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To be honest, the preview didn't offer anything exciting or shocking about 15, even though it was supposedly based on a 15-hour play. I think this close to release, most people keeping up with the news would have already established an opinion about the game.

The story and characters still don't sound interesting, the combat still sounds subpar. It's actually kind of funny that Kollar seems to go into a lot of "this thing might be a bit annoying, but I think it's okay so far".

I do think saying 15 "has made FF relevant again" is probably too exaggerated. Given the state of the industry right now, and the games that have actually shaped and changed design the past few years, FF15's designs have been more like a game playing catch up than a game paving new roads.


The combat looks awful.
The crabs they fought were damage sponges and just crowded together against Noctis. There was no pattern or enemy attack design or apparent weak points on the enemies. The fact that blocks and parries are qtes just make things worse. I am happy that the game visually has improved between trailers though. I guess the PS4 Pro gave Square a little more wiggle room.

This is OG PS4?


Yeah that combat is looking really good there.
Can you tell me what looks good about the combat here?

I just...the enemies are all sponging attacks, barely lowering in HP and rather than having a block button or a parry mechanic like most action games, the fact that they appear as button prompt responses to enemy attacks takes away some of the skill requirements that could otherwise be had in the game. The lack of attack patterns also means that there's no sense of inherent strategy in fighting them beyond just mashing the attack button until they die. It looks really unrewarding to me. Could you tell me what you see in it?
This is OG PS4?
Yes it is.

If it was pro it would be stated right in the video. As far as I know, no one has played the pro version of this game because they're still working on it.
My bad, I hadn't realized. I'm impressed what was done with the game visually then. I had seen a lot of shoddy screenshots taken from gameplay of the game previously where things looked significantly less detailed, but the more time that passes the better visually the game appears to be.
I don't get these "the combat still looks bad/terrible/subpar/etc.." comments. I think almost every single review/preview/whatever has said that the combat feels really fluid and is solid.

People are entitled to their opinion of course but saying it looks subpar is kind of funny when everything we have seen/read suggests the exact opposite.


I don't get these "the combat still looks bad/terrible/subpar/etc.." comments. I think almost every single review/preview/whatever has said that the combat feels really fluid and is solid.

People are entitled to their opinion of course but saying it looks subpar is kind of funny when everything we have seen/read suggests the exact opposite.

Me neither, I get people are sour because of PD but its been greatly improved ever since.


Feels so damn good to hear all the positive buzz lately, but this is just icing on top.

Just a little longer and we'll finally be there.
This sounds great and looks even better.

It's been about ten years since FF has had a mainline, non-mmo entry worth playing. Glad to see Square has learned from their mistakes.


Gamesradar sounds somewhat less enthusiastic: http://www.gamesradar.com/15-hours-...e=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=grtw

Seems like they are making similar mistakes when it comes to storytelling that FFXIII did. I am not going to watch all your garbage anime and movies just to get everything this game is about.

Well, he seems to be concerned that the first four chapters are 'light' on story and not throwing big stuff at him right away. There are 15 chapters in the game so I would imagine the real meat of the story does not even begin until after the spot their preview ended. Where FFXIII had issues was not giving characters (and the world) time to develop first before the main conflict and so far SE seems to be recognizing this.


Unconfirmed Member
Me neither, I get people are sour because of PD but its been greatly improved ever since.

Is there maybe a podcast or something of someone that played the PD demo and now the new builds that really gets into the nitty gritty in all the ways that it has been improved upon and not some vague shit like "it feels really fluid".
Would be super interested in talk about the feeling of animation transitions, responsiveness, etc.
Gamesradar preview was meh on the story but it is understandable since this is just the opening. This part though..

Where Final Fantasy 15's story is winning me over, though, is in its moment-to-moment scenarios and side quests, and there are some truly impressive set-pieces within those opening chapters.

has me all giddy.
The lack of attack patterns also means that there's no sense of inherent strategy in fighting them beyond just mashing the attack button until they die. It looks really unrewarding to me. Could you tell me what you see in it?

lol this is like you just described 90% of all battles i ever played in Final Fantasy games. and yet i like these games just fine.

been playing them since FFIV and look forward to this new entry!
Cor is seriously a badass. That little portion where Noctis and Cor go off on their own and fight some imperials looks like a ton of fun.

Dat Lion's Roar ability though.....


Is there maybe a podcast or something of someone that played the PD demo and now the new builds that really gets into the nitty gritty in all the ways that it has been improved upon and not some vague shit like "it feels really fluid".
Would be super interested in talk about the feeling of animation transitions, responsiveness, etc.

A lot of people I follow on Twitter played the TGS build and they thought that it was actually much much better than PD except the camera which felt DSIII level of bad to them. Other than that they seemed to really like the game-play. I remember Game Informer did a podcast on XV based on what they played a few months back, even though they played an older build they said it was different than PD and that they didn't know what they intended with PD cause it didn't reflect on the game-play of the game.

Also, a lot of articles and impressions seems to praise the battle system, surely they wouldn't praise it so much if it was PD level of bad.


lol this is like you just described 90% of all battles i ever played in Final Fantasy games. and yet i like these games just fine.

been playing them since FFIV and look forward to this new entry!
True, but such enemies could be taken out fairly quickly. This lasts way too long as a fight. x_x

I would've preferred combat more in line with what you'd get in Kingdom Hearts games if they wanted to take the action route. Something sort of like what Versus XIII used to appear to have. It appeared to be shaping up to mimic KHII, and, if it was, as long as it was balanced correctly (such as what is done in the Final Mix version of that game), the end result would've been an extremely challenging and highly skill based combat system.


not me
Can you tell me what looks good about the combat here?

I just...the enemies are all sponging attacks, barely lowering in HP and rather than having a block button or a parry mechanic like most action games, the fact that they appear as button prompt responses to enemy attacks takes away some of the skill requirements that could otherwise be had in the game. The lack of attack patterns also means that there's no sense of inherent strategy in fighting them beyond just mashing the attack button until they die. It looks really unrewarding to me. Could you tell me what you see in it?

Enemies go down a lot quicker depending on the weapon and type of attack you use. Link attacks and parry/counter also make them go down much quicker. Blindsiding enemies (attacking from behind) as they say in the preview not only does more damage but has a chance of initiating a link attack. I don't agree that these are QTEs, they are normal action mechanics, just they show you when you need to hit the prompt during the attack window. There's also a proper guard/counter break on things like shields as the Platinum demo showed, so there's different ways to defend depending on the weapon you're using.

I also wouldn't use the crabs as an example of no enemies having attack patterns. the iron giant in the PD for example definitely had them, and you could tell what he was doing based on startup animation and you couldn't use the same defense on all of his attacks.

Basically I think it's premature to lament no strategy based on early-game trash mobs that are essentially built to be fought en masse (could you imagine if you had to pay attention to each and every crab's attack patterns?). The crabs are meant to be taken out together. Most other things we've seen like hunts and bosses require attack pattern understanding.

All the previews have also said the combat feels way better than the Platinum demo, which already felt okay to me.
The combat looks awful.
The crabs they fought were damage sponges and just crowded together against Noctis. There was no pattern or enemy attack design or apparent weak points on the enemies. The fact that blocks and parries are qtes just make things worse. I am happy that the game visually has improved between trailers though. I guess the PS4 Pro gave Square a little more wiggle room.

Let's not forget about the Polygon DOOM playthrough. Early combat + possibly bad player?
People keep arguing that the game can't really be that bad if so many press outlets are praising it, but these press outlets are the ones who gave perfect scores and GOTY awards to the Phantom Pain.

We never learn.


Unconfirmed Member
A lot of people I follow on Twitter played the TGS build and they thought that it was actually much much better than PD except the camera which felt DSIII level of bad to them. Other than that they seemed to really like the game-play. I remember Game Informer did a podcast on XV based on what they played a few months back, even though they played an older build they said it was different than PD and that they didn't know what they intended with PD cause it didn't reflect on the game-play of the game.

Also, a lot of articles and impressions seems to praise the battle system, surely they wouldn't praise it so much if it was PD level of bad.

Going to search for that GI thing thanks.
Also about the impressions you mentioned that just largely doesn't really sound like there's the kind of mechanical depth of knowledge I seek behind those.
It's one thing to vaguely have an impression of something being better it's another to concisely state the why and how and that part matters to me cause only from that I can maybe vaguely defer something valuable about how I'll probably feel about the combat in the full game.

Like when I think back to XIII the combat was one of the core things that were praised everywhere. When I played the game I found it extremely unengaging making me feel like
everything was on auto pilot. And that is not to say they were wrong maybe the combat is for most super awesome, but for me it was a lesson.

That's the reason why I want really detailed stuff. Like the kind of details that you'd find in a Dark Souls poise discussion :p.


not me
People keep arguing that the game can't really be that bad if so many press outlets are praising it, but these press outlets are the ones who gave perfect scores and GOTY awards to the Phantom Pain.

We never learn.

The Phantom Pain, one of the best action games ever made, and the best action stealth game ever made? Yeah silly press.

Ran rp

People keep arguing that the game can't really be that bad if so many press outlets are praising it, but these press outlets are the ones who gave perfect scores and GOTY awards to the Phantom Pain.

We never learn.

mgsv is a damn good game, just not what a lot of people wanted from a metal gear storywise.


People keep arguing that the game can't really be that bad if so many press outlets are praising it, but these press outlets are the ones who gave perfect scores and GOTY awards to the Phantom Pain.

We never learn.

And, well, a lot of people really like The Phantom Pain, despite whatever story issues it has. So, it really depends on what your want from the game, and trying to see if your opinions are in line with a particular writer.
Gamesradar said:
"It's like there's a prologue missing, where the connections between family lines and kingdoms could be properly developed and explained so the important story beats actually feel important."

Looks like somebody missed Kingsglaive and Brotherhood.


I don't get these "the combat still looks bad/terrible/subpar/etc.." comments. I think almost every single review/preview/whatever has said that the combat feels really fluid and is solid.

People are entitled to their opinion of course but saying it looks subpar is kind of funny when everything we have seen/read suggests the exact opposite.

I don't really trust journalists regarding games's combat personally.

iirc they also like the combat in games like The Witcher, Batman The Arkham series, shadow of Mordor etc and I consider the combat in these subpar as well.

having played and disliked the combat in the two demos, not a single long video after PD convinced me.


People keep arguing that the game can't really be that bad if so many press outlets are praising it, but these press outlets are the ones who gave perfect scores and GOTY awards to the Phantom Pain.

We never learn.

Please... TPP features the most fundamentally sound third person stealth/action gameplay out there... BY A HUGE MARGIN.

Its GAF hyperbole that makes the game sound like its the equivalent of digital dog poo... the game is absolutely great and deserves praise. Sure it had its issues, but acting like it was a disaster is ridiculous to say the least.




I'm glad to hear the delay was worth it. Seems the combat kept getting more tuned which is nice. Since that has been my biggest worry.

Will wait to hear some more impressions before jumping in though. When is the embargo lifted?


People keep arguing that the game can't really be that bad if so many press outlets are praising it, but these press outlets are the ones who gave perfect scores and GOTY awards to the Phantom Pain.

We never learn.

The Phantom Pain game-play wise was good, its the story and the world that made it bad IMO.

Going to search for that GI thing thanks.
Also about the impressions you mentioned that just largely doesn't really sound like there's the kind of mechanical depth of knowledge I seek behind those.
It's one thing to vaguely have an impression of something being better it's another to concisely state the why and how and that part matters to me cause only from that I can maybe vaguely defer something valuable about how I'll probably feel about the combat in the full game.

Like when I think back to XIII the combat was one of the core things that were praised everywhere. When I played the game I found it extremely unengaging making me feel like
everything was on auto pilot. And that is not to say they were wrong maybe the combat is for most super awesome, but for me it was a lesson.

That's the reason why I want really detailed stuff.

Well, its a matter of opinion after all. I actually liked XIII's game-play (I wasn't using the "auto" mode) and had a lot of challenging battles, too bad it only gets good after 20 hours into the game where you can play all the jobs.

The thing is, FF as a series never pose much of a challenge to me game-play wise, I always played for the story, character, and world. I know I might get eaten alive for saying this but I really enjoyed VIII's combat system, it gave me a lot of elements I can play with and it felt so great and rewarding killing a boss or getting a new GF. However, VI, VII, and especially IX were incredibly dull combat wise and the system got old so fast. I don't even bother getting the best items in these games cause beating those bosses was never challenging in the slightest.

Anyway, I hope XV's game-play is as good as people seem to think. Otherwise I'd be playing for the story and characters, again ;P
Gamesradar sounds somewhat less enthusiastic: http://www.gamesradar.com/15-hours-...e=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=grtw

Seems like they are making similar mistakes when it comes to storytelling that FFXIII did. I am not going to watch all your garbage anime and movies just to get everything this game is about.

But that's the paradox of the open-world, especially in a series as narrative-driven as Final Fantasy, where the pull of the main plot is diametrically opposed to the desire to seek out and craft your own stories. I'm not sure how (or even if) Final Fantasy 15's later chapters will attempt to fix the issues I have with its story, but even if it doesn't, I've enjoyed my time exploring its strange world and experiencing what it has to offer, and I can't wait to see where it goes next.

might be less enthusiastic about the story but is still excited about the game.

I don't believe them.

Yup, definitively don't.

XIV: ARR was fantastic so lol


not me
Isn't that kind of the writer's point though? The mainstream fan isn't going to be watching these things before playing the game nor should they have to to get the full picture.

The mainstream fan probably doesn't care about getting the full picture in the first place. It certainly didn't stop something like TW3 from selling a bajillion copies.
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