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'We believe in generations:' PlayStation argues cross-gen games risk stifling innovation

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Halo Infinite(cross gen) is proof of this if it actually ends up looking better than any of the games shown at the sony event, including 1st party. I have a suspicion that it will.

But we've already seen Halo Infinite? Twice.

There aren't clear answers as to what was running what of each trailer, but both were cinematics made with the game engine. And both clips are a year old, so things have probably changed, but that's the engine at least.

Halo is going to look great, but everybody pinning their hopes that some future show is on the horizon which will display "the true next-gen power" of either Xbox Series X or PS5, how about we start living in the now for now...


Cross gen...
Next Gen...

To be fair, Halo Infinite hasn't shown it's 2020 build, and it might be significantly better again. That said, the idea that MS would have shown Halo Infinite in either 2018 or especially 2019 using Xbox One X-spec footage (it would have been PC/devkit with either example) when the next-gen was being talked about, that doesn't make much sense.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Nonsense. Most of the games shown at the sony event could have been mistaken for cross gen games.

Halo Infinite(cross gen) is proof of this if it actually ends up looking better than any of the games shown at the sony event, including 1st party. I have a suspicion that it will.


Next gen Foliage:

Cross gen wild life:

Next Gen Wild life:

Cross gen Character models:

Next gen character models:


Horizon 2 probably will when it comes out a long with Playgrounds new Fable. That's a comparisons i can't wait to see. Both studios highly talented making similar open world rpgs

I disagree from a graphical perspective and from an impact perspective. Both will be old games by the time Halo Infinite launches. Halo Infinite has been in development with the XSX specs in mind for a long time.

I have no doubt will be beautiful, but 343i is not a top dev.

And you're kind of changing the goal post now. Its not MS PR. Its simply being more consumer friendly and it disproves what sony has been stating. Most, if not all the games shown at the sony event could have been mistaken for cross gen, or at the least, downscaled to run on PS4

oh no, I really believe it is MS PR. They need their community to believe it so they have time to convince people to stay on their ecosystem paying GP.

2 different approaches for 2 different situations. Sony offers the standard traditional next generation a.k.a their wining formula and since they worked hard on previous playstations people don't see it as a bad thing cause every playstation console had a great lineup. It's a clear message with a worldwide reach. MS just can't do the same cause they are focused on selling gamepass, not hardware.
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Generations are purely marketing poppycock. Just another excuse into forcing your hand into buying new hardware. Sony is a lot like Apple in that sense, so of course they dislike MS rocking the boat too hard.


If MS could sell hardware as well as PlayStation, they would be saying something very different.

PS4 has loads of games, they are still coming out.... you could play there for years. Now PlayStation want to make a new console that plays new games that do different things. They are not stopping you from playing anything, you buy a PS5 the same way you bought a PS3 or a 360....

I mean... why didn't Spencer cry like this when the Switch launched?
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This is effectively nothing but a marketing angle for Sony, same as MS's approach. But Sony's statements here can be broken down easily by the following:

1): Many 3rd-party games are generally cross-gen for the first year or two. So whether Sony realizes it or not, this is a stealth insult to their 3rd-party partners. Probably not a good thing to do.

2): The first year or two of any new system launch generally doesn't have paradigm-shifting game design choices that absolutely require the next-generation hardware. Indeed it took until late '96 or such for the PS1 to start seeing those kind of games such as Tomb Raider and Resident Evil, and you can see that pattern repeated with virtually every other PlayStation console and portable device.

The only two systems I can think of that had legitimately "next-gen" games at launch that offered paradigm shifts were Nintendo 64 and (arguably) the Wii. Ironically, both of those are Nintendo platforms.

3): If we were to believe such design paradigm shifts were present with Sony's launch or launch-period games, we'd have already seen that or gotten glimpses of it. GT7 has no major game design shifts that are "next-gen" other than going back to the classic GT formula in ways most fans actually want. Horizon: Forbidden West similarly, doesn't seem to provide any design paradigm shifts that seem to absolutely require next-gen. I can even extend that to Ratchet & Clank, really, at least from what we've seen so far.

And then with Astro Boy's PlayRoom we saw demoed today with the DualSense controller; that game actually looks really fun, but the controller features came off as a gimmick and some of those we've already seen done over a decade prior on the Wii in games like Super Mario Galaxy. Tested, proven gameplay gimmicks but nothing essential to the experience whatsoever.

Basically, what Sony are saying here is nothing more than a PR statement. It doesn't take away from the energy of what they've shown so far and all of their 1st party looks pretty good to me on PS5, but there's nothing being shown there right now that screams a next-generation paradigm shift in design. Also oddly enough while some people do bring up the SSD in this regard, all of their examples basically fall back to prettier graphics.

I'm not saying that's what I personally think of the SSDs; they will offer great advantages for game design next gen without a doubt. But one of the best explanations of that actually comes from the DiRT 5 developer who was discussing parts of XvA, using mid-frame texture replacements to model car model damage in a more sophisticated manner. And yeah that kind of also falls into the "prettier graphics" talk too, but at least I can see it's implications in relation to game design that is based on a heightened sense of collision detection, for example.

Theres a difference having back compat patches for games on new hardware than developing a game from the ground up on hardware thats 7 years old thats supposed to be for next gen

edit sorry tagged wrong person

This is misinterpretation and/or misinformation. MS already clarified games like Halo Infinite are being designed with Series X as the baseline, and downporting to XBO.

We just don't know if that's being done by the main team or a secondary team, or outsourced to a third party. Additionally, whether that's being done simultaneously or the downport is being staggered out (meaning it could release later).
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you post a lot of big walls of text and I'm guessing people are too intimidated by it to call out the stuff you say that isn't true. at the start of last gen there were games that couldn't be cross-gen and weren't cross-gen on both the PS4 and Xbox one games like Dead rising 3 which where are populating the screen with more zombies than the previous gen could handle and games like killzone shadow Fall which still look better than the majority of games released today.

REE Machine

If MS could sell hardware as well as PlayStation, they would be saying something very different.

PS4 has loads of games, they are still coming out.... you could play there for years. Now PlayStation want to make a new console that plays new games that do different things. They are not stopping you from playing anything, you buy a PS5 the same way you bought a PS3 or a 360....

I mean... why didn't Spencer cry like this when the Switch launched?
They dont see switch as competition, funny how also phil says they dont wsnt to be competitive with sony, he has said this multiple times btw but every interview or move they have made for the Series X seems to try to take a foothold against them, funny isnt it lol
you post a lot of big walls of text and I'm guessing people are too intimidated by it to call out the stuff you say that isn't true. at the start of last gen there were games that couldn't be cross-gen and weren't cross-gen on both the PS4 and Xbox one games like Dead rising 3 which where are populating the screen with more zombies than the previous gen could handle and games like killzone shadow Fall which still look better than the majority of games released today.

Is that directed at me? :nougat_rofl:

You bring up games like Dead Rising 3 which were technically impressive, but didn't have much in terms of game design that was too different from what we were seeing at the tail end of PS360. That's fact. In the case of titles like, again, Dead Rising 3, those were also partnered 3rd-party exclusives which leveraged the relationship between dev and platform holder more.

By and large though launch periods and the first year or so are generally filled with prettier versions of last gen games that have small refinements in certain aspects of gameplay here and there. Nothing revolutionary that'd be impossible on prior-gen hardware though in terms of gameplay features and design (or only needing very modest changes/modifications for such on the prior hardware).

REE Machine

This is effectively nothing but a marketing angle for Sony, same as MS's approach. But Sony's statements here can be broken down easily by the following:

1): Many 3rd-party games are generally cross-gen for the first year or two. So whether Sony realizes it or not, this is a stealth insult to their 3rd-party partners. Probably not a good thing to do.

2): The first year or two of any new system launch generally doesn't have paradigm-shifting game design choices that absolutely require the next-generation hardware. Indeed it took until late '96 or such for the PS1 to start seeing those kind of games such as Tomb Raider and Resident Evil, and you can see that pattern repeated with virtually every other PlayStation console and portable device.

The only two systems I can think of that had legitimately "next-gen" games at launch that offered paradigm shifts were Nintendo 64 and (arguably) the Wii. Ironically, both of those are Nintendo platforms.

3): If we were to believe such design paradigm shifts were present with Sony's launch or launch-period games, we'd have already seen that or gotten glimpses of it. GT7 has no major game design shifts that are "next-gen" other than going back to the classic GT formula in ways most fans actually want. Horizon: Forbidden West similarly, doesn't seem to provide any design paradigm shifts that seem to absolutely require next-gen. I can even extend that to Ratchet & Clank, really, at least from what we've seen so far.

And then with Astro Boy's PlayRoom we saw demoed today with the DualSense controller; that game actually looks really fun, but the controller features came off as a gimmick and some of those we've already seen done over a decade prior on the Wii in games like Super Mario Galaxy. Tested, proven gameplay gimmicks but nothing essential to the experience whatsoever.

Basically, what Sony are saying here is nothing more than a PR statement. It doesn't take away from the energy of what they've shown so far and all of their 1st party looks pretty good to me on PS5, but there's nothing being shown there right now that screams a next-generation paradigm shift in design. Also oddly enough while some people do bring up the SSD in this regard, all of their examples basically fall back to prettier graphics.

I'm not saying that's what I personally think of the SSDs; they will offer great advantages for game design next gen without a doubt. But one of the best explanations of that actually comes from the DiRT 5 developer who was discussing parts of XvA, using mid-frame texture replacements to model car model damage in a more sophisticated manner. And yeah that kind of also falls into the "prettier graphics" talk too, but at least I can see it's implications in relation to game design that is based on a heightened sense of collision detection, for example.

This is misinterpretation and/or misinformation. MS already clarified games like Halo Infinite are being designed with Series X as the baseline, and downporting to XBO.

We just don't know if that's being done by the main team or a secondary team, or outsourced to a third party. Additionally, whether that's being done simultaneously or the downport is being staggered out (meaning it could release later).
It doesnt matter if they downport problem is downscaling a game could lead to complication. This was a game first designed for the One now they booted it to the Series X, because of that im left wondering which side the compromise is coming from if not both. PC has minimum specs consoles dont. We are talking about the xbox one here, the one that couldnt run scalebound properly or even play dead framerate 3, and we expect them to downscale the X version to somewhat be playable on a console that already struggled to play launch games and we are expecting it to play next gen version? How did shadow of mordor do when scaled down other than the fact that: the performance was trash, the resolution was garbage, and the main feature of the game the nemesis system was gimped beyond recognition compared to the new gen versions. And we expect the one version to run ok? May as well use all your time and money focusing on the Series X version because god knows 343 needs to hit this one out of the park because the Halo franchise under them has not went well.



Next gen Foliage:

Cross gen wild life:

Next Gen Wild life:

Cross gen Character models:

Next gen character models:

You know as well as I do that compressed animated gifs are far from an accurate representation of visual fidelity. The idea of Microsoft ensuring that Series X is the superior machine performance wise, only to deliver 'weaker' games than PS5 doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Especially not from a business standpoint. This whole argument feels disingenuous, whether that's your intention or not.


The first year or two of any new system launch generally doesn't have paradigm-shifting game design choices that absolutely require the next-generation hardware. Indeed it took until late '96 or such for the PS1 to start seeing those kind of games such as Tomb Raider and Resident Evil, and you can see that pattern repeated with virtually every other PlayStation console and portable device.

I don't know, you said this in another thread, I think you're discounting too easily what new hardware has historically brought even on launch day. What your and my arbitrary line of a "paradigm-shifting game", but there's always something "new" about next-gen titles from the get-go. There's a magnitude of scope, a level of effects, and a slew of rendering techniques that are easy to take for granted when you're expecting miracles and getting only a slice of the future (especially when you have PC games kind of evening out the transition, also consoles in the middle like Dreamcast,) but when you look back, the transition is clear. And especially once you leave launch and start getting those March and Summer titles that they let cook a little longer, the difference widens out; by the time you get to that first Christmas after launch, past-gen looks like a distant and ill-remembered memory.

Often developers play with things in those early days and try out tech that is neat but not really practical going forward. Even something like Fantavision, that was a particle tech-demo made into gameplay, and you could make a fireworks game if you needed to with PlayStation, but that kind of particle system was made possible because of the new hardware.

I mean, just taking the PlayStation as an easy-to-track generation, look at these games, then look at the games from generations before at even their best, and it's pretty clear that current-gen was past-gen the day the new console arrived.

PS1: Ridge Racer, Wipeout, Air Combat, Toshinden

PS2: Tekken Tag, Dynasty Warriors, Kessen, Dark Cloud, AquaAqua, SSX, Smuggler's Run, TimeSplitters, UT

PS3: R6 Vegas, Oblivion, Untold Legends, Blast Factor (not revolutionary in and of itself, but you couldn't download games with PS2, and now you can)

PS4: Knack, Killzone Shadow Fall ... not much at launch.

PS5: nothing confirmed, R&C Rift Apart is perhaps only game so far that's "not possible" in a real capacity on PS4

And also, perhaps the gameplay always takes a while to really harness the new consoles, but graphics are a huge part of games, and graphics always step up immediately. Once you transition over, it's always difficult to look back and find the past-gen acceptible any longer. Jaded gamers like to LOL when new consoles came out and had a lot of familiar names and playstyles on the new boxes, but even though CoD or Madden are still mostly "the same game" in the transition, the difference to somebody looking backwards is enough to never look back again.

(Replaced the video, at nush's request. Unfortunately comparison videos of either FIFA or PES over the years tend to also have a lot of talk, but this one goes all the way back and shows lots of goals.)
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Is that directed at me? :nougat_rofl:

You bring up games like Dead Rising 3 which were technically impressive, but didn't have much in terms of game design that was too different from what we were seeing at the tail end of PS360. That's fact. In the case of titles like, again, Dead Rising 3, those were also partnered 3rd-party exclusives which leveraged the relationship between dev and platform holder more.

By and large though launch periods and the first year or so are generally filled with prettier versions of last gen games that have small refinements in certain aspects of gameplay here and there. Nothing revolutionary that'd be impossible on prior-gen hardware though in terms of gameplay features and design (or only needing very modest changes/modifications for such on the prior hardware).

Then why wasn't it a cross-gen game?


Agent X

Gold Member
There's going to be cross-platform games from all the big name developers for YEARS. They're not going to give up on that install base. I wonder what these fanboys will say when its holiday 2021 and they're still releasing cross-gen PS4/PS5 games. Probably bring up the lazy dev rhetoric again.

I addressed this a few days ago in this post in another thread. It's worth repeating again:

When a generational leap includes comprehensive backward compatibility with one or more previous generations (e.g. Atari 7800, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation 2, Wii), then game developers generally follow these simple rules:

  • If the game is capable of being produced for the old system, while completely fulfilling the developer's creative vision, then go ahead and make it for the old system (because the new system can also play that game through backward compatibility).
  • If the game is not capable of working on the old system without significant cuts to performance and/or content, then make it for the new system only (because the old system isn't suited for it).

That's not so difficult, is it?

So, yeah, I expect that there will still be games made for PS4 a year from now...two years for now...probably even three or more years from now. Face it: PS4 is a hugely successful system and it's not going away anytime soon.

At the same time, there are developers (first-party and third-party) that want to push the envelope, do things that aren't feasible on hardware from 2013. The new system offers new abilities, and those developers want to utilize them in new and exciting ways.

There's a reason why Sony named the system "PlayStation 5", and not "PlayStation 4 Pro Pro".

that's MS PR you are buying. I mean you are free to believe, but this is just won't work on anyone with a ps4, especially this year with so many great exclusives to serve as transition to the next gen. People were happy with ps4 and now are interested in ps5. PS4 will still be in the market after ps5, it's not like it will stop to get games and even if big first party won't come to the platform anymore it has enough games that MS can't offer better in the next years with cross gen for xbox one.

It is really easy to understand...what you didn't offer in 6 years you just can't cover in a pair of years. The ship has sailed ages ago. Next gen is arriving.


Also, despite the "concern" expressed by a few members here, there's no indication that first-party is totally abandoning the PS4. While it's clear that nearly all of Sony's top studios are fully focused on PS5, I expect that some of their teams will still produce PS4 content, judging by their track record with long-term support for previous systems. You'll almost certainly get MLB The Show on PS4 for a few more years, as well as some smaller games and downloadable games. Some will be produced directly by first-party teams, while others will be external developments that are funded by Sony. This is the trend that Sony followed with the last three generational shifts, and I see no evidence that it's any different now.
Why did this need to be said? Isn't Sony doing the exact same thing they do every console cycle? MS and Sony are doing things their own way but I would be interested to see if 3rd party multiplatform titles perform best on PS5 since it's the only one claiming a clear generational break. Higher framerate or resolution or both should show technical dominance. Think X1X vs PS4 Pro.
Microsoft has gone crazy. Exclusives and, more importantly, generation exclusives drive sales. This isn't going to help them like they think. I can't see anyone on the fence being swayed by Microsofts argument.


Also, despite the "concern" expressed by a few members here, there's no indication that first-party is totally abandoning the PS4. While it's clear that nearly all of Sony's top studios are fully focused on PS5, I expect that some of their teams will still produce PS4 content, judging by their track record with long-term support for previous systems. You'll almost certainly get MLB The Show on PS4 for a few more years, as well as some smaller games and downloadable games. Some will be produced directly by first-party teams, while others will be external developments that are funded by Sony.

Hmm, I don't think I'd put too much faith into Sony trying much more with its old console this generation. Once PS4 was out, Sony was pretty well done with PS3 except for an occasional SingStar or MLB The Show. They put some cross-platform games out that next year (LBP3, Entwined, Resogun, Hohokum,) but even those mid-scale games they used to put out have kind of dried up. (Perhaps SackBoy could have been cross-platform and kept up the transition tradition...) They may support existing products with DLC, and maybe some of their indie and external productions or perhaps online-oriented or VR products (stuff like Predator or ReadySet Heroes) will continue to appear where they can support the old market, but I think Sony is content with Indies having their way with the past-gen console, same way they let Indies and 3rd Party keep PS Vita afloat when they moved away from supporting that platform.

Why did this need to be said? Isn't Sony doing the exact same thing they do every console cycle? MS and Sony are doing things their own way but I would be interested to see if 3rd party multiplatform titles perform best on PS5 since it's the only one claiming a clear generational break.

No, they're both saying that this is a clear generational break. It's just that Sony is saying it won't compromise its next-gen vision and will focus all of its energies on the next-generation technology and market, whereas Microsoft believes there's no compromise now thanks to the power of scaling and engine flexibility and so it can rig its games work well enough to please both camps for a year or two.
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REE Machine

Is that directed at me? :nougat_rofl:

You bring up games like Dead Rising 3 which were technically impressive, but didn't have much in terms of game design that was too different from what we were seeing at the tail end of PS360. That's fact. In the case of titles like, again, Dead Rising 3, those were also partnered 3rd-party exclusives which leveraged the relationship between dev and platform holder more.

By and large though launch periods and the first year or so are generally filled with prettier versions of last gen games that have small refinements in certain aspects of gameplay here and there. Nothing revolutionary that'd be impossible on prior-gen hardware though in terms of gameplay features and design (or only needing very modest changes/modifications for such on the prior hardware).
There was nothinf technically impressive about dead framerate 3 other than the fact that previous dead risings were better, ran better, and we talking about a launch system handling the game poorly, and you think the xone can handle a scaled down series x game...?


Sounds good. Lowest common denominator is a limiting factor, scaling via resolution and few gfx features at most is not really worth it IMHO. Having said that they will loose sales for releasing games on next gen console only.


Gold Member
So you think games built from the ground up on PS5 look cross gen, but a cross gen game that initially started dev on the base xbox one will look better? Do you not see how flawed this logic is?

Especially a game that has to run at 60 fps. By common sense logic, a 30 fps NEXT gen game will look better than a 60 fps next gen game. So how can a last gen 60 fps game look better than a NEXT gen 30 fps game?

The combined bitterness and saltiness of the last 7 years affected him too much, logic got thrown out the window :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:


voted poster of the decade by bots
Oh, is that why they included backword compatibility with the ps5? Serious contradiction.

Also barely updated the controller, and let's be honest, this "next gen" of graphics is clearly not the leap of the past generation terms of end level fidelity, especially with the ps4 pro and xbox one x in the picture.

Sony fanboys will drool all over this post and then say "look ps5 games are 30% better looking!" all due to it being true generation leap vs the series x, even if it's a 3% difference. (the outcome we already know to be true based on the architecture/raw power of both systems)


Likes moldy games
Meanwhile i struggle to think of games with gameplay that there couldn't be a version of on last gen, I'm not saying there aren't any but not of the top of my head.

REE Machine

Oh, is that why they included backword compatibility with the ps5? Serious contradiction.

Also barely updated the controller, and let's be honest, this "next gen" of graphics is clearly not the leap of the past generation terms of end level fidelity, especially with the ps4 pro and xbox one x in the picture.

Sony fanboys will drool all over this post and then say "look ps5 games are 30% better looking!" all due to it being true generation leap vs the series x, even if it's a 3% difference. (the outcome we already know to be true based on the architecture/raw power of both systems)
Backwards compat is diff than developing games for a superior console and then having them try to play on a console thats 7 years old that already struggled with basic games out the gate.
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REE Machine

Really? bit of a dick thing to say..... If anyone it was Don Mattrick
Don Mattricks message was atleast clear and straight forward from the start "tv, tv, tv and buy a 360"
"Buy our new hardware, wait you dont have to, all games for the next 1 year will scale back, wait now 2 years oh wait maybe a few years, but now we dont need exclusives, bob doleeee"
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voted poster of the decade by bots
"Report me for SonyGAF. SonyBots, fanboys > 04/27"
Read your own tag there, buddy.

I'm curious to know what people's takes are on Scorn & Medium. Both are XSX exclusives, both have the devs saying the games can't run on last gen because it would hinder them. ...Are the devs lying?

I think its ok to use the word fanboy, where they seem to get touchy is if you say the whole forum is one way or another.

I dont know, maybe not, what words should I use there? "Die hard sony fan"? Or "blinded by the logo" or something else?
There must be some acceptable terms on here for the fans who can't see past the brand they own.

The reality is there are 3 types of people on this forum, those who see blue, those who see green, and those who see two powerful consoles that both have great hardware and games. I personally couldn't live without owning both, too many fantastic games on both sides to miss. To say nothing of nintendo, who also has some amazing products that shouldn't be missed.
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Welp, Halo Infinite (cross gen) will finally be unveiled in about 5 days. What will be the excuse if it ends up looking better than any game shown at the sony event?
Don't worry, it could look better than reality and the usual people here would tell you why it looks like shit and that you can clearly see how the One S holds the XSX back.


Especially a game that has to run at 60 fps. By common sense logic, a 30 fps NEXT gen game will look better than a 60 fps next gen game. So how can a last gen 60 fps game look better than a NEXT gen 30 fps game?

And Hollywood CGI at 24FPS shits all over on consoles and PC, so what's you point? Graphics don't make games good, far from it, I think past 20 years proved that way more enough, especially recent games like TO1886 and Ryse? Unless all you care is console wars on forums and need screens/gifs as an "argument", the yeah, the 30FPS console might be better for the task.

Deleted member 775630

Unconfirmed Member
Very much stifling, we've seen that with the new Spiderman game...


Welp, Halo Infinite (cross gen) will finally be unveiled in about 5 days. What will be the excuse if it ends up looking better than any game shown at the sony event?

Also, nothing at the sony event wowed me. Most of them looked like cross gen games that could easily run on a PS4 with downscaling of effects,loading etc.
What if it looks like a XBO game with some added bells and whistles and higher framerate?

As good as TLOU2 looks, which is arguably the best looking console game, it clearly shows it's time for a new gen.
A PS5 update wouldn't change the fact that it’s game design is limited by PS4 hardware.
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You know as well as I do that compressed animated gifs are far from an accurate representation of visual fidelity. The idea of Microsoft ensuring that Series X is the superior machine performance wise, only to deliver 'weaker' games than PS5 doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Especially not from a business standpoint. This whole argument feels disingenuous, whether that's your intention or not.
Also, the gifs he used for HFW are recorded and played as 60fps while the one from Halo is 39. That is misleading.
If MS could sell hardware as well as PlayStation, they would be saying something very different.

PS4 has loads of games, they are still coming out.... you could play there for years. Now PlayStation want to make a new console that plays new games that do different things. They are not stopping you from playing anything, you buy a PS5 the same way you bought a PS3 or a 360....

I mean... why didn't Spencer cry like this when the Switch launched?

People are also forgetting all your PS4 games will work on ps5. Just Sony now wants their first party studies to release their games on ps5.

It’s ok Phil saying all their FP games will be cross gen for years, when they’ve been barely releasing any for the last 7.
How many halos did last gen get? How many did this gen get not including MCC.
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Cross gen games have been a thing since like forever, I don't know why people acts like if it's something new, are you new on the gaming community?


Its a brave man who will ban cross gen third party games on his system...

he is not a brave man.

This is just marketing fluff.


Unconfirmed Member
Sounds cool.

As long as I can bring my digital library forward with me to the next gen (y)


Gold Member
Don't worry, it could look better than reality and the usual people here would tell you why it looks like shit and that you can clearly see how the One S holds the XSX back.
Or it could not look as good and the usual will pretend it looks better than anything Sony showed. Want someone to explain to me, why a cross gen game will somehow magically look better than a game built from the ground up on nextgen consoles.
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