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Digital Foundry: Developers Having Difficult Time Scaling games back to PS4/Xbox One specs


He doesn't say which platform the devs were on, he just says to leave both those behind because they're both the same type of CPU. Like if I made a tweet talking about how partisan the Democrats were acting then said "it's time to leave behind the two party system" and you went A-HA, he has a problem with how Republicans are currently behaving, too!

Either way, the PR around Series X has been that the games will be cross-gen, that being cross-gen won't hold them back. The PR for PS5 has been about believing in generations and not being interested in making games work for PS4. It's beyond clear why people are assuming this is more about one platform than the other.

The tweet specifically mentions both Xbox and PS4. Both of them. Each one of the two systems. Equally.

The 'PR for PS5', exactly. They're will be cross-gen games on the PS4/PS5. The same issues will apply for those.


The hell? I said if the console maker isn't making exclusives for the console in the 1st few years why would 3rd party publishers jump out the window & make exclusives for the console?
And like I said, why wouldn’t they? Do third party devs just follow the first party devs? What exactly are you basing your concern on? Your point makes no sense.

Devs make games for new hardware as that’s the new hardware that will be sold for the next 5+ years. Why is this hard to understand?


So is he talking about developers working under Microsoft or something as some of the games announced at their show were xbox series x and pc only?

Also 3rd party developers don't have to make their games work on xbox one obviously as they have zero to do with Microsoft.

I'm confused.

Edit: this was wrote before the title change and the obvious one sided view of it.
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Having to support substantially weaker hardware means having to come up with multiple solutions to a lot of stuff, or
just reusing the old gen solution for the new gen game.
The point is that this thread was made to shit on Xbox and completely left out the part where what the tweet says is about the PS4 as well. Pointing out to people that are shitting on the Xbox and drawing conclusions about the series X that hey, the tweet is about the PS4 doing the same thing to the Ps5 isn’t “SonyToo”. It’s literally telling the people going off half cocked that the OP intentionally mislead them to fuel the fanboy wars.
Dude we've endured months of the idea that heldback is FUD, that being cross-gen is consumer-friendly, that everything can scale. Ask yourself honestly if you can deny which side is making these arguments you keep asking us to divorce everything from actual context including the context of the actual heads of Sony telling us they're on interested in making their games work on a PS4. So we get a tweet from someone that digital foundry seemingly confirming what we all were saying that cross gen holds games back, the developers don't actually want to develop for these old consoles and you're here to tell us it's very important that he said to leave behind the PS4 as well which is weird because Jim Ryan agrees with you and all the Sony fans on the forearm agree with that sentiment. What we've spent months dealing with is the pr of Microsoft and those who support their PR telling us that what they were doing was right that it was pro-consumer and they even started asking that people were banned for claiming games would be held back as some kind of weird retaliation for the bands of people who claim PS5 is a 9 teraflop machine. In a vacuum you have a point otherwise you do not.


So is he talking about developers working under Microsoft or something as some of the games announced at their show were xbox series x and pc only?

Also 3rd party developers don't have to make their games work on xbox one obviously as they have zero to do with Microsoft.

I'm confused.
Microsoft is possibly putting the screws onto 3rd party also, despite not being able to dictate to them. Could be threats of withholding prominence on the store, freezing out of gamepass, whatever.

The cross gen discussions in some form between platform holder and 3rd party would have taken place.


Microsoft is possibly putting the screws onto 3rd party also, despite not being able to dictate to them. Could be threats of withholding prominence on the store, freezing out of gamepass, whatever.

The cross gen discussions in some form between platform holder and 3rd party would have taken place.

Absolutely nonsense!

3rd party developers can do whatever they want.

Besides this clearly says ps4 and xbox one yet only a few non playstation fanatics can see that it says ps4.

Edit: this was wrote before the title change and the obvious one sided view of it.
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Unconfirmed Member
Between the cross gen BS and Microsoft forcing me to play multiplayer games against PC players they've lost my business for next gen. I'll just use my One X for exclusives and buy a PS5 on launch day.


I don't understand why the point of this thread? It's absolutely nonsense.

Is it supposed to be about halo infinite?

Is it supposed to be about jaguar cores on both the ps4 and the xbox one?

The evidence posted clearly says ps4 so why is only xbox one in the title?

Edit: this was wrote before the title change and the obvious one sided view of it.
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Gold Member
I don't understand why the point of this thread? It's absolutely nonsense.

Is it supposed to be about halo infinite?

Is it supposed to be about jaguar cores on both the ps4 and the xbox one?

The evidence posted clearly says ps4 so why is only xbox one in the title?

One company says they believe in generations and clean breaks whereas the other is saying nobody left behind and that being held back by old hardware is a meme.

I think what they meant to say was that being held back by old hardware creates memes.


It’s because MS are forcing it on their devs. For Sony there is no requirement.

The xbox show proved that what you wrote is nonsense.

How many games said xbox one/xbox series x/pc at the bottom?

We had threads saying that Microsoft were lying about support for the xbox one as the absolute majority of the games shown didn't say xbox one.

Edit: this was wrote before the title change and the obvious one sided view of it.
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Gold Member
The xbox show proved that what you wrote is nonsense.

How many games said xbox one/xbox series x/pc at the bottom?

We had threads saying that Microsoft were lying about support for the xbox one as the absolute majority of the games shown didn't say xbox one.
Microsoft isnt forcing anything. The agenda is beyond clear. Come on broskis! You guys are not even trying to hide it now. WTAF?

They weren’t lying. Those games that didn’t mention Xbox One clearly aren’t coming out for two years.

"As our content comes out over the next year, two years, all of our games, sort of like PC, will play up and down that family of devices," Booty explains. "We want to make sure that if someone invests in Xbox between now and [Series X] that they feel that they made a good investment and that we’re committed to them with content."



They weren’t lying. Those games that didn’t mention Xbox One clearly aren’t coming out for two years.

But again which Microsoft developer made games are you talking about? There aren't any other than halo infinite that I can remember.

Im sure there is some.

3rd party developers have no rules to say they can only release a game on xbox series consoles if they release on xbox one consoles.

3rd party games will surely make way more money if on the ps4 and xbox one as combined there are 150 million consoles.

150 million!!!


GAF's Pleasant Genius
According to Digital Foundry's John Linneman he has talked to multiple developers who have said no one wants to work on the under powered Jaguar CPU's any longer. Says it's a painful process. That was followed up by a post from Liza Shulyayeva who is a programmer and formally worked ad DICE who confirmed it is hard to scale to these older systems.

This also follows reports that Microsoft had cancelled the Xbox Series S or Lockhart early on because this was causing a lot of issues for developers. Source: https://www.thurrott.com/games/208837/microsoft-shifts-xbox-focus-to-anaconda-next-gen-console#

Could this be why we still haven't seen any games running on Xbox Series X?

Seems like I remember other rumors where devs were saying the S SDK was having a lot of problems.

Digital Foundry: Halo will ALWAYS be held back so long as Xbox One is tied to Xbox Series X.

Let’s see how many people still under appreciate how developing, testing, certifying, and supporting additional OS+HW configurations is not easy even if you had a scalable engine that could scale let alone when you target such a massive vast difference in capabilities... 🤷‍♂️.

Edit: DarkMage619 DarkMage619 oh you possibly were not able to read the quote let me paste it again :)...

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Well. Who is forcing them to port games to Xbox One? As far as I know, 3rd party devs doesn't have any obligation to port their games to old consoles. It's a publisher matter. So if that DICE dev wants to cry, there is a person to address her concern. EA Studios chief Laura Miele.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Have you even read what the tweet says? It literally says devs are having trouble scaling down to XB1/PS4.

You need to get some better comprehension skills. Your attempts to dismiss everything as “SonyToo” when the tweet literally talks about Sony is pathetic.
Your the only one dismissing it as "but Sony Too™ Pedro
There is no problems scaling from PS4 to PS5
THAT is what you'll see a lot of.
But Next Gen scaled to Last Gen is something MS is going for and Sony has said they ain't gonna do that as it will hold back the PS5.
Something people said was Anti-consumer
This strictly applys to MS's plans of having everything on Xbox Series X being available on Xbox One.
It not gonna be pretty
And is probably the reason why Sony said "We Can't Take Everyone with Us from Previous Gens"
Saying its not a problem because it not gonna happen anyway is not Pathetic.
Saying "but, but Sony Too™" to make yourself feel better about a piece of plastic is.
Go ahead, still ain't gonna change the the fact it's not happening.
Still wanna go the "Sony Too™ route?
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I'm pleased to see them acknowledge the fucking obvious after over a year of them, along with a load of other vocal Xbox stratergy apologist, continually dismissing such concerns regarding shacking next gen development to weaker hardware.

The entire reason generations keep existing is to allow games to not get mired in outdated older hardware. Without that baseline being raised, you adversely effect even PC development.

Much like Gamepass like subscription survices and streaming, mandating crossgen or creating a handicapped weaker 'next gen' system looks like a pro consumer move on the surface, but such an attempt to please 'everyone', catering to the worst, most short sighted impulses of the public, would only cause harm to the industry long term.
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Digital Foundry specifically says Halo is being held back by the Xbox One, it's in the OP

Is it? Look at Gears 5, which already runs at (dynamic) 4K60, and looks absolutely amazing while doing so, and then we have Halo on Series X, which arguably looks even worse than Halo 5 on One X, let alone Gears 5. It's clearly not the hardware that's the limiting factor here, but the software and people behind the game.

One engine can only fit so many devices... Imagine scaling your engine across 4 different Xboxes and 3 different PlayStations.

UE4 already does that, with great results. So I don't know, maybe 343 indeed should've stick to it instead of making Slipspace Engine from scratch, with terrible end result.
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It’s because MS are forcing it on their devs. For Sony there is no requirement.
Please provide a quote where MS is insisting that all games be developed for the XB1. Does this mean The Medium and Scorn will be dropped because they can't run on XB1? I just also find it pretty funny that the thread questioning the ease of development on PS5 was changed IMMEDIATELY when it was considered deceptive but this thread title has not changed despite the fact that BOTH PS4 and Xbox are mentioned. It's pretty interesting. Oh well I guess the narrative must persist.
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of course you can expect always same people to see it for the minority of software because of warring
you need to consider this with third party in mind.

it could hurt publisher plans. from the top of my head :

was there other infos on third party early next gen plan or change of it ?
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Wow, and I spent all this time arguing the exact opposite.


I wish more people are like you, at least you have a limited faith towards Phil and i admire that. I don't know maybe you will get back embracing Phil if he says something else but at least you know how to react when you figure out you've been fooled. Other fans have no shame. Instead of facing what they said they attack sony or give excuses to microsoft.

Sony's [mistakes or ''mistakes''] won't excuse xbox failure/lies. If someone love the gamepass service/value than fair enough but stop comparing playstation to xbox because that comparison is no longer valid.

Series X foundation was already weak from day 1. Now the foundation is shattered yet there are fans that still defending Phil even though every day we hear news that contradict their statements.
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Gold Member
Please provide a quote where MS is insisting that all games be developed for the XB1. Does this mean The Medium and Scorn will be dropped because they can't run on XB1? I just also find it pretty funny that the thread questing the ease of development on PS5 was changed IMMEDIATELY when it was considered deceptive but this thread title has not changed despite the fact that BOTH PS4 and Xbox are mentioned. It's pretty interesting. Oh well I guess the narrative must persist.

This mandate exists for their first party games does it not? It's literally in their PR :

You won’t be forced into the next generation.
We want every Xbox player to play all the new games from Xbox Game Studios. That’s why Xbox Game Studios titles we release in the next couple of years—like Halo Infinite—will be available and play great on Xbox Series X and Xbox One. We won’t force you to upgrade to Xbox Series X at launch to play Xbox exclusives.

The point of this thread is that if these struggles exist then why are they forcing this on anyone, even if it's just their first party studios?
This mandate exists for their first party games does it not? It's literally in their PR :

The point of this thread is that if these struggles exist then why are they forcing this on anyone, even if it's just their first party studios?
Ah so this has NOTHING to do with 3rd parties at all. The developer in this case MUST be MS themselves complaining about their own policy. Very odd. I'm thinking the POINT of this thread is to push another 'MS is in trouble' narrative. Don't know if you know this but Sony will also have cross platform games. I'm sure the thread attacking them is being written right now...
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This mandate exists for their first party games does it not? It's literally in their PR :

The point of this thread is that if these struggles exist then why are they forcing this on anyone, even if it's just their first party studios?
You’re assuming that there was a mandate to developers. I think it is simply that they knew what (limited number of) first party games are actually going to be released in the next couple of years and that they are planned to be cross gen games. Therefore they can say what they have. Rather than being the other way around and the reason for only cross gen games is that they said they must be.
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Gold Member
Not a single day without some bad news on the Xbox front. Being an xbox fan is like being an Atletico de Madrid fan, you have to endure the constant pain.

I'm not really into soccer, but is that Madrid team always been in the gutters? like since they started?


Gold Member
Ah so this has NOTHING to do with 3rd parties at all. The developer in this case MUST be MS themselves complaining about their own policy. Very odd. I'm thinking the POINT of this thread is to push another 'MS is in trouble' narrative.

Actually the point of this thread is to put paid to the "just scale it bro, it's just a few settings sliders" fallacy that has been created due to certain executives claiming being held back by old hardware is a "meme".

It was already apparent when we saw Halo Infinite and it's even more apparent when there are 3rd party developers weighing in saying that it's not simple.

The reason this thread is talking about the Xbox platform specifically is because nobody is being forced by Sony to still develop for the PS4 alongside the PS5 whereas unfortunately the same can't be said for Microsoft and the Xbox One.

Hopefully they see the light and drop the Xbox One versions of their first party games.
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..b..butt folks here said optimization is easy! just turn down or up the magic slider! X1 wont hold back games!

Directx12 Ultimate gonna make the wonder! They said developers been optimizing for pc for years so it should not be much different!

there also people said there no games that xbox one cant run, no games and features that the Jaguar cpu cant handle, just turn up or down the graphic and resolution sliders like in pc! its that simple!
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Microsoft is possibly putting the screws onto 3rd party also, despite not being able to dictate to them. Could be threats of withholding prominence on the store, freezing out of gamepass, whatever.

The cross gen discussions in some form between platform holder and 3rd party would have taken place.

Imma need receipts on this.


Gold Member
Please provide a quote where MS is insisting that all games be developed for the XB1. Does this mean The Medium and Scorn will be dropped because they can't run on XB1? I just also find it pretty funny that the thread questioning the ease of development on PS5 was changed IMMEDIATELY when it was considered deceptive but this thread title has not changed despite the fact that BOTH PS4 and Xbox are mentioned. It's pretty interesting. Oh well I guess the narrative must persist.

Quote was provided above.

But again which Microsoft developer made games are you talking about? There aren't any other than halo infinite that I can remember.

Im sure there is some.

3rd party developers have no rules to say they can only release a game on xbox series consoles if they release on xbox one consoles.

3rd party games will surely make way more money if on the ps4 and xbox one as combined there are 150 million consoles.

150 million!!!

We don’t know yet which are affected, we’ll have to wait and see.


Gold Member
You’re assuming that there was a mandate to developers. I think it is simply that they knew what (limited number of) first party games are actually going to be released in the next couple of years and that they are planned to be cross gen games. Therefore they can say what they have. Rather than being the other way around and the reason for only cross gen games is that they said they must be.

I'd actually like for that to be the case and for it to just be a bunch of external PR fluff.

Because if not RIP to the devs who have to try and get flight sim 2020 running on the base Xbox One.


Junior Member
I'm not really into soccer, but is that Madrid team always been in the gutters? like since they started?
Not always.. but in the last couple of decades they had plenty of bad luck, while the Real Madrid got all the glory (sometimes undeservedly). So Playstation would be the Real Madrid and the Xbox the Atlético de Madrid. You will have to learn to suffer. :)
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