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Welcome to the end of American civilization: $4 a gallon gas on the way.

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Here it's $3 a gallon everywhere but BP stations. They used to be 20-30 cents more expensive, now they're that much cheaper. Maybe they have their refineries in different places?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I'm gonna need to drive three hours tomorrow and three hours back friday........when do you think I should buy my gas? It's probably only going to get worse, isn't it.


demon said:
I'm gonna need to drive three hours tomorrow and three hours back friday........when do you think I should buy my gas? It's probably only going to get worse, isn't it.

This is just pure gouging so it may get better in the short term. Once Bush announced opening the oil reserve the price per barrel went down to $69... and then dipped again before the close which definitely does not equate to a $4 gallon of gas.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Welcome to the rest of the motherfucking world.

The rest of the world lives within a couple miles of work/shopping. Americans don't.


I wonder if this will break the strangle hold "big oil" has on congress when in comes to getting behind alternative fuel sources.

it is the perfect time for reps from rural states to force the issue for Biodiesel.

Kon Tiki

Cubsfan23 said:
Dreamed I was an Eskimo
Frozen wind began to blow
Under my boots 'n around my toe
Frost had bit the ground below
Was a hundred degrees below zero
And my momma cried:
Boo-a-hoo hoo-ooo
And my momma cried:
Nanook-a, no no (no no . . . )
Nanook-a, no no (no no . . . )
Don't be a naughty Eskimo-wo-oh
Save your money: don't go to the show
Well I turned around an' I said:
Well I turned around an' I said:
Well I turned around an' I said:
An' the Northern Lites commenced t' glow
An' she said
With a tear in her eye:
Watch out where the huskies go
An' don't you eat that yellow snow
Watch out where the huskies go
An' don't you eat that yellow snow


I understand that us Americans have lower gas prices, but that's tied to huge usage, and the fact that taxes are are not at some crazy dip-shit level.

The Untied States is spread out, and most people commute to work. Our whole economy is based on oil, trucking, is a huge fact of life, and at 3.20 gallon, it is starting to cripple the economy. It has to lower soon, or we are going to see ALOT of civil unrest, and gas theft.

I can't even imagine gas prices at 4$. We just can't take that kind of hit. Think of the masses who make minimum wage, or just above it. FUCKED.

Shit could get BAD id it doesn't start reversing now. I'm not just "going overboard" either. I witnessed several people outright SCREAMING at a gas station attendant today, accusing him of gouging. It looked as if it could get violent at times.

My question is this;

Gas went up where i'm at 50cents in one night. The gas they have in the ground was already bought and payed for. Isn't that gouging at an epic scale?

I hate to sound all doom and gloom, but if the United States economy goes into the shitter, and perhaps worse, the rest of the world will feel the reverbarations like a baseball bat to the head.


Suburbia argument raising its head again? I really don't get that whole argument to begin with, as I agree with Musashi, Darien, and MAF on that one...particularly that Southwest comment.


moku said:
My question is this;

Gas went up where i'm at 50cents in one night. The gas they have in the ground was already bought and payed for. Isn't that gouging at an epic scale?

Uh, supply and demand?


Ante Up
The overnight price adjustments seem to be instances of gouging. I have never seen such stark variation between nearby stations before. The first gas station I encountered today had 93 for $3.27 -- I thought it was because of the area (Riverhead deep in Long Island), but then I came upon a Mobil two miles down selling Premium for $3.69. I thought I stepped into the twilight zone...


I posted this in another thread, but i think It's equally applicable here:

I think the most scary thing about all of this, is that this is exactly the kinda thing that can shock people into passing an ANWR drilling thing. Much like the patriot act, you can push it through when people aren't thinking. I bet the oil lobbyists and AK congress are hard at work on a quickie bill right now.


Drensch said:
I posted this in another thread, but i think It's equally applicable here:

I think the most scary thing about all of this, is that this is exactly the kinda thing that can shock people into passing an ANWR drilling thing. Much like the patriot act, you can push it through when people aren't thinking. I bet the oil lobbyists and AK congress are hard at work on a quickie bill right now.

and the fucked up part is that wouldnt really help anyone but the oil companies all that much.

i would love to see bill requiring all shipping vehicles and buses to use biodiesel.


This is probably a stupid question/theory, so what better place than GAF to have it shot down!

Gas is 12 cents a gallon in Venezula. Would it somehow be possible for a regular person to order/have gas shipped from there to the US? Seems like even with shipping costs, it would be cheaper than US prices are. I don't know if it's possible, or if for some strange reason, it's illegal, etc. Just curious if it could be done.


Setec Astronomer
MASB said:
This is probably a stupid question/theory, so what better place than GAF to have it shot down!

Gas is 12 cents a gallon in Venezula. Would it somehow be possible for a regular person to order/have gas shipped from there to the US? Seems like even with shipping costs, it would be cheaper than US prices are. I don't know if it's possible, or if for some strange reason, it's illegal, etc. Just curious if it could be done.
You mean like importing drugs from Canada?


Haven't read this whole thread, but has anyone mentioned that the bigger problem right now is the lack of refineries, rather than a lack of oil?

The world has plenty of oil right now. But it's the lack of refining capacity that's killing us.

And you can thank the enviro-wackos ad leftists for the fact that this country hasn't built any refineries in the last few decades.


Setec Astronomer
Lardbutt said:
And you can thank the enviro-wackos ad leftists for the fact that this country hasn't built any refineries in the last few decades.
Because they're bad people who want nothing more than to take away our oil.

aoi tsuki

What really sucks for me is that i live only about five minutes away (driving time) from either of my jobs. But i'd hate to ride a bike in this city, where people have little respect or awareness for bikers, unless they're riding a hog.


Also if we didn't have all the enviro-wacko laws that force states to have these ridiculous standards for "clean" gasoline, we'd probably be paying 50 cents less per gallon right now.


Setec Astronomer
Nothing like burying your head in the sand. Nothing matters as long as your gas remains cheap. Nope, not the health of the Louisiana coastline or global warming or any other obviously made up crap to scare us from our precious oil!
This is something OPEC actually doesn't want, mostly because at the current price, public demand into research of alternative fuels is something they kinda fear. They like to keep it at midlevel, where its mainly environmentalists caring about the discovery of a new fuel source, not the general American public.

Another big reason why oil is kinda expensive is that the big oil companies have not really spent a whole hell of a lot of money on exploration and data mining lately. In order to save money about 10 years ago, they started cutting geophycists, and really stopped offering contracts to data processing companies that specialize in oil exploration. Oil extraction is an expensive enterprise in the gulf nowdays, and most companies aren't willing to invest the money on it.


There are MANY production platforms missing (as in not visible from the air). This means they have been totally lost. I am talking about 10's of platforms, not single digit numbers. Each platform can have from 4 to 100+ wells on it. Most larger ones have 20-30 wells in this area, with numerous caisson wells. They are on their sides, on the bottom of the gulf - they will likely be left as reef material, provided we can get permission. MMS regulations require us to plug each of the wells that were on these platforms - HUGE cost now, as the platforms are gone... Hopefully, MMS will grant `abandon in place' status for these wiped out structures.

We also set individual wells as satellites and pipe them back to existing platforms. These stand-alone wells are called caisson wells. 90% of those in the storm path are bent over, rendering them a total loss, We would have to remove the existing bent structure and drill a new well, as bent pipe is basically unusable.

We utilize platforms as gathering hubs. We pipe the raw oil/water to them and then send it on for separation, or separate it there and send finished oil on. Damage to a hub means everything going to the hub is offline indefinitely. There are +/- 15 HUBS missing. MISSING!! As in we cannot find them from the air.



The DOE also estimated 86.4 million barrels per day of world oil demand in the fourth quarter, exceeding supply by 1.0 million barrels per day. For all of 2005, the global oil situation remains tight with projected supply at 84.6 million barrels per day and demand at 84.2 million barrels per day.


There it is, that figure of 86.4 mbpd is up 3 million from Q4 last year and is projected to rise by a similar amount by the end of 2006. Is there going to be an extra 3 mbpd coming on line next year to offset that demand? Not bloody likely, and when the production peak does happen supply will be dropping like a rock, decreasing by 2 mbpd for each successive year thereafter. Even by the end of this year, oil should be hovering around $80 a barrel and that is only going to exacerbate further in the future. But hey, don't let raw facts and figures stand in the way of blind optimism, 'Oh the oil price will come back down and we'll all hold hands and sing kum bi ya'...yeah right.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
J2 Cool said:
Cost $70 to fill up the jeep's gas tank today, and that thing eats gas like a fat person. This sucks.

But wouldn't a fat person...nevermind. It does indeed suck. There was a time I could fill my little Protege up for mid-$20s, now I'm spending well over $30 at the pump a week.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
tedtropy said:
But wouldn't a fat person...nevermind. It does indeed suck. There was a time I could fill my little Protege up for mid-$20s, now I'm spending well over $30 at the pump a week.
describes me exactly. you must have a 12-15 gallon tank.

I am actually going to (HOPEFULLY) ride my bike to work three days a week now.

30 miles of riding a day.. should lose some weight in there also. :\


Lardbutt said:
Also if we didn't have all the enviro-wacko laws that force states to have these ridiculous standards for "clean" gasoline, we'd probably be paying 50 cents less per gallon right now.

Yeah, I hate how those environmental wackos have made the air in Los Angeles exponentially cleaner. Curse them all!



Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I went out the office for lunch and this gas station near the building is out of gas :(


*drowns in jizz*
Shot up another 12 cents today up here.

It wasn't that long ago that it was 0.38/L. Now its 3X that.


Squirrel Killer said:
Talk to your government officals, in both cases, at least 40% of that is taxes.

Could someone confirm this as the case? I always assumed the super high gas prices in european countries was due to the socialist programs. Do you guys get free healthcare & schooling, etc.?

Price Update here in KC


We only seemed to jump .20 overnight as it has been 2.86-2.89 for a while.
One store nearby me here in the NE refilled their tanks this morning to $3.89 premium, others 400 ft. down the road still priced $2.89-$3.09 premium. Was talking to the owner, said it cost him $3.29 (regular I assume, which I think was $3.49 on the board), says he just got the tank in this morning, while we're talking we watch as two cars drive off after triple-checking the price just before pumping. This one woman actually looked like she did a quintuple-take. :lol


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
$2.79 when I left for work yesterday morning at 6:30am, $2.89 when I came home yesterday from work at 5:00pm, $3.05 when I went out to get something to eat just now here in Germantown, MD.
SyNapSe said:
Could someone confirm this as the case? I always assumed the super high gas prices in european countries was due to the socialist programs. Do you guys get free healthcare & schooling, etc.?
It is... in the form of taxes, like I said.
CNN.com said:
Many European nations tax gasoline heavily, with taxes making up as much as 75 percent of the cost of a gallon of gasoline, said a spokesperson for AirInc.
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