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'Trump Slump,' a Devastating Drop in Tourism to the United States

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Canadian here,
been planning a SoCal trip for some time, thought Hillary was going to win,

but then can't stop reading all the stuff about re-enforced TSA; border agents asking for Facebook passwords and look at smartphones.

eh, a little too 1984 for my tastes.

I'm not 100% calling it off but I am really not a fan of treating foreigners like sub-human non-citizens with no rights.

Tourism is important for your industry, pissing off visitors with smartphone invasion of privacy is a big No-No
Was planning on going to Miami next month for Ultra Miami with a bunch of friends.
We immediately cancelled our plans when Trump got elected.

I went to the E3 yearly, gonna skip it as well. I used to bring 3-4 coworkers with me for E3. Fuck Trump, not going back in a long time.


German here, I've been to the east coast twice and want to check out the west coast some time in the future. But I will not travel to the US as long as Trump is president. And I know quite a few people who think this way too.


I'd stay the fuck out too if I lived in another country. And I encourage anyone who lives outside the US to not visit here. Trump has proven he can make illegal executive orders whenever the fuck he wants, so why take the risk?


The article gives no context for that figure (in terms of typical variation during this period) so it's difficult to determine how much of the 6.8% can be attributed to the travel ban vs other factors. I'm sure it had a negative impact though.


I had misgivings about using the term "Trump Slump" so early and in regards to just travel, right up until I realized all the other economic implosions headed our way will be too big to qualify as mere "slumps."
Yeah I cancelled my holiday to California, it's not Trump as much as it is the bonkers border stuff with phones and social media checking, just not worth dealing with. Going to Canada instead.

The US border has always been terrible, I think travellers voted for it by a 2:1 margin as the worst to cross and that was back in 2005. I know that holiday companies would always try and avoid any transfers in the US because it was such a clusterfuck of security and VISAs and going via literally any other country was easier.


I will be avoiding entering the US unless it's absolutely necessary.

Being a Canadian living in Toronto, that's sad to say, but I can live with it.


Being honest I was planing to go for vacations to the US ( the classic Disney family vacation) but now we are analyzing Canada and France as better options.

I know it sounds extreme but just thinking that at the US airport we could be asked more than usual, or that some stupid guy say something to my family ( we are from Mexico) are reasons to skip US for the moment.
Yep, you guys don't want to come here. Especially if you're not white. Our federal and local governments don't want you and they are actively trying to make it unsafe for you to come here.

Spend your time and money on more deserving places. It's what we voted for I guess, give us less money and do less of the jobs we don't want to do.


Not surprising. I love the US and have already been to 40% of the different states. I certainly plan on doing the other 60% at some point in my life, but I won't be visiting in the meantime as long as Trump is your president.
As someone who is taking his family to Disney World next month, I hope this makes it more bearable - with smaller lines and less crowds. :)
That'll sure be a great advertising point for Disney. Come enjoy the short lines and less crowds of the Most Magical Place on Earth because people are scared to come to our immigrant-hating fascist-in-charge country
Personally I've been to the USA 3 times, not thinking of returning as long as things seem to be so up in the air, not terribly interested in having conditions change on me and having to justify posts on the internet or whatever...

And I'm a white European (southern European though, I'd risk getting deported to Mexico :D)


I've visited the US many many times, including annual trips to Montana for snowboarding. After Trump got elected, I made a point of telling the trip organizer why I wasn't going on the trip anymore.

Really though, as a Canadian, the only way I can show a middle finger to red states is by depriving them of my tourism dollars. You've made your bed, now sleep in it, assholes.
I'm in the US and I have zero interest in traveling outside of California and I have family in red states than are just gonna have to facebook it for 4 years.


I can't blame anyone abroad who doesn't want to visit the U.S. now. It's a shitty time for the country, and the international population is wise to avoid our BS.
My family wanted to go to Disney for long time, but since crucial members of it look more brown than white we gave up for the time being.
As someone who is taking his family to Disney World next month, I hope this makes it more bearable - with smaller lines and less crowds. :)

If by the time you make that trip the Trump animatronic is already working at Magic Kingdom's Hall of Presidents please take a picture of you flipping your finger to it and share it on GAF.


My family had gone down to Florida for each of the past 5 winters to visit relatives and go to Disney... but we're staying home this year and each following year that this administration is in place.

That's $4-5000 per trip that we'll keep at home to spend.
For a long time I've asked for less tourists in NYC so that I could get to work more easily, but now I wish they'd stay.

To clarify I always appreciated tourism to this city, but unfortunately it's always concentrated in midtown Manhattan where I've always worked. Make more popular tourist attractions in the other boroughs, god damn it.

Lol same here. Always took those slow walking tourists for granted. Please come back and walk as slow as you want. Enjoy your stay.


It's true for me at least. I've wanted to visit the US for a long time and still will someday, but it's fallen way down my travel list at the moment because of trump. Talking about asking for social media passwords at the airport and stuff is really off putting too
Can't blame them. Never know when some heavily armed white trash will mistake a nice tan for scary Muslim skin and take things into their own hands.
A lot of states that go for trump see relatively little tourism anyway. Even within states trump supporters tend to live in areas don't want to visit. Do you really think that the ex coal miners are going to give a shit that tourism is hurting ? If anything it'll make them those liberal leaning areas will be hurting. They are a bunch of disgusting, petty assholes.

Florida might be the exception.
Edit: I see the same thoughts were already expressed.


How does Trump think America became America?

Why does Trump think that less people = more business opportunities?

Why does he think that he's making America great again?
I live in Canada, not far from the border. My wife and I have given up on plans to visit friends in the States, and we won't likely be going anytime soon, given the current political climate. Which is a shame, because I love visiting the U.S., there's a lot to see and do.


To add to the anecdote pile, I was going to visit NY and LA within the next six months and now I am just going to explore Canada instead and maybe fly to some nice beach somewhere.


I've always wanted to visit the US, but with the way both sides are acting, might just want to hold off on that for now.


My Dad and I have always wanted to spend a couple of months exploring America but the recent climate has definitely put us off a bit.
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