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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story |OT| They rebel - SPOILERS

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New, terrifying, menacing, violent, sith that isn't going to ruin a pre established character.



Subete no aware
When you think about it, Stormtroopers get such a bad rep in the movie. These guys are just working class, economically anxious people that were promised job security by the Empire. I don't know why the rebel alliance had to disrupt the smooth transition of power when they could've just started a dialogue with the Emperor and his followers.
You know, that stupid Clerks joke about how thousands of innocent people died on both Death Stars has lost all meaning to me because I think if you put on an Imperial uniform, you basically deserve to be shot by a rebel or decapitated by a Jedi.

Certainly by the time that the New Empire or whatever they're called in TFA comes around, you have no fucking excuses whatsoever. It would be like joining the Neo Nazi movement and trying to feel good about yourself. lol


I don't understand how this got slightly weaker reviews than Force Awakens. It's a much stronger film in nearly every way.

I actually got a little misty when
Donny bought it. :(

TFA got graded on a curve where everyone breathed a "thank god it's not as bad as Phatom Menace" sigh of relief.

No spoiler tags in this thread.
I don't understand how this got slightly weaker reviews than Force Awakens. It's a much stronger film in nearly every way.
Lots of people seem to have found the last third or so of the movie when the action really picks up to be so good that the first two thirds are bad in comparison or something. Lack of character development. Bunch of people disappointed everybody ended up dying. Lots of critics who didn't seem to understand that these things were intentional.


Is there a meme that she is supposed to become a sith i am not aware of?

Guess just a theory, maybe she was mind wiped after she slaughtered everyone at Luke's academy and dumped on the planet was her only remaining real memory. She also seemed to harness hate to beat down Kylo imo like she enjoyed it.
Guess just a theory, maybe she was mind wiped after she slaughtered everyone at Luke's academy and dumped on the planet was her only remaining real memory. She also seemed to harness hate to beat down Kylo imo like she enjoyed it.
Can you imagine the shitstorm if that were the case? No way it ever happens though it would be super ballsy.


Guess just a theory, maybe she was mind wiped after she slaughtered everyone at Luke's academy and dumped on the planet was her only remaining real memory. She also seemed to harness hate to beat down Kylo imo like she enjoyed it.

This doesn't fit with the timeline, as Ben was still Luke's apprentice up until about 5 years before TFA at least.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
It's a shot for shot remake!!!!

I once saw somebody (not on GAF) argue how Metal Gear Solid's cinematography was incredibly similar to Ghost in the Shell.

Which makes zero sense.

People need to read up on their shit before using it sometimes.
Rogue One actually did remake a shot. That rebel dude in the watchtower on Yavin, silhouette in foreground. I think it's framed exactly the same way in ANH but I'm not sure. Definitely same uniform, same watchtower.
You're right, but I was referring to something someone said about TFA a few days ago on this board, where they called the entirety of TFA a shot for shot remake.
I once saw somebody (not on GAF) argue how Metal Gear Solid's cinematography was incredibly similar to Ghost in the Shell.

Which makes zero sense.

People need to read up on their shit before using it sometimes
Agreed, though I won't deny I've fallen into that trap a few times, it's nowhere near the hyperbolic shit people spout here. Especially since everyone (lol) deals In absolutes.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
I gotta say, this was good, but the lack of Williams hung over it like a stone.

Not that i expected another March of the Empire \ Duel of the Fates, or even a STAR WARS MAIN THEME, but eh. Something. Somewhere.


TFA would have been great if there was no Maz, Leia arrived to save Han and co's ass when the Order attacks, Leia has quiet time with Rey and gives her her brother's light saber and tells her about the force and that she feels Rey should have it, Rey freaks out and runs out, gets captured by Kylo, maybe not just by freezing her but outright luring her, playing with her fear of what Leia told her and how he can help her not be crushed by her fate. It would have significantly improved Leia's role in the story, and no need for cartoon Maz to intrude in such an important story.

TFA had some serious plot issues that were completely unwarranted for such an important movie.
TFA would have been great if there was no Maz, Leia arrived to save Han and co's ass when the order attacks, Leia has quiet time with Rey and gives her her brother's light saber and tells her about the force and that she feels Rey should have it, Rey freaks out and runs out, gets captured by Kylo. It would have significantly improve Leia's role in the story, and no need for cartoon Maz to intrude in such an important story.

TFA had some serious plot issues that were completely unwarranted for such an important movie.

I don't think it's fair to rag on Maz or whatever until we know more, and more Leia would have meant more shitty Carrie Fisher. I'll take what they actually did instead. I don't think any of the above qualified as "serious plot issues."
Guess just a theory, maybe she was mind wiped after she slaughtered everyone at Luke's academy and dumped on the planet was her only remaining real memory. She also seemed to harness hate to beat down Kylo imo like she enjoyed it.

ah, so, more 'she was' than 'she will become'.
Oh the hate stuff, I had exactly the same feeling about obi-wan rage-slicing darth maul after his master was killed. That was definitely not jedi-like, but nothing ever came of it. Vaguely thought he'd flirt with the dark side in the rest of the prequels.
I think the fact that the movies are once a year and split between anthology films and main films is really the best route. Anything more than that will be overkill, yeah it's a big franchise with lots of material to pull from but not nearly enough to warrant that, especially with the EU thrown out and the series insistence of focusing on the OT characters.


I don't think it's fair to rag on Maz or whatever until we know more, and more Leia would have meant more shitty Carrie Fisher. I'll take what they actually did instead.

No, a movie should stand on its own, TFA relied too much on being the first of a trilogy to make up for poor writing. I still really liked the movie, but the story was poorly handled in key moments. Fisher is fine.
I don't understand how this got slightly weaker reviews than Force Awakens. It's a much stronger film in nearly every way.

I actually got a little misty when
Donny bought it. :(

You're joking. Off the top of my head:

Character development
Special FXs
Musical score
Main protagonist/s

Are all superior in TFA. If you disagree u need to watch RO again.

You seriously think glum-faced Jyn is a stronger character than Rey?

The average and sometimes awkward dialogue in RO better than the witty lines in TFA? No chance.


Will someone please show some empathy to the Stormtrooper working class? This type of snooty Corsucant elitism is exactly how the Emperor took power. #MakeTheGalaxyGreatAgain
Good character building can carry a film a long way. Rogue One just didn't really do that.

I liked quite a few of the rag tag cast. The only part that miffed me was when Cassian didn't snipe Mads at the imperial base. A shot of him noticing Jyn a few yards away and agonizing over the decision would have made his face turn a little less abrupt.

Edit: I liked the action scenes in this movie better than TFA. Less Jedi = more grounded, higher stakes. Plus Vader's cameo was brutal and tastefully short.

And the black and white morality of the Jedi/Sith conflict is less compelling (imo) than the average Joe's who make up most of Rogue's cast. The ex pilot and the imperial scientist trying to play a small part in making things better despite their dubious life choices is a good contrast to the typical "they killed everyone I love" mains.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Well, it makes sense tho. Since he did have death sentences all of the galaxy, it kind of makes sense he actually was on other planets you know. Some if you are really nit picking.

Well yes, but the sheer fucking titanic of a coincidence of him and his buddy being there in the middle of yet another fateful adventure -- to the point of bumping into one of its characters -- concerning the fate of the universe is ridiculous.
Oh I remember something that bothers me. They unnecessarily retconned that Galeb specifically build the weakness into the deathstar. But that doesn't explain shit why Starkiller base also has such a similar one.

It'd have been unchanged if Galeb collaborated because they'd built it anyway but would be able to send the plans for them to discover a weakness.
Oh I remember something that bothers me. They unnecessarily retconned that Galeb specifically build the weakness into the deathstar. But that doesn't explain shit why Starkiller base also has such a similar one.

It'd have been unchanged if Galeb collaborated because they'd built it anyway but would be able to send the plans for them to discover a weakness.
This is one of the few times where you can say they were trying to directly rip off ANH

El Topo

Oh I remember something that bothers me. They unnecessarily retconned that Galeb specifically build the weakness into the deathstar. But that doesn't explain shit why Starkiller base also has such a similar one.

It'd have been unchanged if Galeb collaborated because they'd built it anyway but would be able to send the plans for them to discover a weakness.

I would assume that the weakness was in the inner design of the core and therefore not easy to engineer out? It would have also possibly delayed the project further.
At least he wasn't responsible for the vent. They probably thought that having a shield and the fleet next to the Death Star would be sufficient.


Oh I remember something that bothers me. They unnecessarily retconned that Galeb specifically build the weakness into the deathstar. But that doesn't explain shit why Starkiller base also has such a similar one.

It'd have been unchanged if Galeb collaborated because they'd built it anyway but would be able to send the plans for them to discover a weakness.

I mean the Starkiller weakness is way less obvious or exposed. They actually need to get passed the shield, disable the shield so a squadron can get in, open a hole in the building, then blow it up from the inside. It's quite a bit more involved then shooting some boogers down a chimney.
You're joking. Off the top of my head:

Character development

They set up the character development for a trilogy, it's weak with the idea of it being standalone.

It's Star Wars.

Special FXs

Tarkin might not have worked but it was more impressive than any CG effect in TFA.

Musical score


Main protagonist/s

Eh? Rey was cool but super perfect. She's still more fun than Jyn but at this point, comparing the two movies, I'm way more attached to Jyn. Poe was perfection so yeah. Finn was your typical defector character, Cassien as a Rebel but a shitty person was infinitely more interesting to me. Plus K2 is legit the best character out of the last two films.


Well yes, but the sheer fucking titanic of a coincidence of him and his buddy being there in the middle of yet another fateful adventure -- to the point of bumping into one of its characters -- concerning the fate of the universe is ridiculous.
Yea, it is amazing what a movie can do. Seriously, if this is something that bothers you and many others, this movie must have been close to perfect then I guess.
I would assume that the weakness was in the inner design of the core and therefore not easy to engineer out? It would have also possibly delayed the project further.
At least he wasn't responsible for the vent. They probably thought that having a shield and the fleet next to the Death Star would be sufficient.

Yeah Starkiller's weakness just seemed to be inherent to it's design of containing the energy of a star.
As someone who did not know beforehand there was going to be a CG Tarkin, my reaction was: "How the hell did they find someone who looks so much like Peter Cushing!? This is way closer than Episode III." So it worked for me.
I am almost sorry for Krennic that he got kicked out of his project by Tarkin.
Tarkin is really an evil sob. I love him so much.
Worth noting that in the Catalyst novel, Tarkin and Krennic trying to outmaneuver each other is a pretty heavy element.
can we make a trump-esque Sheev twitter account?
I'm not clever enough for that but I'd certainly support it.

Also going back to the Starkiller base weakness:
Every similar weapon is going to need a reactor and exhaust so I don't think you can really remove that from the design.
Love the shot of Krennic watching the Death Star fire the beam that will destroy him. What a way for him to go considering his work on that same ship.


semen stains the mountaintops
Trying to pick if Rogue One or TFA is better is like picking between children, I love them both equally.
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