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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 2 – Sundays on AMC

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The more time I spend away from the finale, the happier I am with the way they handled the cliffhanger. For one thing, the first person shot is still making me queasy and I love it, and secondly, the amount of time it would take to properly handle a major character's death just wasn't there. It's going to be better handled at the start of the next season I think.

In addition to the first person, especially the sound effect. It sounded bloody/messy.
The more time I spend away from the finale, the happier I am with the way they handled the cliffhanger. For one thing, the first person shot is still making me queasy and I love it, and secondly, the amount of time it would take to properly handle a major character's death just wasn't there. It's going to be better handled at the start of the next season I think.
If that works for you that's cool, I can tell you this though; I know in the source material, when the scene happened, they didn't play some stupid game and split the scene up. It happened all at once.


This isn't a universe where sanctuaries are common and they had no idea how powerful the Saviors were until it was too late.
That's why they shouldn't have killed a bunch of people in their sleep without knowing more about them. Just plain stupid writing for our supposedly smart Rick and Co.
Don't worry guys. At least we got this next week!


ugh! change that old mans jacket for crying out loud!
That's why they shouldn't have killed a bunch of people in their sleep without knowing more about them. Just plain stupid writing for our supposedly smart Rick and Co.

I agree but that's the whole point of the arc, demonstrating how insanely overconfident the group was by slowly revealing just how powerful and expansive the Saviors are. It took Rick's group murdering a couple dozen Saviors before they even really got Negan's full attention. Rick & Co are tenacious, resourceful, and lucky but there really isn't a point where I'd have characterized them as smart. One of my most common complaints about this show is how the writers still can't create drama without having the characters do something that is just flagrantly stupid.

That said, what happened was going to happen regardless of what Rick & Co did. It was only a matter of time before the Saviors discovered Alexandria and their MO is consistent regardless of whether they're responding or starting aggression: they're going to demand half of what you have and will murder at least one person to make their point.

ugh! change that old mans jacket for crying out loud!

Walter White approves.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Well, the plus side of Eugene dying is that Josh finally has time to play Bill Hicks in a biopic.



I've been going on a binge rewatch of the series after taking a gander at the IMDB ratings page and noticing quite a few season 6 entries near the top (which I disagree with). So here's my top 10 episodes of the Walking Dead. I'll put spoilers in case people haven't seen any of these yet, or want to do a rewatch while remembering as little as possible.

1. (5.1) No Sanctuary -
At the end of season 4, Rick and company had just been reunited (except Beth) with the rest of the group. Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita meet Rick for the first time. Unfortunately, everyone is also stuck in train car A of Terminus. At the end of season 4 I said to myself "Oh great, now I get to wait half a season for them to drag this out at Terminus like they did the governor and his two raids on the prison." Except... that didn't happen. The entire place ends up in flames and swarmed by zombies before the episode is over thanks to Carol. Gareth becomes the best villain in the show to date, the meticulous record keeper, a charismatic leader who helped inspire his defeated group into taking Terminus back from the psychopaths, while also putting Rick and company on the butcher's block. I was disappointed this appeared to be the end of Gareth, but the group declines to go back to Terminus and kill every living soul in there. Interesting.
2. (4.16) A -
I didn't have high expectations for the season finale of season 4. The entire group had been split up since midseason due to the prison being overun. And it seemed the groups were getting further fragmented with Beth getting kidnapped. What could possibly happen that would be interesting to end the season? Sure, they'll make it to Terminus, but that doesn't leave much time for anything else. Well, again, I was wrong. The Claimed group has been tracking Rick, and during the night they finally find him. Joe starts his long tirade about how the score is going to be settled. Daryl steps up vouching for Rick, Michonne, and Carl. But Joe calls it a lie because Rick had killed Lou. Daryl starts getting the crap beat of him, Carl is completely helpless as an obese man tries to have his way with him, and Michonne tries to do something but can only do so much with someone pointing a gun in her face. In the 4 seasons of the show, this is the first time it feels like Rick is completely disarmed and helpless. I said to myself, what on earth is he going to do to get out of this? And then he rips the throat out of Joe with his teeth. I think this is the defining Rick moment of the show. Everyone present is shell shocked after the fact. But they've got to get to Terminus... but it seems they went from one bad encounter to another.
This is a finale done right, in my opinion. Although at the time, I was pretty nervous given The Walking Dead's history of dragging things out.
3. (4.14) The Grove -
Lizzie's mental problems come to a head. Something is clearly off with her... and she ends up killing her sister to show Carol and Tyrese that zombies are okay. Oh god. Carol mercy kills Lizzie. Probably one of the more emotional episodes in the show. Melissa McBride nailed this one.
4. (1.1) Days Gone Bye - There's not a whole lot to say about this one: if you haven't seen it yet, you need to. It sets the tone for the whole show. Also still arguably the best episode of the show, depending on what you're looking for.
5. (3.15)This Sorrowful Life -
Remember that redneck asshole Merle? He's in the prison now. And Rick needs him to do his dirty work. Michonne for peace, that's the offer from the governor. Merle kidnaps Michonne, but then seems to hesitate after some verbal spars from Michonne. He let's her go, gets a drink, and cranks up the radio luring a horde of zombies to the rendezvous point with the Governor. Then takes out half the governor's men on his own before getting taken down by a crappy take on shot on the governor. That's the only thing that mars this episode. Merle should have been the end of the governor. Still, a good little redemption of sorts for one of the bigger assholes on the show.
6. (3.12) Clear -
Rick, Carl, and Michonne run into a slightly mentally perturbed Morgan. Ah screw it, this Morgan is the best version of Morgan in the show. He cleared an entire freaking city by himself. And Michonne eats his peanut butter protein bar. Rick and company take a ton of guns, while Morgan declines to join them... for the time being.
7. (2.13) Beside the Dying Fire -
The horde descends upon the farm, Herschel unlocks his infinite ammo cheat, and the barn goes up in flames. This one is a guilty pleasure.
8. (2.7) Pretty Much Dead Already -
Shane goes apeshit and opens up the barn doors so the group can kill every last one of them. The last one being Sophia... ouch. This episode was great, unfortunately every episode in this season up until this was pretty meh because of all the searching for Sophia garbage. At least it had a rewarding ending.
9. (5.3) Four Walls and a Roof -
The end of the Terminus arc, although it's pretty much the cannibals arc at this point. Brought us Bob's Burgers and Rick actually living up to his promise to taking down Gareth with his red machete. Damn, Rick means business. A lot of tension in this one.
10. (6.12) Not Tomorrow Yet -
The group takes down a Savior installation. This should be fresh on most people's minds, so not a whole lot to say. Best episode of the season for me. Not even close.

Honorable mentions:

(1.2) Guts - Rick's first encounter with Glenn (in person). Show feels so far removed from back then. It's a good rewatch, one of the better episodes from season 1.
(2.3) Save the Last One - Shane is on a supply run with Otis.
(2.9) Triggerfinger - Herschel in a bar, Rick and Glenn have to come for him, and they encounter other survivors.
(3.8) Too Far gone -
Governor's second raid on the prison. I'd rate it higher, but it should have come a lot sooner (aka, the first time, the end of season 2), so I'm docking it points for the producers taking their damn time getting here.

So I think the show's peak was the end of season 4/start of season 5. Season 2 had a lot of good episodes too, but they were interspersed with a lot of crap. Season 6 was pretty good all around, but not many individual episodes stood out to me.

Edit: Yikes, formatting looks awful... maybe I should just get rid of the spoilers. Meh.
could be a ton of armored men. why rule that out?
Yeah, let's go save whole bunch of strangers we don't even know, thus risking our lives against 50 armed dudes armed to the teeth. Sorry, logic does not compute for me at least. If this was some kind of anime, then I'd buy that theory.
What's ridiculous is Rick and Co not knowing Negan is still out there. He cleared out that Satellite outpost and thought it was over. Jesus, the Hilltop leader, and no one else told Rick that Negan is still out there? That's the biggest dumb thing this season. Seriously what did you expect when you cleared that outpost? Finish the fight or don't start shit. No half measures.

Also how the Saviors found Rick's team was just dumb.
What's ridiculous is Rick and Co not knowing Negan is still out there. He cleared out that Satellite outpost and thought it was over. Jesus, the Hilltop leader, and no one else told Rick that Negan is still out there? That's the biggest dumb thing this season. Seriously what did you expect when you cleared that outpost? Finish the fight or don't start shit. No half measures.

Also how the Saviors found Rick's team was just dumb.

Rick didn't think that was a "satellite outpost." He thought that was basically the whole group.
What's ridiculous is Rick and Co not knowing Negan is still out there. He cleared out that Satellite outpost and thought it was over. Jesus, the Hilltop leader, and no one else told Rick that Negan is still out there? That's the biggest dumb thing this season. Seriously what did you expect when you cleared that outpost? Finish the fight or don't start shit. No half measures.

Also how the Saviors found Rick's team was just dumb.
Rick thought The Saviors are bunch of small ragtag group of thugs, they thought they got the entire group in that satellite building. Rick was just way over his head involving his group into something that had absolutely nothing to do.


Loved Carl's death stare towards Negan and Negan's reaction. Dude went on that mission specifically to spill Savior blood, and now another group member is going to get bagged moments after he vowed he'd never let that happen again. Assuming he avoids Lucille, S3 Carl will finally be unleashed with a vengeance next season. 'Future serial killer'...Negan better check the resume:



make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
It wouldn't have played out much differently if they hadn't attacked preemptively. It would be the same deal. They basically already admit the Saviours always kill someone to demonstrate their dominance. And they take half your shit.

Rick killed a ton of them, and he's still getting the same deal as Hilltop. So... what? How is this current position any weaker? Fuck at least all those saviours are still dead. They were going to hit Alexandria one way or another. Compared to his other option of doing nothing, Rick is ahead here. Someone in the group was getting murdered either way. At least now Rick knows the real score. You think Rick gets face-time with Neagan if he doesn't kill all those Saviours, twice?

No, he deals with some lackey who still kills one or more of his own and makes the SAME demands. At least now he finally meets Spartacus.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
It wouldn't have played out much differently if they hadn't attacked preemptively. It would be the same deal. They basically already admit the Saviours always kill someone to demonstrate their dominance. And they take half your shit.

Rick killed a ton of them, and he's still getting the same deal as Hilltop. So... what? How is this current position any weaker? Fuck at least all those saviours are still dead. They were going to hit Alexandria one way or another. Compared to his other option of doing nothing, Rick is ahead here. Someone in the group was getting murdered either way. At least now Rick knows the real score. You think Rick gets face-time with Neagan if he doesn't kill all those Saviours, twice?

No, he deals with some lackey who still kills one or more of his own and makes the SAME demands. At least now he finally meets Spartacus.

Yup and at the same time...Negan shouldnt underestimate Rick n Co...seeing as how they took out that entire outpost and the back up. The back up was really handled by Carol but still....

And the group Daryl blew to bits.

I really think Rick n Co. should have killed that first group. And at least try to fight the 2nd.

By know Negan has to know Rick n them arent like Hilltop. He has to know they will be trying to kill him.
It wouldn't have played out much differently if they hadn't attacked preemptively. It would be the same deal. They basically already admit the Saviours always kill someone to demonstrate their dominance. And they take half your shit.

Rick killed a ton of them, and he's still getting the same deal as Hilltop. So... what? How is this current position any weaker? Fuck at least all those saviours are still dead. They were going to hit Alexandria one way or another. Compared to his other option of doing nothing, Rick is ahead here. Someone in the group was getting murdered either way. At least now Rick knows the real score. You think Rick gets face-time with Neagan if he doesn't kill all those Saviours, twice?

No, he deals with some lackey who still kills one or more of his own and makes the SAME demands. At least now he finally meets Spartacus.
I feel Rick and Co. could've made a much more effective strategy had they known how large the Saviors were. That's the most baffling thing is that not one person from the Hilltop thought this was an absolutely stupid move to just attack one satellite base and then just wait there like sitting ducks while they set up camp around you. While it's true that Alexandria got cut the same deal that all of the other camps did; at the same time Alexandria had been operating just fine for a long time without the Saviors knocking on their door. I'm really confused why Jesus or the Hilltop didn't inform them of how large of a group they were.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Yup and at the same time...Negan shouldnt underestimate Rick n Co...seeing as how they took out that entire outpost and the back up. The back up was really handled by Carol but still....

And the group Daryl blew to bits.
My opinion is that killing them at the outpost was better, because it got Negan's full attention. Brought him out into the open. And the punishment doesn't appear to be any more punitive than it would've been otherwise.

Yeah, he loses a starter instead of an Alexandria red shirt, but seeing Negan and his true capabilities are worth that trade.

People saying Rick was too rash and it hurt them.... how?


Going by just the context given by the TV show, it seems none of the people on Hilltop know exactly how big Negan's group is, or even what Negan looked like.

I'd expect that a large part of season 7 would involve Rick's group trying to find the actual Savior's base.
I feel Rick and Co. could've made a much more effective strategy had they known how large the Saviors were. That's the most baffling thing is that not one person from the Hilltop thought this was an absolutely stupid move to just attack one satellite base and then just wait there like sitting ducks while they set up camp around you. While it's true that Alexandria got cut the same deal that all of the other camps did; at the same time Alexandria had been operating just fine for a long time without the Saviors knocking on their door. I'm really confused why Jesus or the Hilltop didn't inform them of how large of a group they were.

Seemed like Hilltop thought the satellite base was the only base, that's where they did all their supply deliveries too.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Edit: Yikes, formatting looks awful... maybe I should just get rid of the spoilers. Meh.

Not sure why you're spoiling previous seasons in this seasons thread. Most people viewing this thread should be caught up.
Same. Andy Lincoln carries the whole show for me. He has for a while now.
That being said, those last 10 minutes with Negan are potentially the best ones of the entire season. Half of the excitement was seeing Rick being put into this situation. The other half listening to that bad motherfucker Negan.


Well if you guys want the TV death spoiled. Someone has slowed down the scene which you can then make out the audio for it which says who's dieing as several people are screaming that person's name.


Again, do not click if you want to wait until S7 Episode 1 to find out who died. The video title also spoils it. So do not click if you want to wait until EP1 of Season 7


Reaction Compilation to the finale

Everyone hates it

lmao.. that was great

Well if you guys want the TV death spoiled. Someone has slowed down the scene which you can then make out the audio for it which says who's dieing as several people are screaming that person's name.


Again, do not click if you want to wait until S7 Episode 1 to find out who died. The video title also spoils it. So do not click if you want to wait until EP1 of Season 7

If this is real then...


Well if you guys want the TV death spoiled. Someone has slowed down the scene which you can then make out the audio for it which says who's dieing as several people are screaming that person's name.


Again, do not click if you want to wait until S7 Episode 1 to find out who died. The video title also spoils it. So do not click if you want to wait until EP1 of Season 7
This is pretty damning evidence right here. I can definitely make out bits of the audio, and hear what I know I hear. Unless it's fake (I highly doubt that, if it is they did a great job on it), I think we have our answer.

It just makes me even more upset since it would have been so impactful to see it all at once and not needing to wait several months for our confirmation. It definitely won't have the same effect, even if it is who this audio clip suggests it is.


Well if you guys want the TV death spoiled. Someone has slowed down the scene which you can then make out the audio for it which says who's dieing as several people are screaming that person's name.


Again, do not click if you want to wait until S7 Episode 1 to find out who died. The video title also spoils it. So do not click if you want to wait until EP1 of Season 7

Seems convincing.


Seems legit.

Might as well have the show go for comic book parity and start
chopping off hands and killing
so and so.
Loved Carl's death stare towards Negan and Negan's reaction. Dude went on that mission specifically to spill Savior blood, and now another group member is going to get bagged moments after he vowed he'd never let that happen again. Assuming he avoids Lucille, S3 Carl will finally be unleashed with a vengeance next season. 'Future serial killer'...Negan better check the resume:


Rick infected him with his bullshit arrogance. Hopefully seeing dear old daddy on his knees might knock some sense into him.
Loved Carl's death stare towards Negan and Negan's reaction. Dude went on that mission specifically to spill Savior blood, and now another group member is going to get bagged moments after he vowed he'd never let that happen again. Assuming he avoids Lucille, S3 Carl will finally be unleashed with a vengeance next season. 'Future serial killer'...Negan better check the resume:


"You want to run into them, right? You hope they show up" - Enid

In contrast to Rick being absolutely broken - no amount of farming, guidance, and walled in communities will mellow out the "Carlmunism" this time. It's gonna be S3 Carl on steroids.
Character are becoming increasingly stupid. I really don't believe Carol's transformation.

I hope it's Michone or Rick who dies because their relationship makes 0 sense otherwise.
"You want to run into them, right? You hope they show up" - Enid

In contrast to Rick being absolutely broken - no amount of farming, guidance, and walled in communities will mellow out the "Carlmunism" this time. It's gonna be S3 Carl on steroids.

With Carol gone (sort of) at least fans can still continue living out their infantile fantasies of terminator-like rampages.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
My opinion is that killing them at the outpost was better, because it got Negan's full attention. Brought him out into the open. And the punishment doesn't appear to be any more punitive than it would've been otherwise.

Yeah, he loses a starter instead of an Alexandria red shirt, but seeing Negan and his true capabilities are worth that trade.

People saying Rick was too rash and it hurt them.... how?

Only way I can see it hurting the group is if it puts Negan on alert that these ppl arent to be toyed with. Element of surprise n all.


Well if you guys want the TV death spoiled. Someone has slowed down the scene which you can then make out the audio for it which says who's dieing as several people are screaming that person's name.


Again, do not click if you want to wait until S7 Episode 1 to find out who died. The video title also spoils it. So do not click if you want to wait until EP1 of Season 7

Can't access this now. Can someone spoiler tag the name please?


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
But in that audio clip...thats not someone saying Mag or Maggie. Thats Negan sayin Damn or Thats before saying taking it like a champ.

As for hearing Maggie screaming, Carl and Rick yelling out I agree on hearing all that....wouldnt be surprised if its Michonne. She does have a deep voice. The person getting hit sounds like a man.

Michonne or Glenn. Maggie screaming points to Glenn tho.

Maybe. lol
That's why they shouldn't have killed a bunch of people in their sleep without knowing more about them. Just plain stupid writing for our supposedly smart Rick and Co.
we have gone over this already. The saviours would have found alexandria eventually and then they would have been worse off because they'd have a bigger army because rick would have never taken out their outpost.

It was even hinted at in the last 2 episodes ish that they already know about alexandria and have located it/are actively looking for it.

This was a no-win situation. Negan would have killed one of them anyway just like he did to the hilltop person. Knowing more or less would not have changed their situation because they would never run away considering how decent alexandria is and having buddies at the hilltop nearby.
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