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Bethesda Is Officially Obsolete (The Jimquisition)

Bullet Club


Bethesda has spent so much goodwill these last few years it's practically bankrupt in the faith department. Fallout 76, as has been laboriously documented, is a cavalcade of humiliation and laughably bad corporate decisions.

Then we have Obsidian coming along with The Outer Worlds, just after Bethesda launched an expensive - and broken - subscription service for Fallout 76. The Outer Worlds is pretty much everything 76 isn't, and more besides. Hell, it's the best Fallout game since Fallout 2, and it isn't even a Fallout game.

Basically, we don't need Bethesda anymore. It has served its purpose - barely adequately - and we have something better now.
76 aside, Bethesda should be worried about the outer worlds. They suddenly have a very strong competetion that they haven't had since back before Bioware went to shit. Having said that I still think Bethesda are capable of creating great RPGs and hopefully the new elder scrolls game will still be great. But they def need to step up their game now especially when it comes to performance and bugs and quality of life.


I almost never agree with Jim on anything but I think he may be right for once. Bethesda just not seem to be able to keep up with modern AAA developers. I think part of the problem is they are joined at the hip to the Gambyro engine. Even though it is heavily modified they need to new engine and let that broken game simulator they use die.

Regardless I will still probably buy Starfield and ES 6 and just deal with it but Bethesda should be downgraded from a AAA dev.


Gold Member
As long as I can go back and play their classic TES/Fallout titles, they're relevant for me.

I'd love it if they - and modern gaming in general - didn't have many of the trends it does, however. But in my blip of a life, I'll never run out of good stuff to play.

And I'll still hope TESVI turns out great until proven otherwise. If it doesn't, I'll just pretend it never existed. :p


Not to play the devil's advocate here, but apart from the whole fiasco surrounding Fallout 76, do we really have some legitimate reason to hate Bethesda this gen? Or at least make them as bad as EA or Activision.
No we don't. It's just internet hyperbole at its finest.

EA is on a whole other shitness level


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Bethesda isn't obsolete YET. Bethesda has one shot left. And that last shot is Elder Scrolls. If they fuck up Elder Scrolls then they are royally screwed. Because they are on one hell of a losing streak at this point and ruined Fallout with the clusterfuck that is 76.

If they release Elder Scrolls and its Skyrim levels of good then all will be forgiven and forgotten. If not? Then they are basically washed up in my opinion.
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Fallout 76 is tracking ahead of division 2.

So, despite all the clickbait bullshit. It keeps going.

2nd best PvE game on consoles.

the faux outrage over private server subscriptions led to me giving it a spin again last night.

What did I learn? More polish and quality of life improvements and absolutely NOTHING that requires paying any money.

They are not journalists. They are gamefaqs posters that regurgitate uniformed lies.
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I mean there's always Doom, but that's Bethesda in a publishing capacity rather than as a game dev.

All Obsidian needs to do is put out an open world western medieval fantasy and we'll be laughing.
I mean there's always Doom, but that's Bethesda in a publishing capacity rather than as a game dev.

All Obsidian needs to do is put out an open world western medieval fantasy and we'll be laughing.

The double-whammy would be if it replaced fallout (or outer world continued to replace fallout) and the open world medieval game replaced Dragon age.

Suck it Bioware and Bethesda


The studio that just copy and pasted Bethesda's nuFallout template and threw in silly over ironic humor with "muh corporations are evil maaaaan" quality writing has made Bethesda obsolete.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
If Bethesda wants me to regain faith in them, they can do one (well technically two) thing:

Re-release Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas on current gen consoles complete with mod support. Have it done by the same team who ported Skyrim. After playing The Outer Worlds, I BADLY want to play it on consoles again on my OLED.

If Bethesda did that, they should consider providing both of those games free to Fallout 76 subscribers, where they can use the atom points in all 3 games instead of just Fallout 76. Not that atom point mods are anything special, but the mods they can buy with them do allow you to still earn achievements and trophies

There it is Bethesda:

A get out of jail for a small fee card.

p.s. I know some of you can't help yourselves, but please don't respond with "get it on PC" the PC versions of these games run like ass and are non-stop crash fests. I'd much rather both games get ported to the latest version of Gamebryo and run on current gen consoles as well as Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE did (at least for me)


Did anyone play "bundle" at school? You know one kid lies on another, shouts "bundle!" and everyone else in the playground leaps on top to form a human hillock?

These type of articles are the internets version of "bundle!".


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I know this isn't popular opinion but I didn't think F4 was that bad. I mean sure its dialog system was a step in the wrong direction and the story wasn't quite as good as 3 but it was okay.
I don't know of anyone who thinks Fallout 4 is a legit bad game. It's actually a great game in many ways, but people justifiably hold the emphasis on shooting and voiced protagonist against it. Far Harbor did a lot to rectify that mistake. I'd say the general consensus is that it was an OK, but made a lot of decisions that were trending in the wrong direction. I personally hated the settlement building aspect and would rather they have ditched that and made more single player DLC.


Don't feel like watching 20 freaking minutes of Jim ranting.

But either way I do think Bethesda as a dev was really disappointing this gen.
We went from Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim last gen (+ Last Vegas though it wasn't made by them) to a disappointing (though not bad) Fallout 4 and the shit show that has been Fallout 76.
Same as """Bioware"""".

I think it's time to start looking somewhere else.
Obsidian is a great replacement for Bethesda and with MS money backing them now I hope we see great things from them (just PLEASE MS let them make single player stuff).
Spiders isn't quite there yet but it seems like if they continue improving and hire the right people they might someday be a good Bioware replacement.
Larian Studios has been great with the Original Sin games and I'm looking forward to their take on Baldurs Game
People are saying a lot of great things about Disco Elysium so ZA/UM are definitely a studio to keep an eye on.
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Not to play the devil's advocate here, but apart from the whole fiasco surrounding Fallout 76, do we really have some legitimate reason to hate Bethesda this gen? Or at least make them as bad as EA or Activision.

Yes. They've gone too far down the rabbit hole on lying to their fans and making bad decisions.

Definitely makes me suspect of their next games. And the 'whole fiasco' just showcases one blunder after the next, from half-assing the game, to half-assing the launch, to half-assing the merch, to half-assing the 'private' servers. Atomic shop speaks volumes to how far theyre willing to nickel and dime their fanbase. Their entire 'release it now, fix it later' business mentality is terrible. They learned the wrong lessons from No Man's Sky and have only doubled down making poor choices. I'm definitely not pre-ordering anything or purchasing anything at launch from them. And if the rumors are true that they're still using the same engine for elder scrolls and their new scifi game, I fear it will only get worse from here.

16 times the problems yo. Definitely lost my trust as a consumer.
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I don't know of anyone who thinks Fallout 4 is a legit bad game. It's actually a great game in many ways, but people justifiably hold the emphasis on shooting and voiced protagonist against it. Far Harbor did a lot to rectify that mistake. I'd say the general consensus is that it was an OK, but made a lot of decisions that were trending in the wrong direction. I personally hated the settlement building aspect and would rather they have ditched that and made more single player DLC.

Agreed. Especially regarding preferring more DLC to the settlement building.


Fallout 76 is tracking ahead of division 2.

So, despite all the clickbait bullshit. It keeps going.

2nd best PvE game on consoles.

the faux outrage over private server subscriptions led to me giving it a spin again last night.

What did I learn? More polish and quality of life improvements and absolutely NOTHING that requires paying any money.

They are not journalists. They are gamefaqs posters that regurgitate uniformed lies.

Despite the shitty subscription model they are testing waters with, for me the Wasterlander dlc could potentially make this the best Fallout game for me since first and 2nd.


If Elder Scrolls 6 is amazing it will be followed up by the obligatory "comeback!" themed article. Either way, it's just a whole lot of hot air and treating the hobby like a soap opera rather than just enjoying the games.
Have fun waiting for TES6

Starfield will either come out in 2020 but probably 21 so add around 3-5 years on top of that and you get your es6 release frame
I always found it funny (and by funny I mean sad) that people still caped for Bethesda after they doxxed people trying to get their canvas bag. Stupid fuckers were like, "Well it's not like they did it on purpose." Imagine being that much of a fucking clown for a game company that you damage control them doxxing customers when they try to fix their own advertising fraud.
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I feel a bit sorry for Bethesda. They have released one shit game after another since at least as far back as Morrowind and were universally praised for it by gamers and the gaming press, they must be understandably confused with all of the hate they are getting now.


Gold Member
They need a serious overhaul...

But who i'm kidding, their next broken games with a old ass engine are gonna sell like crazy anyway.

Maybe people can resist a shitty sidegame like f76 but not elder scroll 6 or the scifi one, starshit or something, mark my words.
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If the next Elder Scrolls or Fallout game had released this year each would’ve been my most anticipated title of 2019 by far.

A new Elder Scrolls game would be a major event, one for which I’d plan an entire weekend alone - and I’d bet money there are literally millions of people who feel likewise.

I simply don’t understand how a guy who contributes next to nothing himself thinks that he alone can ‘cancel’ people or entire groups of people who create wonderful things for others.
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I’m still very hyped for starfield / TES6 was because it will still be the only game that allows extensive customization( very accessible developer console in game) and modding options with a huge playground to explore, While I’m having loads of fun in Outer worlds for its humor and quests, Bethesda’s open world rpg is still overall, a way more superior experience for me.

also obsidian is not good in the technical side of things either, they are using unreal engine but the game is just passable in graphical side of things, just like Bethesda’s games.
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Bethesda is only one call away from getting Fallout on the right track.


Chris Avellone, know for being the lead on the New Vegas DLCs and Planescape Torment. He seems to like Bethesda and saying he is pissed with Obsidian is an understatement. Give the man a lead position!


Agree, Bethesda continues to ruin my favorite game franchises.

Aside from The Elder Scrolls and The Evil Within, all their other games have been either bad or underwhelming...


I'm only watching this if there's mention of the Octav1us and Paul Andrews IP spate over a 30-year-old trademark.

Is there?


Not to play the devil's advocate here, but apart from the whole fiasco surrounding Fallout 76, do we really have some legitimate reason to hate Bethesda this gen? Or at least make them as bad as EA or Activision.

I do think it’s become a little overblown. Bethesda is making some very questionable moves, and apparently, games, so I’m glad that people are challenging them on that, before it gets worse, at least.
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