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PC Gamer: "The Metaverse is bullshit"

"A British psychotherapist and researcher has reported being "virtually gang raped" on the Facebook metaverse. "Within 60 seconds of walking in, I was verbally and sexually harassed," she said.

just sharing i have no opinion on this

At least in the app I use this isn't possible. Like yeah you can have sex if you have certain avatars, but you have a bunch of safety options that control the extent to which other avatars are able to intetact with you.

So, with my options setup the way they are, I don't see other avatars unless I have them friended, this is necessary primarily to save resources if you have a big party. So everyone I don't friend looks like a robot. Also there is an option to control how much people can interact with your avatar. With my settings, someone could touch my face, or rub my head, or stuff like that. With the default settings if anyone gets to close to you they walk right through you. At most if she didn't have any safety settings on, someone could have flashed her a penis or tried to put it in her face. I think with the default settings most nudity is censored unless someone has a clever way around it.

Edit: She was probably harassed, I believe that. I'm just objecting to the term gang rape. If people are bothering you, you mute/block them.
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VR is the future, but not through Facebook. Facebook purposely is making their new occulus headsets so that they are hard to work with if you want to use any software you didn't download in their store. Valve headsets are better, especially if you want to do anything interesting.

VR satisfies social needs without the same risks as normal social contact. People are only going to need to socialize more in the future and our society will not create a healthy landscape for that to happen. I don't know how common it is, but I have what they call "phantom sense." Basically if I touch something or someone in vr it feels real to me. Same with eye contact, it feels like I'm really looking into someones eyes and they are in the room with me.

One of my VR friends says Facebook has been testing ads on quest. I told him if I get an ad when I'm trying to have a conversation with him I will take a sledgehammer to my quest. I think Facebook is the kind of company that would ruin a good thing by doing business in a sleezy way.


hide your water-based mammals
I feel like some of the best points have been made and ring true. In some form this could be good but I view it as something that already exists in some capacity and these companies finding a new twist in order to have more control of your information and lock you into some ecosystem.

For somebody like me who is more on the enthusiast end of the spectrum, if it brings more people into virtual reality I'm all for it in order to pay you back that success but proper experiences and stuff I can't quite see happening in that form for a while. In the meantime we have had a really strong and good movement in the VR space and Sony hasn't even launched their unit to expand even further.
maybe the idea can be good or not for the masses but regardless it will fail for the draconian politics they will implement and the lack of freedom that the competitors offer, if second life offer a VR set tomorrow(already works with viewers) it will be a much better alternative than meta with ton of content that meta don't have and wont allow

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At least in the app I use this isn't possible. Like yeah you can have sex if you have certain avatars, but you have a bunch of safety options that control the extent to which other avatars are able to intetact with you.

So, with my options setup the way they are, I don't see other avatars unless I have them friended, this is necessary primarily to save resources if you have a big party. So everyone I don't friend looks like a robot. Also there is an option to control how much people can interact with your avatar. With my settings, someone could touch my face, or rub my head, or stuff like that. With the default settings if anyone gets to close to you they walk right through you. At most if she didn't have any safety settings on, someone could have flashed her a penis or tried to put it in her face. I think with the default settings most nudity is censored unless someone has a clever way around it.

Edit: She was probably harassed, I believe that. I'm just objecting to the term gang rape. If people are bothering you, you mute/block them.
Good grief.


World’s Biggest Weeb
This just sounds like a resurgence of 2nd Life for a new generation of losers that have nothing going for them in real life. Now they can create a new intelligent, successful, beautiful winner self and a totally fake new reality for themselves in the metaverse.
Oh yeah? Well just wait. I’m gonna get really great at sword fighting in VR, then someday IRL there will be a scenario where they really need someone with sword fighting skills. I will step forward and whup someone ass. Everyone will be in awe of my skills.

I’m just imagining all the attention and fame and pussy I’ll be rewarded with.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I hope not, but in the event that the world becomes progressively sick. Having the metaverse would be a good solution to a number of problems.

I don't like it, but the world's gotta move on..and raising the national debt can only help so far.


Basically it all amounts to these sociopathic tech nerds believing the end of history would happen in their lifetimes.


That's actually where you are wrong. VR social applications are very appealing to women. In VR a woman can have flawless skin that she can customize. Also the fact that they can block you for being a dick means it is less socially risky than doing the same kinds of social activities in the real world. Any insecurities a woman has socially can easily be addressed in vr in a way that it cannot be in the real world. Women also like to be creative with their appearance, and how they present themselves.

My best friend met his girlfriend who he is living with on discord. There is way more sex that is starting with people meeting online these days.
Well, I need a real girl in front of me to do the job.
With flesh on it and all this thing that human females have.
No online required .

Maybe if technology advances to the point it is in the tv show West World and even then it will be « Physical »

Well I guess I’ll keep my wife a little more 😂
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Are people still this shortsighted, or just naturally tend towards a Luddite mentality in general? If you have a smattering of imagination and have used a quest 2 or steam headset, it’s not hard to extrapolate out 5-10 years and realize how absolutely phenomenal and attractive this space will be.

AR and VR will be utterly surreal, the pandemic just exposed a large casual population to the current state of the art a bit more prematurely, and now we’re hearing all their hot takes. Zucks knows what’s up, and he’s put his money where his mouth is. He has been spearheading this push with real dollars and it will ultimately payoff. Ignore the trolls and naive hot takes, this is the real deal.


My take is that the largest part of the population(families) are tied to interacting with each other directly for the most part, so it will have minimal uptake in the long run. Too much immersion away from the physical world hampers everything in human physical and emotional development IMO.

As a world we have had portable headphones or bluetooth pods for ages, and yet we don't wear those items constantly in preference to using are normal peripheral hearing on a daily basis. So why would it be any different for visuals - would be my question?

Even headphones are too immersive in a family time situation IMHO when children need lots of attention and feedback, even when they are doing their own thing, they still need the option to shout the loudest over any other parent distraction, which headphone use doesn't allow. That's why I recently got a Sony SRS-NS7 neckband, because it does pretty much the same job as headphones, but still enables me (or the better half) to hear what is playing through the neckband clearly and quite personally, and yet still hear the essential distractions too of the surroundings when needed to prioritize more important things, much like their promo video for the product shows.

So I believe that is the limitation of widespread immersion for the populous and for visuals would be the same deal, so it would be something no more intrusive or sense impairing than the fictional Focuses in the HZD game.

From what I can see, most solutions being presented with VR or AR assume the user is able to adopt the sociopathic symbiosis with the tech while using it. A setup I believe very few people in society could actually accommodate in their lives for more than a few hours per month.
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Well, I need a real girl in front of me to do the job.
With flesh on it and all this thing that human females have.
No online required .

Maybe if technology advances to the point it is in the tv show West World and even then it will be « Physical »

Well I guess I’ll keep my wife a little more 😂

At a party someone told me they had real world sex with their significant other while in VR, both of them wearing headsets so they looked like their avatars.

Anything in VR sexual is basically just role play, but there are people who become friends through VR and then meetup in real life because they like each other. I would say I have way more in common with random people I meet in VR than the average person I meet in regular life.


Linux User
Are people still this shortsighted, or just naturally tend towards a Luddite mentality in general? If you have a smattering of imagination and have used a quest 2 or steam headset, it’s not hard to extrapolate out 5-10 years and realize how absolutely phenomenal and attractive this space will be.

AR and VR will be utterly surreal, the pandemic just exposed a large casual population to the current state of the art a bit more prematurely, and now we’re hearing all their hot takes. Zucks knows what’s up, and he’s put his money where his mouth is. He has been spearheading this push with real dollars and it will ultimately payoff. Ignore the trolls and naive hot takes, this is the real deal.
No, I can use Zoom but people are literally begging me to come back into the office. Humans want 3D pig disgusting social interactions. Don't ask me why it wasn't my idea.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
"Verse" that's all you need to know. A cool word made popular by marvel
I dunno about that.

The word "multiverse" was actually coined in 1895. In 1957 it was used to mean multiple or parallel universes by a physicist.

Fun stuff but "metaplanes" was used in Shadowrun and "megaverse" in Palladium's RPGs.
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First there was stereo3D shit, VR, then AR, now Metabonky. Companies either get ideas from the same pool somehow, or forced to develop these or simply minge-eat each other and steal-modify a bit and give it a new name. Hindenburg is looming.


At a party someone told me they had real world sex with their significant other while in VR, both of them wearing headsets so they looked like their avatars.

Anything in VR sexual is basically just role play, but there are people who become friends through VR and then meetup in real life because they like each other. I would say I have way more in common with random people I meet in VR than the average person I meet in regular life.

Sex is next. I can see the headlines in the mainstream media: physical sex is DANGEROUS because the bohoo virus will deform your cock! Only do sex in the machine and let the robot analyse/send your semen to 150 trillion company, privacy doesn't matter, your safety is!
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It's already hard to get people to play short VR experiences, it won't be easier to get people to live their whole life in a virtual world. The ones who can afford a VR headset aren't living in shipping containers like in Ready Player One, where the real world is so miserable they have to escape to the Oasis to keep their sanity. It's going to be interesting to see what it will be like, but it will need to be more than just a virtual space if it will be something other than a niche thing.
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Remember when bitcoin first launched and people didn’t think of the potential, some guy bought pizza with bitcoin and look at its valued price right now.

I’m looking into the future and Microsoft and Sony are gearing up to buy giant acquisitions. Not only will they own their IP and technology, they can share it among studios. You can get the best racing engine, the best first person engine, the best third person engine, the best VR interactive experience, and cobble all of that in one unified engine and you will get some high quality GTA V shit. Combining the best of all genres and having a Microsoft account that can be transferable through multiple engines with a new and unique interface, it will be quite the experience.

For those who have tried VR, do you remember the first time when you tried it and was wowed by the initial experience but eventually fell off because of certain restrictions, now imagine the possibilities where there isn’t any friction. It truly has potential. Polish the programming and make it an addicting live service and it will be quite something.

People are calling bs now, but right now it is in its early stages, of course no one will expect or see the end product, but this will be huge whether it seems ridiculous now.
There is a glint of money and potential.

Realistically there will be hardware, software and bandwidth challenges. And programming won’t be ideal. Remember Milo advertised when they showed of the Kinect and that shit was never there even after launch. There are programming limitations right now. Ready Player One is showing the idealistic future, but realistically 343i can’t get their Big Team Battle to work and it took them years to get Halo Masterchief Collection to work after years of persistence and relaunches. A lot of money has to be thrown and top level talent and talent to fuse and merge these genres. A shared and quality engine will be quite something.
I hate this word so much. I feel the way incels feel when they see “The Last of Us 2”.

That being said these things exist already.


Gold Member
To the staunchest deniers in here… basically everything we have today is something nobody ever asked for.
When all of this becomes affordable enough, people will get to like it and want it without even noticing, and it’ll quickly become the norm. As it always happens.

It’s easy to say humans need company, contact, interaction, sex. But they want all of that because it gives a sense of security and gratification. Virtual content stimulating the same areas of your brain will easily make up for the real version. It’s happening already - COVID restrictions have made wary of human interaction a lot of the people they didn’t drive altogether crazy and suicidal. Average screen time has ballooned for almost everyone. Even when they meet IRL, people can’t let go of their phones. Porn has taken a toll on the sexual activities of a good couple of generations already. Poverty, overcrowding, and the upcoming climate and health regulations worldwide will limit the activities you can have outside. Given a cheap enough option, more people than you can now imagine will dive all into the virtual experience.

What we have today, right now, is just the first step. We can already observe what current tech is doing to out habits. Make it better, make it realer, make it more addictive (and we know enough of brain physiology to make it so), and people will not only give up sex and company, but even forfeiting food will not be as hard as you may think.

A worse version of the internet is still the internet. And life without the internet is already literally impossible in developed countries. People turn to the internet for the smallest things. Do you think people will oppose a more involving version of it?


Second Life anyone? That thing launched two decades ago, for free, and didn't require VR goggles, if SL didn't storm the world why would those 'metaverses' do?

The thing with social media is that they are the new hot topic today everyone* (mostly youngsters really) wants to jump in, but tomorrow they fade away completely, people move onto something else or grow up and don't care about virtual stuff at all anymore, including video games.

There were a lot of social/communicating platforms before FB was even a thing, they just didn't have this whole 'social media' badge/branding back then, then it was FB/IG/VK/TT etc. era, but those are starting to fade away as well, but this time around the companies aren't passively standing there watching as their platforms are losing relevancy but actually trying themselves to create successors of their platforms, to remain control/userbase, something new that doesn't fall under the already tiresome 'social media' category.

And moving onto games, I honestly cannot imagine a single person on the planet that'll boot up a game and think "man fuck the game, I just want to spend 3h in the lobby chatting with some randoms"... I mean, CoD WWII already tried that with HQ mode, and well, it basically went unnoticed, people just wanted to actually play the good old TDM.
And moving onto games, I honestly cannot imagine a single person on the planet that'll boot up a game and think "man fuck the game, I just want to spend 3h in the lobby chatting with some randoms"... I mean, CoD WWII already tried that with HQ mode, and well, it basically went unnoticed, people just wanted to actually play the good old TDM.
Actually, people do that in MMOs.

The issue is if you have too many peope chatting instead of playing, then free mmos would pay bandwidth for nothing. MMOs with monthly fees tend to be fine with their game being treated like a social platform because they are paying customers.
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