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COMICS! |OT| April 2014. Truly, there is no shame in continuing to read awful comics.

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best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"

Look at this shit

At least it's not the same screaming pornstar land uses.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face


Re-launching a new #1 isn't a gimmick anymore?

There's a hierarchy to gimmicks and it goes :
-Cover Gimmicks like 3D Covers, embossed covers, gold covers, anything with any kind of Special Cover Really
-Gimmick Issues, like Villains Month and #0s and all that

And then AND ONLY THEN : Re-launches & other assorted reboots

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
There's a hierarchy to gimmicks and it goes :
-Cover Gimmicks like 3D Covers, embossed covers, gold covers, anything with any kind of Special Cover Really
-Gimmick Issues, like Villains Month and #0s and all that

And then AND ONLY THEN : Re-launches & other assorted reboots

Just say Dan Didio is a gimmicky douche already, yo.
Alright, OT is finally done. Back to procrastinating until April 29th! :p

Originally, the entire OT was going to be backwards. All of it.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Alright, alright! What's funny is when I started reading comics over a year ago I was worried I'd read all the "good stuff" like watchmen and sandman and not have much else of quality to read. I have high standards, and I'm surprised to find myself only lacking for time and money instead of comics to read.

Anyone experience anything similar?

I'm not sure I was ever worried I would run out of quality comics, but yes, I've been a little surprised that it's time (and to a lesser degree money) that controls what I can read, rather than selection. It's really absurd how year in, year out, there are larger and larger quantities of comics I want to keep up with or go back to.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.

Look at this shit


This is Mary Jane as in Spiderman's Mary Jane? Why does she look like a drug addict? Why are the lines so thick and colors so ugly? WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE HER LEFT EYE IS TRYING TO ESCAPE HER FACE????

can't believe somewhat got paid to draw that MESS
I think we were talking about this the other day but in the back of Vol. 3 Catwoman that just came out, they advertised that Gotham City Sirens trades were coming soon.

Edit - it does not say coming soon, wife was mistaken. It just advertise them like you can go get them.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I think we were talking about this the other day but in the back of Vol. 3 Catwoman that just came out, they advertised that Gotham City Sirens trades were coming soon.

Edit - it does not say coming soon, wife was mistaken. It just advertise them like you can go get them.

But it's true, DC is recollecting Gotham City Sirens. The first of presumably two books comes out in October, at 320 pages.


comics progress:

Episode 2 of Arrow on netflix: This is the episode reminded me of Batman Begins where Bruce has to fake drunk to get rid of people.

She-Hulk #2: Those eyes....those eyes....
Just look at Tony having the repulsor blast of a lifetime


You just can't make this stuff up
LMAO god damn
Ramos Hate, Get out

He probably puts out a few pages a day to reach his Spider-Man deadlines

Meanwhile, with effort
Agreed. his work on Fairy Quest is tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. it's where i realized that he can be pretty good. I first saw his work with the Messiah Complex X-Men issues and they were bad. I read that a long time ago, i'm not sure if they're still bad if i went back to them, but they're so damn out of place with all the other issues.

and i've seen some derp faces that can be taken out of context in Ribic's work too, iirc. ain't no one immune to them


No Scrubs
Well, yeah, if you don't count 'killing off' a popular superhero for a year and then bringing him back a gimmick. Sure.

A gimmick would be killing him off for like two issues then bringing him back. Anything more than that stops being a gimmick and is just a story line.

A new #1 though, yea that's a gimmick.
Anybody get their copy of Spider-man: Family Business yet?

Got mine today, fantastic HC. Forget the Amazing Spider-man relaunch we're getting this month, this is the return to Pete that you want.

Sensational art, great jokes/ Parker quips, and come on, Waid and Robinson writing it.

Been a Dell'Otto fan for awhile, love him drawing classic spidey

And Black costume Spidey



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Buying modern Greg Land comics should be viewed the same way as purchasing blood diamonds.

Just finished Planetoid. Plot was alright, but kinda cliche. Art was gorgeous, tough.

It's not super original, but pretty well executed.


Hey guys, I finished reading Green Lantern Rebirth -> Green Lantern & Corps basically all the way up to Blackest Night.

Where do I go from there? Brightest Day? Then what?


I'm going to buy Inhumans in honor of my brah Rafa.

Edit : done. Resisted Deadpool vs Carnage. Marvel can't sell me everything with Deadpool on it anymore.

Edit : wow someone needs credit for this Detective Comics art. Goodness.
Hey guys, I finished reading Green Lantern Rebirth -> Green Lantern & Corps basically all the way up to Blackest Night.

Where do I go from there? Brightest Day? Then what?

Brightest Day and then go into New 52 Lantern titles if I recall correctly.


Arksy said:
Hey guys, I finished reading Green Lantern Rebirth -> Green Lantern & Corps basically all the way up to Blackest Night.

Where do I go from there? Brightest Day? Then what?

Brightest Day and then go into New 52 Lantern titles if I recall correctly.

Nah brah, it goes Green Lantern: Brightest Day (not the series of the same name), GLC: Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns, GLC: The Weaponer, Green Lantern Emerald Warrior, War of the Green Lanterns crossover, War of the GLs Aftermath, and then the N52 books.
Nah brah, it goes Green Lantern: Brightest Day (not the series of the same name), GLC: Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns, GLC: The Weaponer, Green Lantern Emerald Warrior, War of the Green Lanterns crossover, War of the GLs Aftermath, and then the N52 books.


I'll hand in my ring.


Looking back through my post history, it's crazy to see how ComicsGAF has grown. Spike used to make the awesome OT's (complete with the tricked out first post) every week, and then we'd have about 2-3 pages of discussion per week. Now we might get two pages of discussion on a single Tuesday, let alone on Wednesday as people post about their reads.


What happened to her eyes? How did this get in a issue you can buy in store? Does Ramos not look, if he made a mistake?

Yeah, this is a really strange thing to miss. I can get someone not getting human anatomy right but this is in your face. Looking it it more it seems he just copy>pasted the eyes in.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Looking back through my post history, it's crazy to see how ComicsGAF has grown. Spike used to make the awesome OT's (complete with the tricked out first post) every week, and then we'd have about 2-3 pages of discussion per week. Now we might get two pages of discussion on a single Tuesday, let alone on Wednesday as people post about their reads.

I used to lurk during those days. Those threads were great but kind of sad. The monthly megathread idea was some new52-level genius stuff.


Nah brah, it goes Green Lantern: Brightest Day (not the series of the same name), GLC: Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns, GLC: The Weaponer, Green Lantern Emerald Warrior, War of the Green Lanterns crossover, War of the GLs Aftermath, and then the N52 books.

Thanks! And thanks GrandHarrier as well. : )


Looking back through my post history, it's crazy to see how ComicsGAF has grown. Spike used to make the awesome OT's (complete with the tricked out first post) every week, and then we'd have about 2-3 pages of discussion per week. Now we might get two pages of discussion on a single Tuesday, let alone on Wednesday as people post about their reads.

Comixology opened the comics binging gates to non US comics readers.

Nowadays comics cost me around 50% less than imported trade issues.
It was around 70% before comixology restricted me to its local store...

that and Nu52 and Marvel Now initiatives, and the rise of Image comics.
Looking back through my post history, it's crazy to see how ComicsGAF has grown. Spike used to make the awesome OT's (complete with the tricked out first post) every week, and then we'd have about 2-3 pages of discussion per week. Now we might get two pages of discussion on a single Tuesday, let alone on Wednesday as people post about their reads.

Messi, you, myself and Korupt take the top spots on the wall of shame for number of posts. We just don't shut up. Fun fact: 90% of Messi's posts are about Nocenti.

Definitely a wonderful influx of new members. Heck even I am relatively new in the grand scheme of things.

P.S. Plz come back La Maquinon and Krypt0nian.


Messi, you, myself and Korupt take the top spots on the wall of shame for number of posts. We just don't shut up. Fun fact: 90% of Messi's posts are about Nocenti.

Definitely a wonderful influx of new members. Heck even I am relatively new in the grand scheme of things.

P.S. Plz come back La Maquinon and Krypt0nian.

Feels bad man
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