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We arent fat because we eat too much and exercise too little

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To the person that said that sodium is fine. Not true in large quantities. We all eat to much sodium in our western society. It is practically unavoidable.

And it can kill ya. Just another thing to worry about. Except nobody talks about excess salt intake. We should.

I wouldn't be too worried about salt. Having to much seems just a temporary increase in BP.

Not enough can cause problems.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
So I watched Fat Head and found it very interesting. He talks about low GI and avoiding stuff like grains and bread. I go to a Low GI recipe website and its telling me to eat grains, low fat milk and breads.


Anyway, anyone with a decent low GI website wanna help me out? Fuck Atkins but I'd like to try lowering my carbs.
Is somebody going to post or PM me 30 days worth of recipes to eliminate carbs for a month and test this out? I will start Jan 1. Send me infos GAF.
I will start today. My plan for the coming weeks and after:
- eating healthy.
- Little to no sugar and carbs
- eating only fresh food,
- getting enough sleep
- no more alcohol during week days
- going to the gym twice a week and doing another sport at least once a week.

Let's see what kind of difference this makes. Right now i'm eating pretty healthy in general, but too much sugar and carbs and waaay too much potato chips and alcohol. I'm tired because i work too much and sleep only 6 hours a night. Sometimes less. And this for as long as i remember.

Let's do this shit gaf


Is somebody going to post or PM me 30 days worth of recipes to eliminate carbs for a month and test this out? I will start Jan 1. Send me infos GAF.

Here are the easy recipes I know, salt and pepper to your taste (and of course you can tweak it as you want, only the bolded ingredients are necessary):

Ingredients: Eggs, cottage cheese, any ground meat, any non-root veggies.
Mix 2-3 eggs with 3 spoons of cotton cheese. Cook some meat and veggies in a pan and add it to the mixture. Pop the whole thing in a oven (200 C or 400 F) for about 10-15 minutes (preheat it before you start).

Hamburger (without the burger)
Ingredients: Any ground meat, lettuce, pork rind.
If you have some (can be found as snacks in the meat section in the supermarket), crush some pork rind and mix it with your meat to bind it. Form the meat into a patty, fry it in a pan. Wrap it in a big leaf of lettuce and you're allowed to use mayo, but no ketchup.

Pizza (credits to the person with the duck avatar who shared this once on GAF)
Ingredients: Eggs, shredded cheese, tomato puree, any ground meat, any non-root veggies.
Mix 2 eggs with some water and shredded cheese. Fry it in a pan (should end up as a thin pancake-like base). Put it on a plate, spread some tomato puree on it and top it with some meat and veggies. I don't recommend any form of salami because then you have too much salt from the cheese + salami. Top it off with some more shredded cheese and pop it into the oven.

Ingredients: Shirataki noodles, any brand spaghetti sauce with low amount of carbs, any ground meat, veggies, shredded cheese.
You can get shirataki noodles from online stores in good quantities. Rinse the shirataki noodles before using it to remove the strange smell (no more there after rinsing it). The noodles don't really require cooking, so just pop it boiling water for 2 minutes while you prepare the spaghetti sauce. I recommend adding a lot of veggies and meat to the sauce because the shirataki noodles are pretty flavorless. Top it with cheese if you want.

Yoghurt dessert
Ingredients: Greek yoghurt, dark chocolate (higher % is better).
Get a bowl that can be heat up. Drop like 2 cubes of chocolate and hover that bowl on warm water (I usually do it from the tap) and move the cubes a bit with a spoon to melt it. Spoon in some Greek yoghurt and.. eat it with the same spoon :D

Filled Bell Peppers
Ingredients: Bell peppers, any ground meat, pork rind.
If you have some (can be found as snacks in the meat section in the supermarket), crush some pork rind and mix it with your meat to bind it. Cut the bell peppers into half, remove the seeds, fill the bell peppers with the mixture and fry it in a pan, meat-side down. Use plenty of your favorite spices and also salt generously. Once the meat is done, you can pop it into the oven for a few minutes to make the bell peppers becomes nice and soft (don't burn the skin though).

I don't cook a lot though, I'm generally fine with a fast omelet, or eating a whole plate of just broccoli or cauliflower. And I don't really have recipes for fish and steaks, since I just cook it with salt and pepper and some spices and I can eat it as is (nothing special to do with that).


Everyone that thinks they wouldn't be able to maintain a diet without carbs simply hasn't tried to maintain a diet without carbs.

I haven't had cravings to eat chips, potato (sweet potato is seriously so much better), bread, burgers, pasta, sugary drinks etc in forever.

Why is a diet consisting of meats and vegetables so unapealling?


My favorite low-carb recipe is an avocado salsa.

- 3 avocados
- 1 bunch of green onions
- 1 jalapeno
- 1 medium lime

Cut up the first three, throw them all in together, then squeeze in the lime. Put it over chicken or, my favorite, add bacon to the mix for breakfast.


It's funny because most medical organisations appear to say the opposite, or are at least very cautious about these diets.

There is a lot of nutritional value to some of these foods.

American Dietetic Association
As of 2003 in commenting on a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association reiterated the association's belief that "there is no magic bullet to safe and healthful weight loss."[102] The Association specifically endorses the high-carbohydrate diet recommended by the National Academy of Sciences. They have stated "Calories cause weight gain. Excess calories from carbohydrates are not any more fattening than calories from other sources. Despite the claims of low-carb diets, a high-carbohydrate diet does not promote fat storage by enhancing insulin resistance."

Food Standards Agency (UK)
The consumer advice statements of the FSA regarding low-carbohydrate diets state that "rather than avoiding starchy foods, it's better to try and base your meals on them."[107] They further state concerns regarding fat consumption in low-carbohydrate diets.


finally I know why I'm fat and have depression

Seriously, give it a go.

You will feel strange for a few days, headaches, tiredness but once that passes and your body adapts...you will feel GREAT! You'll feel more energetic then you've ever been, happier, brighter and clearer headed! I thought that bit was bullshit but it really happens!

Give it a go, the best incentive is that you are eating so much fat in the first few days compared to normal, you'll be scared to come off the diet!

You will lose at least a stone in the first month with NO exercise!


Everyone that thinks they wouldn't be able to maintain a diet without carbs simply hasn't tried to maintain a diet without carbs.
I couldn't do it. Some people talk about losing their appetite for carbs, but it never went away for me.

I can do fairly low carb(50-100g a day), but I dont think I could do <50g as a lifestyle. I wish I could, but I love grains too much.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
To those saying "you don't need to diet you need instead to exercise more" are grabbing the wrong end of the elephant. I've been doing martial arts for nine months now and have lost 21kg and am now down to a healthy weight. The thing is whilst the exercise helps (I go three times a week) it's my change in diet (low-ish carb, low sugar, high protein) and eating at a caloric deficit that made the biggest difference.

How do I know this? Simple, because over that period I've noticed other fat guys who started at the same time as me or who have been there longer have not lost one iota of fat. Now these guys are fit despite their weight but even though they're doing as much exercise as me or more they haven't lost any weight.

You can't out exercise a bad diet.


I've been Paleo for a while, good results... more energy, less sluggish around mid-day.
now I'm reading hearing about "carb backloading".
Sheesh. There is always a new food god next door that has an enticing new gospel.

Paleo is macronutrient agnostic. The most common is low carb, but you can eat paleo style with moderate carbs, but no wheat, which is a no no--so yams, tubers, sweet potatoes, would be your go to carb sources.

To those saying "you don't need to diet you need instead to exercise more" are grabbing the wrong end of the elephant. I've been doing martial arts for nine months now and have lost 21kg and am now down to a healthy weight. The thing is whilst the exercise helps (I go three times a week) it's my change in diet (low-ish carb, low sugar, high protein) and eating at a caloric deficit that made the biggest difference.

How do I know this? Simple, because over that period I've noticed other fat guys who started at the same time as me or who have been there longer have not lost one iota of fat. Now these guys are fit despite their weight but even though they're doing as much exercise as me or more they haven't lost any weight.

You can't out exercise a bad diet.

Great point! Gaf skews young. You guys have fast metabolisms. Wait til you hit 30. It won't be as fast and exercise alone won't help completely.


Everything in moderation. The stress of obsessing over micromanagement of your diet is much worse for you in the long run than having bread a couple of times a week.

If you're only eating bread a couple times a week, you're pretty much already on a fairly low-carb diet.

The problem is that most people eat breads/grains everyday, and usually lots of it.

There are people who will try and tell you that you shouldn't ever eat any grains at all, but the main point you should get from this sort of thing is to at least reduce the amount of carbs you take in if you're trying to change your diet for the better. Too many people dont know enough about this stuff and think 'low carb' is just some fad diet sort of thing instead of understanding that its indeed a HUGE part of what causes people to get fat.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Well, for what it's worth... I had 2 eggs and a bunch of bacon for brekky today rather than my usual musili, skim milk an piece of fruit.

Normally by now I'm tired and half way through my second large can of red bull (tons of sugar yay).

No urge to down an energy drink ( I had a glass of water instead) and I'm feeling wide awake.


Well, for what it's worth... I had 2 eggs and a bunch of bacon for brekky today rather than my usual musili, skim milk an piece of fruit.

Normally by now I'm tired and half way through my second large can of red bull (tons of sugar yay).

No urge to down an energy drink ( I had a glass of water instead) and I'm feeling wide awake.
Not worth much. You'd have to study effects over time and with many more people, and take into account other variables like sleep and activity.

If you normally drink redbull instead of water you mighty be feeling sluggish because of dehydration. Even caffeine overdose.
Well, for what it's worth... I had 2 eggs and a bunch of bacon for brekky today rather than my usual musili, skim milk an piece of fruit.

Normally by now I'm tired and half way through my second large can of red bull (tons of sugar yay).

No urge to down an energy drink ( I had a glass of water instead) and I'm feeling wide awake.

1 meal in 1 day isn't going to make a magical transformation :p lol... Probably lots of things affecting that and being more awake.


Well, for what it's worth... I had 2 eggs and a bunch of bacon for brekky today rather than my usual musili, skim milk an piece of fruit.

Normally by now I'm tired and half way through my second large can of red bull (tons of sugar yay).

No urge to down an energy drink ( I had a glass of water instead) and I'm feeling wide awake.

If you're drinking Red Bull during the day to keep you awake you've got more problems than carbs.


Well, for what it's worth... I had 2 eggs and a bunch of bacon for brekky today rather than my usual musili, skim milk an piece of fruit.

Normally by now I'm tired and half way through my second large can of red bull (tons of sugar yay).

No urge to down an energy drink ( I had a glass of water instead) and I'm feeling wide awake.
Ketosis usually kicks in after like 3-5 days depending on how low carb you go to kickstart it...


If you're drinking Red Bull during the day to keep you awake you've got more problems than carbs.

Lol not necessarily. Too much carbs could be exactly the problem. Especially if insulin resistance is a problem which is very possible if overweight


Not worth much. You'd have to study effects over time and with many more people, and take into account other variables like sleep and activity.

If you normally drink redbull instead of water you mighty be feeling sluggish because of dehydration. Even caffeine overdose.

Pretty sure his high sugar breakfast is spiking insulin and he's experience the classic sugar rush and crash with that breakfast. Plus protein sates appetite.

This is pretty well researched and commonly known.

I eat pasta and bread everyday and I'm not fat :

Grats on not being insulin resistant?


Pretty sure his high sugar breakfast is spiking insulin and he's experience the classic sugar rush and crash with that breakfast. Plus protein sates appetite.

This is pretty well researched and commonly known.

Grats on not being insulin resistant?
That could be it too, but you can't look at one breakfast one time and arrive at a valid conclusion.


Is somebody going to post or PM me 30 days worth of recipes to eliminate carbs for a month and test this out? I will start Jan 1. Send me infos GAF.

I can try and find you something. I know for a fact one of my books home has multiple 30 day programs, it's just a matter of if I can find anything online to show you. I believe she shows breakfast, lunch and dinner with recipes included in the book.

Here's a good general recipe site though, you can filter for Paleo (which would be low carb), vegetarian, vegan and gluten free.



I eat pasta and bread everyday and I'm not fat :

Up to my mid 20's I could eat whatever as well, after that it started getting tougher. I was under the impression that was because I was less active. However just going back to the gym didnt seem to fix things until I also paid attention to what I ate. Not necessarily eliminating all carbs, grains and sugar, but just trying to eat better.


Well, for what it's worth... I had 2 eggs and a bunch of bacon for brekky today rather than my usual musili, skim milk an piece of fruit.

Normally by now I'm tired and half way through my second large can of red bull (tons of sugar yay).

No urge to down an energy drink ( I had a glass of water instead) and I'm feeling wide awake.

I had the same experience changing from Oatmeal and berries to eggs, bacon tomato and avocado. Huge difference. Just that little experiment made me want to try this for 30 days and see how it goes.


I will start today. My plan for the coming weeks and after:
- eating healthy.
- Little to no sugar and carbs
- eating only fresh food,
- getting enough sleep
- no more alcohol during week days
- going to the gym twice a week and doing another sport at least once a week.

Let's see what kind of difference this makes. Right now i'm eating pretty healthy in general, but too much sugar and carbs and waaay too much potato chips and alcohol. I'm tired because i work too much and sleep only 6 hours a night. Sometimes less. And this for as long as i remember.

Let's do this shit gaf

Really that's the best way to go and good luck. People get bogged down on details but just trying to eat fresh whole foods, very little sugar, and i would argue none or very little little bread, pasta, bagels, pizza, cereals or even my beloved oatmeal.


That's all well and good just don't forget to eat fiber or all that meat is going to give you colon cancer.


How many calories are in pseudo-science?

It's not really pseudo-science...

It's just nutrition is a complex topic - subject to a butt load of variables.

There are explanatory mechanisms on multiple levels to low-carb diets, and the evidence seems to bear out the theory too (albeit with some degree of noise).

Even when every element and facet of the theory isn't fully explained, it's not nearly on the same level as other things that are actually pseudo-science - i.e. non sciences that have been made to appear as though they bear the authority of scientific study to lay people by way of language tricks.

Shit like homeopathy that is authoritatively proven to be full of shit, yet continues to draw people in on the basis that it appears to have been studied and has the authority of science backing it (when it has none whatsoever)... are pseudo science.


The problem with low-carbs is fixing lunches. I can do eggs or sausages for breakfast even if it does become stale, but whipping up your own lunch can be a bit of a problem. Also boring.

Dinner is easy street. Just double your veggies, strip the potatoes/rice/pasta.
The digestive system is not a furnace so a simple calorie in calorie out model is not going to be perfect. But listening to advice from "experts" about extreme diets is a rocky path. Your body knows what it needs better than an expert.

Simple rules like don't drink anything with sugars in it and foods high in sugar should be a rare treat are the best sort of dietary rules. And I think that modern diets are too low in fibre.


The problem with low-carbs is fixing lunches. I can do eggs or sausages for breakfast even if it does become stale, but whipping up your own lunch can be a bit of a problem. Also boring.

Dinner is easy street. Just double your veggies, strip the potatoes/rice/pasta.
Lunch can pretty much be the same sort of stuff as dinner. There's no real reason that certain foods have to be for certain times of the day, really. I do think if you're going to eat carbs(grain carbs), its best to do it for breakfast or lunch, though.


It's not really pseudo-science...

It's just nutrition is a complex topic - subject to a butt load of variables.

There are explanatory mechanisms on multiple levels to low-carb diets, and the evidence seems to bear out the theory too (albeit with some degree of noise).

Even when every element and facet of the theory isn't fully explained, it's not nearly on the same level as other things that are actually pseudo-science - i.e. non sciences that have been made to appear as though they bear the authority of scientific study to lay people by way of language tricks.

Shit like homeopathy that is authoritatively proven to be full of shit, yet continues to draw people in on the basis that it appears to have been studied and has the authority of science backing it (when it has none whatsoever)... are pseudo science.

Yeah. The criticism of it isn't really about whether it works, it is more along the lines of whether it is actually healthy for you in the long-term. Medical organisations seem to suggest that a high-carb diet is actually better for you.


Yeah. The criticism of it isn't really about whether it works, it is more along the lines of whether it is actually healthy for you in the long-term. Medical organisations seem to suggest that a high-carb diet is actually better for you.

Lately that's not so much the case. They seem to be coming around.


The problem with low-carbs is fixing lunches. I can do eggs or sausages for breakfast even if it does become stale, but whipping up your own lunch can be a bit of a problem. Also boring.

Dinner is easy street. Just double your veggies, strip the potatoes/rice/pasta.

My plan is to make a lot for dinner and eat left overs for lunch.

The digestive system is not a furnace so a simple calorie in calorie out model is not going to be perfect. But listening to advice from "experts" about extreme diets is a rocky path. Your body knows what it needs better than an expert.

Simple rules like don't drink anything with sugars in it and foods high in sugar should be a rare treat are the best sort of dietary rules. And I think that modern diets are too low in fibre.

I think one of the things about your body knowing what it needs is part of all this though. I feel like the processed grains and sugars are fooling the body into responses it should not be making. In this case secreting a lot of insulin and signaling fat storage.

On the other side of that though, if you're feeling drained of energy and blood sugar is spiking all the time your body is telling your something.
The bullet points:

- We dont get fat because we eat more. We eat more because we get fat.

- Calories in and out is largely irrelevant.

- Insulin secretion makes us fat. Carbs make us secrete insulin.

- Remove carbs (sugars, grains etc) from your diet and replace it with fat.

So....Atkins diet then?


I have to disagree, calories in and out really does work. Of course a small glass of say skim milk is better for the calories vs protein of a little bag of chips but calories matter. For 10 years I had done cardio every other day at the gym for 45 min. Although it had kept me from putting on too much for awhile I found that hitting my thirties, working a desk job etc took its toll. Three years ago I started counting calories and reduced by enough each day to lose 30lbs in a year. I did not increase my workouts, if anything I did less due to injuries.

Flash forward to now and I've gained 20lbs back. Why? Stress eating due to huge changes at my job etc I stopped taking care of myself, my wife joined me(after also loosing with me by counting) and we gained a huge chunk back in just about 18 months. It is my fault and I know it. We are slowly starting back into it, trying to get into the right mindest but counting does work.

The problem is having the mental discipline and all of us struggle with different issues on this. For some it is spending money an easy subject for my wife and I, we aren't spenders and can't get those that do. For others it is food, hard for us but easy for others(Louis CK "just have the one donut joke").
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