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Is the Playstation 5 just smoke and mirrors?

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For half a year Sony tells us that "what you are seeing was captured from real hardware" but where is this "real" hardware actually playing the game?

I've been thinking "real hardware" means devkits rather than final, retail consoles at this point. Whether that's "real" enough to qualify is left as an exercise to the reader.


I understand if you're frustrated from the contradictions but not like this. They aren't going to release 18-bit games at the end you know that right?


Something is not right with this new launch.
How the heck are we less than 2 months away from having that new video game at home but we still didn't see a real one? Why are we only seeing renders this late in the game? For half a year Sony tells us that "what you are seeing was captured from real hardware" but where is this "real" hardware actually playing the game? Where? So far we only have seen the new controller.

Not only that, the software also.
What about the new SO? What changed, what is new?
Why Sony isn't showing us anything at all?

Surely, there's something that they're trying to hide?
all i know is day 1 OS update is going to be huge
just be prepared to download a huge update when you plug it in


We came a long way from the innovative PSX to the mudane PS5. It's pretty much just a more expensive PS4.


Something is not right with this new launch.
How the heck are we less than 2 months away from having that new video game at home but we still didn't see a real one? Why are we only seeing renders this late in the game? For half a year Sony tells us that "what you are seeing was captured from real hardware" but where is this "real" hardware actually playing the game? Where? So far we only have seen the new controller.

Not only that, the software also.
What about the new SO? What changed, what is new?
Why Sony isn't showing us anything at all?

Surely, there's something that they're trying to hide?
We haven't even seen a proper game running on XSX....

I have no doubt that when I open the box to use my PS5, it will be a real console and not a render.


Demon's gameplay looked pretty real. a step above DSIII/BB but still pretty realistic.

no doubt there will be some downgrades but i dunno this OP among many seems like an overreaction


I mean, the same could be same with Microsoft at the same time. Both haven't really shown or talked about everything. But that doesn't mean there's something to hide, lmao.


Meanwhile the best looking game ever is a launch game for PS5.
Can't believe that something I love like Demon's Souls is both easily the most next-gen looking actual game, and runs at 60fps. Oh, and that 1 second loading:


Love this shit.


What difference does it make? They are both selling consoles at a loss.

If for whatever reason you want to believe him as a "source" then go ahead, nobody is stopping you. Enjoy yourself.

I don't know who he is or believe him as a source but pretty much everyone believed the PS5 was going to be $599 so that an an example of them being wrong is a bad example.. I feel pretty sure that was the intended price until Microsoft made it impossible for them to do so.


2. Said Pandemic and people working at home, I can see how information could get shuffled and fail to make it to presentation. Or the longer wait to put together showcases like this.
3. It does feel deceptive to see games showcased as PS5 only games but are also on PS4. I do think its great being on multiple platforms and supporting the PS4 as the world moves within a pandemic world and there is now a lack of money to support a new console. However, there are benefits for games to be made and designed solely on one platform in terms of performance. Xbox idea is not a bad one, and its okay for Sony to admit their wrong and wanting to adapt Xbox's ideas to compete. Its never about who has the better idea first, its about who is the most effective.
4. Yes Sony is infamous for smokescreen games their games and consoles. That's marketing, the rush and excitement of: "Omg I need to buy this now" when in reality the games shown won't be there day one (or in this case) solely on PS5. This has been Xbox's scrutiny, but they had spent a lot of time explaining their position.
5. Sony choosing to not really communicate a lot of information this early in is bad. But as long they are able to do it before launch, there isn't a problem.
6. The consoles are limited in stock for now, the people who want a PS5 will buy a PS5 day one irregardless they know everything about it. People who are on the fence are a fraction of the market Sony doesn't see a need to focus on because they just want to convince you later as they are willing to wait until later.

Just relax. You aren't owe anything, understand we are in a pandemic and its affecting everyone in different ways.


Gold Member
the fud for the ps5 is unreal.

Sony has delivered plenty of consoles and gadgets of very high quality over what??...50 years?? and NOW its suspicious?? Lol, get out of here.


It's being hidden away in a basement without any confirmation it can, in fact, play videogames. What is inside the thing making people so jittery? Did the Super Futuristic SSD become sentient and go Skynet on Cerny?
So the JOE Byron of consoles


It is weird that will still don't have a picture of one of the higher ups at Sony posing with the PS5, but just renders.

They released the dimension, but dimensions are much harder to imagine when you don't have a reference point. Are they keep it hidden for as long as they can, because it just looks huge and might detract people from buying it?

This is obviously a out there theory, but it really doesn't make any other sense why they are still hiding it.
Because we have no actual live events

You are all so dumb...
The title is just a hyperbole, but question is true. We all seen the Series X from inside out. Why isn't Sony allowing anyone to get close and touch a PS5? Microsoft is showing their hardware, actual hardware, not only hollow shells like in the beginning from all angles. Actual photos, why can't Sony do this?
Microsoft also demonstrated how their system works for both new and old generation games, while Sony only made promises.

None of you are finding this a bit strange?
Why this launch is being so different for Sony?
Why the PS5 is being kept so secret, why the necessity to do this?
I don't doubt that there'll be plenty of systems for sale at launch like Sony is guaranteeing, but if so then why can't we see the real thing already?
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While I don't think there are any smoke and mirrors, I have to agree at being confused by this event at this stage in the game.
This was just a better version of their last event.

Actually it was worse.
FFXVI isn't from Sony, everyone already knew that it would appear there, Harry Potter was expected eventually some day.
The only real new thing is GoW2, but if it's coming next year why only a tittle card? Ridiculous.
The rest wasn't new.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
You are all so dumb...
The question is just a hyperbole, but question is true. We all seen the Series X from inside out. Why isn't Sony allowing anyone to get close and touch a PS5? Microsoft is showing their hardware, actual hardware, not only hollow shells like in the beginning from all angles. Actual photos, why can't Sony do this?
Microsoft also demonstrated how their system works for both new and old generation games, while only made promises.

None of you are finding this a bit strange?
Why this launch is being so different for Sony?
Why the PS5 is being kept so secret, why the necessity to do this?
I don't doubt that there'll be plenty of systems for sale at launch like Sony is guaranteeing, but if so then why can't we see the real thing already?


Maybe this is the storm Q was warning all of the Qanoners about? Hopefully Trump can kick out the deep state, stop children from being eaten, and deliver us the real next generation of gaming.


Microsoft is showing their hardware, actual hardware, not only hollow shells like in the beginning from all angles. Actual photos, why can't Sony do this?

Can you link to some photos of an Xbox Series X that aren't likely just of the hollow shell? Because I think that actually is all they've shown, outside of renders.

For example:


In this photo you see there's nothing behind the port windows except plastic, and you can see through the top slot to the green paint on the "roof."

This one seems to at least have something in the ports, though it's hard to say beyond that. Also, it's a leaked photo and not anything put out by MS, so I wouldn't count it as "Microsoft showing actual hardware."

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