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L’Oreal Drops Transgender Model After ‘All White People’ Racism Post

So everyone is racist, including me, you, everyone. Ok.

That's exactly what you are saying, since a white homeless person enjoying privilege would mean they could make use of said privilege, meaning bootstraps and shit.
The fact that person can't means he's not enjoying any privilege.

Enjoying Privilege and having privilege are two different things. Yeah a homeless white person can't enjoy his privilege but it's still there.

Actually, that's what describes colorism among different races funnily enough.


There's a big difference between a lady that can't even talk or acknowledge that Trump said there were good people on "both sides" (which is obviously alluding to the neo-nazis having good people) and people reacting to a model that mentions "racial violence of white people..." "Yes ALL white people".
You're not a true ally if you're uncomfortable with being shit on for no reason, apparently.

FUCK that noise. I'm a PoC--probably raised in a vastly more unprivileged environment than the dipshit in the OP--and I wish all the needlessly inflammatory bullshit would just go away.

I encourage you to stop putting up with it. No decent white person should feel bad for not wanting to debase themselves further just to fit a couple of idiots' definition of the word "ally".


I'm surprised you're surprised, this isn't a foreign narrative for GAF. You read some threads and get the feeling some people, hate white people.

Imagine the same thread with people agreeing with a person who said the same thing but replace white with black.

The ban hammer would be swinging full time. I guess white people have the privilege of being demonized for stuff that happened before they were born.


Enjoying Privilege and having privilege are two different things. Yeah a homeless white person can't enjoy his privilege but it's still there.

Actually, that's what describes colorism among different races funnily enough.
That's a load of arbitrary bullshit.
Can't believe that people are unironically declaring all white people racist in this thread.

Get it together Gaf.

A fucking madhouse. What's more, some people are acting like it's common sense, or straight-up trying to redefine racism in a way that makes their statement tautological.
See, this is where you're mistaken. All forms of poverty are bad. This is not a competition, nor will it ever be. There should not be a metric

You're literally making it a competition and creating a metric

Homeless White people do not have the capital power that richer White people have; but, they can still acknowledge that they hold racial privileges that PoC do not have. The end goal is to not to make you feel bad.

I've asked you both to quantify the privilege a homeless, drug addicted, unemployed white person has that doesn't involve some hypothetical. You have yet to do so.

That's not what I was saying at all. Crocodile pretty much explains how intersectionality works. You can't look at privilege like a end all be all.

You're making the same mistake as the poster above and assuming I'm stupid, or don't understand, or etc.

Again, your sanctimonious paternalism absolutely solves nothing.

Lots of Trump supporters agree with you. They also don't believe white privilege or institutional racism exists.

I think anyone with common sense would tell you that the brink of starvation is a bigger inconvenience than whether or not you have access to a cab.

I'm surprised you're surprised, this isn't a foreign narrative for GAF. You read some threads and get the feeling some people, hate white people.

Did you see the thread last week where a woman of color just assumed all white people were rich and demanded money from them?


Tears in the rain
Fucking hell. Thread is really giving me a headache. Look my mom is full Native and my dad is 1/2 Native Canadian. I've lost my job as a graphic designer because I was too "Chinese" to handle a fucking business card for some shitty fitness club ran by an European woman in Montreal. I have no Asian genes AT ALL.

White hobos have privilege? What the fuck are you talking about. My god. I'm not even brown. I can pass as white most of the time. I think some people really think that passing as white/being white is some magical resource. Sometimes I 100% believe it might be so. But fucking hell people...
Imagine the same thread with people agreeing with a person who said the same thing but replace white with black.

The ban hammer would be swinging full time. I guess white people have the privilege of being demonized for stuff that happened before they were born.

Oh man, it just keeps getting better.


You're not a true ally if you're uncomfortable with being shit on for no reason, apparently.

FUCK that noise. I'm a PoC--probably raised in a vastly more unprivileged environment than the dipshit in the OP--and I wish all the needlessly inflammatory bullshit would just go away.

I encourage you to stop putting up with it. No decent white person should feel bad for not wanting to debase themselves further just to fit a couple of idiots' definition of the word "ally".

This. I think half of the people in here having this definition of "allies" blocked me already. I'm sure two did. Last time i told one of them to fuck off and that got me a ban lol.
"all Kurds are terrorists and are complicit with the PKK"

am kurdish

blanket statements are bad full stop.

Ppl need to realize the differences between race and ethnicity, i studied the concept for only 2-3 weeks and wrote a paper on it in regards to kurdish people. Ethnicities share in the same political, social, and personal memories and will generally act accordingly to what those memories teach them. for instance, white american religious conservative males raised in a white religious conservative setting have a tendency towards racial prejudice based upon the ideas of conservative social heirarchy and the memories of systemic oppression of minorities. Race is more or less based upon physical attributes and cant/shouldnt be used as an 'obstacle, enemy, etc (? idk how to word this)'.

Example being I am racially Kurdish by feature of my nasal structure and hair. I am not ethnically Kurdish (despite any amount of research Ive done) as I was raised in a non-religious caucasian canadian setting.

Hopefully I worded this alright.


Take the economics out of it for one second and remember that a Black man ascended to the presidency of the United States and was still flung racist accusations

I believe I already answered your question by stating that PoC that are homeless are still at a disadvantage compared to homeless White people. Thus, homeless White people still have White privilege.

Capitalism isn't just economics, it is the totality of most of global society now. You can't 'take the economics out of it'.
Fucking hell. Thread is really giving me a headache. Look my mom is full Native and my dad is 1/2 Native Canadian. I've lost my job as a graphic designer because I was too "Chinese" to handle a fucking business card for some shitty fitness club ran by an European woman in Montreal. I have no Asian genes AT ALL.

White hobos have privilege? What the fuck are you talking about. My god.

If you can't separate class privilege and racial privilege then that's on you.


Oh man, it just keeps getting better.
You've added nothing of value at all with any of your bullshit posts.

Shit like this thread is why I don't log into GAF anymore. Saying every white person is racist/privileged is such bullshit that I can't believe any sane person believes is.


Fucking hell. Thread is really giving me a headache. Look my mom is full Native and my dad is 1/2 Native Canadian. I've lost my job as a graphic designer because I was too "Chinese" to handle a fucking business card for some shitty fitness club ran by an European woman in Montreal. I have no Asian genes AT ALL.

White hobos have privilege? What the fuck are you talking about. My god. I'm not even brown. I can pass as white most of the time. I think some people really think that passing as white/being white is some magical resource. Sometimes I 100% believe it might be. But fucking hell people...

But you don't understand, the hobo is white!

If you can't separate class privilege and racial privilege then that's on you.


You've added nothing of value at all with any of your bullshit posts.

Shit like this thread is why I don't log into GAF anymore. Saying every white person is racist/privileged is such bullshit that I can't believe any sane person believes is.

I barely go into offtopic anymore. Shit is getting ridiculous.
If you wanna call recognizing social norms sanctimonious then go ahead.

Telling homeless white people they need to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps isn't a social norm in my social circles.

If you're not going to quantify your garbage politics without having to resort to hypotheticals and make-believe then I guess the conversation has come to an end.


No one is saying that though? Just because someone has a privilege doesn't mean that they can use it in a meaningful way.

Privilege: A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.

What special right, advantage or immunity does a white homeless person have compared to a black homeless person?
None. Therefore, by definition, he has no privilege.


I'm really confused why when people keep talking about the issue of race, people rebutt with class. Like there is a link but they are still separate axes as well. That some people don't understand this makes these sorts of conversations hard and exhausting :(

And the crux of this discussion is that the woman in OP went from "not all white people" to "actually yeah all white people and most people of color as well."

I was more speaking generally (that even talking about White Privilege triggers people) than the model in question that started the topic.

I've asked you both to quantify the privilege a homeless, drug addicted, unemployed white person has that doesn't involve some hypothetical. You have yet to do so.

Crack Epidemic ravages communities of Color in the 80s/90s - Most of the population shrug and many politicians use it for political gain. Also WAR ON DRUGSSSSSS!!!!!

Opioid Epidemic ravages White communities in 10s - "OMG GET THEM THAT MONEY STAT!!!!! WE NEED TO HAVE EMPATHY!!"

Everyone in these groups needs/needed and deserves/deserved help but the average reaction to one group was different than the other. I wonder why.......
You've added nothing of value at all with any of your bullshit posts.

Shit like this thread is why I don't log into GAF anymore. Saying every white person is racist/privileged is such bullshit that I can't believe any sane person believes is.

I've only posted twice, (this being the third) and I ultimately don't care how you feel about them.

This thread is a shining example of why racial dynamics will never change in this country or in the world because of privileged, fragile people not being able to deal with being confronted aggressively about their position.

Do I think she probably could have cleaned that up and made it less combative and aggressive? Sure.

Do I disagree with her general premise? Not at all.

White people could change the racial dynamic tomorrow if they felt like it. The majority of people, and yes, this includes liberals, are just fine with the status quo as it remains. Nobody ultimately cares about PoC, and because of that, lots of us don't feel like we need to sugarcoat our words anymore. It is what it is.

Meanwhile, I'm in here because I'm amused at seeing the same tired deflections used as defense that people have been saying about white privilege over and over again.

"White homeless people have no privilege at all!"

"I guess white people have the privilege of being demonized for stuff that happened before they were born."

These are just so hilariously ignorant all I CAN do is be amused those kinds of statements.


A fucking madhouse. What's more, some people are acting like it's common sense, or straight-up trying to redefine racism in a way that makes their statement tautological.
Nothing new; it's been that way for the past couple of years. It's gotten to the point where disagreeing with a select few users in itself qualifies as bigotry. Slayven and Excelsiorlef, for instance, are always going around making vague, sly posts about all the supposed bigots and racists on Gaf, but are always too cowardly to name any of them.


Fellow white people, stop getting so riled up when someone calls you racist. Life may not be so great, but it could be worse...


Fellow white people, stop getting so riled up when someone calls you racist. Life may not be so great, but it could be worse...
By the same token, people shouldn't get mad when someone loses their job for making a sweeping racist statement.

Talking about any race as if it is a homogeneous group of carbon copies without taking into account ethnicity or nationality is dumb as fuck, and that includes caucasian people.

All in all, qualify every argument you make or you come out looking ignorant.
If you don't have access to something, you don't have it.

I don't know why you can't understand this.

Because that's not how privilege in itself works.

And can you respond to crocodile please because he's honestly doing a better job than I and you're not giving him any counter points and we're talking about the same thing.


I've only posted twice, (this being the third) and I ultimately don't care how you feel about them.

This thread is a shining example of why racial dynamics will never change in this country or in the world because of privileged, fragile people not being able to deal with being confronted aggressively about their position.

Do I think she probably could have cleaned that up and made it less combative and aggressive? Sure.

Do I disagree with her general premise? Not at all.

White people could change the racial dynamic tomorrow if they felt like it. The majority of people, and yes, this includes liberals, are just fine with the status quo as it remains. Nobody ultimately cares about PoC, and because of that, lots of us don't feel like we need to sugarcoat our words anymore. It is what it is.

Meanwhile, I'm in here because I'm amused at seeing the same tired deflections used as defense that people have been saying about white privilege over and over again.

"White homeless people have no privilege at all!"

"I guess white people have the privilege of being demonized for stuff that happened before they were born."

These are just so hilariously ignorant all I CAN do is be amused those kinds of statements.

What position are you talking about? And you acting like white people are some hivemind that just could flip a switch is pretty much the most ridiculous thing I've read in here.
Also the homeless person was brought up by people arguing for your stance, not against it.

Listen, if I do everything I can except actually killing racists on the streets to make this a better place for minorities and then you come in to tell me I'm racist because of my skin color I'm not being fragile when I tell you to get lost with that BS.

Dead Man

Yeah. Always said using privilege as the label for the concept under discussion was bad. It should be addressed the other way, what is called privileged should be considered the baseline and discussions should refer to a deficit of normal expectations or something. I'm sick as a dog and words are not flowing at the moment, hopefully that made some sense to someone.

I agree with the concept but the wording makes discussion difficult with those who are traditionally under privileged being told they are privileged.
You've added nothing of value at all with any of your bullshit posts.

Shit like this thread is why I don't log into GAF anymore. Saying every white person is racist/privileged is such bullshit that I can't believe any sane person believes is.

Lies. The most laughs I've had in this disaster were courtesy of those comments.

You alone are not the arbiter of value. If you only find yourself compelled to log in to shit on things then maybe you just shouldn't log in at all. I wish I had a link to that thing that allows you to ignore threads if it's such a huge burden and truly shitting up the place for you.


Yeah. Always said using privilege as the label for the concept under discussion was bad. It should be addressed the other way, what is called privileged should be considered the baseline and discussions should refer to a deficit of normal expectations or something. I'm sick as a dog and words are not flowing at the moment, hopefully that made some sense to someone.

I agree with the concept but the wording makes discussion difficult with those who are traditionally under privileged being told they are privileged.

You make too much sense for this thread.


I've only posted twice, (this being the third) and I ultimately don't care how you feel about them.

This thread is a shining example of why racial dynamics will never change in this country or in the world because of privileged, fragile people not being able to deal with being confronted aggressively about their position.
You are full of shit. Reacting defensively to people who aggressively try to change one's beliefs is literally ingrained in the human psyche and has nothing to do with anyone being particularly fragile. And I especially don't blame anyone for taking issue with a couple of vocal morons demanding they debase themselves when they have not done anything to deserve being berated.
What position are you talking about? And you acting like white people are some hivemind that just could flip a switch is pretty much the most ridiculous thing I've read in here.
Also the homeless person was brought up by people arguing for your stance, not against it.
Listen, if I do everything I can except actually killing racists on the streets to make this a better place for minorities and then you come in to tell me I'm racist because of my skin color I'm not being fragile when I tell you to get lost with that BS.

This is a good example of why this discussion is problematic.

I'm not talking about you. I don't know you. I have no idea who you are, I don't know what you've done. You could be the most stalwart ally to marginalized people, or you could be an a liar who's attempting to win brownie points on the internet. Why are you making this about you?

If you're the person you say you are, do you think that any PoC or marginalized person is going to be mad at you? Won't look at you as an ally? You're taking it personally. Why?

And to your first point, what is this hivemind garbage? I never even said that. White people have the political and economic power to make changes in this country if it's for an issue they actually care about, and if it is enough of them, said issue can change quickly. Are you denying that?
Crack Epidemic ravages communities of Color in the 80s/90s - Most of the population shrug and many politicians use it for political gain. Also WAR ON DRUGSSSSSS!!!!!

Opioid Epidemic ravages White communities in 10s - "OMG GET THEM THAT MONEY STAT!!!!! WE NEED TO HAVE EMPATHY!!"

Everyone in these groups needs/needed and deserves/deserved help but the average reaction to one group was different than the other. I wonder why.......

Thank you. This is a legitimate example and I appreciate it.

But this is also different than the morally bankrupt position of "homeless white people benefit from being white".
Yeah. Always said using privilege as the label for the concept under discussion was bad. It should be addressed the other way, what is called privileged should be considered the baseline and discussions should refer to a deficit of normal expectations or something. I'm sick as a dog and words are not flowing at the moment, hopefully that made some sense to someone.

I agree with the concept but the wording makes discussion difficult with those who are traditionally under privileged being told they are privileged.

Yeah but it's like we continue to have to break things down to make it easier to understand but there's always a semantic catch in each situation. Black Lives Matter should be a easy concept but hey ho nope. At this point personally, I'm not coddling any more discussion if you can't get over semantics and reach the concept.
If you're the person you say you are, do you think that any PoC or marginalized person is going to be mad at you? Won't look at you as an ally? You're taking it personally. Why?
You're asking why blanket statements aren't being taken personally? You know a blanket statement about black people would immediately earn a ban here, come on. (As well it should, but it should be applied across the board. Blanket statements are bad.)

And to your first point, what is this hivemind garbage? I never even said that. White people have the political and economic power to make changes in this country if it's for an issue they actually care about, and if it is enough of them, said issue can change quickly. Are you denying that?
Again, white person =! white people.
attempting to win brownie points

This is largely my assumption when white liberals go on about minority politics.

what is this hivemind garbage?

I would assume that the topic is discussed in those terms because the subject of the OP said that all white people and all people of color who were various shades of Not Black were complicit in racism and were, thus, racists.

When the initial topic is generalities then the response will follow similarly.
You're asking why blanket statements aren't being taken personally? You know a blanket statement about black people would immediately earn a ban here, come on. (As well it should, but it should be applied across the board. Blanket statements are bad.)

Again, white person =! white people.

Sociologically speaking they aren't, which is what most of these discussions are about.
Sociologically speaking they aren't, which is what most of these discussions are about.

Rage and violence turn irrational only when they are directed against substitutes, and this, I am afraid, is precisely what not only the psychiatrist and polemologists, concerned with human aggressiveness, commend, but what corresponds, alas, to certain moods and unreflected attitudes in society at large. We all know, for example, that it has become rather fashionable among white liberals to react against “black rage” with the cry, We are all guilty, and black militants have proved only too happy to accept this “confession” and to base on it some of their more fantastic demands.

Where all are guilty, however, no one is; confessions of collective guilt are always the best possible safeguard against the discovery of the actual culprits. In this particular instance, it is in addition a dangerous and obfuscating escalation of racism into some higher, less tangible regions: The real rift between black and white is not healed when it is being translated into an even less reconcilable conflict between collective innocence and collective guilt. It is racism in disguise and it serves quite effectively to give the very real grievances and rational emotions of the Negro population an outlet into irrationality, an escape from reality.


Dead Man

Yeah but it's like we continue to have to break things down to make it easier to understand but there's always a semantic catch in each situation. Black Lives Matter should be a easy concept but hey ho nope. At this point personally, I'm not coddling any more discussion if you can't get over semantics and reach the concept.

Sure, I get that. But if anyone wants to win anyone over to any opinion, you need to tailor the message to the audience, even when you don't think you should have to. I'm not saying you should, or have any obligation to, but for groups who want to achieve maximum effectiveness I think it should be a consideration of their communications. Hell, it is for a lot, but you see so much needless bullshit on forums like this when poor white folks defensive because they feel attacked instead of being allies like they could be.

Bah, it's too late now, privilege is the word of choice so we are where we are. Hopefully someone finds a less challenging way of discussing it.
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