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DEBATE: Do you think Resident Evil is almost dead, sans the upcoming remake?


I'd say RE7 brought some much needed life to a dying series. When the series turned to non stop action and co op then I lost interest. RE7 was really good for trying something different (best VR game to date). I'm excited for the next one which I haven't said since RE4 back in 2005.


As much as I've liked some Resident Evil games over the years, some of them are a bit of a chore to play. I don't mean in terms of the controls, more the stress the game puts on you with limited ammo and the like. I really liked RE2, Code Veronica, and what I played of RE7, but they were kind of daunting if that's not too strong a word, not something you'd put on to mash through, I'd have to be in the right mood for them. Resident Evil 4, and the 3DS game I've completely blanked on, were more action focused, still limiting in ways, still tense, but not as demanding on the player.

The reaction to RE7 compared to the 2 remake, honestly I think people want the campy nonsense, I think that's as much what Resident Evil was as tank controls and zombies. So I don't think it's dead, in fact I think it might have just had a shot in the arm, but it depends where Capcom take it


The problem with RE right now is that the overall plot is an utter trainwreck. RE2 is taking it back to when the plot was simple and RE7 stayed far away from the rest of the RE plot. But when they go back to Wesker's son fist fighting monsters, or Wesker's sister's persona implanted into a little girl or whatever the fuck, people will lose interest again.

After RE2 they need to reboot the franchise. Capcom could even say that RE2 is the new start and everything else isn't canon anymore.
It was rebooted with RE7 (even though the plot is a huge missed opportunity, if not disaster so much it's vapid and desperately empty).

It can go anywhere from there (especially with VR) and they can hard-press it like a lemon as much as they want.

But first they obviously have to remake 3 and remaster Code Veronica for coherence, continuity and collection.
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After RE7, specifically the ending and DLC, it's pretty obvious Capcom doesn't know wtf direction they want to take. I think they could easily regress to the state the series was in, with RE6 (and RE5 to an extent), and completely screw themselves over. At that point they will almost surely have to completely reboot the series as there's only so much damage control you can do.

Also I think the series in general has branched out too much with the spinoff games, and the story is just all over the place. Besides completely rebooting the series (which RE7 could have easily done), I don't know how they can wrap up the series in a meaningful way. At this point I feel like the series has jumped the shark and rebooting it is the best bet, that or put it on the back burner for awhile (in favor of other Capcom series, such as dino crisis, dragons dogma, etc.).
I agree with you, B_Signal. Revelations 1 is a game that looks interesting, but the enemies are very tough and I tried playing the game on casual, just to find that the panel lock puzzles were not the same as they are on normal mode, so I could not figure out the solutions. That part where you have to swim as the ship is flooded and reach air pockets is really annoying, in a Sonic the Hedgehog kind of way. It really distracts from the fun, as you said.
I actually enjoyed Revelations 2 very much. I know some people think it's crap, but I thought it was very decent. I'd say it was better than RE6 at least.


I think they have done a fantastic job of keeping resident evil relevant from a gameplay point of view over the years. I have enjoyed every game ( yes including raccoon city and the outbreaks)

From Narrative point of the the series is utter garbage which is too bad because it could be amazing because they have developed some interesting characters. It’s similar to Final Fantasy and many Japanese games where the narrative arc just goes off the rails despite some promising fundamentals at the start.

The Skull

Resident evil eventually turned into lost planet and that's why I started givigin up on it. Thankfully RE7 dialled that back a lot and, despite the action based last bit, the game was a great return to form. RE 2 remake looks to be headed in a great direction as well.
The remake is because it's like printing cash. The hype and demand for that remake is astronomical. I don't even think they wanted or were planning to make it before all the petitions and hype surrounding it. Kinda like Metroid Prime 4.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
I think, personally, that developers do this to inject into stale franchises. They feel that the brand name is worth something, but they want to bring people back. They don’t think that changing it too much will hurt because at th end of the day people will buy it just for the name alone.

To me, personally... Resident Evil will always be 1/2/3/CV. Even 0 doesn’t quite fit in what I believe RE to “be”. I LOVE RE4, as I actually do 5, but I see them as an alternate RE, just the same way as I see the Gun Survivor games. RE7, while enjoyable, was not RE on camera but RE in nature. It was if you will, an RE-Lite.

As for 6... I hope 6 burns in hell and is never heard from again. I bought it for 360 and never finished any of the campaigns. I bought it for Xbox one and... didn’t finish anything, as it just reminded me how bad the camera etc were.

But RE6 is a perfect example of what not to do, but why developers love to do it...

Take RE6, remove the name, change th characters and enemy... and you have an amazingly awesome melee/shooting engine that’s quite unique. But it is NOT resident evil.

So yeah... can they get back on track? Sure of course. I’m hoping that RE2 will light the world on fire and capcom will suddenly see that this sort of game isn’t dead.

But what I really expect to happen is that RE8 will be some mismanaged combination of messy ideas that nobody really wants, and they will listen to the wrong people...


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I havent played 7, but I love 1-6. Resident Evil might be the only long running series where I find every single main entry enjoyable.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Nah, I loved RE7. I've never given a shit about the overall canon of the games though. I just play them for the atmosphere and scares mostly.


Made an account just because I was lurking this thread and had to reply. So much hate on RE5 and RE6 which imo are both two AMAZING games and two amazing RE entries despite general opinion. Resident Evil 5 gave us great gameplay and a fun cheesy story (which RE has had since PART ONE) and part 6 refined all of that and gave us 4 intense campaigns. Yes there are some parts where they jumped the shark more than usual with nonstop explosions and oh shit moments but in general it was an incredible game.

My wife and I just finished 100% all 4 campaigns this past weekend and we were both in awe at how good the game was and we had forgotten (we had beaten it years ago on ps3). On PS4 it not only looks great but still plays great and is one of the best couch coop experiences available on the console.

I think a lot of people hate RE6 for the wrong reasons and need to replay it with an open mind. When RE6 first came out I replayed RE1-5(including CV) and honestly it felt like a natural l progression. I really hope they continue to make more Biohazard 7 type games for those that want it but I REALLY hope we get a part 8 along the lines of 5 and 6 with coop that continues the storylines from 6 onwards.


The upcoming remake is a cash in, I have no respect for it...

Honestly I've never really been a fan of the RE series. I enjoyed playing through 4 but that's about it...


Gold Member
The upcoming remake is a cash in, I have no respect for it...

Honestly I've never really been a fan of the RE series. I enjoyed playing through 4 but that's about it...
What? its a full on remake! If it were a dirt cash in, it would be a remaster. They are doing the whole game over again. Thats expensive. I believe that its a test. It looks great!

I'm a little bit biased cause I love RE, but I still don't own resi 7, cause I'm not convinced with the setting, characters and first person camera.
But I've seen capcom making an effort to keep RE relevant.
I vote for not almost dead, but reinventing period.


hat? its a full on remake! If it were a dirt cash in, it would be a remaster. They are doing the whole game over again. Thats expensive.
I didn't say it was a cheap cash in, I'm just saying it's a "sure thing" type of release...


Gold Member
I didn't say it was a cheap cash in, I'm just saying it's a "sure thing" type of release...

A sure thing? In this industry? There are risks, always. They are spending good dollars promoting this game. Yeah I get it that it's "surer" than a new IP or a new game in the series.
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I loved 4 , 5 was ok. Didn't play too much of 6 and I didn't play any of 7. When 7 goes on a deep discount sale the I'll get it. I will be getting the RE2 remake on release though. I'm pretty pumped for that.
If you think about it, RE2 is the game that got a lot of people in the 90's into the series. Some may say it was the first, but 2 was way more popular. So you could say this modern version will very much please the old fans, but also satisfy these newcomers. Capcom knows that. It's called marketing. However, with that said, see my first post again. It's all Capcom can do. I'd love for them to prove me wrong, but - good luck with that, Capcom.


RE5 was where the franchise went downhill.

I want a proper 'final Resident Evil' where Leon, Jill and Chris infiltrate Umbrella's headquarters in Germany and France. No Matrix-esque Wesker-bs. Just a lowkey, but exciting revelation of so many open questions. Meeting the higher ups if Umbrella and such. I want that. Lots of t-virus, t-veronica virus, x-virus, and so on. Lemme explore their vast underground facility and have me work my way to the outside again.


Gold Member
I think the whole zombie genre is kind of played out.

It was played out well before the best games in the series were out. That's the thing that has made me a fan of Biohazard/Resident Evil. The save room music, the cast of memorable characters, and of course the typical ending to an RE game?

How many seasons of the walking dead are there? I know I can't just watch it or play any zombie game. How many "of the Dead" movies are there? Zombies themselves are at the top of the list in terms of horror. It'll probably always be like that. I'm lucky enough (like many) to have grown with this franchise. It always feels like something completely new and I feel like that has come with watching the cast get older.

The CGI films weren't terrible and typically capture the essence of the franchise really well. Especially with so many games on modern day consoles.

The series did well on GameCube (adove most consoles, no offense). The remakes are lot more welcomed than most zombie games. I know I've had my time where I took a step back due to saturation. I also came back to play the games. They represent a staple in this medium. I even owned those awful mobile versions of RE. That's the worst thing in my opinion (minus the GB game); small dumbed down versions of Resident Evil.


The upcoming remake is a cash in, I have no respect for it...

Honestly I've never really been a fan of the RE series. I enjoyed playing through 4 but that's about it...

I can see not having any respect for the final fantasy vii remake, from what's been shown; making it episodic, making it action oriented rpg, and cyberconnect2 fiasco (which goes back to the first one)... but not having respect for the re2 remake?


No, it's not dead. Resident Evil is such a massive name it'll permanently be a go-to IP for Capcom whenever they need a little income. Whilst I personally disliked RE7 (very disappointing with few enemies, few puzzles & very repetitive action, i.e. the Kitchen demo was better than the final game), at least Capcom tried something new & attempted to bring the series into the popular template of the horror genre circa this gen (with first person survival horror growing in popularity).

Here's my wish: I want to see the RE2 remake live up to the hype & spawn a similarly styled remake of RE3 Nemesis (Jill Valentine on PS5... ), with potential future installments with the same characters based upon the same sort of third person tactical survival horror with item management & lots of puzzles. First person was 'okay', but for Resident Evil I prefer third person.

Based upon the buzz generated by RE2 remake at E3, I reckon this is the winning ticket & it'll sell better than RE7.


No its not dead, the series peaked at RE4 and has continued in the form of Evil within 2 which is the spiritual successor of what Resident evil should be doing.


I didn't say it was a cheap cash in, I'm just saying it's a "sure thing" type of release...

Spending that much money on completely remaking a 20 year old game? It's the exact opposite.

Fans have begged for this for years, but spending this amount of resources for a small, but passionate group is the opposite of playing it safe or a cash grab.

Yes, the end goal is to make a profit. That's not a bad thing. But this is far from a quick cash grab or sure-fire bet.


I actually would kinda love if Capcom made a RE spinoff in the veins of Silent Hill, like psychological horror. Would be nice to see Capcom's take on that, I think.
In terms of the mainline series, they certainly have done good with RE7. I am excited as hell for RE2 Remake, though. Do you guys think that RE3 will receive the same treatment as well?

I also had a weird fever dream when I was a kid. Mega Man fighting zombie-robots in the dark in a scifi-mansion. He could obviously transfom into the zombie-robots that he vanquished. Awesome music, too!


Spending that much money on completely remaking a 20 year old game? It's the exact opposite.

Fans have begged for this for years, but spending this amount of resources for a small, but passionate group is the opposite of playing it safe or a cash grab.

Yes, the end goal is to make a profit. That's not a bad thing. But this is far from a quick cash grab or sure-fire bet.

I don't really get the sense that the re2 project is all that expensive compared to most things. It started out as a passionate side project from a fairly small group and is borrowing an engine from the RE7 team. We haven't seen much from the trailers that is all that ambitious and they didnt even bother to try and expand on the flawed zapping/A-B mechanics from the original either.


Gave up a long time ago. Only wanted to play RE4 because of the Wii version. After that basura. The name also got tarnished with the horrible movies.

But.. Like George Romero's Night of the Living Dead, Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead. Resident Evil is a classic that deserves to be remade. Eventually.


Neo Member
I think the issue is they EVERYONE wants something different from this series. Some want the resource management/horror(I'm in this camp), some the camp filled action pack (RE6), others FPS(RE7), Third Person(re 4 & 5). I can't imagine how hard it is for Capcom to find the sweet spot to sell the most copies


Resident Evil was dead to me after RE:5 and RE:6

About RE:7, I wasn't interested by playing it since the game was crealy meant to be played with VR, and I won't buy a PSVR just for one game.
However the game looked great even if it seems to have lost his art design.

Now with RE:2 Remake Capcom clearly redeem themself to me, it's not about having nostalgia glasses. But they finally understood the genre they have created 20 years ago just required a graphic lifting and some gameplay tweak, And Not a new recipe.
Those game were already a level and game design masterpiece at this time, they defined a genre.
I wish the lead dev who work on the Tomb Raider serie understood that and deliver something else than an bad Uncharted clone.
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Evil Within is way too trippy. Doesn't have a story as good as RE.

I can't think of many games, movies, books, stories my 6 year-old makes up, etc that don't have a story at least as good as Resident Evil.

I still love the games, but man... the story?


Gold Member
Evil Within is way too trippy. Doesn't have a story as good as RE.

The Evil Within also doesn't take place in the real world. It can't be as grounded as RE can be at times. Raising animals in a test facility while exposing them to a mutating virus is semi-plausible. Entering the thoughts and memories of a person through a Matrix bathtub is also plausible, but you're also playing what the player sees. A lot like the Jennifer Lopez film The Cell or even The Lawnmower Man.

One makes an excellent survival horror game while the other does the same with more science fiction and simulation. What The Evil Within could do is exactly what Assassin's Creed did.

I've gotten over the super power Wesker character. He's still a good character regardless of how strong they make him. After RE7's DLC, we could see a huge change in the next RE. Who knows how well they'll weave the current cast (Leon, Claire, and etc).


Still waiting for the next re4-like re. Maybe re2?

Me too.

All I'm hoping is they either ditch first person view for RE8, if RE2 remake [hopefully] does well, or include both third and first person perspectives. The one thing RE6 did really well was being able to customize how close/far the over-the-shoulder camera was, reticle style, and HUD. Really neat, since those things can sometimes take away from other games.

Man. I hope not. RE4 was good, but not as good as the original formula. RE7 proved you can add modern controls and features and still keep that style of play.

RE7 gameplay was pretty subpar. The only issue with RE4's gameplay was having to stop to aim, but that was the same for the fixed camera angle games iirc (and it's not like those were great since you could only aim upwards, center, and downwards, and you couldn't tell for shit where you we're aiming and pretty much had to have the enemy right at your throat to get a headshot).
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