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I think PlayStation lost a lot of its "magic" by porting its exlusives to PC


As on owner of both I used to agree with this but lately i've been actually using my series X more. Mainly because MW2 stutters something crazy on my set up, that and the convenience of it.
Same boat. Love me some PC gaming but I can't be arsed to deal with all the little niggles when it comes to new games. I just want to jump and play.


Gold Member
I can be very patient and backlogs are a thing, so I'm inclined to agree. However PS5 has some genuine exclusivity even in the long game with VR. Unless they port those games to PC too eventually...LOL. Kinda doubt that though and they have some stuff I want so I'm in.
PlayStation lost the “magic” with me during the PS4 generation. Too much focus on cinematic experience games and not enough games that focus on fun factor imo.

Twisted metal, resistance, Kill zone, Warhawk, motor storm, little big planet, etc were some of the best games during the 7th generation. I can’t wait for Jim Ryan GAAS to start releasing.

PC and consoles does have some differences in my opinion that makes one more appealing than the other to customers. So it doesn’t take away anything from PlayStation imo.
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What Sony should be doing is Porting games not available on PC or PS5.

Games Stuck on PS3 or games not been upgraded from PS4 to PS5.

A game like Bloodborne should be ported and slightly more enhanced for a upgrade of 20$ for previous consumers. If that isn’t profitable or worth it, fuck it, call it Directors Cut & charge full price. Let the babies cry.


Port this to VR2 and release it on stream for PCVR. Hell do a cheap reskin & make the characters Playstation characters. Have Facebook publish the PC version, make it META exclusive. They should be farting these out,


Just make all these titles VR compatible. Make them fast and cheap enough you make a million on each release while beefing up their “gamepass”.

All these VR games and PS3 ports shouldn’t be exclusive. Demons Souls, all the ratchet games, etc should even be on the switch.


Do not think , just a small part of the market can affort a PC than can handle a PS5 game at the same performance level than on a PS5.

Also it seems PS5 are being sold like Pancakes the same way PS4 did....

Its there is a hurt is minimal but think is the contrary Sony is earning more on software than before and its hardware sales are strong.
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What Sony should be doing is Porting games not available on PC or PS5.

Games Stuck on PS3 or games not been upgraded from PS4 to PS5.

A game like Bloodborne should be ported and slightly more enhanced for a upgrade of 20$ for previous consumers. If that isn’t profitable or worth it, fuck it, call it Directors Cut & charge full price. Let the babies cry.


Port this to VR2 and release it on stream for PCVR. Hell do a cheap reskin & make the characters Playstation characters. Have Facebook publish the PC version, make it META exclusive. They should be farting these out,


Just make all these titles VR compatible. Make them fast and cheap enough you make a million on each release while beefing up their “gamepass”.

All these VR games and PS3 ports shouldn’t be exclusive. Demons Souls, all the ratchet games, etc should even be on the switch.
Good point. I still have no idea why Sony doesn’t keep releasing games on other platforms especially after a set amount of time. It is free money and can help create sequels or new experiences down the road.

Another thing is Sony Japan studios shouldn’t have closed down and instead been working on switch/pc/playstation games since it would do well on those systems in Japan.


You might be a bit too invested in the plastic box you play games on. I recommend getting a second hobby that doesn't involve wondering about who gets to play same games as you on a different looking plastic box.


Playstation lost their magic to me when they dropped the majority of their JP developed games and IPs and decided to focus only on big AAAA western blockbusters without much in the way of AA or experimental titles. The move to PC is the only reason I'm still giving them money in any fashion.

Playstation as a brand, to me, was all about breadth of content. I think that it was Shawn Layden that said that it was important for the platform to have niche titles that maybe didn't make huge sales, just to give the Playsation platform value across all tastes and interests.

Jimbo has been great for the bottom line I guess, but as a gamer I don't play fiscal results, I play games, and the PS games aren't what they used to be.


But you just bought a PS5.

Is your PC shit or something?
My PC is okay: RTX 2080ti.
and yeah I have PS5 and XSX as well, but I don't like PC gaming at all, I use it for work.
IMO the magic was gone once these console lost their custom chip. They are just like PC the porting is easy basically console are lower-mid end PC now. All the games are just scaled depending on the hardware. 🤷‍♂️
There is something revealing in what you say. I feel the same as well.
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I like that things 'just work', so no. Also I rarely want to sit with m&k, so that doesn't do much for me either. Think I'm getting close to 15 years since I last bought a pure gaming PC I spent any considerable amount of time with.

Currently playing FFVII on PC, and wow there's so much jank.

The 'magic' as far as justifiably goes is still there.


Gold Member
PlayStation hasn't lost any magic. Their studios and games are still the best out there.

Porting games to PC is smart for Sony because it brings them into a market segment where revenue potential is not limited by console attach rates. Sony doesn't make their money from the hardware, they make it from software and services. Having to build economy of scale with each console generation requires both time and money. Porting to PC allows them to make money from software even when it's tough to get enough hardware out there.

It's good for gamers because it lets people play some of the best games out there without having to invest in a console. If you're never going to buy a console but will give Sony money for a delayed PC port it's win/win.

The only people it's bad for are people who attach their self worth or some other kind of intrinsic value to owning a particular console and feeling special because they can play games someone else can't. Or people who think number of consoles sold is the most important metric out there.


For me, PlayStation got this magic notion, thanks to great quality exclusives like Ratchet and Clank, GT, among others.
PlayStation was like an arcade saloon, and if you have ever been to one, you know what I mean by that.

But now, they release one by one, all of its pearls to PC, so why bother, and buy PlayStation 5 if you have gaming PC?
Sure, you can play earlier, but it is not the same anymore.

What do you think?

Election 2020 Reaction GIF by Joe Biden
I can't hear you while I play my PS games on PC at max settings. Speak louder!

Seriously, Sony has done the right thing by bringing these games to PC because they are selling like hot cakes.
Hogwarts has no magic
PlayStation has no magic
Short on magic it's seems
But real no problem for me, as long as there's a good stream of the games we love on PS who cares if it's on PC as well.
Hogwarts is literally the definition of magic when it comes to gaming.


Really difficult to understand this position.

PS5 is a great deal, amazing mix of power and price. That alone puts it in a different category than PC.

You want the best experience possible and can afford to buy a powerful PC? Then you have that option too.

You can do both/or.

There si absolutely no advantage in keeping games away from PC but there is an advantage in releasing the games on PC: A wider audience and higher income increases the chances that games will continue gaming for the benefit of everyone.

Think about it. More money means:

- Better conditions for devs (if you care for such a thing)
- Higher budgets for games (which usually means higher quality)
- More risky bets thanks to a wider audience

Having the games on PC also means more people enjoying the games.

Personally I'm lucky enough to have both and I still get games for both platforms. Multiplat always on PC but first party depends on the case. At the end, Sony is getting my money. The only ones losing are the ones who's satisfaction from gaming comes from some sort of artificial and misguided sense of superiority because they chose one console over another.

Boss Mog

Weren't you perma banned OP?

You sound like that fool Bryank, whining about PS exclusives going to PC. As somebody who mostly plays on PS5, I have no problems with Sony releasing games on the PC, especially a year or more later. The games can generate a nice new chunk of revenue instead of sales just dwindling on PS. This helps fund more PS exclusives that I will get to enjoy first on my PS5.


It will definitely affect their 1st party game design as all the fuzz Cerny made about PS5 but now they have to put multiple PC configurations to mind.
This is the main thing, and goes deep and already shows big time. But no point in discussing it, ship has sailed and you would be called fanboy and warrior anyway. Maybe some people should question why hardcore fanboys of other platforms go all the time so vehemently against opinions like OP..

On the other hand, PS sucks at keeping their legacy alive, so having their titles on PC is a godsend when it comes to preservation. Also, Modders and PC settings in general make sure things age slower.
My PC is okay: RTX 2080ti.
and yeah I have PS5 and XSX as well, but I don't like PC gaming at all, I use it for work.

There is something revealing in what you say. I feel the same as well.
you're literally just a fanboy. That's literally it. There's absolutely no effect on any PS5 owner, or any magic lost, from them porting games to PC. The whole idea is ridiculous.


For me, PlayStation got this magic notion, thanks to great quality exclusives like Ratchet and Clank, GT, among others.
PlayStation was like an arcade saloon, and if you have ever been to one, you know what I mean by that.

But now, they release one by one, all of its pearls to PC, so why bother, and buy PlayStation 5 if you have gaming PC?
Sure, you can play earlier, but it is not the same anymore.

What do you think?
So play them on your PC and thank Sony for not making you buy their proprietary hardware to play their games?

People that think some games are better than others just because they are exclusive are a weird breed.


Reverse groomer.
Yes all the magic is gone. I agree. I'm at at the tipping point now. Do I sell my PS5 and go PC or do I choose to dont care about ports. It's quite the conundrum......
Keep your PS5 and just play on that unless you actually want to play games on PC/find a benefit to doing so that attracts you. Most of the people threatening to switch to PC after PS ports their games over likely don't even give a shit about PC anyways and i'm almost certain that includes you


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
I think that's a dumb take. A game is good or bad based on the game, not where it's played. Play Anywhere™ is the future of gaming...just like music, movies, TV, etc.
I could not disagree more with this take if I tried. More ways to access amazing games is better for the business, as you have a larger pool of potential customers, and better for consumers as it means more people can access the software.

This has been discussed for ages, but the only people who really care about hardware sales are console warriors. Sony and Microsoft sell their hardware at razer thin margins, to lower the cost of entry into the ecosystems that they do profit from. Storefront, Games, and Subscriptions. By removing the requirement to buy the hardware, you get additional sales from global PC gamers, and profit off of game and subscription sales you otherwise may not have gotten.

This isn't a death nail for console sales, as a $400 system is obviously much more affordable than your standard mid to high end PC gaming set up.

I could rant forever but to be short. More users engaging with a brand and it's games are better for consumers and the business. Sony and Microsoft's first party games are consistently topping the charts on best selling Steam titles. This is a lucrative and successful strategy and it will continue.
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