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Cyberpunk free DLC coming early 2021


Cant wait. Started playing on PC on version 1.06 and its already the game of the generation for me. Its exactly what I wanted, a DE Mankind Divided-lite game in an open world with drivable vehicles. Dont care about the peasants on their ps4s, this game is phenomenal on PC. Also I would like to add that the moment I realized they didnt really meant to go for a Blade Runner-esque world, but for a Judge Dredd one, I fully embraced it and I cant let the mouse down.

To the ppl asking for "muh activities" in the city, like WOW playing tennis or pool, wew imagine than, how about you go play fucking GTA5 and leave this game to us who actually want real cool stuff introduced, like more cyberware, more devices like drones or spiderbots to have even more options to tackle the combat areas, more escorts to pound.

Game of the generation and it keeps selling like hot cakes on Steam, its been 1st for 6weeks, stay mad all you want, CDPR arent going nowhere, lil punks.
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the open world npcs don't really "need" any work. nobody cares about them except the people playing the game as gta. nobody complained about how braindead the npcs are in HZD. Ghost of Tsushima. Spiderman. The Witcher 3. Assassins Creed. Mass Effect or Dragon age. they are probably gonna make them better via updates though. but not because they think it's important but because of people like you that cry online about features that are not really relevant in a narrative driven open world action adventure rpg. so you should be happy.
Of course they need work. I am playing it like an rpg, and GTA is the last thing I think about. Actually, I hate this comparison. I am also not trying to purposefully break the game.

But the city plays a big role in this game. The immersion is important. It breaks immersion when the npcs go into panic mode whenever I drive close to them. Daily npc routines are also important - for the world to feel alive, and not a static canvas for your character.

The lack of serious AI makes the game look simply outdated. And when other parts are so great, it really drags the game down.

Anyway, the AI is also lacking for the enemies, tbh. They don't even react to grenades...

So stop deceiving yourself. The rushed release made the game much worse than it should be. Also in the important parts. For me it is still one the best games I ever played, because of all the good stuff. It is depressing to think what could have been though. Hopefully they'll get there.

I don't mean everything people mention should be in but as regards the AI, police, city system as such lets say, it does matter big time.
It really boggles my mind that some people are willing to 'defend' CDPR. That's just shilling taken to another level.

Those losers at CDPR lied and obfuscated and delivered a dumpster fire of a video game yet you have people almost lying to defend them.

How fucking pathetic

The same can be said by the flood of crybaby videos "they lied!" about WORK IN PROGRESS vids and an ocean of clickbait ANNGRY grifter Youtubers who cash in on any hint of controversey or try to fan the flames of hate for $$$. They're the 2020 version of televangelists for young adults and teenagers. All fake, all wearing a mask of "hey bro I'm like u 2. Buy my merch, smash that like button and subscribe."

Instantly going to a "defense force as expected! Shills the lot of you!" is kind of sad and the entire problem with discussing games (well, really everything) these days. It's us vs them. With us or against us. Fans of the studio and game would probably keep quiet but these "outrages" are never honest, filled with lies and mistruths and poisoned from the start I feel like many young gamers these days have very bright political futures.

Defense shields engaged I see all this puffed up chest talk and videos about "not letting CDPR get away with it" and "I'm DONE with CDPR!" yet don't buy any of it. Y'all are the same ones who gleefully took every deep thrust of Sony and MS full game price hikes ("Aww geez guys games cost more in 1992"), paying for online and up until a week ago Sony didn't even offer digital refunds lol. Where's all this CDPRBAD when the stakes are actually real and have more long term consequences on the hobby as a whole? Ah right, that would take a backbone and principles.


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
At this point I don't really know what people wanted from this game.

This game feels like the natural next step from the Witcher 3. I mean this game is pretty much playing by the Witcher 3 rulebook.

Both have at least 3 main story quests lines you can do in any order(Go to Skelige or not. Do the Takumara stuff or something else first).

Both have pretty important side quests built around major characters that result in either them disliking or liking you that may effect the ending or a important battle.

Then they have less important side quests that are small stories about the game world.

Both even have moments where you play a more action charged piece as another character.

Following that you have typical open world busy work(enemy areas and so on) and small GTAIV like citizen missions that can be pretty varied themselves. Oh and some of the busy work missions themselves are varied and at least don't all feel copy and pasted. One random gig made me go through a trap house to save a media. One was just kill all these people, it can change.

This is'nt GTA. It is'nt a sandbox game. It is'nt about emergent storytelling. Night City and the Open world are atmosphere, there to facilitate storytelling. You can't follow random npcs and see their cycle. Oh boy, who gives a shit. Cops don't allow for random "how long can you survive horde mode". I don't give a fuck. I find that stuff lame in GTA. Maybe CDPR shouldn't have given the impression about this being a GTA like open world, but I also don't know how that's your impression or desire beyond the fact that both take place in an urban city. Which honestly is great to me. Night City is the best gaming environment to me. The things I've seen are incredible. The amount of art creation I've witnessed is beyond most gaming. I visited the Malestrom bar and was there for maybe a minute yet CDPR created this entire unique and cool looking environment for me to take in, complete with glimpses of it's own characters and personality.

This is a game world created for you to experience it's characters and stories. Maybe you don't like those things. Maybe they are bad. That's a different argument than the cops are stupid or the npcs are lifeless. Which I find funny because the NPCs, well their character designs anyway are the definition of volume. So many unique ones that add to the culture of Night City. Sorry, they are on simple walk cycles or don't move past the showcases they've been assigned to. I don't care, because witnessing them adds enough color anyway.

I guess as a gamer that dosen't like to do tedious bullshit in Ubisoft games, never fights the cops for fun in GTA, liked Mafia 2, and so on. These criticisms don't apply.
They marketed it as “the next generation of open world games”. Not the Witcher 3 with a new skin.
honestly i don't know what people want from cdpr at this point.

if you don't like it they offered refunds to everyone. no questions asked (on console of course). they agreed with sony the removal of the game from the store because that was the only way to offer refunds. many people actually beat the game and refunded it and then joked about that. cdpr didn't care. the game has no drm on pc you can literally download it and play it for free if you hate the "greedy" cdpr and they don't care.

they admitted the launch was a disaster and said they were going to fix the game. on top of that they'll release free dlc like the witcher 3.

you are all acting as if cdpr was your SO and they cheated on you with your best friend. what are you so angry about?
they lied! they deceived! they betrayed us! i don't think they really did. but so what? what did you lose? $60 bucks at most? you can get them back. here...
what now? what more do you want? for them get fucked in court? for developers to get fired? for management to step down from their own company that they founded decades ago? the work of their life? what would make you happy? you want to see someone suffer? trust me everyone in cdpr is suffering.

if you want to know why i defend them. I defend cdpr because they are good for the gaming industry and i want them to keep making games. and I defend them because you may hate how horrible the launch was. but their respones has been as good as it gets and you should reward that. especially in the gaming industry we have today.

but most of all. it's because of the developers. i'm a developer too. they spent years creating this amazing game and the reward they get is people shitting on them 24/7 and saying that the game is worse than than a piece of shit wrapped in aluminium foil because i can't talk about the weather with random npcs (also they are bigots racists. transphobes and sexists). they're getting sieged from every side. now that the hate train is rolling people at looking are every single thing in the game to see what they can criticize. things they never even thought about in other games. uploading videos with the sole purpose of shitting on the game because it's the new trend. making ridiculous comparisons.

keep punishing innovation but then don't cry when you get the same game every year and you don't understand why. Cdpr made 4 main games. all of them different. bethesda has been making the same game for 15 years. nobody cares.

thank god hello games kept working on the game and stopped reading online comments because they are cancer. i hope cdpr does the same thing.

PS: Marcin you know my account number you can deposit there. also you have my wife's number you can fuck her whenever you want.

Are you okay? You don't sound okay. Maybe it's time you step away from the keyboard for a while and, I don't know, take a walk maybe?

Corporations are not your friends, they are entities that exist to sell you products in order to make a profit. Nobody at Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo or even CDPR gives a shit about you or your well-being, so please stop being so overly dramatic like people are attacking your girlfriend. They already made back their money, the developers got paid for their work, and they'll continue to make games for the foreseeable future, so relax.

You can make excuses all you like, at the end of the day CDPR released a game that was so fundamentally broken that Sony refuses to sell it, and other stores are actively warning people about its current state. That is not a normal situation and not comparable to the vast majority of games released each year. Doing so has consequences and those consequences solely lie with CDPR and its management. If you want to bitch to people about how unfair it is that the developers are being mocked and laughed at, go write CDPR's board of executives an angry letter or something.

Broken games get mocked and laughed at. It happened to Mass Effect Andromeda, it happened to Anthem, and it's happening to Cyberpunk. Nobody is saying that they want the developers and their mothers to die, people are just laughing at a broken game and pointing out all of the promises that were broken, which again, is on CDPR, not consumers. There is nothing wrong with people expressing how they hope all of these cut features, that were advertised and remnants of which can still be found in the game, are put back in.

Besides, mismanaging your development team for years, forcing them to crunch, releasing a fundamentally broken game and pissing away your company's good reputation is not "good for the industry" and not "innovative". Falsely advertising your game and hiding the broken console versions from reviewers is not a simple matter of "oh no you lost $60, who cares", it's downright criminal behavior and nobody should tolerate that shit.

Look, I have enough confidence in CDPR to assume that a year from now, Cyberpunk will be in a much better state and will have many of the cut features put back in through the free DLC, and I agree with you that the months long harassment campaign about supposed transphobia was way out of line and undeserved, but the only way CDPR can remain the gamer-friendly company that it was is if people call them out on their bullshit when they deserve it and make sure they don't do it again. So let's hope they (and other developers) learn from this and don't do it again.
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I think they can start releasing some of the simple or almost-done DLC early as not all departments work on bug-fixing, you aren't going to ask game designers or artists to do that. But probably they should put it as a bonus to all the fixes and improvements they should be making in the beginning of the year.

Also, I do not understand the whole routine situation. NPCs are supposed to be a dressing. I never saw any CDPR marketer say that they were going to have full day-night AI for 1000s of NPCs that you can follow the whole day. It's not what the game is about, it wasn't in Witcher 3 and honestly, it doesn't add much to the game unless it's some weird detail-obsession like horse pooping. CDPR plays to their strengths - immediate immersion (Witcher 3 world was also static as fuck), quest and story design - and CP77 delivers on that. That should and would've been enough if not for all the wierd GTA do-what-I-want comparisons, bugs and police AI (yes, that should be fixed). But Radiant AI NPCs are just a waste of development resources imo.
They marketed it as “the next generation of open world games”. Not the Witcher 3 with a new skin.
And it is......

It’s the next generation of open world games from the developers of the Witcher 3.

It’s an open world rpg. Not an open world sandbox game. It’s not GTA. It continues what CDPR was doing with the Witcher games, it continues their style of open world.


Also, I do not understand the whole routine situation. NPCs are supposed to be a dressing. I never saw any CDPR marketer say that they were going to have full day-night AI for 1000s of NPCs that you can follow the whole day.

admittedly i couldn't find right now the exact quote, so no direct quote from a cdpr "marketer", but news was all over the internet at the time.

It's not what the game is about, it wasn't in Witcher 3 and honestly, it doesn't add much to the game unless it's some weird detail-obsession like horse pooping. CDPR plays to their strengths - immediate immersion (Witcher 3 world was also static as fuck), quest and story design - and CP77 delivers on that. That should and would've been enough if not for all the wierd GTA do-what-I-want comparisons, bugs and police AI (yes, that should be fixed). But Radiant AI NPCs are just a waste of development resources imo.
eh if well done it adds a lot to a game tbh, but the main thing is that they depicted the game as a deep rpg a-la fallout and skyrim but we didn't get that at all.
annd that's without considering stuff ike the completely broken and untested design of the game, with useless perks, conversation options that bear no consequences and much more.

the game feels unfinished, the elements are all there but all at an incredibly superficial level and not at all integrated with each other.

and tbh, i expected some of this clunkiness coming from the witcher series but cyberpunk goes beyond that.


I want RT support on AMD, even if it's gonna run like ass, at least it's something to add to photos. :p

Personally I hope they expand the Pacifica area with DLC as it ended up being underutilised. I think they've hit a nice mix of looter shooter RPG and hope they work on that aspect in order to develop it further rather than try to do some more emergent gameplay or advanced AI stuff which let's face it - so long as the game is on base consoles it won't happen, the CPU in those already can't cope with the game. Not to mention the time required to pull it off.

It hit a very nice Doom Eternal x Borderlands x Shadowrun combo and imo that elevates it above any of those games since it manages to incorporate all of those aspects well in a single game. Very happy with the game & can't wait to see more!

Keep in mind Free DLC from witcher 3 where mostly just simple updates.

They could give you a weapon skin and call it a DLC.

This where the free 16 dlc's.

  • Temerian Armor Set
  • Beard and Hairstyle Set
  • New Quest – ‘Contract: Missing Miners’
  • Alternative Look for Yennefer
  • Nilfgaardian Armor Set
  • Elite Crossbow Set
  • New Quest – ‘Fool’s Gold’
  • Ballad Heroes’ Neutral Gwent Card Set
  • New Quest – ‘Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear’
  • Alternative Look for Triss
  • New Quest – ‘Contract: Skellige’s Most Wanted’
  • Skellige Armor Set
  • Alternative Look for Ciri
  • New Quest – ‘Where the Cat and Wolf Play…’
  • New Finisher Animations
  • NEW GAME +.
True, but if I open any other open world game and I look at the mtx like that, that's an easy $100+ worth of content. Yes Ubisoft, I'm looking at you you greedy piece of shit. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
that's what it is though so what's the problem?
And it is......

It’s the next generation of open world games from the developers of the Witcher 3.

It’s an open world rpg. Not an open world sandbox game. It’s not GTA. It continues what CDPR was doing with the Witcher games, it continues their style of open world.
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Gold Member
I'd be happier to see them focus on fixing the game rather than adding new content, I'll be checking patch notes and I hope to get back to Night City in 2021.

but while we're at it:

I've seen a comment somewhere that a game is as good as what you are willing to forgive it.
That's an important factor in this whole dispute - the game looks amazing on high-end PC rigs which seems to make many of its flaws way less damaging to the overall experience, as opposed to consoles on which the game looks average at best making it much harder to look past those issues.

The reason the game is measured to the GTA benchmark is fairly simple: if the game design gives player freedom to do certain things in the game world - the design of the game world needs to accommodate that. If the player drives cars or is able to pull out a gun in a crowd of people and start shooting - the game must react to it. If it doesn't - the game fails by breaking immersion.


Sup haters ?


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I've played around 30 hours and I think I've been back to my apartment once since it was a mission requirement
Same. I just don’t care about that kind of role playing stuff. I’m their fir the stories and CDPR is second to none with having so many great little side quest story. To each their own and all that, but I’m getting exactly what I wanted from the game (aside from bugs). Only DLC that will interest me is more story content.


Expect all the cool content that got cut to be drip in within the next year hopefully and they fix these botched endings


Gold Member
Yeah i'm gonna wait until a sever overhaul of enemy ia and absolute lack of challenge, i don't even care about the bugs, i have 82 hours on the game and FOR ME it's not even top 50 bugged games of all time, like not even close.
(But i understand that on console and some pc the situation is pretty bad).
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Can't wait, enjoyed the heck out of the game, got a few different endings and did all the side missions. I was saving the side gigs for the next-gen patch but thankfully will have this DLC alongside it.


About 35 hours in. Largest issue is the disconnect from side quests which just creates a list.

Essentially if you are anywhere near an event or drive by, most of the time you receive a phone call from someone who just knows to contact you and gives you an objective. If I walk past an event, I'd rather have it trigger by exploring or by me getting involved more organically.


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
I just watched the 2018 trailer again. It’s astonishing how short they fell from some of the promises they made.

Also, the game looked amazing back then.
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Are you okay? You don't sound okay. Maybe it's time you step away from the keyboard for a while and, I don't know, take a walk maybe?

Corporations are not your friends, they are entities that exist to sell you products in order to make a profit. Nobody at Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo or even CDPR gives a shit about you or your well-being, so please stop being so overly dramatic like people are attacking your girlfriend. They already made back their money, the developers got paid for their work, and they'll continue to make games for the foreseeable future, so relax.

don't worry about my mental health scooby. i'm incredibly strong. i'm worried about other people that are not as strong though.
i'm not the one being overly dramatic. the hate train is.

you think that because the developers got paid for their work then everything is fine. the lack of empathy people on the internet have with developers is astounding.

yes they got paid. that's not the problem and never was. the problem is developers worked on this game busting their asses for years to make a great game and after all that hard work the only thing they receive is hate from everyone online. the subreddit went from /cyberpunkgame to /cyberpunkhate. everytime they tweet something they get bombarded with "your game is shit motherfucker"

at this point bashing the game sells so it doesn't matter they are going to keep getting destroyed until the narrative changes. it will change though (it's already changing). until them i hope they step away from the internet like sean murray and hello games did. because you probably have no idea how tough it is to see everyone irrationally bashing and hating your work.

so while i don't think the game is perfect. it's my decision to defend cdpr (or most developers for that matter) when i think people are being unfair to them. instead of being one more person that mocks them and attacks their game. that doesn't mean i disagree with every criticism though.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
It baffles me how some people can call a game where cops teleport behind you and don't even chase you the "next gen of open world games".

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the game is cool and fun enough with a lot of redeeming qualities.

But come on dude, the cop system is the most lazy shit I've ever seen in a video game. If we really are gaming enthusiasts we should have higher standars.
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Whats with these screenshots of cars with great lighting -- no ones saying the lighting isn't good. Notice how the streets are completely devoid of life though :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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i'm not the one being overly dramatic. the hate train is.
How Bout Both GIF by Joey Bada$$

you think that because the developers got paid for their work then everything is fine. the lack of empathy people on the internet have with developers is astounding.

yes they got paid. that's not the problem and never was. the problem is developers worked on this game busting their asses for years to make a great game and after all that hard work the only thing they receive is hate from everyone online.

Okay, two things:

First, I think you are conflating individual developers with the company as an entity. The developers themselves are employees who got and are getting paid in order to perform labor. None of this drama has anything to do with their ability to take care of themselves or their family, their reputation as an employee or their ability to get a job, and so as far as I know the developers themselves are fine. It's the executives and investors of the company that are catching most of the flack, even from their own developers within the company, and it's the reputation of CDPR as a company that is under attack, not the individual programmers, artists or designers.

Secondly, working hard at something for a long time does not entitle any individual or corporate entity to respect, money or fame. You can spend ten years developing your singing skills and still get booed off the stage when you fail to hit a single note, and similarly, you can spend well over seven years developing a game and still be met with overwhelmingly negative reactions. Yes the developers worked hard, and some aspects of their work are incredible, but due to mismanagement and poor decisions from the higher ups the end result was not what it should have been.

at this point bashing the game sells so it doesn't matter they are going to keep getting destroyed until the narrative changes. it will change though (it's already changing). until them i hope they step away from the internet like sean murray and hello games did. because you probably have no idea how tough it is to see everyone irrationally bashing and hating your work.

Okay well hard disagree there. People are not irrationally bashing the game. If you own a PS4 or XBO, and you purchased the game for $70, and said version of the game was intentionally hidden from reviewers because it runs as low as 5 frames per second and continuously crashes , people have every right to be upset, just as people were upset when they found out that No Man's Sky was falsely advertised right up until it's release. They eventually fixed that game, and with that restored their reputation, and I'm sure the same will happen here.

so while i don't think the game is perfect. it's my decision to defend cdpr (or most developers for that matter) when i think people are being unfair to them. instead of being one more person that mocks them and attacks their game. that doesn't mean i disagree with every criticism though.
If you practiced what you preached, sure, I'd agree, but you're not just defending them from unfair attacks, you're going after people with perfectly valid criticisms.


Vice City has better AI than this game, hope they improve it before DLC. Makes the entire world feel dead with a bunch of 1998 AI running around.


It baffles me how some people can call a game where cops teleport behind you and don't even chase you the "next gen of open world games".

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the game is cool and fun enough with a lot of redeeming qualities.

But come on dude, the cop system is the most lazy shit I've ever seen in a video game. If we really are gaming enthusiasts we should have higher standars.


Oh yes, we should all have "higher standards" aka if our toys are not 100% perfect, we should go throw a fit on the internet, because thats what normal, stable human beings do. 🙄

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Maybe I'm hoping for too much, but I want a plastic surgery (and a barber) npc, to change our V's physical appearance. Also minigames, there was some sick pool in one of the trailers, let me play that!
This would be neat to drop as DLC. It's usually just quests and gear, that's what it was in Witcher 2 and 3, but the game has no shortage of those. A couple mini-games would be neat.


the guards are part of the core gameplay. you need to compare them to gang members or actually enemies you fight. not a cop system that exists only so you can't kill the entire city. try the random people walking on the street. you kill more than 2 and BAM desync'd. game over. nice law system... an even less interactive system than cyberpunk but with the same goal. you are meant to do the quests instead of murdering civilians like a psycho. the difference is AC actually ends the game for you.

That's so disappointing. Do developers not understand that people play games to have fun?
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the open world npcs don't really "need" any work. nobody cares about them except the people playing the game as gta. nobody complained about how braindead the npcs are in HZD. Ghost of Tsushima. Spiderman. The Witcher 3. Assassins Creed. Mass Effect or Dragon age. they are probably gonna make them better via updates though. but not because they think it's important but because of people like you that cry online about features that are not really relevant in a narrative driven open world action adventure rpg. so you should be happy.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

I admit, I didn't catch a lot of the marketing for this game. Which trailer promised GTA NPCs?

That's so disappointing. Do developers not understand that people play games to have fun?

Dude, it's beyond disappointing, especially considering the setting. You are a fucking VIKING, who is invading England and you can actually go on "raids" against monasteries and shit, but you aren't allowed to kill the monks. In fact, they will often get in your way while fighting armed opponents and cause you to risk desynchronization (game over screen) by running into your weapon swings.

I like Valhalla a lot, but not allowing you to slaughter random innocents is just completely not in line with the theme of conquest and domination. They don't even try to explain it through the lore or anything about Eivor's character. It's tantamount to making a Grand Theft Auto game where your character can't steal cars.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
admittedly i couldn't find right now the exact quote, so no direct quote from a cdpr "marketer", but news was all over the internet at the time.

eh if well done it adds a lot to a game tbh, but the main thing is that they depicted the game as a deep rpg a-la fallout and skyrim but we didn't get that at all.
annd that's without considering stuff ike the completely broken and untested design of the game, with useless perks, conversation options that bear no consequences and much more.

the game feels unfinished, the elements are all there but all at an incredibly superficial level and not at all integrated with each other.

and tbh, i expected some of this clunkiness coming from the witcher series but cyberpunk goes beyond that.

The exact quote is... well, I don't know because it was originally from a German outlet, but here's what an article about it says.

Among this long list of new information, the Cyberpunk 2077 and Witcher 3 developers stated that the 1,000+ NPCs each have their own "hand-made" routine. The devs compared this to The Witcher 3 where some villagers in-game would not have daily routines at all. A "hand-made" routine could mean anything from washing clothes or visiting different locations at certain times, to simply rocking in a chair for the entire day.

As-is, the game's NPCs are comparable to The Witcher 3 if not slightly more sophisticated. They weren't lying, they just had their words interpreted to mean the moon.

With that said, I still agree that the way the NPCs react to crime and violence and how broken the police system is absolutely needs attention. That shit is pre-alpha level and should not have shipped.
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Yes because those companies didn’t sell the game like a living world.
they didn't?


"One of the most remarkable features of Horizon Zero Dawn, that has captured imaginations ever since the game was unveiled at E3 2015, is the vibrant, living world that Guerrilla Games have given us a glimpse of. " by playstation

" In the latest GamesTM magazine (issue 202), Art Director Jason Connell shared a brief statement on the team's effort to create a living, breathing world.
Having everything move, if it can move make it move, was a very ambitious goal for us from the very beginning. and we’re achieving it! you walk around the game world and you’ll be like 'Oh my god, everything around me is moving!' "

whoops i guess it's almost like it's a generic phrase that developers use.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
they didn't?


"One of the most remarkable features of Horizon Zero Dawn, that has captured imaginations ever since the game was unveiled at E3 2015, is the vibrant, living world that Guerrilla Games have given us a glimpse of. " by playstation

" In the latest GamesTM magazine (issue 202), Art Director Jason Connell shared a brief statement on the team's effort to create a living, breathing world.
Having everything move, if it can move make it move, was a very ambitious goal for us from the very beginning. and we’re achieving it! you walk around the game world and you’ll be like 'Oh my god, everything around me is moving!' "

whoops i guess it's almost like it's a generic phrase that developers use.

Here's Valhalla, too:

These kind of trailers are a staple of modern video game marketing. They produce these slickly edited trailers showing off what you can do in the game and make everything feel so meaningful, when in reality, most of the activities or throwaway, or the way they describe things is lavishly exaggerated.

I think Rockstar pioneered the style of these "narrator showing off the world" videos, but they also have been the only ones to come close to delivering on their marketing.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife

Oh yes, we should all have "higher standards" aka if our toys are not 100% perfect, we should go throw a fit on the internet, because thats what normal, stable human beings do. 🙄
Aren't you overexaggerating my post a little bit? Cops teleporting behind you in a 2020 is utter shit man. Post as many memes as you want, there's no way around it.
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