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Politico: Trump surprised that government can’t be run like his business, aides say

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Can someone his age really last 8 years of this? I bet we will start hearing about medical issues in the next 4 months

If nothing else he needs to start sleeping more, if he is still doing that 4-5h / night that he once told he sleeps. Sleeping so little in stressful job like Presidency and where you may run into events that require you to basically skip all the sleep for day or two can't be good for health.


May I have a cookie?
Trump:"You mean I can't just run the country like a business where everybody has to obey me or I can kick them out??!"



Trust me. I tell people to do things, and they do it.


What... this is not how being President works?

Well... this is much more bigly than I had thought then.


I wish I could actually laugh...

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
And this is why we need to elect career politicians as president even though we hate them at times.

I've read several accounts of first term members of Congress just being overwhelmed for their first several months and they have a fraction of the responsibility of the president. Trump wasn't a very good businessman but even a good one would be drowning right now.


You realize that a lot of stupid people will vote for this again again, right?
The last two times I said "c'mon not even Americans are that stupid", they re-elected Bush and elected Trump, respectively. :lol

Never underestimate the stupidity of the US. There was a time period were they seemed to do well under Obama, being respected and important partners to the rest of the world - especially because everyone noticed the grief, rampant obstructionism and unwillingness to work with the president that Republican House and Congress exemplified - but now, with this... it's straight back to mockery and embarrassment with President Moron at the helm.

Good job making a laughing stock out of your whole country. Trump and Trump voters.

The rest of the world is either pointing and laughing, slapping their foreheads in disbelief, or rubbing their hands in anticipation of the incoming power vacuum thanks to a US that is on the decline.


The people who are around him that have been involved in politics for years must be tearing their hair out. Including idiots like Spicer.


Elden Member
Where is Pence in all of this? Why isn't he guiding Trump through this a bit to at least not make the US look too stupid (impossible right now I know). I thought he was going to be the most powerful vp in history, we have heard very little from him.


Still waiting on that business 'acumen' to actually appear.

Is acumen what it's called when you fail disastrously but still walk away with money yourself as investors/ tens of thousands of employees/ cities are out of money/ jobs?

Where is Pence in all of this? Why isn't he guiding Trump through this a bit to at least not make the US look too stupid (impossible right now I know). I thought he was going to be the most powerful vp in history, we have heard very little from him.

He is being a good christian and is waiting for everything to collapse like the prophecies foretold.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
The fact this isn't obvious to millions is FUCKING TERRIFYING.

Those that support him are too loyal to the red party and buy into the bullshit like sheep, usually because it's the party that supports guns, bigotry, or some other social issue that is non-negotiable and more important than their own family or children's future.

It will really take a miracle in the form of another financial meltdown or some catastrophe that gets entirely in the way of their little life bubble to consider voting in their own best interests. Even then, most of them would still vote GOP even as the literal world burns because 'guns good, gays bad, minorities dangerous, and Christianity is the only true religion!' Is all they truly care about.


Where is Pence in all of this? Why isn't he guiding Trump through this a bit to at least not make the US look too stupid (impossible right now I know). I thought he was going to be the most powerful vp in history, we have heard very little from him.

Maybe he's already plotting to take the seat himself?
Where is Pence in all of this? Why isn't he guiding Trump through this a bit to at least not make the US look too stupid (impossible right now I know). I thought he was going to be the most powerful vp in history, we have heard very little from him.

Somewhere, smiling awkwardly into a mirror, doing his best Clint Eastwood impression.


When Trump falls, we're going to have to put up with A LOT of idiots pissing and moaning about how we didn't give Trump a fair shot.

Trump also never gave the people a fair shot. He's bombarding the populace with scandals and quickshot EOs and that's part of his strategy. I don't think that Republicans think that this is "normal" in any way.


It's insane after seeing 8 years of Obama and constant obstruction, that anyone could believe that being president is a walk in the park of home runs.

Let alone watching government at all.

Enjoy your hell Donald.
The only solace I can take from this is that Trump's name will be ridiculed for the rest of history (however long that is). Before this charade, I only vaguely knew him as some asshole. Now I would gladly go out of my way to piss on his legacy.


A guy who has been blackballed by a lot of banks due to being a bad businessman, has filed for bankruptcy multiple times, and has zero political experience is turning out to be a bad president. I would have never guessed.
Especially when said buisness man is known for running buisnesses into the ground and not paying people who do work for him.
The average person doesn't know that. They just know Trump has a lot of buildings with his name on them, and is a "billionaire", so of course he's a successful businessman.


Especially when said buisness man is known for running buisnesses into the ground and not paying people who do work for him.
When considering his job-creating promises it really looked weird considering his support from the blue-collar workers. But maybe I shouldn't wonder about the descision making abilities of people who simply waited decades for their long dead jobs to return magically.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Well to be fair he was voted in by people who don't know how the government works either, and it is a reason why Trump supporters are enraged at stuff like courts blocking Trump.

I have read plenty of angry comments to the effect that these vile judges are liberal activists using wicked and unfair Legal Tricksies to stop Trump from saving America.
When Trump falls, we're going to have to put up with A LOT of idiots pissing and moaning about how we didn't give Trump a fair shot.

Just link anyone who has the nerve to say that back to McConnell's quote about making Obama a one term president and then ask for a similar quote from any Democratic lawmaker.

They'll probably just scream "FAKE NEWS!!!" and run away though.


No shit, this is why I don't hire a plumber to clean my teeth over a female dentist with 30 years experience, just because her husband got blown by a patient, or because of some emails about other dentists.
And no the slogan "Make America Pure Again" doesn't him any more qualified.


Unconfirmed Member
No shit, this is why I don't hire a plumber to clean my teeth over a female dentist with 30 years experience, just because her husband got blown by a patient, or because of some emails about other dentists.
And no the slogan "Make America Pure Again" doesn't him any more qualified.

Lmao this killed me
One thing to keep in mind is that a business is a totalitarian power structure. The owner runs it as a dictator. You must do what the owner, or their agents, instructs at all times and you can be removed from the business totally at the whim of the owner. The last thing you actually want is a country run like a business.
this ! Why do americans (and people from other countries like italy) not understand this?


Still waiting on that business 'acumen' to actually appear.

Dude we saw it with Carrier! Remember how he was going to tax the shit out of them for moving their production to Mexico? He totally forced them to take millions of dollars in tax cuts to keep a couple jobs in the US for a little bit. That's some good winning!
this ! Why do americans (and people from other countries like italy) not understand this?
The better question is how they managed to forget it so quickly. Bush also proclaimed that he would run the country like a fortune 500 company (into the ground apparently). At least he was a play governor for a while though.


One thing to keep in mind is that a business is a totalitarian power structure. The owner runs it as a dictator. You must do what the owner, or their agents, instructs at all times and you can be removed from the business totally at the whim of the owner. The last thing you actually want is a country run like a business.

All this is true. Plus, the goals of business and government are fundamentally completely different. Businesses exist to propagate themselves and benefit (mostly) their owners and investors. Governments exist to provide a baseline of safety and infrastructure for citizens to (hopefully) thrive in, or at least survive.

Like, I don't know how do many people think the country ought to be run like a business. That's a terrible idea for all but the very wealthy.


He is running things like his business. With anger, incompetence, hubris, impatience, petty vindictiveness, a goal of self-enrichment at all cost, and a massive sense of self-entitlement. It's just that more people are paying attention.
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