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EXCLUSIVE | Microsoft plans Starfield launch for PlayStation 5


Playing Good Samaritan because they lost this gen. PS audience will only grow at rapid pace after these announcements. But of course, MS get the biggest cut from every game copy sold.


And watch the ssd do wonders with the loading times
Who? If a near three trillion dollar company couldn't make it work then who else? Only Apple has the cash and brand loyalty to even think about it.
You still don't get it?
It is the three trillion dollars that killed Xbox. Xbox didn't do anything because they lived off MS money for years and years, never having to actually deliver results. And thus they died.

Money wasn't what you need to succeed, it is what you need to fail. Someone else with a better business plan, who knows what gamers want, will hopefully replace Xbox. The market has spoken.

There was an old Chinese Fable, about a man who spoiled his wife rotten. He did everything for her when ever she asked. She ended up no longer able to do anything herself and stayed in bed. Then one day he needed to go on a long business trip, so he baked a giant bagel that he looped around her head so she can eat the bread while he is away.

When he came back, his wife had starved to death because she ate the bagel near her mouth, but she was too lazy to spin the giant bagel to eat the rest of it.


As much laughable this situation is, I don't think put on PS5 will solve how bland and outdated this game is and neither will save it.
In fact, it will be even more ridiculous because some people will buy this game only to later lament themselves of how dissapoint it is.


OG Xbox was a fantastic system held in a stranglehold and pretty much built like an ordinary PC. It wasn't viable in the long run but it was an extremely good system I have fond memories of. With 360 they looked to gain a foothold but they misread the market, blew it up near the end with a front loaded but not sustainable motion control wave. Since then they suck. Which is for well over a decade now.

Even though Series X is good, Series S is causing headaches and they lack in quality software of their own. They did crazy investment you can realistically only win back if you release it everywhere.


I said before Starfield released, that the smart thing to do for MS would be to release Starfield on PlayStation. They are not making exclusives to sell consoles anymore, this is probably their last console. They just make their games timed exclusives, GP day one first and that's it. Their business model shifted and this is right for them. It's business 101.
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Interesting 🤔

PlayStation 5 Pro and PlayStation 6 won't have competition, this seems really bad.

Oh no, they'll have competition for sure:

>Switch 2

>PC (primarily Steam)

Gaming-wise they're all still competing for a lot of similar crossover in time and money. And if Microsoft shifts Xbox to something more PC-like, in a sense they still have to compete with Xbox as well.

No free rides for PlayStation, they still have to earn their market share 👍


Tears in the rain
Nothing against PlayStation/Nintendo, I love and own their stuff over the years

I’m just sad as a passionate Xbox fan who thought they should be doing better and wanted better management there, it’s come to this. Feels like I misinterpreted what Xbox was/is all these years.
More games for more people. The most generous company.
OG Xbox was a fantastic system held in a stranglehold and pretty much built like an ordinary PC. It wasn't viable in the long run but it was an extremely good system I have fond memories of. With 360 they looked to gain a foothold but they misread the market, blew it up near the end with a front loaded but not sustainable motion control wave. Since then they suck. Which is for well over a decade now.

Even though Series X is good, Series S is causing headaches and they lack in quality software of their own. They did crazy investment you can realistically only win back if you release it everywhere.

They already are! How many PCs, phones and laptops with access to cloud in particular are out there and Steam too.

No one seems to be acknowledging this is down to poor management and this move does not address that


I hope everyone realizes this is about how Gamepass is completely unsustainable more than it is about Xbox's failure as a platform.

Like Xbox is a failure, no doubt. But it failed BECAUSE of Gamepass and what it takes to feed it, not simply because of a boring slate of exclusives.

Microsoft doesn't need Playstation as much as it needs sales. And it can't sell this game on Xbox.
It was very sustainable, Phil said several times ....... until Satya put away his purse.

Ryan will leave with his homework done, PS at its best and MS having to release its games on PS5.
Remember when Phil was "winning" and playing 4d chess with Jim Ryan all the while Jim was actually playing 8D chess.
Isn't putting their games on every device possible the way to dominate gaming subscriptions? Netlfix is on every device, MS wants gamepass to use the same strategy.
No, gamepass should it ever come to playstation won't include any of the stuff that usually makes it worthwhile (you know the none MS games) as those devs and pubs will go straight to Sony to get them on PSN +

Gamepass on PS5 would be a waste of effort.

Freddie Mercury Rock GIF

Never doubt me.
But your wrong, the answer is all titles will come eventually, which will ultimately become immediately in a year or so.
Anyone else expecting Phil Spencer to announce his resignation?
Why, he's literally just saved Microsoft Gaming.


Gold Member
It will be exactly what Phil said. It will be a game by game basis and ones that make sense.

Hi Fi Rush. Sea of thieves. Minecraft. Grounded maybe

Well this quote from the other thread about Xbox going multiplatform certainly aged like milk being left out in the desert sun. Between this and the Indiana Jones one by Warren, I don’t see how anyone can still believe the “case by case” argument anymore.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
How the fuck did we get from the halcyon days of the X360, to this shit? Rhetorical question but FFS what a fucking waste.


OG Xbox was a really good system, too. And I think it held together better than 360, which switched course and stopped focusing on core gaming stuff 1P-wise by 2010. Plus OG Xbox didn't have any RROD type of problems.

XBO had a decent launch in spite of all the bad PR and then started falling apart, bursts with TitanFall and Quantum Break aside. I'd say the real brand rot began setting in around mid/late 2016 as the consequences of previous decisions and actions gradually started catching up with them.

If it weren't for COVID and the lockdowns, Series sales would've collapsed much sooner than they did and MS would've done then what they're seemingly doing this year, but after folding shop with hardware and only having the XGS games and maybe Zenimax titles to leverage.

At least with how things have actually played out, they might still be able to keep hardware around (but not as consoles; as gaming console-like PC devices like NUCs, laptops etc.) and they also (mostly) have ABK now.

I...just had a thought about that with the FTC ATM, but...I'm gonna hold that thought for a while.

Yeah Covid really hid how things really were going. Series X and PS5 were both selling about equal, but it was obvious that demand for PS5 was much higher. It fetched much higher scalper prices too for example. XSS was the only system readily available, i've never seen it out of stock. PS5 couldn't really bury Xbox because it simply wasn't in stock.

MS probably thought they were doing good despite not having next-gen software. And Covid sort of saved their face tbh. They got away with it for a good year or longer. Sony was also impacted, and didn't release that many next-gen only software or backpedaled on some IP by going crossplatform. This was because the installed base was far too low due to shortages. But in case of MS it was because they simply had nothing ready. And then they had to delay Halo Infinite almost straight away, which was a bad outlook.

To be honest, I bought both systems in 2020 and the PS5 felt like a far better system to me. Xbox Series felt like another Xbox One. Same OS, same controller, same games. PS5 had a new controller with haptics and adaptive triggers I didn't experience before. And some true next-gen games such as Astrobot and Demon's Souls on launch day. Astrobot showed off the new features in a brilliant way, that game made me smile and happy about my purchase. I never use the Xbox anymore actually. When KI was updated, another old game, I did use it for a few weeks. But no, I don't see any benefit compared to PS5.


Hopefully Xbox don't arrive all arrogant thinking people on PlayStation and Nintendo will buy their games over 1st party and other 3rd party studios/publishers. They better bring the quality because PlayStation and Nintendo has options. Especially PlayStation.

Starfield better utilize the SSD on the PS5 without a million loading screens because this wouldn't sell well
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