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DF: Next gen coverage getting underway on both platforms


Because it has being historically the case with the previous consoles? The first games are usually already maxing the systems?

It will give a good ball park though and also the relative performance between console and certain pc configs.

If XSX is consistently pushing more pixels at higher FPS in multiplatform games or PS5 is consistently loading games faster we'll have a good idea of their relative power.




Remember folks if they have the consoles now, they are on OS 1.xx and there WILL be a day one 2.0 OS update. How this will/will not impact anything they are reviewing is entirely up in the air. Just something to consider before diving too deep in the weeds.
Fuck bugsnax, knack, and all the joke games.

Put the FF7R disc in and show me what happens.
When Pro was released they constantly focused on the only negative stuff they could find. They made whole articles about TLOUR having some framedrops (a couple of framedrops in some spots) on Pro (while pushing 2.7x more pixels) when actually the game was running better in some spots, worse in others but they cherry picked the worst parts to create a narrative in their articles.

And they almost completely ignored the fact that some games had 30% (or more) perf improvement like AC Unity that was running at solid 30fps on Pro (and they previously made several articles to show how the game was running bad on PS4).

Summary: don't expect them to show only the good things on PS5 (like they did on XSX). I already expect them to use unpatched AC Unity running BC on PS5 to create a new narrative.
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It may just be me, but it is somewhat ironic for John to say that he doesn't like cherry picked examples that show games in a bad light to fuel console wars, yet his job cherry picks examples of differing performance/graphics between multiplayer games that then end up fueling console wars.
Normally I defend Digital Foundry, as I feel that objective information and performance testing is helpful for developers and consumers, but John himself just set off the whole 1080p vs. 4K UI controversy, so yes this looks more than a bit hypocritical. He could have objectively stated the fact without calling it "unacceptable", which is clearly being overdramatic.


The first multiplat comparison video between PS5 and SX is going to be huge.

And they will be identical.

With all the power of the xbox they better not be, i have been assured there will be tangible differences and according to dealer, the king of xbox, over 50 fps more.
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Let's see these long waited 3rd-party comparisons.

Wait. So DF have a PS5?

This cold war just got HOT.
They release an article/video 5 seconds afer Sony PR... so they received something from Sony that is sure.
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Gold Member
I don't get that last tweet roasting that guy about the bugsnax textures. That is exactly the kind of analysis DF does zooming in 200% looking for jaggies or commenting on "curious low res textures that could be a streaming issue." In fact they may include that screen cap in their review.
They do but they don't find the worst possible shot to do it. There is a difference

Xaero Gravity

With all the power of the xbox they better not be, i have been assured there will be tangible differences and according to dealer, the king of xbox, over 50 fps more.
You know damn well that won't be the case, especially if devs are having an easier time with PS5 dev kits. But keep fighting the good fight.

I wouldn't be shocked if early gen multiplatform titles have a slight edge on PS5.
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You know damn well that won't be the case, especially if devs are having an easier time with PS5 dev kits. But keep fighting the good fight.

I wouldn't be shocked if early gen multiplatform titles have a slight edge on PS5.

But that is not what people have been saying on these forums...

Been hearing for months now about the worlds most powerful console bla bla bla.

and i buy it cos multiplats look better on it and so on.
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Xaero Gravity

But that is not what people have been saying on these forums...
Fanboys using the hyperbole and bullshit of other fanboys in order to score points and feel better about their console of choice is autism in it's purest form.

Been hearing for months now about the worlds most powerful console bla bla bla.

and i buy it cos multiplats look better on it and so on.
I can see multiplatform titles looking better on Series X in the long run.

I know the idea of some people having more interest in a Series X over a PS5 brings your piss to a boil, but c'est la vie.
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Fanboys using the hyperbole and bullshit of other fanboys in order to score points and feel better about their console of choice is autism in it's purest form.

I can see multiplatform titles looking better on Series X in the long run.

I know the idea of people having more interest in a Series X over a PS5 brings your piss to a boil, but c'est la vie.

i am not even sure how to quantify silly remarks like this. Yer i am sure the series x is way more popular than the Ps5. Sounds like someone pissed all over your leg and you're being a little butt hurt about it.

Enjoy your long wait.

Ps, welcome to my ignore list, try not to stew too much in your own vomit.


Isn't it a bit early for comparison videos? I would think the embargos for this kind of stuff would be like a week before release, together with the launch games reviews.


DF: Cyberpunk tested on next gen consoles.

That thread will be a meltdown machine for sure.

Please... Will be far ahead this time with that 'controversy' bullshit. Trust me, console wars will be only the ice cake of the discussion.


People on this board and others unironically listing Bugsnax as a PS exclusive they’re dying to play.

The absurdity goes both ways. #listwarz and pixel-counting are about to become the most important talking points. Personally, I’m just interested in the multi-platform face offs. I would expect a PS3/ 360 scenario, where the former’s exotic hardware is exploited by in house devs for results better than 3rd party can achieve, but the latter performs better across the broader range of titles.

But we’ll see!

Bugsnax is a meme between PS fans, but you don't seem to catch the sarcasm. Some might even go the extra mile and buy it just for laughs. Its graphics looks like shit, no one really takes it seriously but only some desperate guys from other platforms.


Flashless at the Golden Globes

no offense to John but DF made its name on finding worst case scenarios.

TBH, it's my biggest issue with their testing style. They always try to find a worst place where the framerate is at its worst and use that to make recommendations and judge the game. That's a completely flawed test and straight up misleading because most games run just fine 99% of the time.

I still remember how John made several articles when the Pro launched and because TLOU wasnt a perfect 4k 60 fps, he said something like how he will just set it to 30 fps and everyone lost their shit. ND ended up downgrading the game to get a more locked 60 fps and gamers who couldnt notice the difference were left with a downgraded version. he did the same thing with GoW's 60 fps mode because it wasnt locked. The game felt so much better in the high framerate mode it was shocking to see DF of all people recommending you dont play at high framerates because the framerate could drop.


Bugsnax is a meme between PS fans, but you don't seem to catch the sarcasm. Some might even go the extra mile and buy it just for laughs. Its graphics looks like shit, no one really takes it seriously but only some desperate guys from other platforms.

There is no Great War, not for many of us. And there’s very little sarcasm here these days when people trot out their allegiances—you’re pretty guilty of that yourself. People fighting over the superiority of plastic boxes for their corporate overlords are the true “desperate guys” and memes.


There is no Great War, not for many of us. And there’s very little sarcasm here these days when people trot out their allegiances—you’re pretty guilty of that yourself. People fighting over the superiority of plastic boxes for their corporate overlords are the true “desperate guys” and memes.

We laugh at Bugsnax all the time, if you see someone seriously buying it would be to play it with his kids or just to laugh at it. It's like saying xbox fans are going crazy over that Sega dolphin game rip-off or the other pirate tetris game.
The only multiplat that matters to me is Cyberpunk... okay... I'd also like to know how the new Destiny DLC runs on both. CoD and AC and Watch Dogs are franchises I have a very passing interest in, still haven't touched Modern Warfare, Origins/Odyssey and haven't beaten Watch Dogs 2 so... don't care much about their new entries yet. Very interested in how consistently Demon's Souls performs. Hoping Spider-Man runs well and is the definitive version of the base game since I never played that either. Not sure what launch exclusives Series X has but I'll watch their DF videos all the same.


Because it has being historically the case with the previous consoles? The first games are usually already maxing the systems?

Yes, some studios do tax the hardware pretty quickly. This generation is very similar in hardware to last gen. There really is no tricks that need to be discovered to increase performance. Last gen we saw the beginning of PBR shaders.. that didn't change the entire generation, so I'm not sure what people are expecting at the end of this generation with the hardware being the same.
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