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After 25 years I am finally gaming on PC, And its glorious.

ONly started playing on PC my Sophmore year in high school. That was in 2011. Before that I pretty much played wow (horribly) and Starcraft custom game stuff on my crappy computer.

That first steam summer sale in 2011 was a magical experience and I had just gotten a job so I had bought sooooo much stuff to play on my new PC. PC gaming is great. It and Nintendo hardware are my bread and butter of gaming. Hoping to get a PS4 soon for some stuff I missed, though.


Cripes that's a hell of a rig to have in the basement for web browsing!

Glad you gave it a serious shot OP, it truly is the best platform.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I've been a lifelong console person... I love controllers, TV/living room gaming, and the general pick up and play no-setup of consoles.

But with Steam big picture mode and rather mind blowing PS4 controller support, all my objections have been removed. PC gaming is basically consolized now, if you want to treat it that way.

I'm just running off a Surface Book connected to TV with HDMI... Very inadequate for modern gaming, but it's been such a great experience for older stuff that it's inspired me to build a gaming PC as soon as I can.


However, the games aren't really that much cheaper unless you're stupid enough to buy every retail game for 70$/€ or even worse the digital version.
I have to admit that digital prices are certainly pretty bad during the initial launch, but generally the sales on PSN/Xbox Live are pretty great over the last 2-3 years.
Retail titles are about 40-55€, for example I could get the new Wolfenstein for about 44€ for the PS4, while it's 60€ on Steam...

The game's are generally way cheaper. If you're going to compare a sale price on a PS4/X1 game then it's only fair to compare it to the cheapest price available on PC - not the standard Steam price.

In the case of the upcoming Wolfenstein it's been available for PC at almost half price for weeks.


I've been a lifelong console person... I love controllers, TV/living room gaming, and the general pick up and play no-setup of consoles.

But with Steam big picture mode and rather mind blowing PS4 controller support, all my objections have been removed. PC gaming is basically consolized now, if you want to treat it that way.

I'm just running off a Surface Book connected to TV with HDMI... Very inadequate for modern gaming, but it's been such a great experience for older stuff that it's inspired me to build a gaming PC as soon as I can.
Yeah I do the same quite a bit but with steam link. People rag on big picture mode quite a bit here but I still appreciate the hell outta Valve for making it. Perfect for those times when I would rather be reclining on my couch with my 360 controller than sitting at the desk. It made PC gaming that much better for me to have an easy to use UI built right into steam for living room gaming.


My favorite part of PC gaming is that there's no generations, so you can play pretty much any PC game for as far back as you want unless it's so old that it has issues running on modern systems. Combined with emulation, I can play pretty much anything that isn't a console exclusive. Since I got a PC my PS4 is a machine for a random exclusive here or there and the PC is for like every other video game going back generations. I built a PC that can handle any modern game and I mainly play games from the PS3/360 generation I missed and tons of indies.
I finally got one for myself as well, and oddly enough I haven't been driven to play much of anything on it.

Overwatch and the occasional time with Planet Coaster have really been all I've played on it.

Don't really think PC Gaming is for me.


PC gaming is great if you set it up right and can deal with the wonkiness that can happen once in a while, I just wish devs were better about feature parity between consoles and PC. If a console version of a game has HDR, so should the PC version. Really irks me when PC version is missing features for no apparent reason.


Welcome to the brotherhood!

I've been a PC gamer since I was 16 years old, however, I didn't have the disposable income to build my dream PC until I was in my 20's, now I'm 35, but since then PC has ALWAYS been my multi-plat machine, which I then supplement with consoles for exclusives.

It's the greatest gaming platform of all.


Welcome to the fold! You've seen the light, and you may never come back!

It's a beautiful world out here. Old games running through GOG and a bit of tweaking, you've got some of the best retro gaming you can have. Couple that with the best emulators, and it's a great feeling.

Welcome to the world of even if the PC port is not optimized, almost always it'll run better than a console version. Uncapped framerates, reshaders, tweaking AA options - the world is yours.

It's a beautiful thing, enjoy dipping in!
I've been PC gaming since the 90s. I enjoy both PC gaming and console gaming. You could've waited for the Ryzen Threadripper!

Welcome to the club!
I've always thought that when I had enough money I'd probably buy/build a gaming PC. If I used PCs for normal computer stuff I probably would have done it a while ago, even. But since I've always preferred the Mac OS I always figured it might be a bit much for me to just build a PC just to play video games especially when I already have a Mac for the other stuff.

I know Hackintoshes have been an option before, but I never looked super into how well they worked/were optimized.

Fuck it, maybe sometime I'll sell my PS4 and Xbox One and put the money towards a PC



I bought the awesome game I could imagine (Tie Fighter), tried for weeks to get it to work, and it never did. That's when I was done with PC gaming.

I've played many PC games since then (addicted to TF2 for a while) but not as a main platform.
Uhh OP, I never switched. I've always done both. People always make it out to be this big revelation playing games on a pc. Where have you been the last 30 years? And who has a pc rig like the OP's and waits a whole year to try games on it? Thats what the thread should have really been about.


Maybe It's because I'm an ancient 35 year old, but I never felt vsynched 60 fps had any problems with input lag. (Lets remember that most console games have worse lag than that too).

Once you feel non vsync, you can't go back XD


for now, my BIGGEST issue with PC gaming is the inabilty to have fullscreen games accept colour profiles ;(

but 100hz Lost Planet at 1440p 4xMSAA maxed out was a blast to just play


Not really, many old games don't work.

I guess there were a few years of Windows 95 exclusive games that are tough to get running now but it's incredibly rare for me to run into a game that I simply can't play on a modern Windows 10 64 bit machine.
Wait wait wait waitttttttttt...... You bought a Freesync monitor and a Nvidia video card?...............


As a FreeSync monitor owner I don't blame him. AMD cards suck balls if you want to do 4K.

That said I'm still in the ghetto with my shitty 290x. Waiting for 1080 to be a good price or AMD to stop sucking ass.


Bigger price of entry I suppose, but cheaper in the long run. I seem to fall out of PC gaming when new consoles hit (not counting Nintendo, they don't launch with powerful specs to compete with PCs) but crawl my way back a couple years into a console's release. Now I'm back with a beefy PC and I haven't touched a console in months as a result.

I really don't advise telling people it's cheaper in the long run.

I mean, yeah, it could technically be but it's so pointless to play that way. There's way more fun to be had by dropping more money on the hobby and you're always gonna want to. It's like going down the audiophile rabbit hole.
I really don't advise telling people it's cheaper in the long run.

I mean, yeah, it could technically be but it's so pointless to play that way. There's way more fun to be had by dropping more money on the hobby and you're always gonna want to. It's like going down the audiophile rabbit hole.

This cannot be stressed enough. It is ridiculous how a build at 1k easily balloons into 2500+ just to chase those stable ultra high setting max frame rate numbers.


The first time for me felt like jumping 10 console generations. I remember when my computer was unable to run unreal engine so i would play source engine games (at about 30-40 fps), indie games, and old games.

The day I finally built a gaming PC and loaded up a bunch of backlog games that I was finally about to play for the first time (literally), it felt amazing. I was finally able to boot up games, run games over 60 FPS and I had a bunch of games that saved up from steam sales, thinking "someday" and that someday finally came.

It was amazing to have a modern console game run BETTER than the console version and so smoothly on my computer. The one thing I associated my computer before was just old games and web surfing.


Say goodbye to your RL time OP. Welcome to the Backlog wars.

Concerning some games that supposedly do not work or do not work well, i recently got an older laptop with 7 Pro installed which minimized any old games compatibility issues to almost none.
Also, as many people have said there are workarounds for almost any problem. All you have to do is google them


How long has it taken for you to switch to PC gaming?

Years and years. Did try it out at friends' places when I was younger and did a little laptop gaming later on, but it wasn't until the end of the last generation I made the switch and bought a decent rig. Not that I've given up on console gaming, which is still great, but PC is the system I use the most. Steam big bicture mode is not quite as convenient as a console, it just gets close enough that I don't mind some of the quirks and there's so many other advantages I find it hard to do without now. The massive library and 60fps in the majority of games I play, to name just a few. It's just wonderful, truly the best platform out there imo.


I've moved from PC gaming to console. I think at heart I'm still a PC gamer, and I still have a gaming PC (although it's pretty old now), but I just can't justify spending the money on a new rig. That's the thing about PC gaming. It's too expensive. At least that's based on my experience. The last two gaming PC's that I purchased went out of date in what felt like a very short time. Probably because I didn't fork out the money for the latest and greatest at the time, but rather something that was just "pretty good".
And now that several years have passed since I built my PC, the PS4 pro has better graphics than it. I know I could have much better graphics than the PS4. I know I could have 60fps in everything. I know I could be playing in true 4k, etc. But I was blown away when I got my PS4 Pro and hooked up Uncharted 4. That's enough for me. I guess ignorance is bliss.
Maybe one day I'll have a spare $3000-$4000 to build a great gaming PC (that's what it costs in Aus). But until then.. Consoles FTW.

But good for you, OP!


Great! Now install RTSS and join us in future PC performance threads, where we complain because a frame counter dropped to 59 for a second.



Great! Now install RTSS and join us in future PC performance threads, where we complain because a frame counter dropped to 59 for a second.


Baah, As long as you don't obsess over it, it can be quite fun to tinker with a game to make it look/run the best it can. For my weird brain anyway.


I want all that time I spent looking for the video card back.

OP what type of games do you like, and do you have Steam installed already?
I've been a lifelong console person... I love controllers, TV/living room gaming, and the general pick up and play no-setup of consoles.

But with Steam big picture mode and rather mind blowing PS4 controller support, all my objections have been removed. PC gaming is basically consolized now, if you want to treat it that way.

I'm just running off a Surface Book connected to TV with HDMI... Very inadequate for modern gaming, but it's been such a great experience for older stuff that it's inspired me to build a gaming PC as soon as I can.

Im looking to pick up a surface book too mostly play eve online but I heard rumours that game cant be launched on the book. You dont happen to know this?


Pc games used to be cheaper but evil publishers and console makers started to mandate prices to equal console games.


I've been playing PC games since DOOM but to me that doesn't really count because it wasn't my PC and the 90's were nothing but consoles for me. I really began gaming on PC back in the early 2000's mostly with MMO's. Nothing too powerful and later on just a crummy laptop. I forgot when I bought my parts and built my first high end system, whenever the GTX 580 was the latest GPU.
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