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Vox: Game of Thrones will disappoint us in the end

What if the next season is just people sitting on thrones playing chess. Except all of the pieces have been replaced with thrones.


I'm hoping for a twist ending.
The snow melts and holy shit, the Statue of Liberty.

Jon Snow just standing in the middle like

This season was a masterpiece compared to 5. Not sure why people hated it.

Not season's a tossup, hopefully George outlined some good twists, and the writers haven't butterfly'd themselves hard enough to where they can't use them.


The vast majority of people loved the season like they have loved most, even more, I'd say. Lots of epic moments, every Dracarys made everyone go crazy.

Vox are writing this piece as if the majority cares about complaining about the bad writing which is not the case.


I still enjoy the show. I stopped reading about it online during season 5 and it really has been a much better experience since then.

Yes the writing is not as good as it was when they still had books to pull from and they are on fast forward since season 6. But honestly, after watching it for 6 years now (I started shortly before S2 aired) I'm glad when it's done. I really wouldn't want them to draw all this stuff out for another 3 seasons. I can only imagine how the show runners must feel being stuck with this for probably 9-10 years now. Of course they want it to be over with.

Even though as a fan of any show it's hard to see/accept, but I think 5-6 seasons is generally a good time to end shows. I can't think of many shows right now that did stay good after it crossed that line.


I really enjoyed season 7. Only episode 2 felt like it didn't go anywhere.

Season 6 is prob my least favorite so far, but I still think it's pretty damn good (better than luke cage and iron fist, for example)

So i'm pretty on board for season 8.


Season 7 needed 4 more episodes and season 8 will probably need 6 more. Idk why HBO is shortening seasons. The season desperately needed more talking and character development. That can't be too expensive.
Yo everyone is too cool for got now... That stuff is now garbage, etc.

But of course it will Dissapoint because fantasy and sci-fi almost always does at the end

Other than Naruto and Babylon 5
I'm sure this post has been quoted a ton already, and maybe it was sarcastic, but...Naruto not a disappointment? Naruto's ending has to be one of the most disappointing anime/manga finales ever.


Also season 7 and the finale in general can be disappointing and still good. GOT is a victim of its own raising of the bar. People expect amazing so they get disappointed with just good.


Terrible excuse by vox. Acting as if the ending was always going to be disappointing is such bullshit. It's started to become obvious that's Therese when th show left Martin's material and started doing it's own thing with some combination of rushing it or just being tired of continuing on which has resulted in poor writing both in terms of plot structure and character development. It's entertaining enough but it would have been much stronger had the spectacle had the political drama and writing of the first few seasons to match it.
If even 3 of the 6 episodes have the production values of Season 7 Episode 4, most casual viewers are going to be very satisfied.


the Dragon going down to me was a major character death in that battle was it for anybody else?

For me yes, as was Sam's dad, and Benjen Stark and Lady Olenna and Thoros. The least of those deaths was Sam's dad but it was satisfying because I hated him. But "plot armor" is really a moving target. I think the bar for plot armor is adjusted for GoT. Those were some beloved and great characters, many around since season 1 or 2, and they die and people are like "meh", Jon didn't die so...

The bar is just so insanely high.


Who cares? Season 5 was horrible, 6 was good and 7 I am not sure yet.
Even The Sopranos had a disappointing ending for many people. Duh, GOT is going to disappoint viewers witht the ending :lol: haha


I want Cersei dead, they deliver that it won't be a disappointment.

I think that people will want a subversive ending that they won't get, so there may be disappointment on that front. After seasons of "Team Good Guys" gettings screwed over, we're starting to see some long deserved wins, and some people feel that is somehow predictable.

Jon will be the prince who was promised, just as his arc has been pointing to for 2 years. There won't be a big red herring on that in 6 remaining episodes. He might not live through the final battle with the Night King, but he will succeed in beating the army of the dead. The show isn't going to end with the dead winning.

I am undecided on what happens to Dany. I am still convinced that Jaime kills Cersei in the end when he finally accepts that she is a mad queen.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Who cares? Season 5 was horrible, 6 was good and 7 I am not sure yet.
Even The Sopranos had a disappointing ending for many people. Duh, GOT is going to disappoint viewers witht the ending :lol: haha
I'm really tempted to make a detailed post saying why Season 5 is not as terrible as people say. This narrative needs to stop.


For me yes, as was Sam's dad, and Benjen Stark and Lady Olenna and Thoros. The least of those deaths was Sam's dad but it was satisfying because I hated him. But "plot armor" is really a moving target. I think the bar for plot armor is adjusted for GoT. Those were some beloved and great characters, many around since season 1 or 2, and they die and people are like "meh", Jon didn't die so...

The bar is just so insanely high.
Lady Olenna was the only death of these that really had an impact for me, Diana Rigg was great and her death scene was pretty damn good. As for the rest of these, eh...

It's not really a case of the standards of plot armor being high, it's a case of predictability and how their deaths are portayed:

A dragon dying was super obvious, because how the fuck else are they going to make Dany even compete with the rest? Three dragons are simply unbeatable. That it would be the Night King was also pretty obvious considering the chance of having am undead dragon is probably too good to pass up
also, the removed the other ways of bringing down the Wall in the show
. I also felt the death of Viserion wasn't deserved because that entire episode the Night King and the army of the undead were acting like idiots, so them scoring such a huge win felt unfair and badly written.

Sam's dad was, uhm, pretty much a non-character. You saw him one or two times before his death scene and he was an asshole working for the enemy and now we are supposed to care what happens to him? Now, if they had used that scene to showcase how Dany is probably not the best possible leader for Westeros because of her firey temper (get it, haha) that would've maybe been interesting, but of course they flip-flop an episode later by having her fight for the good side and being a generally great person.

Benjen and Thoros were cases of the deaths being overshadowed by the situations of their deaths. Benjen was literally brought in as a deus ex machina for Jon, just to die directly afterwards (and off-screen). Thoros could've been a great death, but again they kill him off off-screen (camera cut and he's dead), plus it's really silly how he's thr only guy (aside from the random nameless redshirts) to die in this suicide mission. I mean, Game of Thrones of the past would've at least killed off Beric and Thormund (or Gendry) as well. But nope, seven (+ redshirts) main-ish characters set off to fight thousands of undead soldiers and only one guy dies, coincidentally the one guy pretty much everyone called would die because of those seven he was easily the least important in the last few seasons.


Even that had people complaining because it didn't have some crazy twist, even if they they landed on their feet and did a backflip right after.
Honestly, I felt the Breaking Bad finale was pretty darn disappointing, but not because of a lack of twist. Interestingly it was for.many of the same reasons the article states the GoT finale will probably disappoint, it was just a very unusual Hollywood ending for such a serious show. It ended by Walt dying after making amends with everyone, giving his money to his family and killing some neo-nazi's with an automated minigun in the trunk of his car. IMO it felt completely out of tone with the rest of the show.

I like to pretend the show actually ended with the second-to-last episode with Walt slowly freezing to death alone in his car, uncertain of the fates of the ones he loved and fucked over. That actually felt like the perfect ending.

As for a series finale that was loved by everyone, I've never heard anyone say anything bad about the Six Feet Under finale.


Perfect ending for me would be:

- Dani Ultimate Queen
- John Snow King of the North
- All Lannister dead besides Tyrion

And I'll be ok with everything else they show to me...
Completely disagree. They can have a bitter-sweet ending that both feels good while still throwing in a wrench or two. And the history part... I mean yeah it's a critical part of the show, but not it's finale. It's about building the world, and now that world is largely complete.


I really don't understand how anyone can consider GoT "prestige TV" outside of the budget and scope.

This most recent season may have been the worst yet with the atrocious writing, acting and directing. The editing was *terrible*. The only thing good about it was that it had a lot of payoffs set up much earlier in the show. That's the easy part and even those felt ham-fisted.

Yes, I watch the show and I still enjoy the process of viewing it but only because of my investment.

The show went from fun medieval soap opera to trash-tier soap opera.

It breaks my heart when people think it compares favorably to shows like The Wire, The Sopranos, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Leftovers, etc.
And yet, everyone and their mom will watch it like a hawk, obsess over it, and HBO will roll in the cash.

"This cool thing that everyone loves actually sucks click here to find out why" articles are hilarious.


And yet, everyone and their mom will watch it like a hawk, obsess over it, and HBO will roll in the cash.

"This cool thing that everyone loves actually sucks click here to find out why" articles are hilarious.

It's okay to like trash just as long as you know it's trash.

Sometimes I choose to eat at McDonald's. So do a billion other people. The problem is when McDonald's is mistaken for fine dining.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
And yet, everyone and their mom will watch it like a hawk, obsess over it, and HBO will roll in the cash.

"This cool thing that everyone loves actually sucks click here to find out why" articles are hilarious.
Just because something is popular does not mean it is good.


I really don't understand how anyone can consider GoT "prestige TV" outside of the budget and scope.

This most recent season may have been the worst yet with the atrocious writing, acting and directing. The editing was *terrible*. The only thing good about it was that it had a lot of payoffs set up much earlier in the show. That's the easy part and even those felt ham-fisted.

Yes, I watch the show and I still enjoy the process of viewing it but only because of my investment.

The show went from fun medieval soap opera to trash-tier soap opera.

It breaks my heart when people think it compares favorably to shows like The Wire, The Sopranos, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Leftovers, etc.
Damn this is a huge overreaction. This show is nowhere near "trash-tier soap opera"

There's been a lot if hyperbole floating around in regard to season 7.


Damn I feel like this is a huge overreaction. This show is nowhere near "trash-tier soap opera"

There's been a lot if hyperbole floating around in regard to season 7.

I don't think it's hyperbolic, the show's decline is pretty clear and IMO it hasn't improved with season 7, if anything it feels sloppier.

It doesn't help that all the good actors' characters have been written off the show.


I don't think it's hyperbolic, the show's decline is pretty clear and IMO it hasn't improved with season 7, if anything it feels sloppier.

It doesn't help that all the good actors' characters have been written off the show.
But what you just described is not hyperbole. Hyperbole is "trash tier soap opera"

And atrocious acting, directing, editing.. That is hyperbole

All the good actors have been written off the show? You think there's not an abundance of good actors still? That's silly


Damn I feel like this is a huge overreaction. This show is nowhere near "trash-tier soap opera"

There's been a lot if hyperbole floating around in regard to season 7.

It's not even a soap opera, no matter how many times HotHamBoy pushes that label.

Being a serial television show, instead of a procedural, doesn't make a show a Soap Opera. None of the major arcs in Game of Thrones are open ended.


It's not even a soap opera, no matter how many times HotHamBoy pushes that label.

Being a serial television show, instead of a procedural, doesn't make a show a Soap Opera. None of the major arcs in Game of Thrones are open ended.

It absolutely is a soap opera and I'm far from the only one who has labeled it as such.

Soap Opera is not inherently a criticism.


Gold Member
The back half of season 6 and all of season 7 has already been a disappointment. At this point I'm just looking forward to next season for it to finally end. Benioff and Weiss have proven they're absolutely horrible at running the show when they don't have any source material to draw from. This latest season has been absolutely atrocious - fan service across the board, insane amounts of gaping plot holes, moronic pacing with characters learning how to teleport vast distances, plot armor everywhere, Bran being used as an off-again/on-again character solely to magically explain away plot problems, and characters acting, well, out-of-character compared to the first 4 or 5 seasons.

I'm just ready for it to be over.
So I can wait for the books and be disappointed by them too.


Persecution Complex
I can't wait till it's revealed that it was all a dream by Bran.

The article is correct, no matter the ending it will be controversial.


It absolutely is a soap opera and I'm far from the only one who has labeled it as such.

Soap Opera is not inherently a criticism.

A soap opera is a specific genre/format of TV drama.

Besides being a serial, how does Game of Thrones meet the defining characteristics of the genre?

Dealing with interpersonal drama =/= soap opera. Just like featuring the undead doesn't make it a horror show.

A bunch of people using incorrect labels does not make something correct.
Everyone can agree that 6 episodes is not enough to end the story properly, it'll feel rushed, as much as the season 7, HBO need to change their plans or the best show of the decade will finish as a big disappointment...

Not in a world where Rectify, The Leftovers and Twin Peaks: The Return exist.

Hell Westworld already had a better first season than GoT.
This season was actively pissing off my mom, and she's a casual viewer who hasn't read the books.

Plot armor, fan service, and logic gaps were her biggest complaints.
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