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DEBATE: Do you think Resident Evil is almost dead, sans the upcoming remake?

This isn't really a discussion about the RE2 remake, but you can mention that if you want. As it is a remake though, it shouldn't really count in a topic about the canonical side of the series, because we don't know enough about it yet. But with that said, I just think that the series has generally not been going anywhere since, what year? 2005? 2009? 2012? Who really knows when it went weird...

Technically, I don't think the franchise is dead overall. Capcom ain't gonna shoot a cow if it still makes them milk, huh? However, it could be argued that certain aspects of it is already dead, perhaps. My point is that I just hate how every game (even if it's fairly good) is its own thing, distinct from other sequels. Like, they can do all these side story games and all, but that's all they really will be remembered as. Then they do another sequel or spin off game sooner or later that uses the same tactics. They may bring back old-school characters, but the plot and all is otherwise complete nonsense. It doesn't really tie into the rest of the games in the series a great deal either and while it sets up a possible follow-up that we don't get, I really hate that. They usually never resolve that stuff, unless it's done via some other forms of interconnected media that few people know of. Manga books?

When the characters fought Umbrella all those years ago, we should have got a proper game to end that rather than what 4 was with Leon fighting the villagers. That's just my opinion. I'm not talking about this Red ("Umbrella Corps") Umbrella vs. Chris' good Blue Umbrella crap that they made up in 7 with Shemp Redfield now in the mix. To me, even if they do further "Revelations" type games or more animated films, the stories don't usually lead anywhere anyway. To me, it's like Capcom just does it mostly to milk it more and bringing back characters that is what fans want is like a ploy to get people suckered in, but that wouldn't be so bad if the story was meaningful like it was from 1996 up to 2005 when it still felt like Resident Evil. It's like they just bring them back and dig bigger plot holes. I'm aware that it's just a game. It's not the end of the world when a franchise ends up like this and people give me grief for saying all of this stuff, as if I'm nuts or something, but it's kind of embarrassing that they cannot just stick to one story, instead of introducing too many plot aspects all at once. Because games do take years to make and we do have to wait a long time, but then as I said, we practically have a repeat whenever a new game comes out. The characters are sent away on some mission and it's like I'm in The Twilight Zone now or something, because they're just there and it's like it just feels forced. To me, 7 didn't feel like an actual sequel to 6. That was not their intention, sure, but they are almost completely separate games. It also doesn't help that a lot of modern games in the series are action games pretending to be horror games, while copying other titles made by different developers. Even when they try to make a horror type game again, it's not that original, because you can tell they cut and paste stuff from movies. After so many years of that kind of stuff, I began to catch on to what Capcom was doing and my interest in my #1 saga has been declining.

Also, how many replica mansions does this Spencer guy even have? RE1. RE5. RE: Vendetta. RE: Code Veronica. That's one other thing that tends to bug me. It's just so cheap to take what was the best parts of something from the past and convert it into something new for to make an easy profit. As in recycling it all. Maybe that's why we get so many spin off games set in 1998. But, anyway, let me know what you think the future holds for this franchise.
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I can see where you’re coming from. I personally lost interest in the series story around RE4/5 when they moved away from the main Umbrella plot/zombies.

While RE4 is my favourite game to play it isn’t a great fit in the RE story.

The spin offs etc are fun to play but they aren’t doing anything to really drive any further character development or overarching plot narrative. They usually just make things more confusing and or unnecessarily complex.

The original story seems pretty dead to me.
I do think the remake of 2 looks great. Maybe Claire's design is a bit 'off' to some people, but it's a fine looking game. I'm just not keen on remakes.






Comments like these validated my theory that RE4 was made to cater to those who wanted to win at Resident Evil without playing a real Resident Evil.

"What are the things people hate the most out of these series?"
"Resource management, fixed camera with tight corners, dodging, limited aim, losing progress over trial and error, walking dead whose sole purpose is to eat your character alive"
"Cool, take 'em all out but keep the characters"

Happens with every reboot that caters to the bigger audience. The RE7 argument was very weak if not stupid, RE7 bombed because it was first person which is factually a deal breaker to millions of people when it comes to action games, plus it had nothing to do with the characters people want to see. I saw it was first person, that it wasn't a character from RE1-6, and completely ignored it.
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REmake 2 looks amazing, it's a shame they didn't release it in the original game's 20th anniversary, though.

As for the entire franchise, Resident Evil 7 sucesfully reinvented the series after the flops that RE 5 and 6 were. Just wish that Capcom didn't stick with the creepy family setting adding some bullshit with shooting mutated blob monsters. But the first half of the game is amazing. Really looking to play the next installment of the series.
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RE7 Spoiler:

Chris is in RE7, but only in the ending and the DLC. To me, Capcom aren't the only company to be named and shamed for copying stuff. Hell, people have been doing that since the days of books. But when they blatantly make it so obvious, then that's why I get so mad. To me, RE7 was a horror game that had a RE virus, but the rest of it was a rip-off of Saw and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and also a science fiction film called Trancers. Uh!


Both 6 and 7 were disappointments for me and for different reasons. I hope RE8 will be more like RE2 Remake.


The franchise can't die until we get a RE4 remake.

Why RE4 HD hasn’t been ported to Switch yet is mind boggling. They’d shift a serious amount of units.

In fact Capcom should be porting over ReMake HD and Zero to Switch also.

But I digress...


I definitely think going first person in RE7 was a mistake. The characters throughout the games are iconic, I prefer to see them on screen and I think a lot of other people do too. Get back to the characters people love, let us see them, give them a great game to build around. It isn't rocket science, in my opinion.
The first person view may have been okay for a spin off, as they did a mix of that in Dead Aim, and Survivor 1 and 2 were first person, but 7 = nah! :/

The Shepard

7 and the remake of 2 is resident evil back on the winners plate for me and is very tasty series again. It almost died with 6 sticking an action fork in things but it's now in zombie mode and hungry to rise to the top of the gaming table once again.


Gold Member
I think it's thriving. RE7 was a hit, RE2:Remake is shaping up to be one too.

I think Capcom already realized the secret is to keep adding new properly budgeted games to Canon while remaking old ones and retconning the story as they go.


I think RE ist in great shape. RE7 - while having flaws - was still a very very good game. RE2 remake coming along and it seems to be a great game aswell. I see nothing but a bright future for the franchise.


Gold Member
Whoa there. Last I checked, RE5 and RE6 sold the most.

But also cost a lot more to make. The worth of a product lies in how much it can multiply the initial investment.

When comparing games, you need to look at the ratio between what was spent to make the game and how much it made, not just how much it made.

Call of Duty will always outsell Firewatch, but if Firewatch cost many times less than Call of Duty, then it might be more lucrative to create several Firewatch games instead of a single Call of Duty game.

The same applies to RE6 and RE7. RE6 sold more in numbers, but RE7's profit ratio is bigger because it cost a lot less.


RE7 bombed because it was first person which is factually a deal breaker to millions of people when it comes to action games, plus it had nothing to do with the characters people want to see. I saw it was first person, that it wasn't a character from RE1-6, and completely ignored it.

Um bombed how? It was both a financial and critical success.

You mean it bombed because they sold zero copies to you personally?
Um bombed how? It was both a financial and critical success.

You mean it bombed because they sold zero copies to you personally?
It sold under expectations, and for some that might as well be a "bomb". Even though it definitely wasn't.

As for the topic at hand, traditional RE has been dead for a very long time. RE7 tried its hand at it and succeeded for like two-thirds of it (the tanker was RE5-level wankery). I said it a very long time ago, but the RE movies permanently changed the game series and fans... and not for the better.
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It sold under expectations, and for some that might as well be a "bomb". Even though it definitely wasn't.

As for the topic at hand, traditional RE has been dead for a very long time. RE7 tried its hand at it and succeeded for like two-thirds of it (the tanker was RE5-level wankery). I said it a very long time ago, but the RE movies permanently changed the game series and fans... and not for the better.

Nah, met its sales goals just a bit later didn't it?

5th best-selling Capcom game of all time. And let's be honest: it was never gonna hit Res 5 and res 6 figures. I wonder how much damage 6 did to the series' reputation in general (I waited a long time before buying 7 because I was initially so sceptical about it)


Um bombed how? It was both a financial and critical success.

You mean it bombed because they sold zero copies to you personally?

Whatever they were expecting is absolutely irrelevant, the numbers say RE6 sold 10m and RE7 sold 5. They basically blew all the casualized audience they earned since RE4 to make a first person spooker.
If you mean that it's dead because of the story going nowhere let me disagree entirely. The writing in the games was always subpar and I happen to believe they reinvented themselves pretty well with RE7.
Really didn't like 7. Dying and repeating the same sequence aiming for a different result just isn't scary to me. Effective the first time, perhaps. 'OH SHIT HE GOT ME, I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING. Oh shit, he killed me again. Fuck sake, he killed me again, this is getting annoying. Ok, got him and progressed, on to the next thing'. Any scares or tension just evaporate.

That's how I felt about it, anyway.
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Gold Member
Its not dead at all. Was it doing well when all the RE movies were in theaters? Was the character Alice turning the series into a super hero franchise? I went to the theater and watched the original RE movie and I've owned the movies ever since. They hide the real cast of the series behind Alice. I like watching them, but its easy to see this. I still would rather have RE7 be what it was then something that's not scary at all. RE7 shows us that events in the games can be isolated and contained somewhere else. It didn't have to be in the spotlight of the RPD.

I'd say they're doing a very good job by releasing the games the way they are now. You have a horror house experience in RE7, which I thought was great. What RE7 needed were zombies. The RE2 remake looks fantastic. I love how you can shoot off the limbs and how the zombies react in those videos. That's very promising. Revelations 2 was good, but the plot didn't really stay with me.

Fans of the games will still be around. If anything, RE2's remake will bring people to the series regardless. I personally loved RE4. RE5 has some good parts to it and RE6 is what it is. RE6 isn't really that bad IMO. Its all how you want to judge it. You get the characters and the zombies.


Nope, I believe they are heading in the right direction.
RE7 got the series back on survival horror and RE2R is in the same path.


As for the entire franchise, Resident Evil 7 sucesfully reinvented the series after the flops that RE 5 and 6 were. Just wish that Capcom didn't stick with the creepy family setting adding some bullshit with shooting mutated blob monsters. But the first half of the game is amazing. Really looking to play the next installment of the series.

This x 9999999.

RE7 could have been a masterpiece but they blew their load in the Baker house and never recovered. They should have stuck to the Texas Chainsaw-esque story/atmosphere and left all the supernatural shit out.
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Gold Member
Its not dead per se... its just a completely different beast than it was at its peak.

The sales numbers may be similar or higher in some cases but the general love for the series seems diminished


REmake 2 looks amazing, it's a shame they didn't release it in the original game's 20th anniversary, though.

As for the entire franchise, Resident Evil 7 sucesfully reinvented the series after the flops that RE 5 and 6 were. Just wish that Capcom didn't stick with the creepy family setting adding some bullshit with shooting mutated blob monsters. But the first half of the game is amazing. Really looking to play the next installment of the series.

I think RE:5 was not a failure, it sold well but to fans like us it was debacle. It was all action jackson and no Resident Evil.
Really didn't like 7. Dying and repeating the same sequence aiming for a different result just isn't scary to me. Effective the first time, perhaps. 'OH SHIT HE GOT ME, I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING. Oh shit, he killed me again. Fuck sake, he killed me again, this is getting annoying. Ok, got him and progressed, on to the next thing'. Any scares or tension just evaporate.

That's how I felt about it, anyway.
I think you just described every video game in existence, but especially every horror video game, and certainly all of the original tank control Resident Evil games. A huge part of the OG games is making the choice of do I accept the herb/ammo use since last save or restart and do it better.

Like I'm not sure what exactly a horror game without dying would even be. A movie I guess?


Resident Evil and some other big franchises do, and always will follow trends of gaming. It isn't dead, especially to me, coming off RE7's overall success and RE2's remake buzz, I think the franchise is more "born again". I loved 1,2,3 and Code Veronica. 4 was the biggest departure and 5 pushed that departure much further, but was an absolute blast to play through with a friend over and over again. 6 was almost a pulp parody of itself, but I did enjoy some aspects of it.

RE7 again followed the trending horror games and did it successfully IMO. The big unanswered question will be what will they do with the franchise next. After RE2's eventual smash success, will we see the next mainline entry stick with first person mix of action and horror or will they follow RE2 and go back to an oldschool 3rd person survival horror again?


The story's pretty much been dead since CV jumped the shark and the attack on umbrella got relagated to a level in a lightgun shooter. That said, it's never really stopped being commercially viable and outside of RE6 and some of the spinoffs it's continued to be mostly well received too.

RE7 despite all its problems has gotten the series redirected towards horror which puts the series in a healthier place than it's been for a while.

In a perfect world the main series would continue in the style of REmake 2, RE7's style would form a survivor-esque subseries, and Outbreak would return with a Games as a service model or whatever. Adding in one last classic throwback with fixed camera angles as a lost episode type of release would also be a pretty good idea.


Resident Evil 7 was release some time ago with a very positive press, a remake comes in a couple of months and there is numerous rumors of another Remake of Resident Evil 3, but the title of the post if it is a franchise "almost dead".
I think you just described every video game in existence, but especially every horror video game, and certainly all of the original tank control Resident Evil games. A huge part of the OG games is making the choice of do I accept the herb/ammo use since last save or restart and do it better.

Like I'm not sure what exactly a horror game without dying would even be. A movie I guess?
I was referring specifically to 7 which is supposed to be a scary game. What I described is why it isn't, for me. Not all horror games feature those kind of repeat sequences (ones featuring the family members to be precise).


I think you just described every video game in existence, but especially every horror video game, and certainly all of the original tank control Resident Evil games. A huge part of the OG games is making the choice of do I accept the herb/ammo use since last save or restart and do it better.

Like I'm not sure what exactly a horror game without dying would even be. A movie I guess?

Horror games are a tricky beast because you need stakes to make dying matter but if a game gets bogged down by lots of trial and error it can take you out of it.
I had a similar problem with the first Siren. You spend so much time studying enemy patterns, waiting, and retrying that the horror part of it just sort of becomes background noise. On the other hand Siren 3 was so dumbed down and easy that the sightjacking didnt matter much and the game wasnt scary either.

Take Jack in RE7 for example. He respawns so quickly that the game never manages to build tension and he becomes more of an annoyance than anything else.


I think 7 is one the best games this generation and hope that 8 keeps the first person perspective and serious tone.


almost dead ? what ??

Resident evil has never been this alive since over a decade

RE7 is the best comeback for a series i have ever seen and now we are getting an amazing remake of RE2

Resident evil has returned
Horror games are a tricky beast because you need stakes to make dying matter but if a game gets bogged down by lots of trial and error it can take you out of it.
I had a similar problem with the first Siren. You spend so much time studying enemy patterns, waiting, and retrying that the horror part of it just sort of becomes background noise. On the other hand Siren 3 was so dumbed down and easy that the sightjacking didnt matter much and the game wasnt scary either.

Take Jack in RE7 for example. He respawns so quickly that the game never manages to build tension and he becomes more of an annoyance than anything else.
I think you described it better than I did.
No I feel the opposite actually, I absolutely loved RE7. Without following it too much leading up to the release, I'd heard they'd changed things up and saw some footage in FPS. I ended up grabbing a 'special edition' but later found a CE that someone never picked up so I traded in my copy towards it, it was just one of random pickups that turned out to be something I was really happy I ended up doing. The music box house is creepy as fuck and plays 'Go tell Aunt Rhody' I just really like it.

Little did I know how much I'd love the story of the game, Jack Baker has easily become one of my fav game villains of all time and after a regular play through, I'm now replaying on the PSVR, scariest game experience of all time! and I love it.

I'm pumped for the RE2 remake and pre-ordered the CE, they seemed to have found that modernization of that suspenseful atmosphere from RE7 and it feels very present to me in the footage I've watched of RE2 remake. I'm a little disappointed theres no VR support tho as Capcom nailed it with RE7.

What if Resident Evil started to take the path of American Horror Story and just did a different story each game with new characters, in new places, put in different situations but every time the common idea is horror? of course there were some staples that remained, like creating items, saving through typewriters or answering machines... why hasn't this been done already?!
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Whatever they were expecting is absolutely irrelevant, the numbers say RE6 sold 10m and RE7 sold 5. They basically blew all the casualized audience they earned since RE4 to make a first person spooker.

That's not how game development works. What matters is return on investment and 5&6 had really huge budgets. Capcom financial reports from that era were showing those games haven't met their expectations while they were happy with sales of part 7 from what I remember.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
RE7 stands as the best VR game to date imo, but that wasn't a hard achievement, they just actually made a game instead of a VR demo
RE7 without VR is pretty mediocre and I wouldn't even class it as an RE game.
If RE8 is the same, it'll dead without VR crowd, I don't know how anyone can say it deserves recognition for anything if they haven't played it in VR.
Previews have said REmake 2 plays and looks like you'd expect a current/nextgen version of RE2 would be, and that's because that how it should be.
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The new RE2 won't have VR support, so that's unfortunate for those who were hoping to see that. I've never tried the VR. It isn't good for your vision.


No I feel the opposite actually, I absolutely loved RE7. Without following it too much leading up to the release, I'd heard they'd changed things up and saw some footage in FPS. I ended up grabbing a 'special edition' but later found a CE that someone never picked up so I traded in my copy towards it, it was just one of random pickups that turned out to be something I was really happy I ended up doing. The music box house is creepy as fuck and plays 'Go tell Aunt Rhody' I just really like it.

Little did I know how much I'd love the story of the game, Jack Baker has easily become one of my fav game villains of all time and after a regular play through, I'm now replaying on the PSVR, scariest game experience of all time! and I love it.

I'm pumped for the RE2 remake and pre-ordered the CE, they seemed to have found that modernization of that suspenseful atmosphere from RE7 and it feels very present to me in the footage I've watched of RE2 remake. I'm a little disappointed theres no VR support tho as Capcom nailed it with RE7.

What if Resident Evil started to take the path of American Horror Story and just did a different story each game with new characters, in new places, put in different situations but every time the common idea is horror? of course there were some staples that remained, like creating items, saving through typewriters or answering machines... why hasn't this been done already?!
During the early moments of RE4, before it went completely stupid, that was sort of my hope. RE4 would have been the italian cannibal film, RE5 could be the modern running zombie, etc. Even RE7 taking after TCM isnt too far off that. Problem is Capcom loves their godawful, whacked out stories and silly nonsense too much to really execute on any of those things well.
During the early moments of RE4, before it went completely stupid, that was sort of my hope. RE4 would have been the italian cannibal film, RE5 could be the modern running zombie, etc. Even RE7 taking after TCM isnt too far off that. Problem is Capcom loves their godawful, whacked out stories and silly nonsense too much to really execute on any of those things well.

It can be said that the zombie thing has been done to death and I agree Capcom's stories are way out there but there has been tons of variations of them The Last Of Us, State Of Decay, Dying Light, RDR: Undead Nightmare, Days Gone (on the way) what we haven't had and need is like a Grand Theft Auto open world sandbox filled with zombies and the object is to survive. Dead Rising sort of does this but its done in sections. For Resident Evil I'm saying do different things like American Horror Story: Roanoke, that had its own lore, history and the characters had their stories and all served a purpose within the story. Something like that would probably be more fun to write and create. If you got 2 or 3 different stories like that, it would really take off.
When I played the first four games, I knew them kind of like the back of my hand. I got used to where everything was, so I could just enjoy the story and whizz through every segment. If you want to enjoy the original RE2 as a movie style edit with subtitles, here it is. :)

I have not played Resident Evil 7(or 6) but I remember thinking 5 was lesser than the sum of it's parts due to the silly story.

As long as Capcom closes the loop on Umbrella and Wesker and focuses on gameplay over story (or even characters over the plot) there is no reason to end the franchise. It is a zombie franchise, we really don't need an overarching plot if you are going to make dumb like they did with RE in the end.

Although I think the timeis right to maybe dump "Resident Evil" as a title, Biohazard is a way cooler title and has less baggage (RE implying a house/mansion).
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