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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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My wife drives a 2020 QX 80 they make nice vehicles.


About Nissan/Infiniti of course. :lollipop_tears_of_joy:


I remember when nvidia released rtx cards, Ray tracing didn't matter then but now that ratchet and clank has great ray tracing then Ray tracing is the best.

Times have changed and I'm happy to see it.


A lot of moving parts this week lets see who flinches first

And I do enjoy good movies :)

In all the info you've heard have you by chance heard anything regarding PS Now and Sony's plans for it? I imagine we will get news on new countries the service will launch in very soon since the PS Now icon was showing up on PS4's in Australia, Latin America and I think areas of the Middle East? I'm still curious about expansion to more devices, the time table to get PS5 hardware in the datacenters and what their plans are for content going forward. Not to mention whether they might do a Now/Plus combo package.


Gold Member
In all the info you've heard have you by chance heard anything regarding PS Now and Sony's plans for it? I imagine we will get news on new countries the service will launch in very soon since the PS Now icon was showing up on PS4's in Australia, Latin America and I think areas of the Middle East? I'm still curious about expansion to more devices, the time table to get PS5 hardware in the datacenters and what their plans are for content going forward. Not to mention whether they might do a Now/Plus combo package.

I havent heard anything on PS Now :(
We shall see what everyone decides to bring to CES.

Sony's been showing off their mico LED tech under the name of Crystal LED since 2012. They've had massive professional level installations on the market for a while under the name CLEDIS. I've wanted one of these bastards for so long, but we'll have to wait a bit longer.

Either way, I'm gonna want a shiny new TV with top notch HDR abilities and HDMI 2.1 to take full advantage of my PS5. Can't wait to see what's available :)
Unfortunately, Sony doesn't have the manufacturing arm to mass produce those sets. Maybe enough for professional use, but not much else. In fact, Sony and Panasonic will be purchasing QD-OLED from Samsung Display. If you're willing to wait, this may be your next TV. Although it may take till 2022 so we'll see.


Unfortunately, Sony doesn't have the manufacturing arm to mass produce those sets. Maybe enough for professional use, but not much else. In fact, Sony and Panasonic will be purchasing QD-OLED from Samsung Display. If you're willing to wait, this may be your next TV. Although it may take till 2022 so we'll see.

Since they're just smaller segments put together Lego-style to build a display I would imagine it'd be easier to mass produce than a single large display like OLED. It has been a while since we got major news on the CLED front, so we'll have to see how things go.


Oh but what you’re seeing is not a reflection of a reflection, it is the same object being reflected twice due to the curve of the surface. This happens often. And because of light refraction in this case one reflection will be upside down, and the other will be right side up. Fun!


You can see the same building reflected on the original trailer, along with everything else. You can see the crossroad on the left being reflected twice as well!


By the way, wonderful job there, I agree with you.
Since they're just smaller segments put together Lego-style to build a display I would imagine it'd be easier to mass produce than a single large display like OLED. It has been a while since we got major news on the CLED front, so we'll have to see how things go.
The reason is quite simple. It was a prototype. Sony does't make their own TV sets, they buy them from a Chinese manufacture for LCD, or LG for OLED. They will then configure it to their liking (image processor, etc.). Samsung Electronics is the big player in the mico-LED gang and has been trying pretty damn hard with mico-LED. Maybe we'll see more of it at CES 2021, but it I haven't read any breakthroughs on downsizing. They're desperate to make this happen because it will separate them from their Chinese competition.

At the same time, you have their sister company Samsung Display. They've got a plant for QD-OLED and willing buyers for those panels. Samsung Electronics, Sony, Panasonic wish to separate themselves from the Chinese competition thereby allowing them to remain a premium brand at premium price. In the meantime, I expect Samsung and Sony to include mini-LED tech in next years LCD displays.

Edit: Also, when a TV manufacture is building any type of display, they need to make sure they can build them as big as possible. Meaning, the bigger the display, the more panels you can "cut" from it. I'm not sure if this applies to OLED, but that's the general idea, and certainly how LCD televisions have become so cheap. What I'm trying to say is, the small Lego style approach is very expensive.
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Wasn’t it just “rephrased” in countries where “Holiday” doesn’t mean the same thing as it does in the USA? Doesn’t the USA site still say “Holiday 2020”?
That doesn’t mean anything to the UK or Japan, where “Late 2020” would.

For me that whole thing is just further localisation of the websites and not evidence of release date changes.

True, Holiday here means mostly Summer (or Khareef/monsoon in my region), and the other holiday close to that is January to early Febraury.

Thank you! Ive had to learn about optics as part of my art training and i understand how incredibly mindfucky reflections can get, especially on organic shapes. Happy to clear things up!

As I love both photography and videography, it's always nice to know about those, especially as photography and videography suffer from lens distortions the wider the lens is. :messenger_winking_tongue::messenger_ok:
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Games Dean

For awhile I've thought September 9th rumors were bunk because Sony has never done events on Wednesdays. But I just remembered that here in America, the NFL season kicks off the following Thursday night, 09/10. And while I get that a lot of you guys don't live in the states and don't care, it's a really big deal here.

So much so that if Sony is planning an event that week, it would make sense that they would want to go a day or 2 before the first game. It would allow them to show ads during the game and for the entire NFL season starting with week 1.

TLDR: I think we're getting the next PS5 event on September 9th.
For awhile I've thought September 9th rumors were bunk because Sony has never done events on Wednesdays. But I just remembered that here in America, the NFL season kicks off the following Thursday night, 09/10. And while I get that a lot of you guys don't live in the states and don't care, it's a really big deal here.

So much so that if Sony is planning an event that week, it would make sense that they would want to go a day or 2 before the first game. It would allow them to show ads during the game and for the entire NFL season starting with week 1.

TLDR: I think we're getting the next PS5 event on September 9th.
Yep, also the date is too damn perfect to let it pass.


except we absolutely WOULD see a reflection in the example he gave
Here, a quick render of how the example he gave should look like with accurate reflections:


Wonderful! I wanna make a 3D map of my future house, and was considering UE4 (a version, I think that's specialized in architecture), but that would need a steep learning curve for someone like me.

It's only for discussion and collecting ideas of how should I arrange rooms:land.
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You want examples ? Really? Here we go:
- that halo video titled are halo graphism really flat where he states that it is because of shadows that the game look like this and how to fix it easily.ecause that's exatly what the titlesaid it would be excuses and justifications.
-him not being able to spot raytracing in spiderman when it was already confirmed
-Him interrupting John on their next gen analysis about 60fps when except halo nothing has been confirmed at 60 with xbox exclusives and John correcting him multiple times
-him saying that ps5 has no hardware raytracing when it was already confirmed
-Him being part of a discord which gave birth to fake insider like tommy fischer said group being like a rallying point for Xbox extremists fanboys
-him saying that the SSD won't halp games beside load times
-the countless times he's been proven wrong even by kingthrash whom I don't like (especially that Gears 5 analysis)
-Zomming 300% on ps5 video to pinpoint lower resolution raytracing but not doing the same for the opposition.
-Banning people on ERA when they show prooves of his errors

EDIT: he's also on twitter that the last Ratchet and clank presentation saying that there wasn't a lot to say and that it has and I quote "loading times.Not understanding that games are basically always loading something because that's how games works.Do you call that a professionnal analysis or the simple opinion of a warrior.Even worse I've had more technically accurate chat with Xbox fans than he is capable of in his Twitter.

Do you really need more ?
See I think John leans a bit more toward Xbox, yet it doesn't prevent him from getting way more objective in his analysis.That's why I have no problem with either John and Richard simply because they don't act a warrior and do their job as professionally as possible.
Do I really need more? Hell yes, you know, like actual facts.

I’ve checked the first two items on your list and you are badly misrepresenting the truth in both cases…

1) Halo Infinite
He does talk about the shortcomings of dynamic lighting and how that contributes to the problem but does not suggest it was ‘an easy fix’. I’ve added direct quote below to show how misleading your take is……

"the dynamic lighting technology is core to 343's plans and it's hard to believe it would be scrapped or dramatically altered this close to launch."

"Beyond indirect lighting, the next largest point to look at is level of detail. Rocks, grass and even far-off fog billboards exhibited jarring pop-in."

"Then there are smaller things like the lack of first-person shadows on the view weapon and the Master Chief's hands. Games like Crysis 3 have been doing this since 2013."

"Also curious are some very 'solid' looking opaque effects for elements like shields - I much prefer Bungie's approach in Halo Reach."

"I'm not fully sold on some of the choice of materials:
yes, the indirect lighting is a real issue in how these are rendered in this demo, but there's a lot of plastic and standard metal on display here - a far cry from the very vibrant, alien-like materials used in prior Halo games."

"I hope the message gets through that
the reaction to the Halo Infinite reveal isn't down to this format - which is exactly what we want to see - but rather down to the content."

No big deal? Easy fix? The article says no such thing. You just wanted them to publish the Craig meme and call it a day.

2) Spiderman ray tracing.

This 'evidence' is from Twitter. There was a single screenshot from the Spiderman game and Alex was asked…

"Q: what do you think Alex? Raytraced?

Alex: Low angle with post-process DOF in the background is the best way to show off SSR as the low angle means most of everything on screen can be reflected.
Need a different shot to say something more definitive."

So, based on the single-screenshot Alex said, effectively, “I can’t tell from this image alone”.

Oh my, how damning!

What you claim in the first two points of your list is so inaccurate and, ironically, extremely biased, that I’m not going to waste my time hunting down these other ‘transgressions’. I'm can only assume that there’s nothing to them except for your own irrational dislike for the guy.

Note: The fact that you list Kingtrash as proof of something is not a positive sign. Sheesh.

I think, in a case like this where you attempt to damage someone’s reputation based on unfounded accusations, that you should, at the very least, use direct quotes and actual links. If you can’t find them, then don’t make outrageous claims and then present them as fact.

Games Dean

My personal hype for this console launch is at an all time low.

I may get more excited once the PR machine really ramps up but as of right now I have not seen a single thing that screams I must have this.

Knowing I am buying a 3090 and plan on playing all multiplats on PC this year and might only buy the PS5 for the few exclusives I will play really has me down on the new consoles.

My hype level right now 3/10 but start showing me stuff and I am sure that will rise.
What kind of games would it take to bring you to a 10/10 for either of these consoles? Just generally speaking.


The reason is quite simple. It was a prototype. Sony does't make their own TV sets, they buy them from a Chinese manufacture for LCD, or LG for OLED. They will then configure it to their liking (image processor, etc.). Samsung Electronics is the big player in the mico-LED gang and has been trying pretty damn hard with mico-LED. Maybe we'll see more of it at CES 2021, but it I haven't read any breakthroughs on downsizing. They're desperate to make this happen because it will separate them from their Chinese competition.

At the same time, you have their sister company Samsung Display. They've got a plant for QD-OLED and willing buyers for those panels. Samsung Electronics, Sony, Panasonic wish to separate themselves from the Chinese competition thereby allowing them to remain a premium brand at premium price. In the meantime, I expect Samsung and Sony to include mini-LED tech in next years LCD displays.

Edit: Also, when a TV manufacture is building any type of display, they need to make sure they can build them as big as possible. Meaning, the bigger the display, the more panels you can "cut" from it. I'm not sure if this applies to OLED, but that's the general idea, and certainly how LCD televisions have become so cheap. What I'm trying to say is, the small Lego style approach is very expensive.

I'm not referring to the 55" prototype Sony showed off 8 years ago. They've been making these displays for years on the professional side of things that are currently used in the real world:

Yes, Sony buys LCD and OLED panels from the open market for their consumer displays, they also build their own panels for professional displays. Micro LED is a completely different beast though that they could build on their own once the tech matures.

Micro LED sets aren't like LCD or OLED where the display has to be cut from a larger substrate. That method is extremely expensive and wasteful because a small defect in a panel will make the whole thing useless. Micro LED is still very expensive now as it's newer and scaling is still an issue, but the goal is for micro LED to be considerably cheaper than traditional display styles. Instead of having to make a perfect (or close to perfect) display all at once you're making much smaller segments and joining them together Lego-style. If a segment doesn't pass QA just rip it out and replace it with another segment. Far less waste as you don't have to toss the whole display. Manufacturing facilities won't be nearly as expensive as LCD/OLED plants since they don't have to focus on manufacturing large substrates to cut displays from, they just need to build these relatively small segments and assemble.

Sony and Samsung have been working on the tech for a long time, along with some other companies. Right now Sony and Samsung's tech are in the same general sphere in terms of maturity, we're just waiting for some more breakthroughs to let them scale smaller and get that price further down. A shame the tech is taking so long to make it to market for consumers, but we're slowly getting there. Maybe by the time the PS5 Pro or PS6 drops, lol.


Gold Member
What kind of games would it take to bring you to a 10/10 for either of these consoles? Just generally speaking.

10/10 for me?

Show my Cyberpunk running in 4k at launch, not later down the road.

Personal favorite of mine I want to see MLB The Show cranked up to the max.

Maybe show CoD MP running at 120 fps even if its 1080p

Day 1 next gen patches for some of the current games.

Last but not least give me my damn HDMI 2.1 Firmware update to my X900H TV.

Is all that too much to ask? ;)

Side note I am quite excited for the Nvidia show as well.

Impress me with over the top graphics on the power hungry wallet busting 3090.

GAF machine

Gold Member

That's a nice looking chariot. Is it the one you wanted to get a new car system and speakers for?...

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Wonderful! I wanna make a 3D map of my future house, and was considering UE4 (a version, I think that's specialized in architecture), but that would need a steep learning curve for someone like me.

It's only for discussion and collecting ideas of how should arranges rooms:land.
What you're describing is Unreal's Twinmotion! thats what i used for this render. Id say sketchup + twinmotion are much easier to get into than other software, plus they're free. With a couple of hours on each you'd get pretty okay at using them for what you want.

Neo Blaster

That shit is fake, as fake as XSX footage. They told IGN to replace the "booing" with applause or outright did themselves? Even Gamespot replaced it. Check the comment section here.

this is live. he got booed of the stage, like the two dudes during EVO show.

edit: thanks to some live blogs, sponsered once by Microsoft "lol"

Damn, this is the first time I watch a version with boos, that makes these comparison videos much more interesting.
But which one will be announced first?

Microsoft's or Sonys?

The suspense is killer.

If it make you feel better. I will announce the pricing and when preorders go up for my new gaming console. The Whispers in the box. You get 1 Retro console and 2 games. But what console you get is random. It could be a cheap Chinese Retro console or a classic. It’s kinda like buying a lottery ticket.


That's what I was thinking, SM:MM is releasing before R&C but we haven't seen a single gameplay. But with that said, if SM looks as good as it does in the trailers well, they could be saving the gameplay reveal for some flexing at their next event.
I mean, look at this, you can see the small little hairs in his forehead, I took these screenshots directly from the trailer:


Also look at his hair! it looks so good


Full Screenshots:


This is simply crazy! Same was with Horizon FW and those little facial hair.

What you're describing is Unreal's Twinmotion! thats what i used for this render. Id say sketchup + twinmotion are much easier to get into than other software, plus they're free. With a couple of hours on each you'd get pretty okay at using them for what you want.

Wonderful to hear that! I should give it a shot then. Thanks for the advice :)


That's a nice looking chariot. Is it the one you wanted to get a new car system and speakers for?...

Man, your memory is so fucking solid! Yes, that's the one. This car is very simple and built like a tank, goes straight from showroom to police and military forces.




One reason why it's the 1# most sold car in Oman in 2019, 16,000+ cars in a country of 4.2 Million populations. Land Cruiser comes second at 14.5K.

Inside, you can put whatever the fuck you wanna put.


It also has a small fridge for drinks. So I'll be using half of that for that screen and the second half as extra storage, raise the screen up so the viewing angle is better and higher.


How much stock can put into the rumors of a Socom revival?
Guerrilla is clearly making a second game. They hired the creative director and a lead designer, both from the Rainbow Six Siege team, and they are currently working at GG. That lead designer also previously worked on SOCOM.

But Horizon 2 has its own creative director already, same guy who did HZD.

They hired a 2nd game director for their second game, could be a shooter. R6Siege is a tactical multiplayer FPS (I love it) and SOCOM could also be a tactical multiplayer FPS, could even be same style of 5v5 CQC military PvP with no respawns. Guerrilla's engine already made Killzone with multiplayer FPS, so the studio could easily do it.

Sony has also said it wants to explore multiplayer games more and SIE 1st party currently lacks an online centric FPS. So it all seems highly possible.
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