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Sony Wants To Grow PlayStation By Making Xbox Smaller, Phil Spencer Says


Obviously, the core space is around 180 million consoles each generation, and it's not growing generation to generation, so as new players enter older ones depart, with the core hobby gamers like us always there. So the only option either of the big two have is to gain more of the market in each generation. Sony have a massive slice with the PS2, it was pretty much equal between the 360 and PS3, then Sony regained the upper hand with it's awesome performance with the PS4, and now is doing very well with the PS5.

So of course Sony are very protective of this, as they know Microsoft are not just simply going to go away, and they have much more financial resources than Sony. So while Sony have no issue with money hatting exclusives etc, and will buy up smaller gaming studios, they will have major issues with massive buyouts like Zenimax and now Activision, because they are simply not in a place financially to compete. They have pretty much owned the core console space for years now, and do not like it when that is potentially in danger. It was o.k when Microsoft were simply there competing on pretty even terms, and the quality of the games and each consoles proposition was the deciding factor, but now with these massive acquisitions there is more to it........ and Sony do not like it, so they will give all the reasons in the world why it's anti consumer etc, and how it will be a worse deal for gamers blah blah, but in reality they are simply protecting their bottom line, why people fail or refuse to see this is a mystery. ;)
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Except that MS has stated a bajillion times now that they have no intention of removing them from Playstation.

What he's referring to is Sony's continued practice of taking traditionally 3rd party developers, and paying them to make games exclusively for 1 console.

In reality though, to some extent anyways. Both companies are essentially doing the same thing. They're just going about it different ways. MS is buying up publishers to ensure their content is on their platform. Sony is signing exclusivity deals to ensure that their content is on theirs.
But did they pinky promise though? Now that's the real question here.

"The complaint points to Microsoft’s previous game acquisitions, especially of well-known developer Bethesda Softworks and its parent company ZeniMax, as an example of where Microsoft is making some upcoming game titles exclusive to Xbox despite assuring European regulators it had no intention to do so."

Jesus Christ....and again, it just seems like GaF doesn't understand how business works. Let me break it down. I wish I had a box of crayons....

There has to be a buyer and a seller! You can't have one without the other. Every company under Xbox umbrella were selling. Microsoft had the money to buy. This includes ABK. Not one dev house went through a hostile takeover. Sony had just as much an opportunity to buy every dev house under Xbox now. They didn't. End of story!

If a huge tech company like Microsoft has the finances to buy a company looking to sell, seriously, what's the issue? It's literally a mutual agreement! Anything else, including salty Sony fanboys, is just noise. Y'all are a trip. Lol

Never change GaF.
I don't think you understand what anti-trust regulators actually do.
Get that box of crayons please, I think that's exactly what you should be playing with right now with those simplistic views.

the more you know


But did they pinky promise though? Now that's the real question here.

"The complaint points to Microsoft’s previous game acquisitions, especially of well-known developer Bethesda Softworks and its parent company ZeniMax, as an example of where Microsoft is making some upcoming game titles exclusive to Xbox despite assuring European regulators it had no intention to do so."

Totally agree.

There is a world of difference between what Microsoft says it will do, and of course what ends up happening with COD when the deal is all signed and sealed, vowing to keep the franchise on Sony's consoles could mean a myriad of things, from just legacy content, to keeping the latest games there, but of course after a period of exclusivity on Xbox and P.C.... ;)
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I don't think you understand what anti-trust regulators actually do.
Get that box of crayons please, I think that's exactly what you should be playing with right now with those simplistic views.

the more you know
Ask yourself a question though, is this deal being looked at solely because the regulators are concerned by the deal, or that Sony have been against it and are complaining, very different distinctions I feel.
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It's about fucking time.
Microsoft has been trying to play nice guys with Sony while Sony hates Xbox and would want nothing better than for it to die.
I'm not knocking Sony for their stance. Playstation is Sony. It's all they have. They were late to the PC party, have no mobile presence. It's console or bust for Sony.
They are protecting that at all costs.
Microsoft on the other hand was talking shit like a rising tide lifts all boats, thinking Sony thought like them.
Microsoft are so worried about negative press. They dared making Tomb Raider a timed exclusive and the pro Sony media shit on them.
They were so timid they never went after a third party AAA game ever again. Meanwhile Sony was out their trying to get everything they could afford.
Microsoft sets up gamepass as a unique selling point.
Rather than Sony matching it they just change their contracts to say that publishers can put their games on GP unless they put it on PS+ as well.
Fucking Microsoft had to give Sony Deathloop on PS+ and will have to give them Ghostwire as well just to put it on Gamepass.
They then go to the FTC and CMA and bitch about Gamepass and how it will help Microsoft dominate the industry and they can't be allowed to put COD on it.
So Phil is 100% correct. Rather than Sony competing and putting their first party games on PS+ they strive to try and kill gamepass.
The good thing about all of this is that MS has finally woken the fuck up and worked out that Sony fucking hates them and is trying to screw them over at every pass.
And good on Sony for doing that, buisnes is buisness.
Now Microsoft says FU to Sony.
They could easily pull the rug out from under Sony's feet.
Take Minecraft off Playstation.
Minecraft and Fortnite are the pied piper of gaming.
The new generation of gamers (young kids getting their first gaming console) get one to play Minecraft and Fortnite (excusing Nintendo here).
Not having Minecraft on Playstation will absolutely hurt Sony in console sales. This would fuck them over and Sony deserve it.
Gloves off MS.
This shit is streetbeefs now.


Microsoft grabbed one of the biggest multiplayer games in PUBG for a 1-year time exclusive deal, which is bigger than any time exclusive deal Sony has made during the PS4 era. Microsoft has acquired Zenimax and didn't play nice by making Elder Scrolls and Starfield exclusive.

Now they're trying to acquire the biggest publisher out there by taking Call of Duty off PlayStation.

You guys are being delusional by thinking Microsoft has been playing nice.
All Microsoft have done is started to flex their financial muscles, it was never a case of if they would do this, more a case of when. But still not sure what some are suggesting on here, as Sony has been doing similar things ( admittedly on a smaller scale) for generations now, they have obviously done this over a longer period but still....... Are we honestly suggesting Microsoft are allowed to compete, but only by spending the same amounts as Sony and on their terms, makes no sense whatsoever, then try to pass it off as anti consumer and bad for the overall industry, when in effect it's only themselves as a company they are actually worried about.


Sick of this crap. Nintendo's success under pins everything he is trying to allege. Maybe, just maybe there is only room for 1 powerful system and 1 alternative like what Nintendo brings. The truth is 3rd place in this industry still seems profitable. I really don't care if the ABK deal goes through. Having the HD twins may have worked in the past, but Microsoft has really pushed gamepass and service gaming as its own blue ocean style strategy.

Phil, maybe it's time to admit, it's not working. Don't blame Sony for your own failures and releasing very few games. Don't blame Sony for your cheap ass console alternative. Don't blame Sony your delays.

Both sides play dirty, and both are greedy. Microsoft is basically calling Sony a bully, is pretty laughable. The same Sony who nearly a decade ago was selling assets to recover.
To be honest the fact Nintendo bowed out of the power core space years ago, is more proof that this was what Microsoft was planning all along. And Nintendo's success has nothing to do with this argument, as it's a totally different demographic for the most part.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
You don't comprehend well do you?
Tell me where I have ever said that Sony shouldn't be paying to get exclusive content? Infact you will see me saying they should be. They need to provide their customers with great exclusive content. They are no different than Netflix working to get new and exciting shows for their subscribers to watch that they can't get anywhere else.
I don't care if Sony money hats exclusives. I don't care if MS money hats exclusives.
I care about the pathetic, embarrassing hypocrisy from the market leader now complaining about exclusive games when that has been their whole strategy.
The fact that Sony and their rabid fanboys don't have the ability to realize just how retarded they are acting is on them.

Where did I accuse you of saying Sony shouldn't pay for exclusive content?

That's right, I never made that claim.

I'm specifically talking about how you're portraying Microsoft. Do I have to highlight it for you again?
Microsoft has been trying to play nice guys with Sony while Sony hates Xbox and would want nothing better than for it to die.
I'm not knocking Sony for their stance. Playstation is Sony. It's all they have. They were late to the PC party, have no mobile presence. It's console or bust for Sony.

They are protecting that at all costs.

Microsoft on the other hand was talking shit like a rising tide lifts all boats, thinking Sony thought like them.
Microsoft are so worried about negative press. They dared making Tomb Raider a timed exclusive and the pro Sony media shit on them.
They were so timid they never went after a third party AAA game ever again. Meanwhile Sony was out their trying to get everything they could afford.

You have a habit of making these absurd claims with no facts to back it up.

Just like you accuse Sony of keeping EA games off Sega consoles when it was SEGA themselves who did it.

You're here telling lies that MS was trying to play nice and that they were timid to go after triple A party titles again because they were afraid of the press. LOL. If that were the case, they would've never bought publishers and decided to make some of the biggest titles exclusive.
So lay off the lean that I am calling them out for doing it and saying MS didn't do it. They all do it. It's the whole buisness model for consoles since their fucking inception.

Stop. lol

Every time I brought up Microsoft's time-exclusive deals, you either ignored it or downplayed it, so don't try to change the narrative after getting called out.

The point is that Sony has gone harder than anyone to tie up quality third party content for PS owners (just like they should be) and that being the leading console seller gave them the advantage of getting to pay a dramatically lower price for the same game than MS would have been able to. It's one of the benefits of releasing a better console and selling more. For MS it's one of the downsides of releasing a shit console and not selling as many of them.
To sit there and say that Sony hasn't secured the better higher rated third party exclusives is pretty dumb.
However, don't then act like poor victims where MS take the Xbox brand seriously and invest in getting more first party content. That's the whole aim of the game.
The fact that Sony can't buy what Microsoft can is too bad. Microsoft doesn't have to only spend the same money Sony can spend. Just because Sony can afford to by ABK doesn't mean MS shouldn't.

As for the regulators, their job isn't to protect the market position of Sony. They arnt there to make sure that Sony stays number one. That's pretty fucking corrupt actually.

MS went harder than Sony during the 360 area and then they started to push even more at the end of the last generation until now.

Don't tell me they're both guilty of acquiring time-exclusive deals when you told everyone that they were too timid to go after triple A titles because of "negative press." THAT didn't happen.

You can try to downplay the titles Microsoft acquired as time-exclusive deals, but the fact is, PUBG is bigger than FF7:R and Street Fighter V. Even Ark II might even be bigger than Street Fighter V. The game had over 300k peak players in 2017 and you told me it was "dead in the water." LOL

One of the "upsides" of releasing games on a console that doesn't generate a lot of sales is having a low price to put the title on Game Pass.

Stick with the facts because you love making things up in your head and that's why most people don't take you seriously.
Get real, Phil. The only one making Xbox smaller is Microsoft. Release some damn exclusive games already, will ya!

/ Looks sadly at underused Xbox Series X…
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It's about fucking time.
Microsoft has been trying to play nice guys with Sony while Sony hates Xbox and would want nothing better than for it to die.
I'm not knocking Sony for their stance. Playstation is Sony. It's all they have. They were late to the PC party, have no mobile presence. It's console or bust for Sony.
They are protecting that at all costs.
Microsoft on the other hand was talking shit like a rising tide lifts all boats, thinking Sony thought like them.
Microsoft are so worried about negative press. They dared making Tomb Raider a timed exclusive and the pro Sony media shit on them.
They were so timid they never went after a third party AAA game ever again. Meanwhile Sony was out their trying to get everything they could afford.
Microsoft sets up gamepass as a unique selling point.
Rather than Sony matching it they just change their contracts to say that publishers can put their games on GP unless they put it on PS+ as well.
Fucking Microsoft had to give Sony Deathloop on PS+ and will have to give them Ghostwire as well just to put it on Gamepass.
They then go to the FTC and CMA and bitch about Gamepass and how it will help Microsoft dominate the industry and they can't be allowed to put COD on it.
So Phil is 100% correct. Rather than Sony competing and putting their first party games on PS+ they strive to try and kill gamepass.
The good thing about all of this is that MS has finally woken the fuck up and worked out that Sony fucking hates them and is trying to screw them over at every pass.
And good on Sony for doing that, buisnes is buisness.
Now Microsoft says FU to Sony.
They could easily pull the rug out from under Sony's feet.
Take Minecraft off Playstation.
Minecraft and Fortnite are the pied piper of gaming.
The new generation of gamers (young kids getting their first gaming console) get one to play Minecraft and Fortnite (excusing Nintendo here).
Not having Minecraft on Playstation will absolutely hurt Sony in console sales. This would fuck them over and Sony deserve it.
Gloves off MS.
This shit is streetbeefs now.
Laugh Reaction GIF by GIPHY News

All that was needed to be said in this thread:
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Kagey K

Get real, Phil. The only one making Xbox smaller is Microsoft. Release some damn exclusive games already, will ya!

/ Looks sadly at underused Xbox Series X…
If you look at games the same way you look at headlines, it's no doubt you really don't understand the industry.

The way they grow is by making Xbox smaller," Spencer said. "They have a very different view of the industry than we do. They don't ship their games day and date on PC, they don't put their games into subscription when they launch their games. They're starting to think about mobile as I see from the outside, just reading some of the moves they're doing."

Here's the full quote from the click bait.

Care to try again? Or does your previous statement stand?
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After 8 pages 9f bickering it's the sane shit as every other thread.

Fucking hilarious how all these horses have been beat to death, and people still deny it.

Neither side is budging and these petty arguments are dumb.
Shouldn’t be about sides or bickering, should just be people truthfully dissecting the factual evidence that we have through the submissions and reports. Sadly most people are getting their opinions through third parties and presenting it as fact, some are trying to read the source material but are misinterpreting it badly.

The truth is that the concerns the UK/EU and US all have are valid, this deal is much bigger than just CoD and Sony, and now it’s up to MS to offer solutions to get the deal done.

Anyone that’s posted in the past about CMA corruption conspiracy theories, the FTC lying, basically that none of these concerns hold any weight is a straight up moron/bad actor IMO.

Kagey K

Shouldn’t be about sides or bickering, should just be people truthfully dissecting the factual evidence that we have through the submissions and reports. Sadly most people are getting their opinions through third parties and presenting it as fact, some are trying to read the source material but are misinterpreting it badly.

The truth is that the concerns the UK/EU and US all have are valid, this deal is much bigger than just CoD and Sony, and now it’s up to MS to offer solutions to get the deal done.

Anyone that’s posted in the past about CMA corruption conspiracy theories, the FTC lying, basically that none of these concerns hold any weight is a straight up moron/bad actor IMO.
The sad thing is this isn't even about the deal, but every thread is about it now.

There is a legitimate discussion to be had about buying timed exclusives and choking competition out through marketshare and exclusivity, but now it's all mired by the potential Activision deal

So every thread becomes toxic, over a publisher and games most here claim to hate.
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Shouldn’t be about sides or bickering, should just be people truthfully dissecting the factual evidence that we have through the submissions and reports. Sadly most people are getting their opinions through third parties and presenting it as fact, some are trying to read the source material but are misinterpreting it badly.

The truth is that the concerns the UK/EU and US all have are valid, this deal is much bigger than just CoD and Sony, and now it’s up to MS to offer solutions to get the deal done.

Anyone that’s posted in the past about CMA corruption conspiracy theories, the FTC lying, basically that none of these concerns hold any weight is a straight up moron/bad actor IMO.

Concerns only shared with Sony and not with the rest of competitors in the game industry, curiously.

Generally, when you are such a big threat to the industry as some want to make you see, it is the entire industry by inertia that turns against you to defend its interests and not only your front competitor (which, ironically, is the only one who sees their interests affected by your "big threat").

Unless Sony is the entire industry in this case, of course.
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To be honest the fact Nintendo bowed out of the power core space years ago, is more proof that this was what Microsoft was planning all along. And Nintendo's success has nothing to do with this argument, as it's a totally different demographic for the most part.

I'm not sure the FTC or people who make these decisions or fight in court would see the difference, it's all video games. Nintendo is a great example of a company thrashed in the N64 and Gamecube era, only to find a way to expand the video game audience and new demographic. Without Call of duty, without EA, anyone really. A small game only company is dominating Microsoft, either Microsoft sucks or just doesn't understand the video game business. On the surface, difficult to single out Sony, when Nintendo is also cleaning Microsoft's clock and owns Japan. Next Phil will start attacking Mario and claiming Nintendo is trying to edge them out of the market.

Kagey K

Concerns only shared with Sony and not with the rest of competitors in the game industry, curiously.

Generally, when you are as big a threat to the industry as some want to make you see, it is the entire industry by inertia that turns against you to defend its interests and not only your front competitor (which, curiously, is the only one who sees their interests affected by your "big threat").

Unless Sony is the entire industry in this case, of course.
It's the same ppl say now MS is free to sign exclusivity deals, like we don't all remember.


Sony can sign whatever they want but if Xbox does, the entire community will turn.
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Can’t wait for Microsoft to manage Activision and Betheshda into the ground.
Basically this. Microsoft has a track record of running products to the ground. This is going to be a Nokia-level disaster. People should be more worried about what they’re going to do to these companies than the immediate take-over.

Kagey K

Basically this. Microsoft has a track record of running products to the ground. This is going to be a Nokia-level disaster. People should be more worried about what they’re going to do to these companies than the immediate take-over.
Even if you are right what does the community lose?

CoD which is split between movement and TTK?

If there's nothing really at risk why the big stink?


Concerns only shared with Sony and not with the rest of competitors in the game industry, curiously.

Generally, when you are as big a threat to the industry as some want to make you see, it is the entire industry by inertia that turns against you to defend its interests and not only your front competitor (which, curiously, is the only one who sees their interests affected by your "big threat").

Unless Sony is the entire industry in this case, of course.
You should read the reports yourself in order to to gain a thorough understanding of the concerns (y)


Laugh Reaction GIF by GIPHY News

All that was needed to be said in this thread:
If this were true, why are people getting so upset over all this, I mean if this takeover does not matter, as it's only COD and it's a rubbish cash grab franchise anyway, that the core gamers love to hate on.


The sad thing is this isn't even about the deal, but every thread is about it now.

There is a legitimate discussion to be had about buying timed exclusives and choking competition out through marketshare and exclusivity, but now it's all mired by the potential Activision deal

So every thread becomes toxic, over a publisher and games most here claim to hate.
Yeah, I’ve started to use my ignore list, never thought I would go that route but fanboys are ruining most discussions right now and it’s just exhausting to see all that noise. I’m glad that Diablo 4 didn’t end up as an exclusive at least, fanboys would’ve ruined all the talk there as well.

Kagey K

Yeah, I’ve started to use my ignore list, never thought I would go that route but fanboys are ruining most discussions right now and it’s just exhausting to see all that noise. I’m glad that Diablo 4 didn’t end up as an exclusive at least, fanboys would’ve ruined all the talk there as well.
It's frustrating. I admit I have my bias, and stick to it but some of the twisting and turning us getting to be too much.

I can admit when I'm wrong, but seeing others deflect and that's different over and over is driving me away from here.

You can't say Sony hasn't tried to choke MS out, just because MS made a big move.

All the years of celebrating Sony was because they were doing just that.

Now suddenly MS is the big bully, and poor Sony is helpless.

My son got picked on from grade 1-4 by this one kid and I kept encouraging him to ignore it and he would go away. Finally in grade 5 I said just fuck him up and take the punishment.

After he kicked his ass the kid stopped, and his life has been better. I should have encouraged him to fight vack in grade 1.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
The way they grow is by making Xbox smaller," Spencer said. "They have a very different view of the industry than we do. They don't ship their games day and date on PC, they don't put their games into subscription when they launch their games. They're starting to think about mobile as I see from the outside, just reading some of the moves they're doing."
Mix of half truths and platitudes with the background of another very high ranking MS exec saying “We gave peace a chance” which is cartoon comic villain territory and indication of the behind closed doors discussions and attitude.

“The way they grow is by making Xbox smaller” is still a valid headlines as the rest of the quote is not connected / not supporting it.
It starts from the angle of a poor $2 Trillion company who has been on a studio buying spree, tried with tons of timed exclusives, tried with PR bullying over things that they were completely happy to do when they managed to get ahead for a while (crossplay blocking), and change the concept of “they are not letting us grow from big to even bigger” into “they want to make us smaller”.

If you are already with that entitles attitude of the industry protector (from the evil FAANG companies and China), the benevolent dictator, then sure not receiving the red carpet rolled out in front of you when you want to keep buying the industry biggest publishers to content starve your competitor seems like cruel and disrespectful.

“Don’t they get it they are not following our business plan they are doing it wrong, they are hurting us and the industry!!!”. Yeah so what they have a different model, they historically tried to push their console HW instead of protecting Windows licenses/control, and titles ported to PC’s after launch allows their studios to focus on a single thing at a time (but then who is SIE to tell MS how to run their studios? They are so clearly well managed ;)… right?).

What I like about that argument is that again it glosses over Sony not being the one buying the biggest industry publishers to starve their competitors / grab the industry by the short and curly, but being MS. Trying to make the connection between “they do no let me grow bigger” and the “they hurt the industry” with a sub test “I AM the industry”.
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With no pressure from Sony I am sure, seriously you must be totally delusional if you feel Sony have not been putting a spanner in the works of all this, which I get because it's not good for their business, but let's no pretend it's anything else.

You best keep in line then if you fear Sony that much. Wouldn't want the government to come knocking on your door now would we?


It's frustrating. I admit I have my bias, and stick to it but some of the twisting and turning us getting to be too much.

I can admit when I'm wrong, but seeing others deflect and that's different over and over is dr8v8ng me away from here.
We all have preferences, for everything in life, but that’s not the problem. The problem arise when you feel like there are two big angry camps of fanboys dissecting everything you say to try place you in their fanboy folder and after that they refuse to listen to anything you say. You have to sugarcoat any negative thing you say. It’s tiresome. But it’s not like I’m getting anything out of that type of conversation anyway so ignore works well.


With no pressure from Sony I am sure, seriously you must be totally delusional if you feel Sony have not been putting a spanner in the works of all this, which I get because it's not good for their business, but let's no pretend it's anything else.
Define pressure? Do I believe Sony have provided evidence/submissions to the regulators because this deal will harm their company? Yes. That’s a perfectly normal thing to do. If you’d read the submissions you’d know that other third parties also contributed and get this, a lot of them disagreed with Microsoft’s submissions.


Define pressure? Do I believe Sony have provided evidence/submissions to the regulators because this deal will harm their company? Yes. That’s a perfectly normal thing to do. If you’d read the submissions you’d know that other third parties also contributed and get this, a lot of them disagreed with Microsoft’s submissions.
Like Phil says, only really one company have a major issue with the deal, despite numerous guarantees, not sure how you could read it any other way to be honest.
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