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Peter Thiel donates 1.25 Million to Trump

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SAN FRANCISCO — Peter Thiel, true to his reputation as the most contrarian soul in Silicon Valley, is doubling down on Donald J. Trump.

The only prominent supporter of the Republican candidate in the high-tech community, Mr. Thiel is making his first donation in support of Mr. Trump’s election. He will give $1.25 million through a combination of super PAC donations and funds given directly to the campaign, a person close to the investor said on Saturday.

The donation puts the billionaire investor high on a very short list of big Trump contributors. One of the biggest donors is Robert Mercer of the hedge fund Renaissance Technologies. He and his daughter Rebekah Mercer have given $15.5 million in support of the Republican candidate’s election, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Geoffrey Palmer, a Los Angeles developer, has donated $2 million.

Mr. Thiel, who spoke at the Republican National Convention, apparently is unfazed by the storm around the candidate in the last week following the broadcasting of lewd conversations recorded by the syndicated program “Access Hollywood.” The source, who requested anonymity, said the investor feels the country needs fixing, and Mr. Trump can do it.

A spokesman for Mr. Thiel declined to comment. A spokesman for Mr. Trump did not immediately respond to a message for comment

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Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Well Trump wants to nominate him to the Supreme Court so his support isn't so surprising.


NYCmetsfan doesn't like Peter Thiel?


You have some vendetta against him. Legitimate reasons or not I could tell this was your thread before reading your name on it.
NYCmetsfan doesn't like Peter Thiel?


You have some vendetta against him. Legitimate reasons or not I could tell this was your thread before reading your name on it.
I am glad my dislike of Peter Thiel is well known I hate fascist billionaires who run secret spy rings


Could be a good investment if he thinks it gets him a chance to get in as an early investor in the Trump news network. May be more about buying access than thinking he will win.


Could be a good investment if he thinks it gets him a chance to get in as an early investor in the Trump news network. May be more about buying access than thinking he will win.

Would a trump news network even be successful?

I mean its not a good time for media. Glenn Beck's the Blaze is going down in a blaze right now.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Even if you had money to burn, they gotta know this is a bad investment, right? The campaign has been a trainwreck from the jump. Even after he got the nomination there was a nonexistent ground game in battleground states and unrealistic plans to put money into & win deeply Dem leaning states. Politics and rhetoric aside, it has been unorganized and completely amateur hour. The money doesn't mean anything if you don't have competent people that know what to do with it. They got their act together now, but it's the 11th hour.


Would a trump news network even be successful?

I mean its not a good time for media. Glenn Beck's the Blaze is going down in a blaze right now.

Trump has a much bigger personal following now than Beck did at the time he left Fox News.

Trump also has a clearer niche with the alt right and conspiracy theorists than Beck did, as he was essentially competing with his old network.

It isn't necessarily clear that a hypothetical Trump news network would even be a primarily television-based venture, given the relationship with Breitbart and Trump's proclivity toward engaging with people via social media. There may be some opportunity for catalyzing a movement of conservatives over to new media. That cohort of older TV viewers who were resistant to technology and drove the success of Fox News is dying off and being replaced with people who are more comfortable with social media.

Lastly, Trump has been hammering the credibility of the mainstream media (and yes, that includes Fox News) among his supporters during this campaign. That seems like a potential point of leverage for pulling people from Fox News over to his network; something that Beck never really had.
I will never understand log cabin Republicans. He must disrespect women as much as Trump does.

He's boarderline repeal the 19th

Since 1920, the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries and the extension of the franchise to women — two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians — have rendered the notion of “capitalist democracy” into an oxymoron.



He may as well have flushed the money down the toilet.

It would be interesting to know how much donations to Trump and his PACs have nosedived in the past couple of weeks.


“I have always found it quaint and rather touching that there is a movement [Libertarians] in the US that thinks Americans are not yet selfish enough.”
― Christopher Hitchens


May have well just burned it. I don't understand how anyone still thinks there's a chance. Unless you're Lloyd Christmas


When I was looking around at companies for my job hunt, I came across Palantir and was confused by how it seemed to be a cult of personality for one guy named Peter Thiel in Silicon Valley that I wasn't very familiar with back then. They bragged how amazing that interns would be flown all over from the country to meet this guy in person like it was the best moment in their lives.

What a pos this guy turned out to be.


Same reason we got black republicans.

The self hate is real.

Wow dude.  That's borderline racist.  Just because someone is black they have to be a democrat? You're making a whole lot of assumptions about someone based on skin color alone if you believe that. Why can't a POC be republican? You do realize there is a whole spectrum of 'republican' leanings.

If I were forced to choose a political party at gunpoint, I'd probably say 'republican', but in reality I am independent, as both parties have equal parts stupidity in their rhetoric. 

Abortion?  Of course.  Oh wait, that makes me democrat.  Centralized government?  Nope, I prefer the states have more power than the fed.  Oh wait, that makes me republican.  Higher taxes?  Fuck that, flat tax all the way.  No loopholes means EVERYONE pays, rich and poor alike, if they have any income at all, but can't game the system the way the 1%ers do. Wait, does that make me republican or democrat....I dunno.

But saying someone has self hate just because they are a POC who identifies as republican is absolutely ridiculous.

FWIW - Hilary is gonna win, but I think she's an idiot.  But I wouldn't vote for Trump's dumb ass in a million years, because he's worse than she is.


And now ya know why folks like NYCmetsfan and myself hate him

One thing I will never agree with them on is how they see Peter's takedown of Gawker as a bad thing.

Wow dude.  That's borderline racist.  Just because someone is black they have to be a democrat? You're making a whole lot of assumptions about someone based on skin color alone if you believe that. Why can't a POC be republican? You do realize there is a whole spectrum of 'republican' leanings.

If I were forced to choose a political party at gunpoint, I'd probably say 'republican', but in reality I am independent, as both parties have equal parts stupidity in their rhetoric. 

Abortion?  Of course.  Oh wait, that makes me democrat.  Centralized government?  Nope, I prefer the states have more power than the fed.  Oh wait, that makes me republican.  Higher taxes?  Fuck that, flat tax all the way.  No loopholes means EVERYONE pays, rich and poor alike, if they have any income at all, but can't game the system the way the 1%ers do. Wait, does that make me republican or democrat....I dunno.

But saying someone has self hate just because they are a POC who identifies as republican is absolutely ridiculous.

FWIW - Hilary is gonna win, but I think she's an idiot.  But I wouldn't vote for Trump's dumb ass in a million years, because he's worse than she is.

What assumptions? We know what the republican ticket represents. We know the communities they foster and we know the laws they push. We aren't assuming shit about anyone's skin color. If you want to convince me voting red benefits minority communities I want to see the receipts. Not pseudo intellectual arguements on nuance or why anyone has the right to support whatever they chose. I want to see actual receipts so I can weigh them against things that actively and aggressively go against their communities favor.
Wow dude.  That's borderline racist.  Just because someone is black they have to be a democrat? You're making a whole lot of assumptions about someone based on skin color alone if you believe that. Why can't a POC be republican? You do realize there is a whole spectrum of 'republican' leanings.

If I were forced to choose a political party at gunpoint, I'd probably say 'republican', but in reality I am independent, as both parties have equal parts stupidity in their rhetoric. 

Abortion?  Of course.  Oh wait, that makes me democrat.  Centralized government?  Nope, I prefer the states have more power than the fed.  Oh wait, that makes me republican.  Higher taxes?  Fuck that, flat tax all the way.  No loopholes means EVERYONE pays, rich and poor alike, if they have any income at all, but can't game the system the way the 1%ers do. Wait, does that make me republican or democrat....I dunno.

But saying someone has self hate just because they are a POC who identifies as republican is absolutely ridiculous.

FWIW - Hilary is gonna win, but I think she's an idiot.  But I wouldn't vote for Trump's dumb ass in a million years, because he's worse than she is.

The Republican Party quite literally exists to disenfranchise minorities in the US. Heard of the Southern Strategy? (I'm guessing no since you actually think a flat tax is a good idea).

Black people don't have to be anything, but if you think the GOP actually caters to your interests as a PoC, then I've got ocean-front property in Kansas to sell you.

One thing I will never agree on is how they see Peter's takedown of Gawker as a bad thing.

It's because the right to privacy according to them is non-existent as long as you say you're a journalist first.


He actually helping the economy, putting the money in rotation instead of sitting in a bank, hope he donates more to a losing campaign.


Wow dude.  That's borderline racist.  Just because someone is black they have to be a democrat? You're making a whole lot of assumptions about someone based on skin color alone if you believe that. Why can't a POC be republican? You do realize there is a whole spectrum of 'republican' leanings.

If I were forced to choose a political party at gunpoint, I'd probably say 'republican', but in reality I am independent, as both parties have equal parts stupidity in their rhetoric. 

Abortion?  Of course.  Oh wait, that makes me democrat.  Centralized government?  Nope, I prefer the states have more power than the fed.  Oh wait, that makes me republican.  Higher taxes?  Fuck that, flat tax all the way.  No loopholes means EVERYONE pays, rich and poor alike, if they have any income at all, but can't game the system the way the 1%ers do. Wait, does that make me republican or democrat....I dunno.

But saying someone has self hate just because they are a POC who identifies as republican is absolutely ridiculous.

FWIW - Hilary is gonna win, but I think she's an idiot.  But I wouldn't vote for Trump's dumb ass in a million years, because he's worse than she is.

Yep, you're an independent alright.

States having more power than the federal govt? Fucking LOL
Wow dude.  That's borderline racist.  Just because someone is black they have to be a democrat? You're making a whole lot of assumptions about someone based on skin color alone if you believe that. Why can't a POC be republican? You do realize there is a whole spectrum of 'republican' leanings.

If I were forced to choose a political party at gunpoint, I'd probably say 'republican', but in reality I am independent, as both parties have equal parts stupidity in their rhetoric. 

Abortion?  Of course.  Oh wait, that makes me democrat.  Centralized government?  Nope, I prefer the states have more power than the fed.  Oh wait, that makes me republican.  Higher taxes?  Fuck that, flat tax all the way.  No loopholes means EVERYONE pays, rich and poor alike, if they have any income at all, but can't game the system the way the 1%ers do. Wait, does that make me republican or democrat....I dunno.

But saying someone has self hate just because they are a POC who identifies as republican is absolutely ridiculous.

FWIW - Hilary is gonna win, but I think she's an idiot.  But I wouldn't vote for Trump's dumb ass in a million years, because he's worse than she is.

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