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343i made a bad Halo game (campaign)


Everyone no doubt remembers my previous thread, 343i did not make a halo game, in which I detailed all the stuff 343i did wrong and un-haloly in Halo 4.

Since the Halo 5 OT is 100% multiplayer talk, I am creating a thread to talk about the problems I had with the campaign of this less bad but still not good sequel. I have beaten every halo game many many times in the last 13 years, and I have beaten them all again within the past two years. After playing H5 and not caring for it, I went back and played some more H2A and H3 to see if I was being too harsh. I was not.

First, the positives. It is quite a lot better than Halo 4. The additional movement options feel good and fit well with the idea of cyborg super soldiers. The levels are less claustrophobic than H4 and have more of that journey feel from previous halo games. The story is just as dumb as all halo games since H2 so I will leave that alone.

The problems:
Uneven Difficulty – According to waypoint, I died 60 times in my 9 hour heroic playthrough. I’d say more than half the deaths and 90 minutes of the play time were spent on the god awful Warden fights (more on that later!). The non-boss areas were the easiest of any halo game, mostly due to the abundance of power weapons and the addition of ADS. Playing H2/H3 again a few days ago, there are many challenging encounters which are just a room with a handful of enemies. Even today, I die a few times and actually have to stop and think of a strategy to clear them out. Another encounter I recently played had a room FULL of power weapons to load up with, and I still died a few times and had to work out a way to clear the area. There was only one instance of "stop and plan" in Halo 5, and it was unsurprisingly a fight against covenant enemies. I mindlessly plowed through everything else, rarely getting killed/downed. Legendary would be a better challenge, obviously, but I think I would pull my hair out trying to solo those boss fights.

Stupid shit dumb crap ass Warden fights – Who in the jesus fuck thought these were a good idea? Not only is it extremely lazy to have the SAME EXACT FIGHT 5 times (6? I lost count), but it wasn’t even fun the first time! His moves are all one hit knockdown, which is annoying. He only has a few lines of arrogant banter, which is annoying. Why is he still talking shit in the 5th fight after I’ve kicked his ass 4 times? The distraction enemies he spawns are annoying, since they mostly add no challenge and the ones that do make it more difficult only accomplish that by having one hit knockdown weapons/abilities. Rather than layering challenges to make a difficult but rewarding fight, they layer annoyance on top of annoyance until you think a viable strategy for getting past the fight is quitting videogames altogether and taking up pottery.

Small combat areas – Less of a problem than H4 but still very apparent almost every time you enter a vehicle. Aside from the warthog sections on Meridian, every time I got into a vehicle I felt like I was bumping into walls constantly and would be better off on foot if not for the free infinite ammo. Also the mongoose was almost undrivable, not sure what happened there.
Someone from 343i posted ”The H5 campaign features the biggest, most open campaign spaces in any Halo game”, which if not a blatant lie, is only true through some technicality that I can’t currently imagine. Everything always felt cramped with super high walls on all sides and very limited sight lines. I assume part of the reason for that was to prevent too much from happening on screen and affecting that smooth 60fps.

ADS makes the combat less interesting – The ability to shoulder aim any weapon has moved the distance for engaging enemies way too far out. I rarely need to get within 50 feet of enemies in this game and usually when I do it’s because I’m desperately trying to make it more interesting and more difficult for myself. I barely used melee and the ground pound was essentially useless. ADS may not be completely to blame, though. It may be more the encounter design and weapons given to the player.

Sloppy encounters – In previous halo games, there were always plenty of unique encounters, which while not always challenging, were at least different. Halo 5’s idea of encounter design is “Walk into empty area, black lightning cloud, spawn 8 crawlers, 4 soldiers, 2 captains, 1 knight -- Repeat until combat area is suitably chaotic.” There appears to have been no thought put in to how encounters play out, aside from “bust through this crumbly wall to get a power weapon and flank!” Why does every fight need a knight? Pretty dull and not memorable on the whole.

Not enough interspecies combat – A hallmark of halo games is walking into a battle between two warring factions and wreaking havoc. Very little of this in H5, and enemies seem too easily refocused toward me, completely forgetting about the enemies right next to them.

Too many weapons – There are a lot of weapons in this game. A lot of them are unnecessary clones of other weapons (scattershot = shotgun). Some of the new ones are actually interesting, but most of the weapons that only appear once or twice are set up like this: “Ok, 4 knights are about to spawn, take this and kill 3 of them in 15 seconds.” With the overabundance of overpowered weapons, there is never any reason to pick up many of the weapons such as the plasma pistol or the thing the crawlers drop. This is one thing that may actually be worse than in H4.

The promethean are awful enemies.
- Knights – boring bullet sponges
- Soldier – easy to kill, even when they annoyingly teleport all over the place
- Soldier with launcher – easy to kill, annoying
- Crawlers – If they were totally removed from the game, the only difference whatsoever would be that the game is 15 minutes shorter. Completely worthless.
- Floating Turrets – Jesus Christ why?

The AI for these is very simple and makes the dullness of fighting them even more apparent. The crawlers just run at you and shoot, the soldiers hang back and shoot, knights lob shit from far away or melee if you get close. Zzzz. The way the story is headed makes me fear for Halo 6. Will the covenant be even more marginalized in favor of the stupid prometheans?

Most of the levels are ugly – Aside from Sanghelios, which looks amazing, the game is pretty dull looking. Even Sanghelios doesn’t fully escape the ugliness. Sunaion looks like a bad Ratchet and Clank level with the lights turned out.

Misc stuff:
- Action packed cutscenes write checks the gameplay can’t cash
- No Halo in Halo 5
- Hub areas are completely unnecessary padding
- AI is not great, both enemy and squad
- There should be an option to disable revive while playing solo

I don’t entirely blame 343i for these problems. As I said at the beginning, the OT is 100% multiplayer talk. Does it make financial sense to put a ton of effort into creating assets and fights most people will experience somewhere between zero and one times? Maybe there’s just no incentive to make a great single player FPS experience anymore. :(


The prometheans definitely suck, hated all their weapons which felt like peashooters. Even worse as they just send loads of the dog types at you wave after wave.
I thought the Campaign was great! Actually second favorite so far. But then again my favorite is Halo 2 so yea take that as you will.

Warden fights were all terrible though. All of them. I've kinda wanted boss fights before in halo, but these are all the same over and over and he has a really cheap moveset.


dresses business casual
Warden fights are easy once you know the mechanics. The first one is the hardest since it's the smallest space. The Warden does emphasize mobility so overall I think it was actually a success in pushing the new stuff they added.

The real disappointment is 343i not having the Warden use different forms to change up the mechanics.

I do agree that the Prometheans spawning in takes away from being able to plan encounters or try to sneak by some.

Knights are only a sponge if you have poor gunskill. Crawlers are lethal on legendary. You just need to man up and git gud.


343's bad Halo campaign is Halo 4's. Terrible enemies, awful linear design, etc. Halo 5 fixes all of Halo 4's major problems and then some. It's a wonderful campaign, much much much better than I expected.


Wait what, there's no Halo in Halo 5? I can't even remember if there was a Halo in 4, just some robot planet thing.

First half, some nice levels and overall encounters


-vehicles control funny and spin like a damn spin top...
-second half had really bad pacing, too linear and just had encounters that I started to try and run trhough

I don't care for the new weapons very much, vehicle segements feel forced

I'd like to return to a halo ring world and have it more connected myself.

Too many weapons – There are a lot of weapons in this game. A lot of them are unnecessary clones of other weapons (scattershot = shotgun)

Agree, not a lot of original ideas, just make a new character type and copy over bungie's weapons.

Laser was always a nice addition imo and while some of bungies weapons sucked, they still had some place in the game for me.

Br was created as go to and find sort of thing I feel.

As far as ADS- I just dont like the feel of the gun there
Aside from the Warden this was the best Halo campaign. Sangheilios, Kamchatka, Meridian, Genesis were all awesome and interesting locations. The gameplay was very satisfying.
Yep. Bad combat encounter design, bad boss fights, bad use of co-op mehanics for revive.

It is likely my disappointment of the year currently. I wonder if they will even bother with doing a campaign in a few years. Probablyy just multiplayer and a co op mode.

I could not stand how almost every area was just a big walled off canyon with a bunch of evenly spaced cover and enemies at the other end and then some kind of door or gate to go to the next area.
Wait what, there's no Halo in Halo 5? I can't even remember if there was a Halo in 4, just some robot planet thing.

You see a Halo ring in Halo 4, but you don't go on it. It's Halo installation 03, I believe.

You see a Halo ring in Halo 5, if you beat it on Legendary.
Have to disagree with a lot of that personally.

I legitimately enjoyed the fights against the Warden. He felt like a nemesis by the end of it and I just wanted to kick his ass. Many of the combat areas are large and varied, with a lot of avenues of attacking and engaging enemies. The different passageways and directions to go through are great, I don't understand the complaints there.

I like the increased amount of weapons, lots of variety. Prometheans are a marked improvement over Halo 4. Knights felt like fun mini-bosses, the soldiers are tricky, and thank fuck the Watchers aren't as twitchy and difficult to shoot like Halo 4. Also think most of the game looks visually attractive. I enjoyed Halo 4 but 5 is an improvement in many areas over it. 343 did well.



Best campaign yet. No forced vehicle sections, the Prometheans were actually fun to fight, the Promethean weapons were actually effective, great looking, great combat arenas, great big ballsy story, and no Flood.

Plus, I liked the Warden fights.
I disagree. The story wasn't great but I thought that the campaign was very fun. A lot of work went into making the Prometheans fun to fight and it shows.

Also, the Knights aren't bullet spongy. They have a weakness/headshot routine that is not that dissimilar from a shielded jackal.
The only point I agree with you on OP is the Warden boss fights. Otherwise 343 nailed it. I really don't see how you can call Knights bullet sponges. All you do is shoot the vents on the sides and shoot them in the head when they reveal their face. They are so much better than Knights in Halo 4.
I thought it was great, had a really good time with it.

Character development of Locke & co wasn't great but the overall story was good and definitely heading in a good direction

Dat Legendary ending


Warden fights sucked all around, and I think the covenant were far more interesting than these robot dogs we're fighting now. I actually really missed the covenant, as their only involvement felt like a side note.


Had a blast in the campaign. Had some minor issues, like playing 80% as Locke and what I think is too much "lore" and too little relying on its own narrative.
Only problem I have so far is that it seems like some of the really cool stuff is just presented in cutscenes. The Locke and Master Chief sequence for example. It would of been cool to have actually played some of that. Why couldn't we have a sweet shootout with Master Chief? Why couldn't we of had a cool platforming section running and jumping to the teleport platforms as everything is falling apart?


This was my favourite halo campaign, and i had more fun fighting the prometheans than the covenant this time round. So yeah. Disagree.
It's a bad halo campaign. Awesome campaign on any other FPS metrics.

Yes. This entirely. The gameplay was great, the weapon tweaks were awesome, and encounters were incredibly fun. I've been approaching encounters differently and from different spots if possible for my second playthrough on Heroic. This is a really good game and it pains me to see that it'll likely get lost in the fallout, battlefront, blops 3 excitement.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
I agree with most of your points. Most levels were indeed ugly and felt like the same throughout, even Halo 4 had more variety in this I think. And yeah, I cannot fathom how they thought fighting the same boss over and over again would be a good idea, I can't even remember the last time a triple A game used this trick, lol.

And the story sucked. Even H4's story was more enjoyable, hell I enjoyed H4 more.


The story is silly but the combat is the best for a Halo campaign since Halo 3. Far more enjoyable to play than Halo 4 in all areas in my opinion.


Not having a HALO killed it for me, I love landing and exploring new HALO's, after all that's what the game is called.

It should have been named "The adventures of Master Chief and Crew."
The weapons were awesome and I loved the prometheuns. It is the best halo campaign I've played.

I wouldn't say best Halo campaign ever, Halo CE is still remembered fondly for me, but I think they did an excellent job. People complaining about the story are pretty off too, it had by far the most interesting and well presented story in the entire series. The end was definitely a cliffhanger, but the game had a full story arc, and generally had closure.

The Prometheans were awesome, as well. They are officially more fun to fight against than the covenant in my books, and the encounters were very well designed. The weapons are probably the star of the show for me (alien guns finally feel like great alien technology instead of human weapon derivatives), the 60fps was glorious, and once I grasped the scope of the technology, I was incredibly impressed with the level visuals and art. The level design was incredibly well done as well. I loved the intricate, layered areas, with a ton of platforming, tons of tactical options, and huge areas, loaded with enemies, vehicles, and craziness going on in the background.

I was disappointed that there weren't more bosses, but I get what they did with the warden. The warden was typical Halo style, they built a proper AI, and actually turned him into a fun, replayable encounter, that is more fun and more complex to fight than the hunters. They completely outdid the Scarabs with the Guardian stuff, and the vehicle segments were excellent, with well defined goals, and great design as well.

I thought the campaign was very well done, looking forward to playing on Legendary (played Heroic at first).


I enjoyed the campaign, gunplay was rock solid but the storyline was here and there.

It lacked the open world combat of Halo 2/3, but I still really enjoyed it and have hope 343 will do even better next time.

Plus the multiplayer is fucking flawless. I'll be playing for years.


It was better than most Halo's, apart from 1 and level with 3.

Spartan abilities, great soundtrack, nice mix up of verticality and huge open battles, and best of all, it feels the best it ever has.

Multiplayer is god tier good.


But Halo 5 Prometheans were dead boring to fight against :/
In Halo 4 they're awful bullet sponges that have almost every annoying enemy behavior you could name. Long-distance teleporting, unpredictable rushing, floating, hiding, resurrecting, grenade catching, shielding, unclear audio and visual cues for shield and health status, equally unclear cues for attacking and movement. It's like a best of the worst compilation. Just awful. I truly despise them.

In Halo 5, all of these problems are gone or greatly toned down. And as if that weren't good enough, the Promethean weapons are more unique and useful and well balanced, and the Covenant show up much more often.

I've been highly critical of Halo 4's campaign since the novelty faded after my first playthrough. With Halo 5, 343 went a long way in redeeming themselves. I'd place its campaign well above Reach's and 4's. In fact, Halo CE and ODST are the only games in the series that have a clear edge on 5, IMO. Halo 3 might have higher highs, but overall Halo 5's great variety and truly excellent level design, with the countless branching paths and weapon caches and multiple tiers, give it the edge. The replay value is insane.


The campaign was shit and the squad AI was so terrible I questioned why they were even included. I wanted to like Locke but he didn't feel fleshed out enough which was the biggest disappointment for me.
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