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Streamer mistreats his wife and his son while streaming live.


The clips in the OP seem cut up to make things look worse for the guy, here's a longer version where it's shown what he had to put up with before:

She clearly is the instigator. When someone tells you to leave them alone, you leave them alone. Period. Especially when you see they are getting angry.

The underlying threat of violence has kept people acting civil to one another for ages. We have essentially removed that threat for women and this video is an example of the resulting degradation of relations between men and women.

Not saying he responded properly, but I think this video is a great lesson to women that this is what MAY happen if you push someone past their breaking point.


His actions are out of line plain and simple. Is she being annoying, yes. Not to get to that level that he did. Does she keep messing with him afterwards, yes. I would too though after somebody hit me. I would try to fuck their world up. She cant beat him so her next alternative is to fuck his shit up. Which goes back to him hitting her. Its a sad revolving door. He should have maned the fuck up, turn the game off, talk to her, and got back on when the dust settled. A whole lot of embarrassment from both sides could have been avoided by simply saying my wife is wigging the fuck out, let me see what's up, and then turn the game/stream off.
He is a piece of thrash,if a stupid video game is more important than his life than he can rot in hell,he has a wife with kids that she was pissed he was wasting his time playing videogames


He is a piece of thrash,if a stupid video game is more important than his life than he can rot in hell,he has a wife with kids that she was pissed he was wasting his time playing videogames
It's not about the video game. It's about her. He's obviously sick of her thinking she gets control over how he spends his time.


Few tinnies on the go, and shit gets real

Like in the UK, if you drink Stella you're classed as a wife beater

Almost "most" aussies are flat out racist, kinda shocked me living out there, they'll happily use the N word openly in front of each other

It was at those points I just left the scene, it was weird, one minute they're completely normal, lovely neighbours and bam out of no where N bomb, like it's completely fine

Listen here, cunt. If you're a good cunt, I'll call you a good cunt, and if you're a shit cunt, I'll call you a shit cunt, but one thing I will never call you is the n word. You just straight up pulled that out of your ass, shit cunt.
Wow....must be a generational thing as I was raised to not hit women under any circumstances....im sort of facepalming on some of these responses but some if you have obviously had different life experiences or religions that may permit that sort of activity but in general it's not an activity that is commonly accepted.

The woman may of been annoying as shit and baited or goaded him on and the guy may of been a bit of a dick for not spending time with his Mrs and kids but snacking your wife in front of your kids basically paints a picture in the child's head that it's ok to do that.

Fathers are there to set examples...a very poor one he set.


Referring to that How can she slap video. There is times when it's one human being dealing with another human being.

My mother would not want me hitting women but she also not want me to let a woman carve my face all up with a knife because she was jealous.

The guy in the How can she slap just got embarrassed on T.V. I can see why he overreacted but it was an overreaction. I would have pulled him away from the girl but I wouldn't have been mad at him.


The clips in the OP seem cut up to make things look worse for the guy, here's a longer version where it's shown what he had to put up with before:

Yea... I'm not entirely sure what happened there but it sounds like he hit her first? Once he goes off camera you hear a smack and her crying and saying not to touch her face. He also seemed to have done it casually. He sounds calm even after that hit.

I stop watching after that. Glad he's in jail.


I"m certainly not going to say what he did was right in any way, but the people in this thread basically saying the man has to just take whatever she dishes out are completely incorrect. For all of the people on this board that want equality in all things, this is another one of those things that people just want to gloss over. Men have a right to not be beaten the same as women. Whether they will be hurt the same doesn't matter. Any strike has meaning, and no man should have to just suck it up and put up with getting their ass kicked by a chick.

I had a bad relationship in my past where an ex decided to rearrange my face with her fists and fingernails. If I had put one hand on her, I'd have been put in jail. Yeah, the police arrested her, but she got off with some counselling in the end. Think they would have done the same if it was me? I went to get a restraining order against her, and I had to go to the battered women's area to get the forms to start the process, as a battered men's area didn't exist. How's that for gender equality?


The guy in the How can she slap just got embarrassed on T.V. I can see why he overreacted but it was an overreaction.
I don't understand, she slapped him and he reacted in kind yet HE overreacted?

I am a surprised how many people don't really want equality between men and women.


Honestly, I just feel bad for the kids.

Seems like these 2 deserve each other, both seem incredibly annoying


Well, this is embarrassing... I remember when I was a kid, there was a time when my Mom got angry at me because I was playing video games whole day long and skipped lunchtime. She came at me, asked me to stop playing and eventually got angry and cut the power from the cord.

I was really mad at her that time and I slammed things on the floor to express my anger. My Mom started crying, then I realized I was a stupid boy who got pissed because of video games. I apologized to her and from that moment, I swear to myself that no matter how invested I am at video games, I should never do stupid things as such in real life.

Now I am truly grateful to have an understanding partner and a beautiful baby girl. I can always play video games but real-life responsibilities should never be my second priority.


I don't understand, she slapped him and he reacted in kind yet HE overreacted?

I am a surprised how many people don't really want equality between men and women.

Are you just going to keep lying, over and over, in this thread? She didn't slap him. You are lying. Stop lying.


The fact there are some very vocal users in here defending a wife-beating piece of shit streamer is mind numbing. It makes this thread stink like a goddamn MRA conference.

Who knew you can't beat your pregnant wife if they throw a piece of cardboard at you. Jesus fucking christ.

You scare me with those though words. Please keep it civil.


The underlying threat of violence has kept people acting civil to one another for ages. We have essentially removed that threat for women and this video is an example of the resulting degradation of relations between men and women.

Wait, you’re saying women are too uppity nowadays because society shuns men if they beat them up? Are you for real?


Neo Member
Listen here, cunt. If you're a good cunt, I'll call you a good cunt, and if you're a shit cunt, I'll call you a shit cunt, but one thing I will never call you is the n word. You just straight up pulled that out of your ass, shit cunt.

Nignog though, right /s


No I don't believe a woman I know nothing about should default her to "half his strength", because it's sexist as fuck to go through life that way.

Basic biology is sexist now?

Oh well. Better call the Olympic Committee and tell them women should compete with men, because assuming they're weaker than men is a sexist way to go through life.

Funny how you also ignore everything else in my post, which was very valid. You don't hit people weaker and more vulnerable than you. Maybe if you stopped projecting your sexism on me for a single moment, you'd recognise that there's no way that a pregnant woman cannot be considered weaker and less vulnerable than a fully grown man.
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She clearly is the instigator. When someone tells you to leave them alone, you leave them alone. Period. Especially when you see they are getting angry.

The underlying threat of violence has kept people acting civil to one another for ages. We have essentially removed that threat for women and this video is an example of the resulting degradation of relations between men and women.

Not saying he responded properly, but I think this video is a great lesson to women that this is what MAY happen if you push someone past their breaking point.

What the hell. This is just "she was asking for it" dressed up in fancy clothes. It's a great lesson to women? We should threaten to beat women up in order to keep them in line? :sick:

No. Getting physical is never justified. This is a great lesson to men about what happens when you follow the "she was asking for it" line of reasoning. Funny how some people can look at this incident and come out thinking Mrdeadmoth's behavior should be a lesson to women, when he's the one who sat with his ass in jail and is facing assault charges.
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Basic biology is sexist now?

Oh well. Better call the Olympic Committee and tell them women should compete with men, because assuming they're weaker than men is a sexist way to go through life.

Funny how you also ignore everything else in my post, which was very valid. You don't hit people weaker and more vulnerable than you. Maybe if you stopped projecting your sexism on me for a single moment, you'd recognise that there's no way that a pregnant woman cannot be considered weaker and less vulnerable than a fully grown man.

There are social advantages that come from being weaker and more vulnerable, namely the expectation that you will not be subjected to violence. If feminists want to push for their version of "equality", they also need to acknowledge this. However, they won't, because it would contradict the Patriarchy theory that all waves of feminism have been based on, and they want to continue having their cake and eating it too.

In the context of this topic, I am not in favour of "equality" because it would mean that women should have to adjust their social behaviour to the ever-present threat of violence that exists in the male domain. Men and women are socially equal, but they are not the same, and the Harrison Bergeron-esque feminist version of "equality" is a fool's game.



None of this matters, because at the end of the day, you don't hit someone who is physically weaker and more vulnerable than you when a) you're not in any physical danger from them and b) you can easily remove yourself from the situation.

Oh she's a feminist and you're ideologically opposed to her? Doesn't matter one bit.

the ever-present threat of violence that exists in the male domain

Yeah, that shit shouldn't exist. We're men, not boys. If you live in an environment where there's an ever-present threat of violence from other men, I suggest moving to a better country.
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None of this matters, because at the end of the day, you don't hit someone who is physically weaker and more vulnerable than you when a) you're not in any physical danger from them and b) you can easily remove yourself from the situation.

Oh she's a feminist and you're ideologically opposed to her? Doesn't matter one bit.

Yeah, that shit shouldn't exist. We're men, not boys.

Look mate, if you're going to just outright dismiss thoughtful and well-reasoned posts because you don't know how to counter them logically, go ahead and ignore me like you did Kadayi Kadayi .

You're denying your biology. Funny, it used to be the right wingers who didn't believe in evolution.


The Tribe Has Spoken
There are social advantages that come from being weaker and more vulnerable, namely the expectation that you will not be subjected to violence. If feminists want to push for their version of "equality", they also need to acknowledge this. However, they won't, because it would contradict the Patriarchy theory that all waves of feminism have been based on, and they want to continue having their cake and eating it too.

In the context of this topic, I am not in favour of "equality" because it would mean that women should have to adjust their social behaviour to the ever-present threat of violence that exists in the male domain. Men and women are socially equal, but they are not the same, and the Harrison Bergeron-esque feminist version of "equality" is a fool's game.
Totally agree.

In my previously stated example of my ex-gf attacking me (read it people: it was no cardboard box) my instinct was to fight back. That’s a natural instinct. A tooth for a tooth. But, you just can’t. It’s not a fair fight, I could have really hurt her, not to mention the legal repurcussions I would have surely endured (even though I was attacked first). I just had to stand there and take it, try to diffuse and walk away when I could. Unless there is a weapon involved, I wouldn’t hold out hope for a man in my situation using the self-defense defence.

The most I could do was grab her wrist mid-swing at me and hold it so she couldn’t keep attacking. I could even see that being construed as “assault” in todays crazy world. Me simply protecting myself from harm.

So, you just try to diffuse the situation and extricate yourself from it, which I did.

That’s not equality, but it is what it is.
There is a strong attitude in this thread that 'you shouldn't hit a woman'. Only women? I think not.
I posted earlier about the guy being a pos for hitting her because it's what this particular thread is about.

If there were some other thread about a woman or a man going after someone with a knife or gun or something, I'd be all for drop kicking her or him in the throat. That just isn't the case here.

Also, women are generally weaker than men. It's just the way it is. If the much smaller person is a guy in a given instance, I might have different feelings for that situation. Again though, that's (apparently) not the case here.

I'd agree though you shouldn't attack anyone if not in defense.
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Hipster Princess
Jesus Christ, did he slap her? What a coward. It’s a fucking VIDEO GAME.

As an Australian, I’m revoking this wanker’s Aussie membership.

Please tell me he’s a Kiwi.

So much of this...

It doesn't matter who started it.

Even if she got physical first.

No man should ever hit a woman. Ever.
She clearly is the instigator. When someone tells you to leave them alone, you leave them alone. Period. Especially when you see they are getting angry.

The underlying threat of violence has kept people acting civil to one another for ages. We have essentially removed that threat for women and this video is an example of the resulting degradation of relations between men and women.

Not saying he responded properly, but I think this video is a great lesson to women that this is what MAY happen if you push someone past their breaking point.
So again she's guilty of being childish, and he's guilty of beating a pregnant woman. One of those is much worse imo. She's not trying to hurt him there as he did to her.


Look mate, if you're going to just outright dismiss thoughtful and well-reasoned posts because you don't know how to counter them logically, go ahead and ignore me like you did Kadayi Kadayi .

You're denying your biology. Funny, it used to be the right wingers who didn't believe in evolution.

You're saying I'm denying my biology, to someone who's been arguing the biological differences between males and females all thread long?

I do deny that males live with a constant threat of physical violence to one another, yes. The last time I could say that was the case was in school, eg when I was sharing an environment with boys. Living in a first-world country I never once feel at threat of physical violence from other men. Criminals, sure, but even they will take what they want without violence if that avenue is open to them. But random men on the Ubahn? Nope, sorry.

The idea that simply by being a man, you should project an ever-present threat of violence onto everyone around you is archaic and barbarous. We should discourage that kind of primitive thinking, not encourage it.

And if you have qualms about me ignoring Kadayi after he tried to tell me my presence on the forums had no value based on my post-count, take it up with me in PM. Don't try and use it as ammunition against me in completely unrelated discussions. It has nothing to do with the situation at hand and you're merely trying to muddy the waters. Keep it up and I will put you on ignore as well, though.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Living in a first-world country I never once feel at threat of physical violence from other men.
Unless you look like Arnold Schwarzennegger, I have to question how often you ever leave your house. Or maybe you are oblivious to the things around you? Or maybe you are telling fibs?

I find this exceptionally hard to believe.


Wasted my time reading rubbish comments. They’re BOTH WRONG! She shouldn’t annoy him and irritate him when he begged her to stop and that he’ll be out soon and the guy should never ever raise his finger on a woman. Period. Don’t justify shit for anyone you look pathetic while taking sides.


Unless you look like Arnold Schwarzennegger, I have to question how often you ever leave your house. Or maybe you are oblivious to the things around you? Or maybe you are telling fibs?

I find this exceptionally hard to believe.

If you feel at threat of physical violence of other men, I really have to question where you live.

Because unless someone lives in a third-world shithole, I find it incredibly hard to believe that people live in constant threat of violence from other men. As someone living in Germany, the idea of men imposing their will on one another (and women, apparently) using underlying threats of violence is incredibly foreign to me.

The threat of police intervention is what keeps everyone in line. Period. Which is as it should be, because that's what we appointed them for.
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Totally agree.

In my previously stated example of my ex-gf attacking me (read it people: it was no cardboard box) my instinct was to fight back. That’s a natural instinct. A tooth for a tooth. But, you just can’t. It’s not a fair fight, I could have really hurt her, not to mention the legal repurcussions I would have surely endured (even though I was attacked first). I just had to stand there and take it, try to diffuse and walk away when I could. Unless there is a weapon involved, I wouldn’t hold out hope for a man in my situation using the self-defense defence.

The most I could do was grab her wrist mid-swing at me and hold it so she couldn’t keep attacking. I could even see that being construed as “assault” in todays crazy world. Me simply protecting myself from harm.

So, you just try to diffuse the situation and extricate yourself from it, which I did.

That’s not equality, but it is what it is.

I grew up with a violent mother who subscribed heavily to feminism. Had a bad day at work? It's the male boss's fault. Vacuum cleaner broke down? It's because a man designed it. You get the picture. Anyway, she would take out her frustrations on me and dad, and would generally blame us for it as her own fists flew. However, as dad often worked nights, it would generally just be me, but even when he was there, he wouldn't stop her because he was conditioned to believe that it was wrong for a man to hit/overpower a woman under any circumstance. He would yell at her to stop, but the one time he grabbed her and physically forced her to, she played the victim and threatened to call the police. She never used weapons, but I would quite often go to school with visible bruises, black eyes, etc. and the teachers would assume it was my dad. The thing that finally got her to stop was when I was 15 and finally big enough to stand up to her, she was in a rage one day and threw a glass at my head and I turned around and hit her. It was only on the arm but it was hard enough that she got the message and never touched me again after that. It's the only time I ever hit a woman in my life and I do not regret it one bit. I moved out of home as soon as I turned 18, lived off my own hard-earned $200/week (inc. rent) until I finished uni, and haven't seen her since.

I don't talk about this much, but there ya go. There are few things that light my fuse more than the feminist narrative about how domestic violence is a gendered problem. There was a White Ribbon article a couple of years ago that really sparked me up (this one: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/r...n/news-story/e2b95635d2f37fe6eebdde2ff91545d6) and my wife cracked a joke that just calmed me down immediately. I've gone from having a woman as the worst thing in my life to having one as the best thing in my life.


You're saying I'm denying my biology, to someone who's been arguing the biological differences between males and females all thread long?

I do deny that males live with a constant threat of physical violence to one another, yes. The last time I could say that was the case was in school, eg when I was sharing an environment with boys. Living in a first-world country I never once feel at threat of physical violence from other men. Criminals, sure, but even they will take what they want without violence if that avenue is open to them. But random men on the Ubahn? Nope, sorry.

The idea that simply by being a man, you should project an ever-present threat of violence onto everyone around you is archaic and barbarous. We should discourage that kind of primitive thinking, not encourage it.

And if you have qualms about me ignoring Kadayi after he tried to tell me my presence on the forums had no value based on my post-count, take it up with me in PM. Don't try and use it as ammunition against me in completely unrelated discussions. It has nothing to do with the situation at hand and you're merely trying to muddy the waters. Keep it up and I will put you on ignore as well, though.

You're over-egging the pudding there, mate.

Living with the "ever-present threat of violence" doesn't mean that there is a man waiting around every corner to beat you up. It means that, as a man, you temper your words and actions because you know that if you don't, there's a chance you will get hit. You simply cannot mouth off like a woman would because she knows that it is less socially acceptable for someone to hit her than it would be for them to hit you. The pre-frontal cortex is what allows us as humans to overcome that innate threat of violence and establish law and order. However, it hasn't replaced the monkey brain, simply added to it.

I'm speaking generally here because the discussion has evolved and I'm not saying that the woman in the video in the OP was necessarily mouthing off.


The Tribe Has Spoken
I grew up with a violent mother who subscribed heavily to feminism. Had a bad day at work? It's the male boss's fault. Vacuum cleaner broke down? It's because a man designed it. You get the picture. Anyway, she would take out her frustrations on me and dad, and would generally blame us for it as her own fists flew. However, as dad often worked nights, it would generally just be me, but even when he was there, he wouldn't stop her because he was conditioned to believe that it was wrong for a man to hit/overpower a woman under any circumstance. He would yell at her to stop, but the one time he grabbed her and physically forced her to, she played the victim and threatened to call the police. She never used weapons, but I would quite often go to school with visible bruises, black eyes, etc. and the teachers would assume it was my dad. The thing that finally got her to stop was when I was 15 and finally big enough to stand up to her, she was in a rage one day and threw a glass at my head and I turned around and hit her. It was only on the arm but it was hard enough that she got the message and never touched me again after that. It's the only time I ever hit a woman in my life and I do not regret it one bit. I moved out of home as soon as I turned 18, lived off my own hard-earned $200/week (inc. rent) until I finished uni, and haven't seen her since.

I don't talk about this much, but there ya go. There are few things that light my fuse more than the feminist narrative about how domestic violence is a gendered problem. There was a White Ribbon article a couple of years ago that really sparked me up (this one: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/r...n/news-story/e2b95635d2f37fe6eebdde2ff91545d6) and my wife cracked a joke that just calmed me down immediately. I've gone from having a woman as the worst thing in my life to having one as the best thing in my life.
Man, that’s heavy. Glad to hear you got a good thing going now.

P.S. Your mum sounds like my neighbour. I’m not even joking.


If you feel at threat of physical violence of other men, I really have to question where you live.

Because unless someone lives in a third-world shithole, I find it incredibly hard to believe that people live in constant threat of violence from other men. As someone living in Germany, the idea of men imposing their will on one another (and women, apparently) using underlying threats of violence is incredibly foreign to me.

The threat of police intervention is what keeps everyone in line. Period. Which is as it should be, because that's what we appointed them for.
Excuse me? You think you’re superior because you live in a first-world country? I live in a “third-world” country and I’m sure I’m classier than you. Why? Because one of the things we grew up on was to never look down on anybody. Pathetic


Man, that’s heavy. Glad to hear you got a good thing going now.

P.S. Your mum sounds like my neighbour. I’m not even joking.

I try to look at it as a positive, even though it obviously wasn't. Without that adversity, there's every chance I would've ended up as just another crybaby millennial.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Excuse me? You think you’re superior because you live in a first-world country? I live in a “third-world” country and I’m sure I’m classier than you. Why? Because one of the things we grew up on was to never look down on anybody. Pathetic
He’s really laying it on thick, isn’t he?


The Tribe Has Spoken
I try to look at it as a positive, even though it obviously wasn't. Without that adversity, there's every chance I would've ended up as just another crybaby millennial.
I would disown you.

EDIT: Whoops! Unintentional double post.
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