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Batman vs Black Panther

Batman vs Black Panther

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Airbus Jr


The Dark Knight of Gotham vs The Prince of Wakanda

Who will win in a fight?


Black Panther should win considering the technological difference between them. Batman has rich guy toys but Black Panther has magical bullshit toys.

Airbus Jr

Black Panther his tech is far superior to anything Batman can buy/invent.

Batman has beaten meta human numerous times and has superior tech

He made cryptonian armor to beat Superman and gadget to disable Flash

It's entirely possible for him to make vibranium armor to fight T'Chala

Bruce Wayne is labelled as the greatest detective in DC universe and have IQ over 200, he always beat his enemies by learning their weaknesess
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Gold Member
Batman has beaten meta human numerous times and superior tech

He made cryptonian armor to beat Superman and gadget to disable Flash

It's entirely possible for him to make vibranium armor to fight T'Chala

Bruce Wayne is labelled as the greatest detective in DC universe and have IQ over 200, he always beat his enemies by learning their weaknesess

Depends who’s comic it is.
If the readers are Batman fans then he can do anything.

In a realistic way though he could not, he’s just a rich guy in a bat suit.
Batman fights Superman level people without hesitation. Black Panther gets punked by Namor. Batman wins without breaking a sweat.


Neo Member
Gotta give it to Bats as well. Provided he had time to plan, he'd win. If he was somehow ambushed, then I suppose Black Panther has the physical advantage.


Black Panther could have his Samuel L Jackson-looking sister try to be funny until Batman falls asleep from boredom and then strike.
Are we talking like in a 1 v 1 deathmatch?

I’d have to imagine BP beats Batman pretty much every time. I understand that Batman’s genius and gadgetry are how he deal with superpowered foes but BP has serious tech of his own along with superhuman ability

If we are talking better comic books and movies, then Batman for sure
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Based on comics probably Batman because Batman always wins.
Based on the movies easily Black Panther. He's got far superior technology and fighting skills.
Yeah, his suit to survive a fight with Supes would make a mess of BP.

Wasn’t that a Superman weakened by Kryponite? We are talking Dark Knight Returns, right?

How many truly Superman powered foes has Batman actually defeated in 1 v 1 combat. I’m not sure the post you’re replying to is accurate.

I mean yeah, when the JL fights guys like Darkseid or similar threats, Batman is there and part of it but it’s not like hes front line slugging it out
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BP has so much plot armor.

Then why haven't we heard of them?



Yeah, as another poster pointed out, people are thinking comics version, but the OP used the movie photos. Like, yeah none of the movie Batmans have shown themselves capable of taking on movie Black Panther. Like the fruit gives T'Challa strength roughly equal to Steve's, and while movie Batmans have had some skills not even Affleck Batman seemed capable of fighting someone that strong.

Also, people are underestimating comic BP. He's extremely skilled at martial arts and is among the smartest people in the whole Marvel universe. It would be a pretty close fight all things considered.

BP has so much plot armor.

Then why haven't we heard of them?


Weird you bring up "plot armor" (although I don't think that has anything to do with what you go on to say) since you're talking about a case where his opponent is BATMAN, a character infamously over-written in his capabilities where bad writers make it sound like this supposed "human" can take down the whole Justice League by himself even though some of them have abilities/powers that would let them one-shot him no problem.

I mean, there are a few good writers who acknowledge this absurdity, like in Batman: Hush where Batman is admitting that the only reason he even has the SLIGHTEST CHANCE against Superman (who is currently being mind-controlled by Poison Ivy) is because Clark's refusal to kill is so strong even Ivy can't force him to do it, BUT Bruce admits that if Superman were willing to kill him then there's pretty much nothing he could do to stop it. Like, let's say Batman just stayed put in a room covered in Kryptonite. Beyond the fact that would give him cancer pretty quickly (as Lex found out that too much exposure will do that to you) Superman could just speed-blitz straight into the room and crash into Batman which would kill him like a moving train hitting somebody. Kryptonite wouldn't affect him so quickly to slow him down in time.

But sadly, there are writers who let their love of Batman cloud their judgement and just have him beat everyone which makes him so boring. You know, we're talking about a guy who before he was even 30 managed to become one of the best martial artists in the DCU, THE greatest detective, quite skilled at science, and a pretty good sense of how to run a massive company. Most people would love to accomplish ONE of those things by that age. Just saying, Batman is kinda a Mary Sue already, we don't need to elevate it further.

Also, the whole point of Wakanda up until the end of Black Panther 1 was that the world doesn't know much about them. So why exactly do you expect Shuri's genius to be well-known, she can't exactly make her technological achievements public. Likewise, T'Challa wasn't exactly going around making himself public about being BP like say Tony did with Iron Man, so there's no reason the general public would know his strength capabilities. Like, Gamora is not known by Earth's general public for logical reasons as well yet the Guardians films show she's likely even stronger than Steve (Steve's strong but I don't think he could lift and move that ship's cannon the way she did in Guardians 2). Ant-man is known by barely anyone (until maybe after Civil War) because Hank and later Scott used it for covert operations. And none of that is a problem.


I dunno, Black Panther didn’t seem too tough in the movie. If anything he was kind of incompetent and his security girls held him down. Batman has been cutting his teeth in the mean streets of Gotham. BP would get worked.


I dunno, Black Panther didn’t seem too tough in the movie. If anything he was kind of incompetent and his security girls held him down. Batman has been cutting his teeth in the mean streets of Gotham. BP would get worked.

The only person who ever proved a threat to him in his movie was Killmonger after also consuming the fruit, and he also was quite the force to contend with in Civil War. Also, when did Okoye or the others restrain him, I don't even remember that.

And funny, Batman apparently can "work" him, yet until he shot the Kryptonite bullet, Superman was throwing him around like a ragdoll (a mere shove sent him flying yards). Now obviously T'Challa's strength is not Superman-level at all, but still the idea that someone with superior strength would get "worked" by Batman is ridiculous.


Movies? Batman stands a chance. Comics? Not a chance in hell. Maybe if Black Panther does him a favor and doesn't snap him in half like a twig, he can study a way to win the next round, but blind match-up, Batman is dead.


Black panther got beat up in every movie he’s been in and doesn’t plan shit in advance like bats.

Codes 208

I remember watching the death battle for this. It’s one of those things that if Batman had time to study vibranium than maybe he’d win. But if you threw them up together as-is. Black panther has pretty much every advantage. Power, speed, technique, technology. They’re both pretty intelligent and a vast fortune. and in the comic universe, black panther has anti-metal/Antarctic vibranium claws when can cut even adamantium while his suit pretty much makes him impervious to all forms of kinetic energy. As well as his health regeneration factor due to the heart-shaped herb’s powers.

If Batman can take Superman down, I think he'll be ok against BP.
For Batman to take supes down required pretty much punching so hard it broke his fingers while using kryptonite to cripple supe’s powers in the first place. While kryptonite works well on Superman, it would do jackshit in literally everything else so I would hardly call that an achievement in this context.
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A lot of you guys are picking Batman just because.

For one, Black Panther actually beats characters more powerful than him hand to hand. Batman usually just has a gaget he uses to disable.

For one, none of Batman's gadgets are working on BP. Vibranium is anti-metal. A batarang would either bounce off him or just shatter into tiny specks.

"Batman has prep time" He can't have prep time for an enemy he's never encountered. "Give Batman and BP prep-time" Black Panther with prep-time would kill Bruce before he even thought of a plan he thinks will work.

BP claws would literally tear through any armor Batman thought he had.

Batman isn't winning.


Wasn’t that a Superman weakened by Kryponite? We are talking Dark Knight Returns, right?

How many truly Superman powered foes has Batman actually defeated in 1 v 1 combat. I’m not sure the post you’re replying to is accurate.

I mean yeah, when the JL fights guys like Darkseid or similar threats, Batman is there and part of it but it’s not like hes front line slugging it out

I'm pretty sure he didn't start with Supes on kryptonite?

Black Panther isn't really super, let alone superman super.


A lot of you guys are picking Batman just because.

For one, Black Panther actually beats characters more powerful than him hand to hand. Batman usually just has a gaget he uses to disable.

For one, none of Batman's gadgets are working on BP. Vibranium is anti-metal. A batarang would either bounce off him or just shatter into tiny specks.

"Batman has prep time" He can't have prep time for an enemy he's never encountered. "Give Batman and BP prep-time" Black Panther with prep-time would kill Bruce before he even thought of a plan he thinks will work.

BP claws would literally tear through any armor Batman thought he had.

Batman isn't winning.
I picked Batman just because he's Batman and I grew up reading / watching Batman. BP has only been on my radar about a year or so.

They both have plot armor. They both do the preparation schtick.

Both are well trained but the Bats might be more so.


Wakanda and by extension BP is worth more than Wayne Industries. Any tech BM can put up, BP can match until we enter in Vibramium.

Vibramium tech is hard to compete with and BP also has a supernatural edge with the Panther spirit.

It would be competition though. Without the BP suit, it leans more in BM favor.

FWIW, I believe Batman would beat Iron Man with ease. Bruce counters all of Stark's financial assets and the iron man suit could be countered with the Bat Wing or other Tech. Also, Tony's genius is in the form of engineering and he wouldn't be able to compete with Batman's tactical prowess. Once Tony is out of the suit, he goes down.
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i will go with black panther
mostly becasue i am kind of sick of batman
i guess zack snyder is to blame
have seen justice league for a 1st time a couple days ago
and that batman is still just a fucking idiot
actually it wasn't batman all i could see was depressed affleck in a suit


It depends on who knows of the others existence first. If batman finds out about black panther then batman would create a way to defeat black panther. If black panther sees batman first he would use his super abilities to defeat batman. If were just going by the movies then I would probably just go with black panther as well. I would really like a new movie with batman facing off against a whole bunch of super powered villains and just seeing how he would tackle the issue.


The only person who ever proved a threat to him in his movie was Killmonger after also consuming the fruit, and he also was quite the force to contend with in Civil War. Also, when did Okoye or the others restrain him, I don't even remember that.

And funny, Batman apparently can "work" him, yet until he shot the Kryptonite bullet, Superman was throwing him around like a ragdoll (a mere shove sent him flying yards). Now obviously T'Challa's strength is not Superman-level at all, but still the idea that someone with superior strength would get "worked" by Batman is ridiculous.

I will concede you’ve given it more thought than me lol

Dark Star

batman is way more badass than black panther

rewatched the dark knight on netflix the other day ... fking masterpiece.


Depends who’s comic it is.
If the readers are Batman fans then he can do anything.

In a realistic way though he could not, he’s just a rich guy in a bat suit.

Why do people always say that? He's the second most intelligent person on Earth. He created an AI so advanced it came to life and nearly took over the world. He built and put a satellite on Pluto. He knows and has mastered every martial art on the planet. Whether he wins or loses the fight, at least acknowledge he's more than "just a rich guy in a bat suit".


Black Panther anyday.

This whole "prep-time Batman" being invincible nonsense needs to stop. If he's really that good then no one from even his own rogues gallery would pose a problem - we know that's not true because then that would make for some really boring stories.

Batman struggles with more powerful characters, he's not the only member of the Justice League guys.

Black Panther isn't one of Batman's psycho enemies. He's a super powered and intelligent superhero with way more resources.

Hell Batman would struggle even against Spider-Man.

With that said as a superhero I much prefer Batman and his stories over Black Panther - I just hate 'prep-time Batman'.
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don't know if batman could beat black panther, BP has way more tech then batman, even more tech then ironman. Thing is though were are they fighting? I remember also in the DC vs Marvel captain America and batman fought on equal terms, and batman won of pure luck. So I doubt he could win.
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Is the herb not the source of BPs super-powers in the comics?

So my argument would be to level the playing field.
BP is rich, has tech and super-powers.
Batman is rich, has tech but no powers.

In my head canon, BM would try and find Wakanda to munch on sum erbsss.



Is Batman allowed to find Wakanda, steal the mcguffin herb and eat it?
even if he found it, a lot of questions come to mind, why would he look for it? How could he find it. Even if he found it, you really think he could get in a place that has more tech then he does?


even if he found it, a lot of questions come to mind, why would he look for it? How could he find it. Even if he found it, you really think he could get in a place that has more tech then he does?
Well the reason to look for it is to either use it on himself or find an antidote to it's effects.

Didn't that random crazy bloke with the machine arm from the film say he got in? Or knew the location of it anyway?
I'm sure if he sound it then BM could probably track it down.

Getting in.......Fuck knows.
I guess he could tattoo his inner bottom lip. Then try and say he has a claim to the throne.??

TBH I've no idea. BM is meant to be a master detective so i'm sure finding the place isn't much of an issue at least.
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