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Between DLC and almost no sales/price drops, Nintendo games sure are getting even more expensive

There are at least three big-ish games from last year that I still want (Astral Chain, Luigi's Mansion 3, and Daemon X Machina) but I've held off from buying because they're still fairly expensive. I'm also waiting on Hyrule Warriors Complete for the same reason (it seems to never go below $40).
There are at least three big-ish games from last year that I still want (Astral Chain, Luigi's Mansion 3, and Daemon X Machina) but I've held off from buying because they're still fairly expensive. I'm also waiting on Hyrule Warriors Complete for the same reason (it seems to never go below $40).

I bought Fire Emblem 3H for 36 Euro, sold for 42

I bought Astral Chain Limited for 60, sold for 90.

I bought Link's Awakening Limited for 80, sold for 120.

All bought day 1, finished, then sold. Fuck, I *made* money by buying Nintendo games without intending to! Even if you don't get Limited Editions, you can still sell Nintendo-games for minimal loss. No other publisher's games are most affordable for day 1 buys.
This is why I bought a Wii back in 2017, 10 years after its release.

I can't wait to play you in Tatsunoko vs Capcom.



I bought Fire Emblem 3H for 36 Euro, sold for 42

I bought Astral Chain Limited for 60, sold for 90.

I bought Link's Awakening Limited for 80, sold for 120.

All bought day 1, finished, then sold. Fuck, I *made* money by buying Nintendo games without intending to! Even if you don't get Limited Editions, you can still sell Nintendo-games for minimal loss. No other publisher's games are most affordable for day 1 buys.
I don't understand the idea of buying a game so you can sell it later.
When I put down money for a game my intention is to keep it forever.

And seeing so many people that state this as a plus for buying Nintendo, just show's how stupid Nintendo's pricing is, considering how many Nintendo fans depend on buying used games and they're making nothing off those sales.


There are at least three big-ish games from last year that I still want (Astral Chain, Luigi's Mansion 3, and Daemon X Machina) but I've held off from buying because they're still fairly expensive. I'm also waiting on Hyrule Warriors Complete for the same reason (it seems to never go below $40).
They are never going to be significantly reduced. Especially Luigis Mansion.
Don't cry about the price though because Nintendo games hold their value used which obviously comes in handy if you sell your shit.
I don't understand the idea of buying a game so you can sell it later.
When I put down money for a game my intention is to keep it forever.

And seeing so many people that state this as a plus for buying Nintendo, just show's how stupid Nintendo's pricing is, considering how many Nintendo fans depend on buying used games and they're making nothing off those sales.

Being a collector is not the norm. If you want to say 'collecting games on Switch is expensive', I'll agree with you. Playing games, however, is the most affordable, if you sell your finished games like most people do.
I agree. I remember the talking points by Nintendodrones and insiders like Emily Rodgers that killing their handheld systems in favor of a hybrid console would unify their development studios and thus increase game production. And three years in, its the same slow shit as ever. Low budget gimmicky games got a price bump and now they're getting pricey DLC. I'm over Nintendo honestly.
But but but Mother 3 dude. It's coming.

Meme of the decade.


Honestly this is part of what keeps me out of the Nintendo ecosystem, as someone who has until now always bought a new console generation 1-2 years in when there's cheaper games already. Most of my games are under 40CAD when I buy them, I usually don't see the point in day one games when I already have such a backlog. With Nintendo rarely dropping prices, that benefit is gone.
Well, last week-end I got to hang out with my nephew and some of his friends - they were all around 15yo - and the way they spoke of buying stuff in game it sounded just like anything else, not a beat was broken when they spoke about buying some extra stuff in COD.
If you have games that can maintain mass interest for years at full price + occasional sales, why would you cut the price? Or even set that expectation?
Well, if a game is good the first day it's still good the next year.

However, this is one of the reason that Nintendo consoles have not gotten in my home (well, the last two anyways).
The hardware is overpriced for the performance you get (I don't care if you think the gimmicks make it worth it, this is not what I am buying).
The accessories invariably add to the base cost (ex.: the SWITCH does not come with a proper controller, so the base system is useless to me).
Nintendo games retain their prices, and recently they even added DLC (or worse the Amiboos)

So no thanks.
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I call it the Nintendo Premium. On the upside get a physical copy and you can resell it 5 years later for a similar price.

Digital Nintendo purchases are a rip off long term.


The Walmart by my house had a copy of Super Mario 64 on the shelf well into the Gamecube's life and it was still in the box $50.
Yeah it sucks, and nintendo fanboys defending their greediest busines model sucks even more.

First they sell slow, shitty specs old and low quality system for premium price and then ask full price for old games.

Kind of like apple, fanboys defending even when they ask 5x the price for their parts and so on.

Good thing that switch is so easily hackable, I guess it balances the greedyscale
$300 for a new console is not premium.


Gold Member
I am the type of person that rarely goes back to a game after a few playthroughs. So instead of buying I just rent Switch games.

They are expensive though. Being paid monthly has its drawbacks.


The upside is that recently I was able to sell a bunch of second hand Nintendo games close to retail price. Unlike other console games it's actually somewhat advantageous to buy Switch games day one.


I almost forgot about amiibo. The worst and most overpriced implementation of DLC ever.

But that shelf of stationary action figures that cost you over 1,000$ On ebay surely doing you a great job of getting you pussy... or asshole . Whatever it is that you like I guess.

I think you need to acquaint yourself with the concept of "disposable income".

Amiibos are a bit daft but so is probably 90% of stuff people spend their money on.
I don't understand the bitterness.

When I go into the local game or comic shop these days they are stacked to the rafters with those ridiculous Funko dolls.
I don't buy them myself but on the other hand I will easily drop 500 bucks a month going on nights out.

Dammit sometimes I'll get blind drunk, puke my guts up and black out with no memory of the entire evening and it costs me a hell of a lot more than some Amiibos.

It's just people spending their money on stuff they like. I don't see the issue.
Amiibos are a bit daft but so is probably 90% of stuff people spend their money on.
I don't understand the bitterness.

When I go into the local game or comic shop these days they are stacked to the rafters with those ridiculous Funko dolls.
I don't buy them myself but on the other hand I will easily drop 500 bucks a month going on nights out.

Dammit sometimes I'll get blind drunk, puke my guts up and black out with no memory of the entire evening and it costs me a hell of a lot more than some Amiibos.

It's just people spending their money on stuff they like. I don't see the issue.

Well, if people like to collect statues of their favorite characters kudos to them. Some people are not interested in them, and yet they are forced to obtain these things if they want to get everything out of a game.

To lock features and content behind them is a very shady practice if you ask me.

This wasn't new either, it was already the case with their e-Reader cards and the features locked in Metroid: Zero Mission. Only few bought into them. Dress them up as figurines, play in on people's nostalgia, or fandom and you'll most likely succeed more.


Nintendo is actually more arrogant than Sony and that takes some doing. 60 dollar games with zero production values to warrant their cost.

I don't expect anything less from a company that doesn't even know what an analog trigger is and charges more for their controllers than the vastly superior Microsoft and Sony controllers.

..."than the vastly superior Microsoft and Sony controllers."

Ehhh, no man. The Switch Pro Controller is VASTLY superior comparing to the Microsoft and Sony ones (which are really good, though), is really that good. Even the WiiU Pro Controller is incredibly comfy in comparison.



Maybe the sales numbers would be doubled or even tripled if the price went down over time? Game consumers who think like consumers do seem to be in the minority, most seem to care more about corporations making as much money as possible than consumers getting a good deal.

"Maybe the sales numbers would be doubled or even tripled if the price went down over time?"

I'm not sure that this is true.
I'd love to see the numbers but I am pretty sure that, outside of a few exceptions, games will make the vast majority of their sales in the first few weeks.

You'll see discounts soon after release for games that are not performing well at launch.
You'll see big discounts 12 months after release to pick up those few stragglers who may still have an interest in the game.

So Ubisoft will launch their new open world thing at 69.99 or whatever and 12 months later it is down to 19.99.
Basically they are making the bulk of their sales at launch when the game has all that hype and then 19.99 price down the line is to grab people who probably had no intention of buying until they saw it was 19.99.

If more and more customers decided to actually hold off on getting games at launch then those deep discount sales would happen less and less as companies readjust to try and max out their profit.

Maybe the lack of competition on Nintendo platforms causes this issue?
A game like FarCry 5 comes with a ton of competitors when released on PS4. Plenty of other similar games vying for the customers money.
6 months down the line the game is still competing by being on sale at 50% off when other new games are coming out.

Switch has basically one Mario Kart. If you want that game or something like it then there is not much choice.
Seems to be the same for a lot of Nintendos 1st party IP. They don't need to drop the price because there is no real alternative for people?


Well, if people like to collect statues of their favorite characters kudos to them. Some people are not interested in them, and yet they are forced to obtain these things if they want to get everything out of a game.

To lock features and content behind them is a very shady practice if you ask me.

This wasn't new either, it was already the case with their e-Reader cards and the features locked in Metroid: Zero Mission. Only few bought into them. Dress them up as figurines, play in on people's nostalgia, or fandom and you'll most likely succeed more.

To be fair it's usually garbage "content".
I would take offence if it was something like a full 5 hours of DLC gameplay locked behind a 30 buck action figure but it isn't.
It's usually some shitty emote or outfit.

For example, I got the Solaire of Astora amiibo because I love Dark Souls and I wanted it. The "content" locked behind the amiibo was the "praise the sun" emote. That's it.

If people feel "forced" to have every outfit or emote in a game to the point of spending tons of money on little statues then maybe that person needs to show a little self restraint.

For me it's a rather simple situation. Nintendo says "hey do you want to buy this" and I have the choice to pay up or say no thanks.

Nobody is forced to obtain Amiibos and anyone who NEEDS to get that extra outfit in BotW or whatever has to get their priorities straight.


Nintendo games are the most affordable outside of gamepass. I can buy a Nintendo-game at release for 50 and sell it for 40.

True, that's what I do and is pretty much the only reason I still buy and play their games (if they ever go fully digital, which I doubt, I'm done with Nintendo).

But it does make the whole DLC scenario more annoying. I can find a used copy of Pokemon Sword for $50, play it and then sell it for $50 (or $45), but if I want the DLC that's still an initial "investment" of $80.... $30 of which I'm not getting back.
To be fair it's usually garbage "content".
I would take offence if it was something like a full 5 hours of DLC gameplay locked behind a 30 buck action figure but it isn't.
It's usually some shitty emote or outfit.

For example, I got the Solaire of Astora amiibo because I love Dark Souls and I wanted it. The "content" locked behind the amiibo was the "praise the sun" emote. That's it.

If people feel "forced" to have every outfit or emote in a game to the point of spending tons of money on little statues then maybe that person needs to show a little self restraint.

For me it's a rather simple situation. Nintendo says "hey do you want to buy this" and I have the choice to pay up or say no thanks.

Nobody is forced to obtain Amiibos and anyone who NEEDS to get that extra outfit in BotW or whatever has to get their priorities straight.

But is it necessary? Why not make features, even if they are minor available to all players? You know how things used to be once upon a time. Nintendo abuses their power, because they know they have a dedicated fanbase that might go to certain lengths to get everything out of a game.

Personal example: I wanted to use Link's classic tunic in Breath of the Wild, but I couldn't because of it being locked behind an amiibo. I really didn't like finding that out.


But is it necessary? Why not make features, even if they are minor available to all players? You know how things used to be once upon a time. Nintendo abuses their power, because they know they have a dedicated fanbase that might go to certain lengths to get everything out of a game.

Personal example: I wanted to use Link's classic tunic in Breath of the Wild, but I couldn't because of it being locked behind an amiibo. I really didn't like finding that out.

It doesn't really matter if it's necessary or not.
So many businesses have the concept of paying a bit extra to get something else.

So long as the base game is fine without the amiibo content then I don't see the issue.
Something as irrelevant as a costume locked behind a toy isn't a big deal to me.

You can argue that they are taking advantage of their fanbase but at the same time the customers need to get their shit together if they feel like they must have that toy just to get a daft costume.

I think there is a lot of overthinking.

My relationship with Nintendo is as simple as they are selling a thing and I either do or do not want that thing.
If I want it and I think the price is OK then we're good. If not then that's fine, I can live without it.

As if the Playstation store is full of discounted games that I wasn't interested enough to buy at launch and don't have time to play now because Sony just wants to be my best buddy and give me cheap games.

The amount of people on forums like this who go on about backlogs and all the games they've paid for but haven't finished, or haven't even started, shows that maybe there is an issue with people having no self control.
True, that's what I do and is pretty much the only reason I still buy and play their games (if they ever go fully digital, which I doubt, I'm done with Nintendo).

But it does make the whole DLC scenario more annoying. I can find a used copy of Pokemon Sword for $50, play it and then sell it for $50 (or $45), but if I want the DLC that's still an initial "investment" of $80.... $30 of which I'm not getting back.

Which is most definitely this Pokemon Company's only reason to do that instead of msking the usual third version. No more used sales.

But that's not Nintendo. Their DLC is mostly well handled and not being able to sell DLC is the same with any developer.


I don't buy DLC so IDC. I only have a few Switch games, since most of them are bad or are on other consoles. BOTW, Bayonette Climax Edition, Mario Delux, and Pokemon Sword.
People who insist that Nintendo is "greedy" have no idea how business works. The only reason why games drop in price is because publishers are trying to maximize their profits. In many cases, games stop selling well in the months after they launch because nobody gives a shit about them anymore. Publishers don't lower prices out of the kindness of their hearts. Nintendo has been very effective in releasing games that stay relevant years after they launch, so there's no need to lower the price. If Nintendo starts releasing shitty games that don't stay relevant after the initial hype dies down, then they'll probably be forced to drop their prices too. I actually appreciate that Nintendo's games hold their value. I have stacks of physical games that are virtually worthless, but decades-old Nintendo games are still in demand.


I don't understand the idea of buying a game so you can sell it later.
When I put down money for a game my intention is to keep it forever.

And seeing so many people that state this as a plus for buying Nintendo, just show's how stupid Nintendo's pricing is, considering how many Nintendo fans depend on buying used games and they're making nothing off those sales.
Nintendo is losing money by keeping their goods at high value? That is silly


Why would they lower the price if people are buying it? Things often get price reductions because they want to sell more copies when the demand goes down but if people are buying it at the high price anyways at high rates why would they want to lose revenue by introducing price cuts? Most people buying these Switches are probably buying Nintendo games so they always have demand. From Nintendo's perspective they need to sell more consoles so that people join and buy the same old games and any new games they make. They probably aren't as reliant on all those third party sales (royalties) Sony and Microsoft rely on and make their money off consoles and first party; conspiring the third party support is not that great; and any multiplatform games probably gets most of its sales from PS4.


Sony and Microsoft are banking more on their online services and subscriptions so it make sense on their part to adopt on aggressive discounts strategies compared to Nintendo
You have to jump on sales quickly when you see them posted by Wario or CAG. Switch is my first Nintendo home console ever & Nintendo has beat me. I buy lots of games on day one but many others I wait to go on sale.

With other publishers I can wait 3-6 months and know that their game will be on sale eventually & I couple that with my BB/GCU and I save quiet a pretty penny. With Nintendo no such luck. I waited close to 18 month to nab Bayonetta 2 for $49.99USD and I would have never gotten it but Nintendo trained me that at just $10 off msrp, that was a steal because their games just don't go on sale.

In 2019 I was incredibly lucky to nab SMM2/Daemon X Machina/Fire Emblem/MUA3 for $44.99 each thanks to sales. I coupled it with GCU of course.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Yeah it sucks, and nintendo fanboys defending their greediest busines model sucks even more.

First they sell slow, shitty specs old and low quality system for premium price and then ask full price for old games.

Kind of like apple, fanboys defending even when they ask 5x the price for their parts and so on.

Good thing that switch is so easily hackable, I guess it balances the greedyscale
It's not just fanboys.

More and more I notice gamers in general defending bad business practices that years ago they would have been against.

The really shitty practices gamers today are against will be defended in a few years.
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Nintendo fans are a different breed. Games like Arms, Kirby, Splatoon can still be charged full price while Forza, God of War, Halo, Spiderman etc get deep discounts. That's just batshit to me. But you know Sony & MS would looove to get away with the same thing but they know they can't.

I think it is a serious form of arrested development masked in nostalgia. Men now entering their 40's who grew up with Nintendo in the 80's have a complete stranglehold for that time of their lives and they refuse to let go. I think Sony is a decade away from experiencing the same thing but they probably screwed themselves by demonetizing their IP's over the years.

That’s funny. Nintendo fanboys claiming people are port begging....

Remember 7-8 years ago the word 'port' was a dirty word for Nintendo fans? Playing console quality ports on the go as opposed to all the original 3DS titles? Fanaticism is an amazing thing.
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It's not just fanboys.

More and more I notice gamers in general defending bad business practices that years ago they would have been against.

The really shitty practices gamers today are against will be defended in a few years.

IT's always the same battlecry: "They are a business and therefore they are supposed to be as greedy as they can be'.
Nintendo first party stuff I think with the Switch generation everything feels a lot more fair and affordable.
The controllers and accessories are still robbery...but meh, you don't need too many of those

Tell that to people who had to purchase 4,5 even 6 sets of Joy-cons to replace their drifting ones!
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