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Why portable gaming is an abomination

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I don't understand. What's good about it again? I seem to missed the reason to spend money on portable gaming. What core experience does the GBA offer than you couldn't get on the old black-and-white Utah-sized unit? Actual colors, more sprites onscreen and paralax, yahoo! So you paid $100 for an experience that is 2 generations behind instead of 3 generations behind! Isn't it fun spending $30 on a cartridge that's roughly 1/150th the size of a DVD?

Nintendo is fucking ripping you off. Isn't it GREAT that the Big N has been NICE enough to give you the opportunity to own 20-year-old classics like Donkey Kong for only $20! That's one dollor for every year the game has gotten increasingly obsolete. Thank you, Nintendo, for ALLOWING me to own Mario 3 for full price! After all, it's not like FOUR different Mario games were released 11 years ago in a single package called Super Mario All-Stars, that had a full-size screen and better sound. Thanks, Nintendo, for providing an outlet for games like Castelvania and FF Tactics to be released, in SNES-era "greatness" instead of on an actual system! I mean, no one actually played the SNES when it was released 13 FUCKING YEARS AGO. Who would want to pay $20 for GT3, FFX or Halo when we can pay $30 for "classic" games from our "youth"! Gosh gee whilikers, the gamers thank you for bestowing upon them this great rereleases! And what about the gamers who don't remember these games? Even better! More fodder for Nintendo's Rip-Off Machine, All Rights Reserved.

Sorry, but I played these games when I was 10. They were great. Now, I want to buy games from this century. I want technology from this century. I want an experience from this century. "But," you say, "much more powerful portable systems are coming out!" Um, no. More powerful than the GBA, yes. But portable systems, by defination, will always be at least a generation weaker than the home systems. In exchange for portablity, you get yesterday's games. Portable systems were not intended for serious gamers, then were intended to provide pretty flashing lights and funky sounds for little Jimmy to prevent him for complaining on the long minivan ride to Wally's Fun World. I know, because that's exactly how I used it as a kid. I loved Metroid II and Zelda: LA. Now that I'm older, I don't need portable games anymore. And if I was on a long plane ride and I wanted some portable distraction, the old GB would do the trick every bit as well as the GBA. As I said above, the GBA is 2 generations behind instead of 3 (or 3.5) like the original GB. Either way, it's outdated. So why are you blowing $100 and Godforsaken amounts on the games for something that isn't any more fun?

The truly sad thing is that there are good games on the GBA - games that could have been GREAT if they were released on an actual system that was concerned with giving you the best possible experience instead of the longest battery life. Imagine the Castlevania games on the PS2 or even the PS for that matter. Imagine how much more could be accomplished with awesome atmospheric graphics and intense sound. Instead me get...the best that can be done on the GBA. Imagine if FFT2 were released on the PS2 like people actually wanted, with a generation of advancement in technology and actual improved gameplay, instead of a retread with all the graphics and sound gone with the wind. And we wouldn't get a cutsefied Nintendo filtration like the designers clearly went with in order to appease the GBA's younger crowd.

Now we have the new systems. The DS. YAY. Hey kids, now it comes with TWICE the screens! That must mean the fun is twice as existant! While a real gamer wants BETTER technology, Nintendo is content to give us DIFFERENT technology. Better graphics? Nah. Nintendo will do something creative like Smell-O-Vision instead.

Imagine if all technology were like Nintendo. Instead of following up on the original Wright Brothers design and evolving into the airliners and fighter jets we see today, they would be creative and come up some flying bird-like device where you flap your arms very, very hard repeatedly, because no one else is doing it. Instead of turning the black-and-white television into a color television and then an HDTV, they would instead "change the paradigm" and create a FELLevision, where you FEEL the image instead of seeing it. So what if no one asked for it?

Nintendo apparently feels they can't compete on the same playing field as everyone else, so they're compensating by changing the sport. It's like a failing football player switching to lacrosse, which he then dominates, because no one gives a rat's ass about lacrosse. "But they are innovative!" people plead. Yes, but innovation is only worth anything when it's good. Most things that are worth doing have already been done. No one else has made a system with 2 screens, because it's a COMPLETE AND UTTER WASTE OF TIME.

I remember the Nintendo that was at the forefront of the industry, producing games that defined the mainline videogame experience, producing hardware that allowed for third-parties to create the games they wanted to create without bowing to Nintendo's whims. I remember when seeing Mario and Zelda on a game box meant something, a superlative product. Now we have Mario appearing in forgettable third-rate platformers where he carries around some shitty water hose the whole time, we see Zelda being reduced to some kiddy multiplayer game that has the exact same kind of graphics as LTTP, and get this, it gives you the OPTION (requirement) of connecting your 50 GBAs! Nintendo once again proves how deeply and sincerely care about your money. Where's the link cable that should be included in the GBA box, Mr. Nintendo sir? Sorry Little Tommy, we forgot to include it. Must have slipped our mind. Give us more of your money and we might allow you to bask in it's presence. Gosh gee THANKS, Mr. Nintendo Man. All that damn money was starting to overflow my house. Thanks for giving me something to do with it. I'm sure you'll put it to good use, maybe starting with R&D on your new system, the "Revolution", which will have several games that "helpfully suggest" you link up with the N64.

I'll pass...




Well, I've come to realize that to be able to "play anywhere" can justify a lot of things for a lot of people.

Musashi Wins!

haha. You and Jarrod will have to fight in the chalk circle of death or something.

I don't want to begin to debate many of your points. I don't disagree with all of them. Outside of this board, it's easy to realize that Nintendo aren't as great as they were. And they suffer for it, a little. In the meantime they make a lot of money by peddling ports and the like.

That works. It works for me, because tirade aside, I like the GBA. It doesn't live up to it's potential with new and original titles but there's been a few good ones. A couple great ones. And though they might not knock you out graphically, their often very nice looking for 2D which isn't automatically repugnant just because it's archaic. The limitations of a portable platform right now make competing with home consoles a bit irrelevant.

I like it because it's PORTABLE. I played mine today because I wasn't at home and I had dead time to fill. And I don't agree with your critique, the current SP is more enjoyable than the old GB, games and function both. You could kill time with either but why not kill time with a superior system if the price is right to you? Nostalgia isn't everything but it's something and the system gives me a bit more than that too.


What core experience does the GBA offer than you couldn't get on the old black-and-white Utah-sized unit? Actual colors, more sprites onscreen and paralax, yahoo! So you paid $100 for an experience that is 2 generations behind instead of 3 generations behind! Isn't it fun spending $30 on a cartridge that's roughly 1/150th the size of a DVD?

Stopped reading right there.


Your rant is kinda silly, but I guess you have a few good points.

First off its not possible(at current time) to cram the hardware you need for current or last gen visuals into a package the size of a GBA, and sell it for less than 1000$. This doesnt even get into battery power etc.

Now I agree with you on some of the games, I dont wanna pay 30$ for Donkey Kong or Mario bros. and I dont. However Im sure there are ALOT of younger people who never did play them, and they make good portable games. With that said, Id LOVE some original GBA stuff from Nintendo, or more from them I should say (cant wait for Minish Cap).

Connectivity is something Im not even gonna begin with, Ill just say I think its a stupid gimmick. Maybe with the revolution they can implement it and have support across the board for it, and not require additional purchases.


needs to show more effort.
2d gaming.

Idealy for me, the gba wouldn't exist and all its games would be on gamecube exactly as they are, but eh, just buying a gba player was well worth not having gba games alltogethor.

the ports and remakes are stupid, but there is enough original content that gba is the first portable I didn't feel was a waste of money.


Hates quality gaming
Kaz's statement about where he expects the PSP to be primarily used further drives this point home.

He says the PSP will be mainly used at home? OK.

So I own a HDTV.
I own a Dolby 2 reciever and all the speakers and connections.
I own a big comfy couch to sit in and enjoy all of this while I play videogames on it.

Now, you expect me to turn my back to all of that expensive equipment so that I can have the privilege of playing inferior games on a shitty, proprietary, handheld screen with equally shitty speakers?

No, that's not how it works.

Until the Television stops being the central focal point of entertainment and source from which home consoles operate, my First Rule of videogames is: My videogames on my TV. Not your shitty screen. Not your shitty double screens. Not your shitty wide screen. My screen.

Again, none of this would be a problem if either a) the handheld device would have output jacks built in so that it worked with a normal TV by default (thus making it a home console first and a portable second) or b) the handheld device used the same exact software as an already existing home console library (re: Turbo Express, Nomad). I never use portable game hardware at all, and I'd never have a problem with people buying handheld shit if the games weren't proprietary. I should not have to choose between me playing any game on my TV and you playing the same game anywhere else. It should be the same game.

But, the current business model means that people who buy handheld shit are only supporting the creation of more handheld shit. I really wish that having 3 GBA Dracula's or a decently selling RCR EX would lead to another Dracula or RCR on an actual console, but it isn't going to happen. It has, and will, only result in more handheld shit being made.

I've said it before and will again - if things continue as they are now, all videogaming will either be on portables or Online. And if so, it's at this point when I will stop supporting the market.


hyperbolically metafictive
portable gaming is worthwhile insofar as it delivers strong original content. which the gba certainly does. not everyone shares your aversion to technologically dated games. in fact i'd argue that the technologically dated gba better complements home consoles than the psp or ds will.

and while your argument certainly doesn't benefit from the "internet rant" form, in which one unreadably feigns mounting outrage over the course of several paragraphs, i actually agree with aspects of your criticism of nintendo. nintendo were not always about "quirky and japanese" - they used to be about "mainstream and universal." the defining characteristics of nintendo games were scope and polish, not marginally entertaining experimentation. nintendo were always "innovative," but the timbre of that innovation has changed: games like zelda and mario 64 were progressive, whereas animal crossing or the ds are best described as digressive. nintendo are less engaged and less relevant than ever. the new "quirky and japanese" nintendo is certainly a different nintendo, and i would argue a diminished nintendo.


needs to show more effort.
too many people seem to assume that, without the gba, the castlevania games would be made for consoles and you simply have no way of knowing that. I would guess that it is more likely 2d games like that simply wouldn't be made in the first place. And when your choice is no 2d castlevanias, or 3 of them on a portable, suddenly the gba looks like a very nice device.
Some people see that as a 1,000 word post about how you hate the GBA, I see it as a 1,000 word post about how you are a fucking moron


Hates quality gaming
slayn said:
too many people seem to assume that, without the gba, the castlevania games would be made for consoles
Actually I'd assume that the games wouldn't be made at all, and I'd be fine with that.
And when your choice is no 2d castlevanias, or 3 of them on a portable
Then I have, currently do, and always will choose nothing.


I agree with some of what Neutron Night said. Especially about Castlevania, I sure did wish they didn't waste so much time with the series on the GBA


Easy there tiger, don't go knocking over magazine racks or something. *grabs popcorn...

It's strange to meet someone who is reverse jaded, most jaded gamers only play GBA and hate 3d games yet you not only grew up with the fantastic games of yesteryear but actually want the new games of today...

Idono what to say man, other then that portable gaming is here to stay, tell me when I can play my xbox on my bed with headphones on and maybe I'll agree with you that portable gaming is unnessacary.
Why portable gaming is an abomination.........or how to trash Nintendo.......

I guess youll be pissed when Konami decides to release a Castlevania for PSP and not for PS2.....


Okay, I largely agree that $20-$30 ports are ridiculous, up until this:

So why are you blowing $100 and Godforsaken amounts on the games for something that isn't any more fun?

That's very subjective. What isn't fun to you is fun to me. Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Zelda, Metroid... Still very well done games on the system, and provide some serious replay value.

The truly sad thing is that there are good games on the GBA - games that could have been GREAT if they were released on an actual system that was concerned with giving you the best possible experience instead of the longest battery life. Imagine the Castlevania games on the PS2 or even the PS for that matter. Imagine how much more could be accomplished with awesome atmospheric graphics and intense sound. Instead me get...the best that can be done on the GBA. Imagine if FFT2 were released on the PS2 like people actually wanted, with a generation of advancement in technology and actual improved gameplay, instead of a retread with all the graphics and sound gone with the wind. And we wouldn't get a cutsefied Nintendo filtration like the designers clearly went with in order to appease the GBA's younger crowd.

Unfortunately, we do get games like Castlevania on the PS2, and on the N64. They get the 3D treatment instead of the 2D one because, surprise, surprise... Tons of gamers WANT 3D over 2D. Does that always give the best gaming experience? Well, I know a lot more people have enjoyed the last GBA Castlevania over the latest console release. And really, if companies were to release 2D games on systems, it would be damn near suicide.

And as far as the kiddy thing goes... It was all up to Square Enix. They made the game look like they did, not Nintendo. Fire Emblem and Metroid Fusion aren't kiddie games, but they've sold respective amounts.

Now we have the new systems. The DS. YAY. Hey kids, now it comes with TWICE the screens! That must mean the fun is twice as existant! While a real gamer wants BETTER technology, Nintendo is content to give us DIFFERENT technology. Better graphics? Nah. Nintendo will do something creative like Smell-O-Vision instead.

Nintendo is giving us better graphics in addition to expanding how developers can create games right off the bat. On top of it all, they're going to try and make it affordable, and so that the battery life doesn't suck.

Ranger X

Wow i just read your first 10 lines and was disgusted. Why buy SNES instead of a NES? Would you say the same thing?? --- super nes is just more colors/sprites and whatever after all!!

Portable gaming is useful 'cause some people like to play games on the fly for a quick fix or kill time with games when they aren't at home.
Personally i don't care about portable gaming but damn, i can understand the use of it and respect people who does play!!!

By the way thanks to Nintendo to release stuff such as the GBAplayer, i can then play some GBA games that are truly fantastic. You should maybe do the same buddy.


Hates quality gaming
By the way thanks to Nintendo to release stuff such as the GBAplayer, i can then play some GBA games that are truly fantastic. You should maybe do the same buddy.

The GBAPlayer doesn't make GBA games GC games.

It makes GBA games play on a screen large enough where all of its technological limitations are clearly visible.
Zilch said:
Better hardware does not equal better gaming.

And better hardware means more energy which means low battery duration.....perhaps Nintendo might be doing things evenly???i mean look at PSP it will probably suffer from the point i made above.....the day battery technology evolves to the point where you can have high tech portable gaming without the battery going dry in 3 hours then you will Nintendo doing it......

Ranger X

Dog --- duuuhhh!!!

I own a GBA player to be able to play to best games of it's library and that's all. lololol
THERE IS good games on the GBA. I don't care if they look SNES-like. Still play my SNES and it's games.


Not even gonna bother to read past the first paragraph but I will tell you the GBA SP is the best system this gen. And that's a fact.
Heads up: Just becuase you'r some idiot who thinks all good games require DVDs and absurdly powerful processors and ZOMG graphics doesn't mean you're right. In fact, it means you're an idiot who's obsessed with graphics and tech specs over quality gameplay experiences.

Have fun with your Xbox.

xsarien said:
This is gonna be good...


In Before hat?


works for Gamestop (lol)
IBHAT = In Before Huge Ass Thread

I blame myself for coining this phrase, and adelgary for using the acronym
Though I disagree with most of it, I can understand the reasoning behind most of this rant. However, Zelda Four Swords is a "superlative product" and some of the most fun you can have with 4 players.

GOTY for me so far.


If you dislike portable gaming, why waste your breath here. There are a lot of us on this board who might go as far as to put the GBA above current console offerings, so if you're looking for a debae of flame war you're likely to get it.


Hates quality gaming
Wyzdom said:
Dog --- duuuhhh!!!
But then this means that you're part of the problem.
Just because you're able to play proprietary shit on your screen doesn't mean you should be more tolerant of proprietary shit.

As far as I see, people who buy handheld software are telling all videogame companies that they are willing to buy a coil of shit as long as the right logo is on the box.

so if you're looking for a debae of flame war you're likely to get it
Yeah, nobody is looking for debate from a public forum.
We're all just interested in typing variations of LOL or C-, with maybe an occasional Lohan pic thrown in the mix.


Meier said:
Not even gonna bother to read past the first paragraph but I will tell you the GBA SP is the best system this gen. And that's a fact.

Nope. Best portable system this generation tho :D
drohne said:
and while your argument certainly doesn't benefit from the "internet rant" form, in which one unreadably feigns mounting outrage over the course of several paragraphs

Don't forget the "Blatantly disregarding any points made previously in order inflate argument and exhaust reader".
Neutron's posts is one of the worst I've ever seen here, and that's really saying something. The spelling and grammar is shit. The analogies suck ass. And the entire point, which is to ask the question "who wants this portable crap anyway?!?" 800 times in different trying-to-be-funny/witty/angry/Seanbaby-esque ways, has already been answered by the many millions of people who have made portable gaming massively successful.


Although the hardware's theoretically capable of more, in the hands of most developers the GBA SP's effectively a handheld SNES. Since I still like to play quite a few SNES games semi-regularly, I don't think this is a bad thing. Super Nintendo-quality visuals and audio are still enough to create involving and aesthetically-pleasing games, even in this age of dual-layer DVD's and bump-mapped polygons.

Of course, if your 'minimum standard' for AV is based on the latest and greatest console specs, then something like the GBA would strike you as intolerably crude. It's not something you can consciously control. I just feel sorry for you, since there's a lot of good gaming there that you won't ever be able to appreciate.


While a real gamer wants BETTER technology, Nintendo is content to give us DIFFERENT technology.

Imagine if all technology were like Nintendo. Instead of following up on the original Wright Brothers design and evolving into the airliners and fighter jets we see today,

But But But But...

Side-mounted high flash-point kerosine fueled jet turbine engines are radically different from front mounted diesel propellers.


I'm glad I read this...I have an English Provincial Exam tomorrow that requires a lack of insight, thought and intelligence, instead relying on nothing but pure Stupidity and Simpleton-ness.

I was going to have to hit myself in the head with a sledgehammer to get the desired effect, but reading this drivel did the trick! Thanks, Neutron!
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