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Summer 2012 Anime |OT2| Of Suspended Anime Due To Olympics

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Haibane Renmei 8


In this episode Rakka learns that she has a friend in Reki. We also get another insight of some townsfolk's opinion of the Haibane. I knew at least some people had to think of them
positively in a supernatural light and even admired
. It would make sense given the circumstances. Unfortunately, Rakka is not in the mindset to take this type of reception.

In any case, Rakka is still questioning her place
and existence as a Haibane. This calls for her falling into a well, recalling her birth dream and getting closer to...crow bones?
Hopefully the next episode will share a bit of explanation on that.

Haibane Renmei 8

The episode also raises a lot of questions, specifically about those asshole crows. I mean, how do birds become such huge assholes? Is it in their nature, or were they born in hard circumstances?

sonicmj1 asking the difficult questions!

I'm not sure they could've told her about the
weathered well handles that would end up breaking off. They just had a location to lead to, I guess.
This, of course, does not excuse the "mugging" they gave her all this time before. That was quite rude of them!
Hidamari Sketch x365 11

Strong episode. It used limited animation in a visually creative manner (although there were two nice background animation cuts), with striking and meaningful compositions that stepped outside the ordinary for this series. The 4-koma feeling was stronger here than usual, with many clearly delineated punchlines, but good editing kept things from feeling disjointed and made sure that each punchline had its proper impact. The overall construction felt so thoughtful, which is always a pleasant occurrence in a Shaft show.

That the storyboard was deliberately attempting to mix up the show's visual language a bit can be seen from the way it treats two of its opening rituals: Yuno waking up, and the school clock. First, instead of cutting directly to inside Yuno's room, we have a multi-stage aerial zoom-in from above the apartments to her bed:

This perspective helps to situate Yuno in the world in and around the apartments. (Admittedly it's a sparse world, but what can you do?) Moreover, having the camera come in from the clouds, as it were, connects with the sky/rooftop theme which permiates the first half of the episode.

Other visuals that reinforce this theme are using a fish-eye lens for a shot of Yuno raising her arms to the sky, making it look as if she's attempting to encompass it, and a shot of her eye reflecting flying birds.

For the second ritual, the school clock, the exact same shot appears in nearly every episode, with the clock in the center and birds flying in front of it:

In this episode, the establishing shot instead is asymmetrical, with the clock shifted to the left:

It's a small change, but when the same thing has been done for so long it's a significant one. Not only does this emphasize the roof, in keeping with the general theme, but it also creates a connection with a later shot where the clock appears asymmetrically on the right:

At this point, Yuno has just awoken from dozing off on the roof during lunch break and realized she's late for her next class. The looming prescene of the clock on the side of the foreground, with the minute hand ominously a little past the hour, visualizes her stress.

Another notable aspect of this episode's storyboarding is that it uses more slanted perspective shots than usual; normally Hidamari Sketch is all "shot" from the side in a flat-looking manner, but here a few camera angles are tilted up or down, such that there's an awareness of 3D space. This isn't to say that flatness doesn't crop up in those shots as well, since sometimes the walls and objects are laid out in a very non-realistic manner, but again it's welcome variety.

Towards the end of the episode, the mystery of what's in room 203 that's been hinted at throughout the season is finally revealed. I liked how the sound that gave it away was gradually introduced, aurally with it slowly fading in and visually with steadily more prominent cutaways. It accurately captures the sensation of having a background noise gradually intrude on your attention.

In Dezaki Watch, a trademark technique of his made an appearance: the three-fold pan. This is when you pan three times over a static image, the first two times quickly and the last time slowly, in order to invest a dynamic moment with visual energy without actually animating anything. He often used this when depicting an athletic event, such as basketball or tennis, and its usage in this episode, for the principal's volleyball serve, falls into that pattern.

Hidamari Sketch x365 12

My sources tell me that this is an Akiyuki Shinbo storyboard under a psuedonym (perhaps his last storyboard ever?), and it shows in the density of quirkiness. Moreover, it's another decently animated episode - there was even a classroom scene with all the students fully drawn!


A shocking amount of effort.

The scene with Hiro feverishly wolfing down her lunch in anger had especially pleasing, vibrant character animation.

Hidamari Sketch x365 13

Fairly average in terms of production values, but the focus on the New Year and the warmth of the bond between the four girls provided an appropriate note to close the season on. I also liked that it brought closure to the ambivalent relationship between Sae and Natsume that's been running throughout the season.

Overall, I'm pleased with how this second season went. It's superior to the first in both direction and animation, and the character work, albeit simple, has paid off in developing my affection for these people. I expect this will remain the high point of the franchise, since it's the only season with Tatsuya Oishi as series director, but I'm sure the third season will keep the charm I love.


With all the sketches they keep posting, could that really happen?

Well the issue here is not that work was not completed. The issue here is that IG was not paid for their work, and they seem to have waited long enough and now they're cancelling the contract and demanding for the materials back if they're not going to be paid. The only question is, which company out there would commission 2 million dollars worth of production work from Production IG and then not pay them. The production cost they assessed is dated June 30th, so they were working on this before then.

I really hope details eventually come out, whatever this fuck up was, because it sounds really... intriguing. Lol.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I just had a hilarious thought. What if the IG shitstorm is over the Mass Effect anime movie? Maybe FUNimation ran out of money! :eek:

Whatever happens, let's just hope the Mass Effect anime movie never makes it out alive.


Subete no aware
Hyouka 19


I found it weird that they went out of their way to show Chitanda's :I expression over and over again. I'm not sure why it stood out to me though.


Is that Sister-san I see?

Anyhow, I think I'm okay with the side characters being completely cut out. Of course, I'm sure what this means - based on the bottle episodes previously - is that the next arc will have all the money put into it.

And, to take it back to the beginning of the episode, I suppose the point is that he is supposed to judge for himself whether he called the crime or whether he just made it up and got lucky. I would imagine he's not ready to think of himself as a genius again though.
[Eureka Seven AO CG/Background Art]

In my earlier post I did, briefly, touch upon my annoyance with CG stuff appearing in small pieces all over the episode. Most of it was not in a quantity that bothered me but it still looked bad.

Good points, and I definitely agree. At least it's not as bad as Muv-Luv, where it's worse in quality and far more prevalent.


Hyouka 19

Anyhow, I think I'm okay with the side characters being completely cut out. Of course, I'm sure what this means - based on the bottle episodes previously - is that the next arc will have all the money put into it.
Then why was Chitanda in it?


You see what the missing element is there, don't you? ;p

Actually, looking through their last decade of work, I didn't dislike Higurashi, Marimite, or Simoun. I can never forgive them for Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito, though, or any of the other piles of garbage they've put out since.

Yami is the reason WHY I love Deen so much. It is so masterful in its awfulness and trolling that it had to have been carefully planned out that way. It is Deen's greatest moment.

So I just saw this Fall 2012 anime list, and assuming it's legit...
WTF DID THEY DO WITH THE CYBORG 009 CREW!? The Lenji Matsumoto look was fine, this normal/generic character design look is...disgusting.

So I'm guessing that shows like Prism Nana are for winter?

Popotan 1

Well it looks like i'm in for the rest of the ride.

Popotan 2

That was a nice episode but now it's time for the better sisters to get one. :D

Popotan 3

Wow I didn't expect best character to get her own episode already. A magical girl episode too. <3

Glad you like it :D Popotan is happy squee fun time and Haruko Momoi voices Mii (your favorite character and I saw that coming a mile away) Whats your opinion of Unagi?

Haibane Renmei 8

In which crows find ways to be even larger assholes.

This is a really lively episode, even though Rakka's still in a bit of a funk. The animation of the kids running around is delightful. They're almost always in some kind of motion, in sharp relief to Rakka. She can't really relate to them.

The episode also raises a lot of questions, specifically about those asshole crows. I mean, how do birds become such huge assholes? Is it in their nature, or were they born in hard circumstances? More seriously,
I feel like we have to trust Rakka when she says that the bird at the bottom of the well was someone important to her from her past. There's a reason the birds come here from over the wall, I guess.

That well also reminds me more of Haruki Murakami in superficial ways.

Seeing as this is a largely interpretative and spiritual sort of anime, the crows
possibly represent some form of being in the afterlife, perhaps one sent to test the Haibane in some way relevant to their day of flight. Or perhaps the crows themselves are escaped Haibane who made the flight and have come back to observe (as assholes). they come across as purposefully distracting in my opinion


I apologize in advance if my text post is filled to the brim of obscure obscenities and torrents of angry .gifs but I am about to listen to an episode of ANN. If everything goes horribly wrong just remember: it was all Zac's fault.


IG Port's 23rd Shareholders Meeting is today (Aug 28). I guess we might learn about the mystery cancellation as long as someone asks about it, which... should happen. :p


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Hyouka ep 19
BULLSHIT! Logical it may sound but it so goddamn farfetch to even arrive at this conclusion. Only in Hyouka.

That was the point, though. Oreki was trying to show Chitanda that he could make up any wild theory about anything. Not his fault it turned out to be right


I apologize in advance if my text post is filled to the brim of obscure obscenities and torrents of angry .gifs but I am about to listen to an episode of ANN. If everything goes horribly wrong just remember: it was all Zac's fault.

Zac, gonna Zac dude.


I apologize in advance if my text post is filled to the brim of obscure obscenities and torrents of angry .gifs but I am about to listen to an episode of ANN. If everything goes horribly wrong just remember: it was all Zac's fault.

Such masochism is commendable.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I apologize in advance if my text post is filled to the brim of obscure obscenities and torrents of angry .gifs but I am about to listen to an episode of ANN. If everything goes horribly wrong just remember: it was all Zac's fault.
If it's the most recent episode I don't think you have very much to worry about. Little of the talk is relevant enough to be controversial. However, if it is the episode in which Surat makes an appearance you have my sympathy in advance for the idiocy you're in for.


If it's the most recent episode I don't think you have very much to worry about. Little of the talk is relevant enough to be controversial. However, if it is the episode in which Surat makes an appearance you have my sympathy in advance for the idiocy you're in for.

Oh dear. I only really listen to the super-nerds episodes.

Oh dear.

Now, in all fairness, I shouldn't be so hard on Zac. It's not really his fault. When he was growing up nobody pointed out to him that being incredibly snide and dismissive about stuff makes you seem like a contemptible asshole.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Hyouka 18-19

Honestly found this a lot more interesting than the previous arc - the show is so much better off with just Chitanda and Oreki. I'd be thrilled if they literally just never went back to anybody else for the rest of the show. Maybe everybody can show up for the marriage at the very end.

The episodes themselves, yeah still terrible. Screw this show.


Hyouka 19


I found it weird that they went out of their way to show Chitanda's :I expression over and over again. I'm not sure why it stood out to me though.

When I first saw her with that expression I was immediately reminded of this photoshopped image that's popped up from time to time here:

Is that Sister-san I see?[/QUOTE]

I wish we got to see more than her shoulder :(
I like Oreki's bedhead though haha
Gintama 82

Oh, Sa-chan.

I liked this episode. Well at least the first story which was basically what if JRPG monsters suddenly appeared and everyone started hunting them because they dropped gold. It was funny, nice action, the ending was completely trollish. It was great.

Part two was about ham.


I really don't understand the concept of these movies. Are they side stories or origin stories or whaT? and why do the CM's reuse a ton of footage from the show itself?


So the first two movies are Evangelion-esque "remakes"?

No, they are like many other anime movies where they just recycle footage from the TV series to edit them into movies with some added new footage and stuff.

See: MacrossF, Gurren Lagann, Tiger & Bunny, etc.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
No, they are like many other anime movies where they just recycle footage from the TV series to edit them into movies with some added new footage and stuff.

See: MacrossF, Gurren Lagann, Tiger & Bunny, etc.

Didn't Gundam do this a few times as well?



Interesting. IG Port has put out a press release announcing that Production IG has cancelled a production contract. Apparently they produced and delivered the content as contracted, but the other party defaulted on payment. The contract has now been cancelled and they're demanding for the materials to be returned. They're currently considering how to minimize their loss in this, and recover their investment. Any impact on their financial forecast will be announced when they have more clarity on the situation.

So.... which anime series is going to get canned, and who didn't pay up? Is Robotics;Notes the only upcoming IG show announced? Hmmm...

Well, if they already produced the content, can they get someone else to pay them for it?


I know we talked about how bad the Bokura ga Ita anime looked like yesterday, but I just want to confirm something about the ending from people who watched the anime.
Did they really end the anime with the train scene with Yano leaving to Tokyo? Like was that it or did they add something else different from the manga?
Cause that would have been extremely disappointing ending


I remember they had an almost alarming number of positive things to say about it.

Pretty much everything they said about it was positive. Zac's favourite episode was Goemon's introduction episode a.k.a the train one. They do mention, in passing, that it seemed like the show was rather 'low budget'. It may have failed in some areas, but as it "aimed for the stars" that was okay.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Zac's favourite episode was Goemon's introduction episode a.k.a the train one.
Yeeeeeeeeeah, I really didn't get that. Even as someone who was a bit more forgiving of that episode. It's doesn't stack up favorably at all to many of the other episodes. They also liked the message of the ending, which was more befuddling.


Subete no aware
Oh god, they're talking about Fujiko. I need something strong.
Ohhhh, you're listening to that Daryl Surrat thingie from a few weeks back.

So if you did go to film school, are you allowed to make fun of him?
I would assume so. Better if you wasted another year of your life and got an MA!

When I first saw her with that expression I was immediately reminded of this photoshopped image that's popped up from time to time here:

I wish we got to see more than her shoulder :(
I like Oreki's bedhead though haha
That derp face. lol
I think Oreki's sister must not exist. :(
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