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Killzone Shadow Fall (PS4) announced, launch title [1080p/30fps]

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I have disliked or felt "meh" to all the Killzone games to date. I like the new color setup in this game a lot better and will give it a fair chance like I have the other games in the series. Hopefully I will enjoy them this time around.


People need to remember that this is only an early build of a gen 1 PS4 game.

PS4 games 2-3 years from now will look insane.

Yep, and I expect nearly the same for XB3. The ease of development for the next wave of console should bring great results early on and continue to grow.

That said, EPIC's Mark Rein did state for Geoff that Sony answered their love letter when it came to RAM.
Looks like what at thought it would look like, amazing. Same with the gameplay, boring. Yup it's Killzone alright.

This! It never fails either :)

Looks like what at thought it would look like, amazing. Same with the gameplay, boring. Yup it's Halo alright.

Looks like what at thought it would look like, amazing. Same with the gameplay, boring. Yup it's Zelda alright.

Looks like what at thought it would look like, amazing. Same with the gameplay, boring. Yup it's Crysis alright.

And what is up with the Higs living with Vektan scum?



I love how some of you complain about the gameplay. Did you expect Little Big Planet in a FPS/Killzone game? What about Driveclub, was that shitty typical generic driving game gameplay...?

There are plenty of really generic first-person shooters that are still good games.


Did you even pay attention to what Herman Hulst said? Or even the end of that gameplay demo?

It still doesn't make much sense since their entire planet was annihilated. Ah whatever, I don't care that KZ3 is getting a bit retconned.


Gold Member
If civilians interact with the gameplay I will be most pleased, that should be the first fps/shooter thats accomplished that right?

Also if what we saw was real time gameplay, then Im impressed.


If civilians interact with the gameplay I will be most pleased, that should be the first fps/shooter thats accomplished that right?

Also if what we saw was real time gameplay, then Im impressed.

Geoff confirmed on GT livestream that he saw that demo played live.


so no one is with me that the art direction and animations are worse than previous KZ games??? don't get me wrong that as a showcase for PS4 power it looks amazing but just not KZ to me ... anyway maybe its just me :/

It's new and different, and thematically fits with the tone and setting. As much as I love the Killzone 2 aesthetic this new look to me looks amazing and beautiful.


Graphically incredible, but it looks like it plays like every other FPS of the past couple years.

I agree, especially for a launch title. I can't wait to see what a studio like Sony Santa Monica or Naughty Dog will be able to pull off with the PS4 hardware later on. Having said that, the gameplay looks very similar to past Killzone titles. It might be harder to impress gamers now than from the PS2/PS3 switch. Better graphics might not cut it, I would really like smarter and different A.I. this time around.

Also if what we saw was real time gameplay, then Im impressed.

It looks like Guerilla didn't want to make the same mistake as before and showed this as a realtime demo. After it was over I saw him exit to the menu.


What stood out to me is that it is so incredibly clean and crisp looking. No mud to be found. When you stop and look at the little details, it's next gen all over your face. And yes, it is a launch game still in the works. Also, look at that fucking Capcom demo and you can get an idea of what is to come. It's a good time to be a gamer.


I'd be in the dick
The shot of the cityscape blew away my expectations for graphics for next gen. I was not expecting anything like that, much less on a launch title on early dev kits.


There should be more tampons in gaming
I really want to know what games people are playing to say they find KZ boring. Are you incessantly playing Dark Souls and developing sweaty palm syndrome from the idea that you can potentially die in any encounter? If it's not that then what are you talking about? The games are fun and gorgeous. People should carry on if the game isn't their cup of tea


so no one is with me that the art direction and animations are worse than previous KZ games??? don't get me wrong that as a showcase for PS4 power it looks amazing but just not KZ to me ... anyway maybe its just me :/

The visuals are amazing... spectacular. But I hate the direction they've taken the franchise. The gunplay looked really weak too, no recoil at all. Animation wise it looked to me like the helghast were using KZ3 place holder animation, it'll probably get a lot better. Early demos and all that. By release it'll be the most spectacular looking game ever don't worry about that.

I doubt I'll like the game though. Still, I'll give it a go so I can troll GG afterwards :p


Very impressive. This gen is definetly blurring the boundaries between CG and gameplay.

More than anything else, I'm just happy that this level of quality bodes well for VR in the not too distant future.

Imagine standing on that platform before it's blown up.

I'd never leave!


If civilians interact with the gameplay I will be most pleased, that should be the first fps/shooter thats accomplished that right?

Also if what we saw was real time gameplay, then Im impressed.
It clearly was. There was a guy playing, and not doing a very good job at it.








so no one is with me that the art direction and animations are worse than previous KZ games??? don't get me wrong that as a showcase for PS4 power it looks amazing but just not KZ to me ... anyway maybe its just me :/

The art direction is spectacular. What do you know, a futuristic city in a vidya game that doesn't look like a Blade Runner ripoff is possible!

The animation seemed early at times. The gameplay itself not all that interesting to be honest.
So what explains the monumental difference in graphics between this and every single other game shown?

I can believe the opening scene (flyby , background can be mostly smoke and mirrors) and the shooty shooty bang bang zzz gameplay being realtime, but the second half?
That looks wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too good compared to the first half and looks a full gen ahead of everything else shown.

That kind of scale with that kind of draw distance and macro and micro detail without any pop in or visible LOD transitions? You can even see cars on the ground and fancy lighting in the bottom floors of one of the buildings.

I was buying the shootbang part, and the second the clinging to the plane scene began I thought it was cgi, then they showed the other games and tech demos :which were with the exception of the dragon demo hugely dissapointing in comparison).

Almost everything shown looks like current gen console ports on a pc except for the killzone one (and the dragon one but that was on a TINY scale in a tech demo with a fake UI pasted on top).
Hell watchdogs wasn't even running on ps4 but on a high end pc, and didn't look so hot (and looked primitive compared to the killzone demo lighting and asset quality wise) to begin with.


Makes for a great graphics showcase, I suppose. Still minutely scripted, complete with visual and audio instructions(did that line to get out of the drop ship make sense to anyone? unless he's talking to himself) for just about every action. I don't mean to be too hard on it, it's only a demo designed to show off the power of the console, but the initial impressions are what they are. Guerrilla and Naughty Dog locked in a first party battle to outcinematic the other.


going off the trailer they seem to go an intresting way story wise. Helghans living on vekta to make up for the nuking of the planet. The big wall that divides it all. The new generation who want payback. But gameplay wise not much new, though i liked the gun.


I thought that the presentation was amazing and this is just preliminary alpha code for a launch game.
But I expected more innovations in term of gameplay although they're trying to open up the game a bit with vast environments.


What stood out to me is that it is so incredibly clean and crisp looking. No mud to be found. When you stop and look at the little details, it's next gen all over your face. And yes, it is a launch game still in the works. Also, look at that fucking Capcom demo and you can get an idea of what is to come. It's a good time to be a gamer.

That Capcom demo was, well, i doubt that that was a realtime demo. Don't get me wrong, i don't mistrust that being possible on the PS4, but i got the feeling that they (Capcom) were trying to fool us with that fake-HUD (always the sword, never switching weapons).
Holy shit. I'm still stuck at work, but those gifs look crazy. It's been so long since I've seen a significant jump in graphics like that. I need to watch the live stream when I get home, but I'm definitely interested in a PS4 now and my gaming laptop probably won't be able to run shit in a few years if this is what next-gen is going to look like. Lol. I guess I'll end up buying or building a new PC sooner than later too.


I don't care much for Killzone but the graphics look INCREDIBLE. Seriously blown away, probably the best looking game at the conference.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
The visuals are amazing... spectacular. But I hate the direction they've taken the franchise. The gunplay looked really weak too, no recoil at all. Animation wise it looked to me like the helghast were using KZ3 place holder animation, it'll probably get a lot better. Early demos and all that. By release it'll be the most spectacular looking game ever don't worry about that.

I doubt I'll like the game though. Still, I'll give it a go so I can troll GG afterwards :p

If you noticed the weapon being used the general design makes it appear to be a fully automatic railgun basically. Therefore, there would not really be any recoil as it uses magnetic propulsion and not a propellant like conventional firearms do. Therefore it makes sense that the particular weapon would not have much or any recoil at all.


That is seriously one gorgeous cityscape. Haven't bothered with any of the previous games, but this has definitely grabbed my attention.
I.. I thought the gameplay is amazing, you can climb stuff now, better mobility, melee kill from above, throw knives...

am I really the only one that's hyped for the gameplay?


I like the feeling of having been right all along, you know when you and I were labeled as insane because we wanted something much more impressive than Crysis 3, SW1313 or WD at launch ?

Who's laughing now ? Us.

Are you serious!? We dont even know if its running at 720p or 1080p. I thought it looked great... but making Crysis 3 on pc look as you called it " a gameboy game" is pretty extreme.

Also Drive Club graphic wise didn't blow me away, GT5 , Pcars looks better.

I just am floored that it has 8 gb of GDDR5 ram... Polyphony is going to go nuts with that.
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