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Streamer mistreats his wife and his son while streaming live.


I mean, that's one response here. Nothing about the abuse, just her being annoying because clearly that's all that matters to this guy, her actions, out of context, and not his actions in any way.
I neither condone nor excuse either of their actions. However, many people in here DO excuse and condone her actions.


Read what you quoted, we were talking about the 'How can she slap' video I posted.

Ah my bad.

You scare me with those though words. Please keep it civil.

Say stupid shit like "throwing things is battery", get dumped on. Battery has to cause bodily injury or offensive (read sexual) touching. Let me hear some violins for how heavy and thick the cardboard was in relation to a loud audible smack and sobbing.
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I really hope some people here dont have family's or are planning on having one. Your wife handling 2 kids and pregnant and is begging you to come and you telling her to fuck off because your playing a game your a a piece of shit no debate you get up there and slap her because she called you out on being a unless tool your subhuman trash ya dont need to white knight be on the right or be an sjw to understand that.
I really hope you actually read some people's post and didn't come to the conclusion that anybody think this guy's actions are spectacular...


I really hope you actually read some people's post and didn't come to the conclusion that anybody think this guy's actions are spectacular...
Who thinks a guy who will now have a criminal record. Hurts women, And Will serve jail time, is spectacular`? For beating up your wife?
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Who thinks a guy who will now have a criminal record. Hurts women, And Will serve jail time, is spectacular`? For beating up your wife?
Nobody, that's the point. The other guy was implying we were agreeing with this guy for doing what he did...


Equality by law is one thing. At least in the west thats largely met, bar a few exceptions like abortion rights here and there.
But a society, its values, prejudices, stereotypes, norms, expectations and many more things can't be changed as quickly as laws.
So unsurprisingly this is the hardest task for feminism, societal values reproduce themselves practically automatically and people internalize them to an insane degree, in many instances even extending to their own identity.
Questioning or changing them is obviously met with a lot of resistance.
And since entertainment media is a unique reflection of society, video games are at the center of the resulting controversy.

If this interests you in any way, there is an old but brilliant collection of essays about this. Just instead of feminism its about the changes in society due to the industrialization and instead of video games its about the reflection of this in movies.

Must be nice having a nebulous, all-encompassing buzzword that you never have to quantify but can point to anytime someone questions your ideology.


He was a full time engineer until this incident, if you see no problem with having a full time job, and then streaming for that many hours on top, and then likely sleeping at some point, and also eating alone given the situation in the video, means it's likely you're neglecting your wife and 2, soon 3 children, which means she's very likely way past her own tipping point of "annoyance" to say the least as you want to accuse her of being annoying herself, then you have no concept of what a relationship is. Which wouldn't surprise me. You're horrible beings and as far from a (hu)man as one can be. It's pure bullshit you're trying to spin this as some hard working man who is stopped from earning bread for his family by a hag of a wife who can't understand basic shit about their livelihood and is plotting against him rather than see this as a cry for something to happen so the family can be saved, which he completely fails to do and instead goes in the complete opposite direction further condemning its future.
Yes, she was being annoying after he said he would be out in a bit. So she doesnt act noraml and starts chucking objects at him. She has a right to be upset but not annoying like she was. They both need to fix themselves. Her emotions and his work life.


No matter what the reason he shouldn't have hit her, even if she was in his face. To me she was just a concerned wife wanting make sure her husband ate. More than that sack of trash deserved.


No matter what people want to say. Generally, men are physically superior in terms of force. I don't condone men hitting women in any way, despite how much a woman could have it coming to her.

This video is a person who is being antagonized and frustrated to the point that they snapped and made a mistake. A very serious mistake. A mistake that deserves punishment.

The girl is clearly emotionally abusing him at the beginning. She knows what will upset him and is doing it purposely to elicit a response.

That said, just because she is being emotionally abusive doesn't make it right to hit her.

I suspect both will be charged as it is a he said she said argument where both will say they were attacked, and it will end up dropped as neither wants charges against them.

However, the guy should have never hit her, and as hypocritical it is for me to say this because my relationship isn't all roses either, they should have been evaluating the relationship and its effect on their children if it was that bad.
I don't know about this "emotional abuse" angle.

We don't know the full background. But if he had been on Fortnite for a very long time while she cares for the kids by herself, and she then repeatedly asked him to come have dinner or whatever for a period of time (well before the start of the video), and he was staying on the game long past the point at which he had originally promised to get off, I'm not sure she really bears much blame at all.

I know if I sat holed up in a room playing a game blatantly ignoring my wife and kids for an extended period of time after being repeatedly asked to wrap it up, she'd be pretty goddamn pissed at me.

On the other hand, if he's one of those super prolific streamers who makes a full-time income off of it and it's his 'job' (no idea if this is the case for this guy), and she went nuclear over a span of only a few minutes after asking him to come to dinner with no prior warning, then yeah she's an asshole (but still didn't deserve to get hit).

If it's NOT his job, it's pretty poor form to be sitting at home ignoring your family playing a video game by yourself in the middle of the day. I sure as hell couldn't get away with that, and rightfully so. I mean, how would YOU like it if your wife said "here deal with the young maniac kids for a few hours while I sit and watch a Hallmark channel movie by myself and ignore everyone in the middle of the day".

Yes, she was being annoying after he said he would be out in a bit. So she doesnt act noraml and starts chucking objects at him. She has a right to be upset but not annoying like she was. They both need to fix themselves. Her emotions and his work life.

We don't know what happened before that though. He may have already said "sure sure I'll be out soon" to placate her 10, 15, 30, 60 minutes before the start of the video. We don't know. I can definitely envision that scenario... constantly delaying and shrugging her off while she's potentially been dealing with the kids all day by herself, pushing her to a breaking point.

Or maybe she had only initially asked him to come to dinner like 1 minute before the video started, with no prior warning, in which case her quick escalation was out of hand.
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She asked him to come to dinner, he said let me finish, she starts throwing stuff.
Yeah the dude is an asshole and escalated things way too far. But she was acting childish.

Pregnant women get emotional. Tack on a seemingly gaming-addicted jackwagon who reacts like an 8 year-old when repeatedly being asked to shut his fucking video game off, and yeah— that escalates things.

Streamer Jackwagon should be old enough at 25 to understand that, if your significant other has made dinner and your family is waiting for you to put the controller down, you do it— out of respect and responsibility to the family unit.

If it’s a “job” for Streamer Jackwagon, then he should have made it clear to Pregnant Person that he was working and set a schedule beforehand. Again, family responsibilities. It’s not difficult.

We don’t know how often Streamer Jackwagon here has told Pregnant Person in their history together “I’ll be right there”, whether it’s for a family meal, for requested assistance with other household responsibilities, or for anything else. Family members eventually get tired of hearing “I’ll be right there” when the gamer seldom follows through. One minute turns into five, then ten, and constant reminders (out of agitation) wind up getting more aggressive and angry.

What’s clear to see in the video evidence is that Streamer Jackwagon is a severely immature individual who needs some psychiatric help.


I don't know about this "emotional abuse" angle.

We don't know the full background. But if he had been on Fortnite for a very long time while she cares for the kids by herself, and she then repeatedly asked him to come have dinner or whatever for a period of time (well before the start of the video), and he was staying on the game long past the point at which he had originally promised to get off, I'm not sure she really bears much blame at all.

Building a guesswork narrative around the video so you can excuse her behavior. Brilliant.
Yeah, like mansplaining.

An important feminist issue (important enough to make up a new word), we can't have men speaking out of turn and expressing incorrect opinions. In fact, since I don't have permission to explain mansplaining to you then I am mansplaining.
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Speaking from experiences, I would rather get cardboard thrown at me than getting punched.

And yeah we are just judging from the video. For all we know the man could be much worse than what we saw.
Both of them could be. DV is bad no matter what.


I don't condone either of their actions. Both seemed to respond to each other in less than healthy forms.

That being said...

The woman is like 3 months pregnant. Women will be annoying, evil, demented, loving, horny, funny, sloppy, clean, etc... when they are pregnant. Women's hormones and emotions will be all over the place when they are pregnant. A man with even an iota of common sense will know this. Especially one who already has 2 kids. The woman's actions are therefore excusable. The guy's actions are therefore doubly inexcusable.

You never hit women.

You never lay even an unwanted finger on a pregnant woman.


I don't condone either of their actions. Both seemed to respond to each other in less than healthy forms.

That being said...

The woman is like 3 months pregnant. Women will be annoying, evil, demented, loving, horny, funny, sloppy, clean, etc... when they are pregnant. Women's hormones and emotions will be all over the place when they are pregnant. A man with even an iota of common sense will know this. Especially one who already has 2 kids. The woman's actions are therefore excusable. The guy's actions are therefore doubly inexcusable.

You never hit women.

You never lay even an unwanted finger on a pregnant woman.

Exactly, There’s a lot of hormone-fueled emotion that goes on in a pregnancy, and Streamer Jackwagon should understand this by now. It’s not his first rodeo here.

If he doesn’t understand or can’t figure out how to deal with an emotional Pregnant Person, maybe he should discuss contraception with Pregnant Person before making her that way.


Dosent have to be spectacular some people here are acting like this is natural.

You mean like this?

The woman is like 3 months pregnant. Women will be annoying, evil, demented, loving, horny, funny, sloppy, clean, etc... when they are pregnant. Women's hormones and emotions will be all over the place when they are pregnant. A man with even an iota of common sense will know this. Especially one who already has 2 kids. The woman's actions are therefore excusable. The guy's actions are therefore doubly inexcusable.

I don't agree with those who said that it's natural for him to lose his temper just like I don't agree with giving pregnant women a free pass to act badly.
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You mean like this?

I don't agree with those who said that it's natural for him to lose his temper just like I don't agree with giving pregnant women a free pass to act badly.

I dont know about giving them a free pass to act badly but pregency does a number on women both physically and mentally so common sense would say you should at least try to make life easier on her for the time espically if she's already taking care of children for her sake and the sake of the child .


I dont know about giving them a free pass to act badly but pregency does a number on women both physically and mentally so common sense would say you should at least try to make life easier on her for the time espically if she's already taking care of children for her sake and the sake of the child .

...but that's what people are doing here, giving her a free pass because she's pregnant. She lost her temper, he lost his temper and both are wrong here, not just one.


Ah my bad.

Say stupid shit like "throwing things is battery", get dumped on. Battery has to cause bodily injury or offensive (read sexual) touching. Let me hear some violins for how heavy and thick the cardboard was in relation to a loud audible smack and sobbing.

Battery (if intent and harmful contact, ie scratch on his body etc is established) or not, this is a physical assault which is totally unacceptable. Edge cardboard could easily have hit him in the eye.

About that slap. How far were they from the mic? How hard was that slap? Truth is, you dont know. You just throw around alot of assumptions.

That sobbing did not come from pain, it takes several seconds before severe pain from a hand or fist to the face comes through. Have a little experience with this from my training.

No. That sobbing probably came from being instantly put in place. Going from dominant to submissive in a second. Kind of like a child being told off for doing something wrong, you can observe the same thing. Hence the instant "wifebeater" comment.

If you feel people say stupid things, you correct them just like you did now, Dont just throw around alot of though words. Makes you look like a fool at best.

Surprised at how many here believes women dont fart...and when they do, it doesnt smell.
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...but that's what people are doing here, giving her a free pass because she's pregnant. She lost her temper, he lost his temper and both are wrong here, not just one.

I agree that what she did was wrong . But it's fair to say that the guy who should be much more stable acted worse then a pregnant women in front of his own children . Both wrong but ones mistake could have been resolved with a talk afterwards the other commited a crime.


Darkness no more
You didn't answer the question. I asked: Just to be clear, you are saying that if a woman ignored her husband and family for a hobby that the husband is ok to verbally harass her and throw things at her?

I answered your question as it pertains to this story. What’s your point?

I consider the guy neglecting his family, hitting his wife and calling their kid a cunt the bad things in this story. If the roles were reversed and the wife did those things to the husband it would be just as bad. I don’t consider a couple arguing “verbal harassment” or a small piece of cardboard being thrown as the bigger deals in this story.


I agree that what she did was wrong . But it's fair to say that the guy who should be much more stable acted worse then a pregnant women in front of his own children . Both wrong but ones mistake could have been resolved with a talk afterwards the other commited a crime.

And there you go again, being sexist. Start to treat woman like they wants to be treated, equals. Being in a bad mood does not call for physical attack. And the one starting the get physical, is AT LEAST equally in the wrong.

You see, women are hardwired to this biologically. "Being victim" is the one thing women have had to defend themselves with for thousands for years, because it attracts the attention of other men to come rescue her. Its almost hilarious to see this effect in this thread.
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Battery (if intent and harmful contact, ie scratch on his body etc is established) or not, this is a physical assault which is totally unacceptable. Edge cardboard could easily have hit him in the eye.

About that slap. How far were they from the mic? How hard was that slap? Truth is, you dont know. You just throw around alot of assumptions.

That sobbing did not come from pain, it takes several seconds before severe pain from a hand or fist to the face comes through. Have a little experience with this from my training.

No. That sobbing probably came from being instantly put in place. Going from dominant to submissive in a second. Kind of like a child being told off for doing something wrong, you can observe the same thing. Hence the instant "wifebeater" comment.

If you feel people say stupid things, you correct them just like you did now, Dont just throw around alot of though words. Makes you look like a fool at best.

Surprised at how many here believes women dont fart...and when they do, it doesnt smell.
Thought I'd be done with this thread, but I just had to say holy fuck at this. How hard was the slap? Put in place? Saying she's not crying from being assaulted?
You have serious issues to defend abuse like this against women. Seek help, kid.


But it's fair to say that the guy who should be much more stable acted worse then a pregnant women in front of his own children

That sounds pretty sexist to me. Pregnant women just can't control themselves, you say.
I don’t consider a couple arguing “verbal harassment”

They weren't arguing, she was yelling and he was calmly saying he would be done soon.
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Darkness no more
Thought I'd be done with this thread, but I just had to say holy fuck at this. How hard was the slap? Put in place? Saying she's not crying from being assaulted?
You have serious issues to defend abuse like this against women. Seek help, kid.

His posts have been despicable throughout the thread.


Thought I'd be done with this thread, but I just had to say holy fuck at this. How hard was the slap? Put in place? Saying she's not crying from being assaulted?
You have serious issues to defend abuse like this against women. Seek help, kid.

And there is a perfect example of people out of arguments folks :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I have serious issues and should seek help. Little surprised that this is something that you can get away with here. There are much worse examples earlier in the thread being compared to killers, and other evil things wished upon. Surprised it doesnt warrant permabans.
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And there is a perfect example of people out of arguments folks :messenger_tears_of_joy:
What fucking argument needs to be said about abusing women? You don't. The end. All you've done is write essays on how this poor helpless boy was severely attacked by some big bad boogeyman woman. Grow the fuck up. This shit is embarrassing.


Can anyone coming in here whining about how they just can't believe people are defending him and saying it's ok to hit women just get a grip? No one is doing that and you're only presenting it that way so that you can proclaim your own virtue without actually having to do any thinking.

What he did was very obviously wrong and he will justifiably be punished for it. What is happening in this thread is that people are discussing why and how something can get to this point so that we can better understand how to prevent it in future. What you are doing is slacktivism: making bold proclamations about how you just can't believe that in <current year> someone would hit a woman in order to make you feel better about yourself, not to help anyone who could potentially be involved in something like this.

This is a discussion board - it exists to discuss things. If you want a statement board, you know where to go.


You mean like this?

I don't agree with those who said that it's natural for him to lose his temper just like I don't agree with giving pregnant women a free pass to act badly.

You don't have to give pregnant women a free pass to act badly. You can leave them, run away, call the police, etc... What you can't do is slap them.

Pregnancy jacks with a woman's hormones, and emotions. It's just how nature handles the changes. Nature doesn't care if you give "free passes" or not.


What fucking argument needs to be said about abusing women? You don't. The end. All you've done is write essays on how this poor helpless boy was severely attacked by some big bad boogeyman woman. Grow the fuck up. This shit is embarrassing.

You cant read man. Im not saying its ok to hit anyone EVER! Im simply stating what I see happening here.


You don't have to give pregnant women a free pass to act badly. You can leave them, run away, call the police, etc... What you can't do is slap them.

Pregnancy jacks with a woman's hormones, and emotions. It's just how nature handles the changes. Nature doesn't care if you give "free passes" or not.

Men have equally "their" things to battle with. Starting to give genders free rides like this, is like saying men are more violent so they should get some leeway. Rule of thumb, violence is NEVER ok.


You don't have to give pregnant women a free pass to act badly. You can leave them, run away, call the police, etc... What you can't do is slap them.

Pregnancy jacks with a woman's hormones, and emotions. It's just how nature handles the changes. Nature doesn't care if you give "free passes" or not.

I agree. Except for extreme cases, women should not be subjected to violence because they are the weaker sex. This is especially so when the woman is pregnant because it's no longer just her in the firing line.

However, this is a form of inequality. But it is a good and necessary form. Women should not be subjected to the same evolved social standards as men because they are not physically the same.


Gold Member
No, you didn't stutter... What?

We'll just agree to disagree. I firmly believe in what I'm saying and I can see you do as well. It's all good.
Indeed it is all good. My advice will keep you out of trouble. Yours doesn’t. Keep that in mind readers!


You don't have to give pregnant women a free pass to act badly. You can leave them, run away, call the police, etc... What you can't do is slap them.

Pregnancy jacks with a woman's hormones, and emotions. It's just how nature handles the changes. Nature doesn't care if you give "free passes" or not.
I think it's sexist to claim that pregnant women can't control themselves.


Yeah you either excuse her and condemn him in every post or you are a woman hater it seems.

Yeah youre totally right.

I`ll repeat this, because its relevant to whats going on in this thread right now.

"You see, women are hardwired to this biologically. "Being victim" is the one thing women have had to defend themselves with for thousands for years, because it attracts the attention of other men to come rescue her. Its almost hilarious to see this effect in this thread."

And I`ll add and repeat this.

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Gold Member
She’s long gone. I kicked that bitch to the curb. Metaphorically of course.

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Men have equally "their" things to battle with. Starting to give genders free rides like this, is like saying men are more violent so they should get some leeway. Rule of thumb, violence is NEVER ok.

It's generally not ok, but we need to understand why it exists. It comes from the older, more animalistic parts of our brains. Biology and social standards evolved in tandem, and the pre-frontal cortex which allows humans to establish systems like law and order is not that old relative to our entire evolutionary history.
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It's generally not ok, but we need to understand why it exists. It comes from the older, more animalistic parts of our brains. Biology and social standards evolved in tandem, and the pre-frontal cortex which allows humans to establish systems like law and order is not that old relative to our entire evolutionary history.

Absolutely right. But there is a line that cannot be crossed by either. And being physicall is that line in my mind. If you are the one crossing that line, you have to expect a justified response.
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Men have equally "their" things to battle with. Starting to give genders free rides like this, is like saying men are more violent so they should get some leeway. Rule of thumb, violence is NEVER ok.

Yep, men don't get free passes for biology. They both lost their temper, her first and his temper was a reaction to her but she gets a pass. It's just the usual double standards and it's unacceptable in a world striving for equality.


Darkness no more
Run out of arguments?

The thread has pretty much been moving in one big circle bringing up the same points for several pages now, so I suppose so. I’ll leave you to your views. I agree that piece of cardboard could have poked an eye out, or messed up his hair, etc.


Can anyone coming in here whining about how they just can't believe people are defending him and saying it's ok to hit women just get a grip? No one is doing that and you're only presenting it that way so that you can proclaim your own virtue without actually having to do any thinking.

What he did was very obviously wrong and he will justifiably be punished for it. What is happening in this thread is that people are discussing why and how something can get to this point so that we can better understand how to prevent it in future. What you are doing is slacktivism: making bold proclamations about how you just can't believe that in <current year> someone would hit a woman in order to make you feel better about yourself, not to help anyone who could potentially be involved in something like this.

This is a discussion board - it exists to discuss things. If you want a statement board, you know where to go.

Sean Connery once defended it being ok to slap women with an open hand. At the time, I didn't necessarily disagree with him. If I came home to find my wife getting railed by 3 dudes, she'd almost certainly get slapped. I wouldn't be proud of it, but she'd certainly be deserving of it.

Bill Burr also has a stand up piece about the reasons for hitting a woman. He clearly states that you never do it, but that to say there is never a reason is misguided at best. There most certainly are reasons... You just don't do it.

All that being said. The wife in the video was annoying, and refused to leave him alone even after asked. I don't think it deserves a slap, but I certainly wouldn't crucify him for it, if was just a slap.

But she's pregnant. Now the annoying and whining on her part starts to make sense. Her mood is swinging all over the place. She's starting to show, and certainly feels self conscious about it. It doesn't completely justify her actions, but at least now I can understand where they're coming from.

His reaction was to slap her. A pregnant woman. In front of the kids.

Slapping her may have been excusable, but it was in front of the kids. That makes it inexcusable. Slapping a pregnant woman is going way too far.

Debating the how's, and why's is fine if you're trying to search for excuses, or somehow justify his actions. Many people aren't looking for that, and therefore don't bother.


The thread has pretty much been moving in one big circle bringing up the same points for several pages now, so I suppose so. I’ll leave you to your views. I agree that piece of cardboard could have poked an eye out, or messed up his hair, etc.

I know many of you react emotionally to this, its only natural. Rescuing "a damsel in distress" is something you have hardwired, I have it too. All im saying, is try to see this as two equal adults. And the fact is, one of them crossed the line and made this physical.
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Darkness no more
I know many of you react emotionally to this, its only natural. Rescuing "a damsel in distress" is something you have hardwired, I have it too. All im saying, is try to see this as two equal adults. And the fact is, one of them crossed the line and made this physical.

I’m not rescuing “a damsel in distress” or “hardwired” to have a certain opinion. I already said if all details in the story were kept the same except the two people in it had their positions reversed then the woman would be in the wrong.


This is a bit of a weird statement. Are you saying we shouldn't allow women to be peacekeepers, firefighters, soldiers or full contact martial artists?

Why is that a weird statement? That's quite an extrapolation from what I actually said.

If we as a society decide that we want "equality", no matter how ill-defined the term is, it needs to be across the board. This means that women should be allowed to be peacekeepers, firefighters, soldiers, full contact martial artists (provided they meet any physical entry requirements for the job without lowering the bar) but it also means they don't get to turn tail and run when the workplace transitions into a battlefield in wartime. Moreover, it means they don't get to continue enjoying the benefits of evolved female social standards while not being subject to male social standards, e.g. the temperance of their words and actions due to a sub-conscious, underlying threat of physicality. In the words of Bill Burr, that's buffet-style equality.

Now, some fool is undoubtedly going to come in and take the above statement and twist it around to appear as though I'm saying that women need to be subject to threat of physicality. No, that's not what it means. It means that if they want "equality", they need to give up the social benefits that come with being female.
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