth to them and no development (outside of the development that is already ingrained into the character stereotype used, so yes, Luke grows more consistently competent, but that is at the core of the "secret talent naive youth character" stereotype). The characters are stereotypical and flat, yet appealing to many. Maybe Star Wars 9 just fails to get the appealing aspect right? I can see that, but complaining about them not being deep enough does not make any sense if you consider it a critique in context of the series.


Yeaaahhhhh... I'm not going to trust the word of journalists after I was led to believe that The Last Jedi was somehow as good as The Empire Strikes Back. Fuck people who praise a movie because it caters to their political biases rather than because it's a good film.

But I'm surprised at the mixed impressions that have come in. I guess it confirms the rumors that JJ and Kathleen went with the middle of the road approach to appease both Star Wars fanboys and the SJWs. The result being a film that pleases no one.


I am irritated by the comments from the first tweet, complaining about: Have you ever watched a Star Wars movie? When did Star Wars movies ever have deep characters or plots of more substance than a video game plot? That's like complaining that there are no satisfying shoot outs in a Mario game.
Nah this is stupid maybe you have no taste or can’t discern between pop classic film and reheated dreck. Maybe they didn’t have the deepest plot but they made some kind of coherent sense. There were actual in universe reasons why characters did things. The new stuff is literally “go here do this” like a video game. Motivations are irrelevant characters are more like pieces on a board game.
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Gold Member
No Star Wars fan but no doubt hating a a Star Wars movie tracks far more clicks and views than loving it based on the previous movie


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Nah this is stupid maybe you have no taste or can’t discern between pop classic film and reheated dreck. Maybe they didn’t have the deepest plot but they made some kind of coherent sense. There were actual in universe reasons why characters did things. The new stuff is literally “go here do this” like a video game. Motivations are irrelevant characters are more like pieces on a board game.
My posting was not a quality assessment. The fact that Episodes 1-6 may appear more coherent or well-made (certainly more original than "Let's tell the same story as 4"-7) has nothing to do with the fact that the characters in 4-6 are flat and the plot simple.
I am irritated by the comments from the first tweet, complaining about: Have you ever watched a Star Wars movie? When did Star Wars movies ever have deep characters or plots of more substance than a video game plot? That's like complaining that there are no satisfying shoot outs in a Mario game.
Or that the KOTOR games are far better than anything Disney has ever put out.


When Force Awakens and Last Jedi came out all the reviews said that the “Film is the best Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back”. Don’t trust critics. JJ Abrams has yet to make a great film IMO and usually has interesting setups but misses the mark and leaves questions unanswered (Super 8, TFA, Lost).

He was a poor choice to hire for 9.
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I've grown indifferent to Star Wars after the last two entries in the series. I honestly cannot remember what happened in TLJ and TFA, other than they were spectacularely bland. And Han Solo died. And Kylo Ren was a joke.. just like his mentor, what's his name.

But I'm still gonna see this one eventually. Just to get closure, I guess.
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I love it when people keep bringing up Lost as wholly resting on Abrams’ shoulders. He directed the pilot and co-wrote 3 episodes (2 if you class the pilot as 1 episode), that’s all he did. It was Lindelof and Cuse who didn’t know how to end it.

Abrams is a solid director who might play it safe now and again but is hardly the storytelling pariah that everyone makes him out to be.


I love it when people keep bringing up Lost as wholly resting on Abrams’ shoulders. He directed the pilot and co-wrote 3 episodes (2 if you class the pilot as 1 episode), that’s all he did. It was Lindelof and Cuse who didn’t know how to end it.

Abrams is a solid director who might play it safe now and again but is hardly the storytelling pariah that everyone makes him out to be.
But I sat through two of his Star Trek films LOL they were total trash. To the point where I didn’t bother with the third even tho I hear it got good reviews.

The defense of JJ is hilarious. The guy has had his fingers in too many pies at this point. Everyone is guaranteed to have been disappointed by something he was involved with. He is the definition of mediocre
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It sounds like virtually every tweet is telling you, hey we fucked up the first 2 so there's A LOT TO DIGEST to make up for regurgitating a 30+ year old film and then following it up with a weaker plot. But also it's another Star Wars movie that will do StarWarsy things.


Yeah I don’t doubt that he has spread himself too thin, he needs to learn to say no to putting his name to things.

I liked TFA when it came out. I thought it was an incredibly safe film but something that was vindicated because of the fresh start. Remember this was a sequel the Return of the Jedi, not an easy film to follow and for that it was a fine beginning.

Then TLJ came along and pissed on everything that was setup for the trilogy. I’m sure that Johnson’s monumental fuck up was the reason Trevorrow left and then it was left to Abrams to pick up the pieces. I don’t envy his position at all in this, at this point he’s damned if he does and damned if he don’t, Star Wars fans hold grudges for sure.

I know I won’t be seeing it at the cinema, Lucasfilm and Disney need a little humbling for the way that they’ve treated the fans, but I’m prepared to give it the benefit of the doubt later on. If everything regarding the leaks are true then no doubt I’ll be there to fan the flames along with everyone else but until then I’m prepared to give him at least a chance to deliver something decent.


These twitter responses make me hopeful that it’s decent. But I’m not wasting any more money on this hampster wheel. I’ll see it when it comes to D+ and decide for myself if it’s good or not.
at this point the only thing I look forward to is tenet trailer before this shitshot lmao
jj abrams is such an incompetent twat it's insane
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Given the track records of both the identitarians that love TLJ and Disney's incompetence, I'd say it's far more likely they've managed to make a movie that pisses everyone off, than it being something as unlikely as a good movie long time fans will enjoy.
You're probably right. Actually now I remember seeing a trailer and hating it so...


If the TLJ militia is frustrated with this movie, that might just be the one thing that makes me go see it

The movie is most likely just a load of incoherent, bombastic, poorly written, poorly acted mess in the same mould as stuff like Transformers to a degree whereby even the shilliest of shills can't defend it entirely, or else they'd lose all credibility. This whole "Disney trilogy" had no idea what it was trying to do (other than sell toys/push political agenda). The entire success of The Force Awakens was based on hype, i.e. hype for a 'real Star Wars' (no excessive CGI) & hype based upon JJ's so-called mystery box which promised wonderous space adventures in the future instalments.

It turned out Disney had no plan for this trilogy at all & necromancing Palpatine whilst also selling it as "the conclusion to the Skywalker saga" is so unearned it's unreal. Considering George Lucas isn't writing this, Disney is simply vomiting a weird form of expensive fan fiction onto the movie screen. If they'd written new stuff & hadn't bastardized the original trilogy 30 years later, people might have been more forgiving.


Rage Bait Youtuber
It turned out Disney had no plan for this trilogy at all

George Lucas didn't have a plan for the OT. Read the J.W. Rinzler books that detail how each movie was made up as they went along. Hell, the entire first draft of Empire is drastically different than what Kasdan wrote (Luke meets his ghost dad who isn't Vader).


George Lucas didn't have a plan for the OT. Read the J.W. Rinzler books that detail how each movie was made up as they went along. Hell, the entire first draft of Empire is drastically different than what Kasdan wrote (Luke meets his ghost dad who isn't Vader).
He spent years writing backstory before making the first film. People pretend he just made it up each film but he had Jedis padawans and many other concepts down on paper as earlier as 1973. This narrative that he improvised everything like these hacks is a fake one.

People trying to conflate the writing slipshod ST with the OT are ignoring the facts just trying for a lame “this is how it’s always been” defense. Lucas spent a good 3+ years considering the story before he started filming the first entry.
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So woke reviewers don’t like the movie? The movie might be half decent? It sounds like JJ combined what he sort of invisioned TLJ to be, and then crammed in a third film’s worth of plot.
Hopefully Kennedy gets moved out of the Star Wars department, after all is said and done.
Everytime I see these impressions, I always imagine someone getting a hook up through a known person.

Post on Twitter for status / views / whatever.

'Can you believe the Skywalker Arc that started in '77 ends this way?'

'Huh? Oh yeah the Phantom Menace was nuts when that came out!'

The normies have taken over.
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