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Brazil is in the Middle of a f***** Outrage right now

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Thanks for sharing. I learned a lot more background from this video. My favourite part was Paulo Maluf's winning campaign slogan.
"I steal but I deliver!"

Meanwhile, old Lula says:
"In Brazil, when a poor man steals he goes to jail. When a rich man steals he comes a minister."

Lula sounds like he was incredible during his presidency and Dilma had a pretty legit history during the 80s as well. It's really sad to see respected people turn out like this.

I wonder how long it will be before Sergio Moro goes bad.
I know it's futile but I seriously hope he doesn't try to get into politics.

It was great to hear that Brazil hasn't gone violent during protests throughout history. I was a little concerned about that. Anyway, with such widespread and noramlised/accepted corruption, I'm not sure if any politician will be able to come out clean. I wonder what will happen when basically the entire country's government is sitting in jail. o_O
The vídeo is really good but the guy was too kind on Lula and harsh on Moro.

Lula was really popular and charismatic (demagogic and paternalist in my opinion) but his government was already known for the worst corruption scandal before this one, the Mensalao. In which they paid congressmen to vote their projects. What the fuck is that if not shitting on democracy? Some steps closer to dictatorship I say if you are buying your way to approve everything you want. His right hand is in jail right now because of that and Lula swears to this day he didn't know a thing about it.

And Moro I really doubt he will pursue career in politics. It isn't worthy. He has a established career as a judge, which pays him really well. People like to put him as a savior just like they did with former judge of he Supreme Court Joaquim Barbosa who was the main responsible for arresting the people involved in Mensalao scandal. Turns out that Barbosa is retired and doesn't want anything with politics.
Thanks for sharing. I learned a lot more background from this video. My favourite part was Paulo Maluf's winning campaign slogan.
"I steal but I deliver!"

It's so weird seeing from other eyes what we go through in Brazil every single day...

But yeah, our politics make House of Cards look like Gilmore Girls

Meanwhile, old Lula says:
"In Brazil, when a poor man steals he goes to jail. When a rich man steals he comes a minister."

Lula sounds like he was incredible during his presidency and Dilma had a pretty legit history during the 80s as well. It's really sad to see respected people turn out like this.

He was. You cannot overstate how good he was at public speeches and engaging with the people. The biggest name in the right was (most likely still is) Fernando Henrique Cardoso and, as successful as he was at being elected (he had two terms in the presidency, beating Lula both times), his reputation remained as an elitist throughout. He never could reach the masses quite like Lula did.

Dilma is a real tragic figure. You can see her heart is in the right place, but she hates politics and having to deal with all the corrupt people in Congress. Which is understandable, but that's not how you do politics, unfortunately, because it made her lose power. Lula understood politics as a give-and-take, but he might have gone too far and tarnished his name in the process. It's a mess.

I wonder how long it will be before Sergio Moro goes bad.
I know it's futile but I seriously hope he doesn't try to get into politics.

I don't think he'll get into politics, but he's clearly vain and enjoying all the attention. Joaquim Barbosa, the other Judicial Power "hero" before Moro, was more humble in that aspect.


He was. You cannot overstate how good he was at public speeches and engaging with the people. The biggest name in the right was (most likely still is) Fernando Henrique Cardoso and, as successful as he was at being elected (he had two terms in the presidency, beating Lula both times), his reputation remained as an elitist throughout. He never could reach the masses quite like Lula did.

FHC is not a right wing politician. :p


I don't think he'll get into politics, but he's clearly vain and enjoying all the attention. Joaquim Barbosa, the other Judicial Power "hero" before Moro, was more humble in that aspect.

I agree that, in part, it must do wonders for his ego to have a crowd in the millions call his name in support. It must be really empowering, for a first instance judge that was unknown just a few years ago. His decisions aren't exactly impartial, you can see that he plays the cards he's dealt with the way he knows it'll have the most effect.

Still, to go as far as to say he's clearly vain and enjoying all attention? He still doesn't play the game the media and even a few prosecutors are playing and trying to keep as low profile as possible, in order not to screw things up by saying nonsense in front of the cameras like most politicians are doing right now. He knows what he's doing and the repercussions of every single step he's taking, he's a lot smarter than someone who'd be purely driven by vanity.



FHC might not fully be .... but that to saying that PSDB is not is ... complex =P
I mean ... Alckmin for example not even close to left or center

But then again most people that says that PT is left and PSDB is right could probably say that PT is red and PSDB is blue, that PT is gold and PSDB is silver, PT is liberal and PSDB is republican or that PT is 100 posts per page and PSDB is 50 posts per page =P
I don't think Moro's ego has inflated or he took partial decisions. IMO, he's a very good strategist, and he's using the political game that PT is very good against itselft. Many won't agree with his methods, but IMO, this is the one that has been working so far, and also it's not out of legality.

Moro shares his investigations with the public, which allows him to have support and help from the people and the media. He always took out the secrecy from LJ operations after they have served its purpose. The thing about Lula was that he found the perfect timing to literally implode PT's goverment: He was aiming Lula, which according to his investigations it is more clear that was one of the leaders of the corruption scheme, but PT tried a desesperate move turning him into a minister, which would protect him and give extra life for Dilma's goverment. But then he releases the material and both Lula and Dilma's move turn out to be a big suicidal move

That Intercept article posted on the last page is a must read for anyone thinking this is a legitimate popular uprising.

If you think this is anything other than the white ruling elite trying to depose the current government to return Brazil to a neolib dictatorship I dunno what to tell you.



That Intercept article posted on the last page is a must read for anyone thinking this is a legitimate popular uprising.

If you think this is anything other than the white ruling elite trying to depose the current government to return Brazil to a neolib dictatorship I dunno what to tell you.

We've been through this, and you are not going to fool anyone here.

That Intercept article posted on the last page is a must read for anyone thinking this is a legitimate popular uprising.

If you think this is anything other than the white ruling elite trying to depose the current government to return Brazil to a neolib dictatorship I dunno what to tell you.

Do you think NeoGAF is that stupid? One picture doesn't represent the movement. This is a dirty little trick.

Many poor people were there, like this little kid, son of a garbage scavanger:


And you show that you doesn't know anything about this country's story, neoliberalism came ten years after the end of the dictatorship. lol


Do you think NeoGAF is that stupid? One picture doesn't represent the movement. This is a dirty little trick.

Many poor people were there, like this little kid, son of a garbage scavanger:


And you show that you doesn't know anything about this country's story, neoliberalism came ten years after the end of the dictatorship. lol

Boy, this Shizuka guy is a great photographer!

That Intercept article posted on the last page is a must read for anyone thinking this is a legitimate popular uprising.

If you think this is anything other than the white ruling elite trying to depose the current government to return Brazil to a neolib dictatorship I dunno what to tell you.

Oh boy do I have some news for you:

I can't translate it right now, but this post is from the guy in that picture.


Income is going down and unemployment is going up, especially for the poor, due to the government-created economic crisis. In relative terms, maids, babysitters, and other labor are cheaper than it was before due to the foolishness of a broken economic policy, interference with the monetary policy, irresponsible lending to big corporations, and irresponsible fiscal policy.

The average value of cash benefits to the poor have decreased this year, despite inflation nearly doubling:


And defenders have the gall to say that only rich people are protesting, and they are protesting to keep their maids around?

The current path of unemployment and economic growth will only make maids cheaper for rich people.

The narrative that was created around this picture is disgusting.


What's wrong with having a maid? What's important is for people to have affordable housing, free healthcare, education. You can have all that and still have maids. Not everyone wants some university degree, they just don't want to be the hook every day.
Let's be fair: it was mostly the high income people who were protesting last Sunday. Doesn't mean lower classes are happy with Dilma or that they don't want her to be impeached, but it doesn't change that fact either.

What's wrong with having a maid? What's important is for people to have affordable housing, free healthcare, education. You can have all that and still have maids. Not everyone wants some university degree, they just don't want to be the hook every day.

It's not about being wrong, but being a maid has a strong social stigma here in Brazil due to our history with slavery. Babysitting and housekeeping are seen as regular jobs in the US for example, but you won't see middle-class white people considering those as worthwhile career options, even in a temporary capacity. It's associated with lower-income black women and seen as beneath them. That's why it's a loaded picture.


I don't think Moro's ego has inflated or he took partial decisions. IMO, he's a very good strategist, and he's using the political game that PT is very good against itselft. Many won't agree with his methods, but IMO, this is the one that has been working so far, and also it's not out of legality.

Moro shares his investigations with the public, which allows him to have support and help from the people and the media. He always took out the secrecy from LJ operations after they have served its purpose. The thing about Lula was that he found the perfect timing to literally implode PT's goverment: He was aiming Lula, which according to his investigations it is more clear that was one of the leaders of the corruption scheme, but PT tried a desesperate move turning him into a minister, which would protect him and give extra life for Dilma's goverment. But then he releases the material and both Lula and Dilma's move turn out to be a big suicidal move

I actually do agree with Moro's methods because of who he is dealing with. He seems like a man with a strong sense of justice and these slimeballs have evaded countless investigations and scandals. Enough is enough. The days of ending in pizza are over.


What's wrong with having a maid? What's important is for people to have affordable housing, free healthcare, education. You can have all that and still have maids. Not everyone wants some university degree, they just don't want to be the hook every day.

There is a good movie that explain the realities of this in brazil called The Second Mother



Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
This makes me sick to my stomach. They'll probably change the whole brazilian system.

Why is it that nobody says a thing about the Central Banks? Did you know they're actually private, not federal?

If there's anybody stealing your money these politicians are small game.
Ok, they're really pushing it now.

Lula's nomination has been declared invalid by the Supreme Court, but since he can't assume the post, the government declared he will be operating as an 'informal' minister. I mean, does such a thing even exist?!

Also on related news, the Justice Minister is trying to replace the Federal Police team behind these investigations. 'If it smells like a leak in a investigation from one of our agents, I'll change the entire team. All of them. I don't need any evidence.'


Let's be fair: it was mostly the high income people who were protesting last Sunday. Doesn't mean lower classes are happy with Dilma or that they don't want her to be impeached, but it doesn't change that fact either.

It's not about being wrong, but being a maid has a strong social stigma here in Brazil due to our history with slavery. Babysitting and housekeeping are seen as regular jobs in the US for example, but you won't see middle-class white people considering those as worthwhile career options, even in a temporary capacity. It's associated with lower-income black women and seen as beneath them. That's why it's a loaded picture.

Its not a stigma, its the govt who does not have a clear path for those people to get out of the cycle of having that as their only option to feed their families.

This has nothing to do with slavery, she was being paid fairly for it, and has the freedom to leave the job at any time. This is such an extreme comparison, and deliberate, to incite emotion instead of focusing the outrage in the govt, who does nothing to give peple options.

yes, I am brazillian.


Its not a stigma, its the govt who does not have a clear path for those people to get out of the cycle of having that as their only option to feed their families.

This has nothing to do with slavery, she was being paid fairly for it, and has the freedom to leave the job at any time. This is such an extreme comparison, and deliberate, to incite emotion instead of focusing the outrage in the govt, who does nothing to give peple options.

yes, I am brazillian.

That's not freedom.


Personal services are very weird in Brazil in my experience. There is some stigma, but it's nowhere near "servitude", making it a racial thing also bothers me a lot, specially for a place as mixed as Brazil. I feel it imports a lot from the rethoric of the US, and I think that is just disastrous.


What's the story here? Is the Justice Minister a good guy like Moro and just trying to fight off accusations of leaks by PT?

No. The old minister was criticized many times for allowing the police to do its job, that's why he was forced out in the first place. The new guy is threatening to dismantle the Lavajato operation completely. "Leaks" is just an excuse, what they call leaks aren't even leaks in the first place, it's public information.


This makes me sick to my stomach. They'll probably change the whole brazilian system.

Why is it that nobody says a thing about the Central Banks? Did you know they're actually private, not federal?

If there's anybody stealing your money these politicians are small game.


Please, do elaborate.


Aparently John Oliver talked about on yesterday's show .... I wonder what he says (HBO Go Brasil only updates Last Week Tonight at the middle of the week =/ )
Brazil's Rousseff says 'will never resign,' urges impartial courts | Reuters

Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff said on Tuesday she will not resign under any circumstances and equated a bid to impeach her to a "coup d'etat" against democratic rule because she had committed no crime.

Rousseff urged Brazil's Supreme Court to remain impartial in the political crisis that has threatened to topple her government as opponents seek her impeachment in Congress amid a widespread corruption scandal that has reached her inner circle.

"I will never resign under any circumstances," the embattled president said in a speech to legal experts. "I have committed no crime that would warrant shortening my term."


President of the forever.


Considering that the reasons for the impeachment comission to impeach her are just the "pedaladas", things that basicaly every president in the world ever did .... I can see her point.

It is not even being used the Lula minister stuff !


President of the forever.
Why is she prolonging this? What is the plan here? That everyone will forget and business will return to the usual? Once Moro leaked those tapes, it was over. It have been over before even that but that doesn't matter since it is definitely over now.

She's still in a position to direct this anger, to do something good, to make a difference. Instead of stepping down to talk to the people about how widespread the corruption is, she locks herself up in her ivory tower and avoids them to protect herself and her mentor.

Considering that the reasons for the impeachment comission to impeach her are just the "pedaladas", things that basicaly every president in the world ever did .... I can see her point.

It is not even being used the Lula minister stuff !

Well it has happened at least once before.


Calling for "impartial courts" after wiretaps directly and clearly showed the party trying to manipulate and pressure said courts.

The fucking nerve.

Why is she prolonging this? What is the plan here? That everyone will forget and business will return to the usual? Once Moro leaked those tapes, it was over. It have been over before even that but that doesn't matter since it is definitely over now.

She's still in a position to direct this anger, to do something good, to make a difference. Instead of stepping down to talk to the people about how widespread the corruption is, she locks herself up in her ivory tower and avoids them to protect herself and her mentor.

Well it has happened at least once before.

This is precisely what has ruined her government in the first place.

When everyone saw the signs of the economy going to shit, she locked herself up in her ivory tower with people that agreed with her and let it go to shit. When it was going to even deeper shit, she appointed someone with some credibility to do what was necessary.... and then cut off his legs by not backing his moves in any way whatsoever. He's now gone. The new economic policy? Going back to what started the whole problem, again.

I'm not surprised by the doubling down. She's not interested in what's best for the country. She's interested in being right and protecting her own.

Look at the latest move with the group of jurists and legal representative. Her approach to defending the government wasn't to speak with people across the board legally and build a defense. It was to invite everyone that already agreed with her, circle the wagons, and double down.

She said today that she will "never resign". Someone who has little to no popular backing in poll after poll and still says will never resign regardless of circumstances is not someone that's open to what's best for the country -- it's someone that wants to stay power for its own sake, or for legal protection.


Calling for "impartial courts" after wiretaps directly and clearly showed the party trying to manipulate and pressure said courts.

The fucking nerve.

This is precisely what has ruined her government in the first place.

When everyone saw the signs of the economy going to shit, she locked herself up in her ivory tower with people that agreed with her and let it go to shit. When it was going to even deeper shit, she appointed someone with some credibility to do what was necessary.... and then cut off his legs by not backing his moves in any way whatsoever. He's now gone. The new economic policy? Going back to what started the whole problem, again.

I'm not surprised by the doubling down. She's not interested in what's best for the country. She's interested in being right and protecting her own.

Look at the latest move with the group of jurists and legal representative. Her approach to defending the government wasn't to speak with people across the board legally and build a defense. It was to invite everyone that already agreed with her, circle the wagons, and double down.

She said today that she will "never resign". Someone who has little to no popular backing in poll after poll and still says will never resign regardless of circumstances is not someone that's open to what's best for the country -- it's someone that wants to stay power for its own sake, or for legal protection.

There you go. Can you imagine her becoming a target of Moro? She sure can.


The gall of a politician to claim a coup when the impeachment procedure is one that I presume is constitutionally elaborated is pretty appalling.


Brazilian trending topics today with THIRTY THOUSAND TWEETS



I hate the world




Well, that's misleading bullshit.

She borrowed money from a bank to use and gave it back.
Obama borrowed money from the providence funds (not sure if this is the correct translation) to use and gave it back

Dilma choose to do this instead of stopping (or pausing) social stuff like Bolsa Familia
Obama choose to do this instead of stopping (or pausing) social stuff like Medicare

Did I got something wrong ?



The article you posted is completely non sense. The author doesn't lie per se, but he twists some facts, and reaches completely illogical conclusions when he discuss others, like for exemple PSDB attempt at joining Socialist International.

Resuming, he argues that because of how PSDB and FHC behaved in the past they can't be categorized accordingly to how they behave in the present. This is his whole argument.

Frankly it's trash journalism. Actually it's not even real journalism, it's a sensionalist opinion piece from a blogger.

PSDB absolutely is a right wing party nowadays. Center Right if you're generous, or maybe naive. By default FHC and everyone else should be considered right wing as well.

Granted, originally PSDB was center left, but they moved (or were pushed) to the right wing of the political spectrum a long time ago. They already had an arm and a leg on the right when FHC came into power back in 94 (PFL was their biggest supporter, hell they even had the vice president Marco Maciel), but they jumped ship completely when Lula won in 2002.

Last year Sérgio Fausto, superintendent of the Instituto Fernando Henrique Cardoso wrote an article on Folha arguing that PSDB should return to it's center leftists origins. The guy is employed by FHC and is saying that it's time PSDB moved away from the right towards the center again.

The title of the article was "Crise do PT dá oportunidade ao PSDB para reencontrar sua identidade". Google it, it's a good read. Unfortunately it's behind a paywall.

A few weeks later Celso Rocha wrote on the same Folha an amazing answer to Sérgio's call.

A few excerpts of the article, sadly behind a paywall as well.


No começo dos anos 90, discutiam dois célebres intelectuais, um tucano, um petista. O tucano perguntou: "Afinal, quando o PT vai admitir que é social-democrata?"; o petista respondeu: "E o PSDB, quando vai admitir que não é?". A tensão entre a social-democracia que não ousa dizer seu nome e a social-democracia que só ousa dizer seu nome é uma das marcas do debate político brasileiro moderno e voltou ao centro do palco com a crise atual do PT.

O diretor do Instituto Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Sergio Fausto, publicou em 2 de agosto último, um importante texto, neste mesmo caderno, propondo que o PSDB volte às suas origens de centro-esquerda e ocupe o espaço que o PT está deixando aberto.


Em sua origem, o PSDB foi um partido social-democrata. Seu aliado mais frequente em eleições majoritárias, antes de 1994, era o PDT de Leonel Brizola, e houve quem propusesse a fusão dos dois partidos (o que, inclusive, facilitaria a entrada dos tucanos na Internacional Socialista). funny how the author of your article mentions PSDB failed attempt to join Socialist International but reaches a completely different conclusion...

Fernando Henrique Cardoso foi o autor do projeto de imposto sobre grandes fortunas. Os tucanos foram fundamentais na confecção da Constituição social-democrata de 1988. O célebre discurso de Mario Covas pedindo um "choque de capitalismo" durante a campanha de 1989 foi, em parte, uma tentativa de superar a desconfiança dos empresários de que fosse, no fundo, um esquerdista radical (e o PSDB, afinal, apoiou Lula no segundo turno). Qualquer história da esquerda brasileira que não inclua Covas e FHC, Serra e Bresser, será sempre incompleta.

Mas os próprios fundadores do PSDB já sabiam que a escolha do nome "social-democrata" podia cobrar seu preço. O ex-ministro Bresser-Pereira contou, em entrevista de 2011 ao jornal "Valor Econômico", que Franco Montoro, democrata-cristão histórico, teve um momento profético durante os debates iniciais dos tucanos: dizia que, se o PT, com sua base sindical, virasse governo e moderasse seu discurso, seria a social-democracia brasileira e empurraria o PSDB para a direita. Em uma palestra de 1991 na Fiesp, Leôncio Martins Rodrigues dizia que o PSDB e o PDT não eram social-democratas, pois lhes faltava a base sindical. E completava dizendo que "só quem pode ser social-democrata é o PT, que não quer ser". This part is great, what an insight from Montoro


Desde então, o PSDB chefia o bloco anti-PT. Dado que o PT também fez o que a ciência política esperava e se moveu para o centro, a profecia de Montoro se cumpriu, e o PSDB foi empurrado para a direita.

O PSDB é um experimento interessante de ciência política: sua posição dentro do sistema prevaleceu sobre a identidade de seus fundadores. O PSDB vota mais à direita no Congresso Nacional hoje em dia do que votava antes de 1994, suas alianças frequentes são bem mais conservadoras.

Não conheço estudos sobre recrutamento partidário tucano, mas os quadros jovens de destaque do PSDB (como os "cabeças pretas") não parecem estar lendo nada muito à esquerda. É provável que a maioria dos filiados ao PSDB nos últimos dez anos tenha sido atraída pelo antipetismo dos tucanos. É difícil citar um membro de destaque do PSDB com menos de 50 anos que tenha um perfil ideológico semelhante, digamos, ao de Mario Covas. If Covas was alive I doubt he would aprove the way his political party turned out


O PSDB foi o grande civilizador da direita brasileira. (...)

E, finalmente, o PSDB deu à direita brasileira a única vitória eleitoral esmagadora, programaticamente clara e baseada em resultados de sua história. Os eleitos à direita anteriores, Jânio Quadros e Fernando Collor de Mello, não conseguiram terminar um mandato; FHC emendou dois. Houve duas vitórias em primeiro turno por uma candidatura liberal, sem candidato maluco, sem fraude e sem golpe, o que era inédito na história brasileira. O PSDB foi o Juscelino que a UDN nunca teve.
(this part is also great, it cracks me up every time)



É claro, todo o raciocínio exposto acima supõe que o plano do PSDB seja voltar ao poder ganhando eleições, e que seus movimentos recentes sejam só tentativas de enfraquecer o governo para 2018. Nesse caso cabe discutir, como fizemos acima, a desigualdade brasileira, Tony Blair e a Conferência de Florença, Fernando Henrique Cardoso e Armínio Fraga.

Se, contudo, o plano for chegar ao poder por articulação pelo alto, por impeachment ou coisa parecida (nos moldes das votações "até virar" de Eduardo Cunha), a conversa é outra.

Trata-se, então, de discutir os termos de uma aliança com os políticos que se venderam ao PT nos últimos 12 anos. Nesse caso, a liberalização econômica seria feita não pela conquista do apoio consciente dos mais pobres (como em 1994), mas por sua desmobilização após a crise da esquerda. Não sei dizer se a reconstrução do velho "centrão" custaria mais ou menos ao erário do que um programa de redistribuição de renda.

Nesse último cenário, após o fracasso em ser uma versão mais sofisticada do PT, e um extraordinário sucesso em ser uma versão mais sofisticada do PFL, o PSDB voltaria às origens e lideraria o que, em 1988, chamou de "PMDB Arenizado". Em algum lugar, Orestes Quércia sorri.
(and finally the killing blow)

Sorry for the wall of text but this is too good of an opportunity to pass.

We should be discussing PSDB as much as we are discussing PT, and I'm not talking about corruption and their dirty hands (yes they are as dirty as PT, even the biggest PT corruption scandal still have a modicum of tucano's DNA).

I'm talking about their policies, plans and projects for the future. What they want to do with Brazil when they finally take over again? Right now I don't know. Are they going to govern with PMDB again? Because if they are really fighting corruption then that alliance won't work. PMDB is the personification of corruption on our political system.

Like it or not PT and PSDB are the only parties on our country with a project for a nation. You may disagree with one project or the other, or maybe even both, but it is undeniable that PT and PSDB are the only hope for our country. Ideally they should would work together. Their origins are similar, even their sins are alike. All the other parties just want a fat government titty to suck, specially PMDB despite what Michel Temer desperately wants the public to believe.

So back to your argument, PSDB is absolutely right wing nowadays I'm sorry to say. But there is still time for then to regain their sense I (among others like Sérgio) hope.


I just saw this on Vice. It's from a few days ago so I might be late.
The Rio Olympics Just Got $500 Million Less Secure
VICE said:
Rio de Janeiro's cash-strapped state government has announced it is to slash around $500 million from its security budget — less than six months before the city hosts this year's Olympic Games.

The announcement has inevitably created doubts over Rio's ability to guarantee the safety of visitors to the city during the Games. In the light of this week's attacks in Belgium, it has also raised questions over just how prepared Brazil is to deal with potential terrorist atrocities.
He told reporters they will mean redundancies and reductions in the number of police cars, as well as a trimming of maintenance contracts. Plans to install a UPP, or Police Pacification Unit, in Maré, one of Rio's biggest and most violent favelas which sprawls along the main thoroughfare to the city's international airport, have also been shelved.
The security cuts in Rio are the result of a statewide financial crisis caused not only by Brazil's economic downturn, but also the crisis gripping the state-run oil company Petrobras. The company bases many of its activities in Rio and this week announced a record $10.2 billion loss for the fourth quarter of 2015.
The cuts also come as terrorist attacks in Belgium have raised fears that extremist groups could plan to disrupt the Olympics. Experts have already stressed Brazil's often porous 23,000 kilometer perimeter, which lacks proper security controls in many remote regions.

"Lone wolves remain the primary terrorist threat to the Olympic Games," said Luiz Sallaberry, the director of ABIN, the Brazilian Anti-Terrorism Department, in an interview with Deutsche Welle last year. "There is no priority area, the threat is diffused all over the Brazilian territory and abroad."
There are due to be 85,000 security personnel operating in Rio during the Olympics — more than double the numbers on duty during London 2012. The security force will include 47,000 polices, municipal guards, and firefighters, as well as 38,000 soldiers.

"It will be the biggest security operation in the history of Brazil," Andrei Augusto Passos Rodrigues, the Security Secretary for Major Events of the Justice Ministry, announced last year.

Former cop and security expert Paulo Storani, however, believes that despite their promises, the authorities are not taking the potential terror threat seriously enough.

"Brazil has no history of tourist attacks, so they refuse to explore the possibility, because of geographical factors or because people in other countries see Brazil as a friendly country," he said. "But the logic behind the idea that there's less risk because some people think Brazilians are friendly people is absurd."
The craziest part is that this is completely separate from the current political crisis.

So we have global economic downturn + Petrobras oil crisis + high crime rate + increased threat of terrorism + reduced security and then the current political crisis, all in time for the Olympics.

While I don't think Brazil is a conventional target of terrorism, that's besides the point since the Olympics has all of the usual suspects that these terrorists salivate for. And even worse than that, every single one of ISIS's enemies will have their strongest athletes present. With that in mind, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they are already in the planning stages. Their operatives may already be inside Brazil for all we know. With Brazil's inexperience in this area and its massive border, they could probably walk right in from almost any country in South America.

I hope the international community works together on this to ensure that security is at the highest level. This is not something that Brazil can do on its own so it is better to be proactive instead of lamenting this fact after an attack. An attack on the summer Olympics would be devastating and depending on the damage, may even lead some nations to send ground troops.
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