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TLOU 2 fell off the PS Store Top 20 charts for September

Especially when you consider that we are at the end of the generation with 120m PS4s sold, during a pandemic where switches sell like mad and it's one of the biggest launches of the gen.
Uh the PS4 has only sold around 113m chief. Not sure where you're coming up with that 120m. Probably the same fantasy land where you think TLOU2 did terrible.


You are completely missing the mark here. I'm not talking about sales as in limited time deals.

Yet The Last Of Us 2's sale ends on 9/17/2020.... today is 9/14/2020. Sir....i'd call that a limited time deal. ie "This price is only available from 9/2/2020 03:00 am to 9/17/2020 02:59 am"


I'm talking about prices crashing down because no one buys the product and stores wanting to get rid of inventory.

You don't have any proof or evidence on that "because" bud. Using that logic, no one bought Uncharted 4, God Of War, GTA V, Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassins Creed Origin etc and many of those games went on sale pretty soon after release. So all you have is that its on sale......what you don't have is a actual factual, official reason that was ever stated by the publisher to confirm this. Simply, its on sale for a few days must equal "prices crashing down because no one buys". Its a reach.

It tries to argue something is happening because of something else with no evidence to actually back it up. Its hard to do this when GTA V and Red Dead 2 did the same thing, guess no one bought those games though huh?

but I see shelves full of unsold TLOU2 copies

I see shelves of copies of GTA V and Breath Of The Wild and Call Of Duty all the time too so.....

The Standard edition took a month to drop down to 45€, but also fell down to 50€ very quickly. Which isn't normal either, for a PS exclusive.

Except it is..... and "fell down" as in you mean a sale? That is very normal for PS titles....

Ghost of Tsushima took 2 month for the first prices in the 45€ region

Nope, try less then 1 month...

So I don't think you understand that a game can go on sale at any time......

the same is true for the FF7 Remake


Especially when you consider that we are at the end of the generation with 120m PS4s sold, during a pandemic where switches sell like mad and it's one of the biggest launches of the gen.

Except none of that supports the game doing double numbers or something. Covid 19 doesn't just magically make someone blindly buy a game. They are either going to buy it or not. None of that has anything to really do with a game's overall sales. Also PS4 has not sold 120 million yet (amongst other claims) 120 million PS4's doesn't magically mean 100% of the base would buy 1 fucking game, thats like saying with 70 million Switches Animal Crossing should have done better or something. It ignores that the install base has always been spread out. 100 million of a PS still factors in players who play Battlefield, Call Of Duty, Fifa, Madden, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Uncharted, God Of War, GT etc. A whole host of IP exist that sell well on the platform, to argue that 120 million units means The Last Of Us 2 should have sold better, is to argue that Ghost Of Tsushima and every last fucking game you just brought up in comparison should be selling better..... soooooo you can't juts argue 120 million units sold to talk about The Last Of Us 2, yet magically that same weird metric can't be applied to all titles....

So the world wide figures for The Last Of Us 2 are in the ball park of what Sony does with single player games. You've offered literally nothing to argue anything unusual is going on.

Whats next? You going to fucking tell me a Playstation exclusive has never been on sale before on PSN?
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No matter how it does it is a relief to see somebody from any medium make something that is so uncompromising and ballsy. Too many things today just seem designed to appeal as mass an audience as possible and as a result they feel watered down. You can see it in everything from music, movies, games and everything and TLOU2 just says screw it and is what it is no matter what people might feel. It might be the most punk rock game ever made.


Gold Member
Can't wait to see Lou2 final sales.

At around 120 million consoles by year end, it's way more than PS3 and what PS4 had at the time when the remaster came out.

So it should sell way more copies. Even got a bonus boost with covid and people staying home, which boosted any game related company.

Don't be surprised if LoU2 sells worse. Bad word of mouth killed it's sales on charts, and when the VP of ND has to get on Twitter every day for months trying to defend the game like a baby, you know there's trouble.
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I give up, arguing with you people is a waste of time.

Let it be known, Edmix has said that this is a normal price curve for new games

TLOU2 is the best selling game of this generation. Stores can't keep up with the demand. They make it cheaper out of goodwill.

And obviously a pandemic with millions of people stuck in quarantine doesn't change anything for gaming.

wrong hotline
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NaughtyDog Defense Force

May 2016 NPD
1. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

PlayStation Store Top Downloads May 2016
1. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

June 2016 NPD
6. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

PlayStation Store Top Downloads June 2016
15. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

July 2016 NPD
*Out of the top 10*

PlayStation Store Top Downloads July 2016
*Out of the Top 20*

The Last of Us Part II

June 2020 NPD
1. The Last of Us Part II

PlayStation Store Top Downloads June 2020
1. The Last of Us Part II (US/CA)
1. The Last of Us Part II (EU)

July 2020 NPD
4. The Last of Us Part II

PlayStation Store Top Downloads July 2020
5. The Last of Us Part II (US/CA)
10. The Last of Us Part II (EU)

August 2020 NPD
12. The Last of Us Part II

PlayStation Store Top Downloads August 2020
*Out of the Top 20* (US/CA)
*Out of the Top 20* (EU)

The Last of Us Part II is performing better than Uncharted 4 in the US, but it's not considered a bomb out there.


I give up, arguing with you people is a waste of time.

Let it be known, Edmix has said that this is a normal price curve for new games

TLOU2 is the best selling game of this generation. Stores can't keep up with the demand. They make it cheaper out of goodwill.

And obviously a pandemic with millions of people stuck in quarantine doesn't change anything for gaming.

Sorry bud, buts its not as unusual as you keep trying to reach for. Its why you don't really want to give much examples of other titles. Shit, you should be DROWNING us with examples, instead its seems like you only want to cherry pick, be like "how many PS exclusives that start with T, went on sale 21 days 4 hours and 13 minutes after launching during the summer during a pandemic under this zodiac sign? something fishy around here cuh FAILZ". When someone cites examples, you just fall back to "but day had expectations" and then proved zero evidence on such "expectations". It would be like me telling you Call Of Duty failed cause its on sale. (you show me it breaking records at launch) " ok but thats launch bro, I see copies on the shelf, that means badz doe" (you show me comparisons of other Call Of Dutys and games of many successful IP can be on a ....shelf) "ok....but day expectations be higher doe" (You ask what expectations and what was the game suppose to sell based on this claim)

"exits chat"

Regarding the pandemic, Its not going to make a game move units that was never going to move though. So yes, game USAGE is up..... that doesn't mean someone is buying a game they were never going to buy. Shit, I put some hours in Battlefield V during the first few weeks of lockdown because I had several deals fall thru because of the rona. Using that time, I replayed The Last Of Us 1, bought The Last Of Us 2, got Ghost Of Tsushima, but sir.....I already had those games pre-ordered or owned. Beating it faster cause the Pandemic, no argument from me, but trying to force this narrative that all game sales magically would rise because of it makes little sense. Animal Crossing, The Last Of Us 2 and many more are very well known IPs, they sold because people wanted them...... thats it.

Look at it like this, it would be like me trying to say Ghost Of Tsushima only sold cause the Pandemic and then give a link to people gaming more.... Oh so a symptom of covid 19 is games get sold blindly no matter what? Come on man....


Since when do player numbers mean more than sales? I don't understand. And why does it matter of TLOU2 does or doesn't sell better than God? Are you really saying the game is a failure if GoW sells more copies?
Aren't you the same guy that made this post?

The Last of Us 2 at #12?
But that other thread.

Even though they are 2 different rankings.

Not going to waste my time with you.


The Last of Us Part II

The Last of Us Part II is performing better than Uncharted 4 in the US, but it's not considered a bomb out there.

I'm not sure it's a good idea to compare the 2 when it comes to second and third month rankings because one released in the 10th while the other released in day 19th, so TLOU2 is expected to do better in the following months.

It's impossible to tell how good the sales of Uncharted 4 were as well when you talk about lifetime sales because it got inflated by bundles later on.

The numbers are all physical, according to the guy who provides the numbers.

Maybe it sold 50k with digital.

The fact that you all are still pretending that it wasn't a commercial disappointment reminds me of people saying "but TLJ made 1.3 billion dollars!!!!" while forgetting that TFA made over 2 billion.

It absolutely sold below expectations as is evident by the dozens of copies collecting dust on each store shelf and 34k physical in August for a 3 month old game when Ghost of Tsushima is moving 4x as many copies is devastating for TLOU2.

TLJ dropped by the same percentage Empire Strikes Back and Attack of the Clones did, middle installments in Star Wars trilogies do this every time, they just don't usually have people pushing a narrative they were bad to this degree. I'm sure SONY is crying about TLOU 2 being the third best-selling game they've ever made already, though.


But UC4 had way better legs?

This is also from the reeee thread

You can argue however much you like, but compare TLOU2 to the big 3 here. TLOU2 shouldn't be selling like HZD, Ghost of Tsushima or Days Gone (I'm speaking weekly here, after the first two weeks). Especially not with the hype surrounding it. It was massively front loaded and since then it's been nose diving.

But I agree with you, if it had an MP or when that MP launches, then we might see a massive spike. Especially when it's gotten even cheaper by then. I also wait for the price to drop further. I'm not going to judge the game before I've played it, but from the looks of it, I'd say the numbers are disappointing. The awkward silence coming from ND and Sony also don't speak for a lot of confidence. If it were still breaking records they would say so.

The sales trackers could be wrong, but from what we see, it doesn't look all too hot.
Yep, this seems similar to player numbers in gamstat, i already pointed out that GOT has better legs than TLOU2 which shouldn't happen considering the hype following the first game success, larger budget and better track record from the studio.

The only difference between the 2 is the first 7 days.

You can make the case GOT would have better sales numbers if it wasn't for the first TLOU.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
There has to be a bit of clue in how TLOU2 has sold more than Ghost Of Tsushima and FF7remake despite all 3 being single platform releases and in the top 5 sellers for the year thus far... I mean that doesn't look like failure to me.


Gold Member
TLOU2 is an objectively terrible game. But for some reason people feel the need to defend its honor like it's some sort of cultural artifact to be preserved. It did nothing to push storytelling forward, it did nothing to push gameplay forward. The only thing it did was serve as a massive personal wankfest for Druckman to insert his degenerate fetishes into a game that other people would watch.

There's only one person this game is made for. That's Neil Druckman himself. In the end, this is what it comes down to. This is a game by Neil Druckman, for Neil Druckman. Its not for anyone else. I asked in the beginning: What is 'The Last of Us 2'? The answer is it is a 100 million dollar vanity project. That's all this game is. It is to revel in the greatness of Neil Druckman. His characters are better, his story is better, everything is better. It is designed for him. He is the one to play this game at the end. Its the one he wanted to play.

Its why the studio left, its why he had to outsource. This was not a collaborative effort. This was a vanity project built on somebody else's dime. There is no audience for this game besides one person. Its not for you, its not for me, its not for fans, its not for people who play games, its not for progressives. It is only for Neil Druckman and you will pay for that privilege.

In short, the game hates you. No matter who you are. It is a 100 million dollar title telling you to go fuck yourself. It is singularly, the worst written, most pathetic excuse for a piece of art I've ever seen for this budget. Its the definition of a vanity project.

Nothing makes me laugh harder than people trying to defend it.



Aren't you the same guy that made this post?

Even though they are 2 different rankings.

Not going to waste my time with you.

No need to reply.
One ranking is about the PSN store only and the other ranking is everything together.
You are choosing to look at the ranking that pushes your agenda. How can you sit there and say the game is a failure when it's at #12 on NPD? Remove the Nintendo games so the NPD ranking is closer to PS4 only games and what ranking does it sit at? It's far from a failure.
Time to move on.

And then you want to go 1 step further and base your agenda on player numbers? Sales numbers are always going to be more important than player numbers. How do you work out how many players actually bought the game or borrowed/rented it if you just look at player numbers? This system might work for Microsoft because they are pushing Gamepass hard and their actual sales look bad but Sony's first party sales across the board are good. It doesn't matter if TLOU2 makes more or less money than God of War/Horizon/Uncharted 4/Spider-Man, all of their games are selling well.
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Neo Member
No matter how it does it is a relief to see somebody from any medium make something that is so uncompromising and ballsy. Too many things today just seem designed to appeal as mass an audience as possible and as a result they feel watered down. You can see it in everything from music, movies, games and everything and TLOU2 just says screw it and is what it is no matter what people might feel. It might be the most punk rock game ever made.

What's punk rock? -Lev.


Ok, I must admit I am a little bit confused.

We do have the numbers and know how much it sells and how much the playerbase grows. By all of the metrics, the Last of Us Part 2 will struggle hard to even get half of the playerbase of the first one or even Uncharted 4.

How is this a success for the most expensive game Sony has ever produced?


There has to be a bit of clue in how TLOU2 has sold more than Ghost Of Tsushima and FF7remake despite all 3 being single platform releases and in the top 5 sellers for the year thus far... I mean that doesn't look like failure to me.
GoT is a new IP and doesnt have any predecessor that broke records.
Still, GoT keeps selling good and didnt drop off of a cliff like TLOU2, because you know, TLOU2 story is an insult to its fans.
Ok, I must admit I am a little bit confused.

We do have the numbers and know how much it sells and how much the playerbase grows. By all of the metrics, the Last of Us Part 2 will struggle hard to even get half of the playerbase of the first one or even Uncharted 4.

How is this a success for the most expensive game Sony has ever produced?
Because now people reduces the whole world to the US, this way they can say it's a success lmao


Regarding the pandemic, Its not going to make a game move units that was never going to move though. So yes, game USAGE is up..... that doesn't mean someone is buying a game they were never going to buy.
True, but we saw a big spike in both PS4 and Switch consoles and game sales during the lockdown. Maybe stuff they planned to buy later they bought it at that moment.

Still, GoT keeps selling good and didnt drop off of a cliff like TLOU2.
If we look at the number of PSN users who played them, outside the 1st week sales (where TLOU2 sold way more), we can see TLOU2 is selling at the same pace TLOU1 did at the same point of its life cycle.

And after the point where TLOU2 is, TLOU1 sold a shit ton of units more. So no, TLOU2 sales didn't drop off of a cliff. It's selling very well right now and on track of selling more than TLOU1, the thing is that in the launch week it had too high, insanely rare record numbers that it wasn't possible to keep them there.

Same goes if we shorten the TLOU2 sales to the same period we have tracked from GoT: the curve is basically the same, with the difference that TLOU2 sold way more during the first week. Maybe due to hype from the previous entry, maybe because a ton of people just bought a PS4 because of the lockdown they had a few weeks ago and that was the only big PS4 AAA exclusive game released there. Or maybe Sony spent a shit ton on marketing for TLOU2 compared to TLOU1 or GoT. Or maybe some people were still in lockdown, so sometimes they buy games but start to play them a few days later, but with this one started before.

New PSN users (including 1st week, TLOU2 shortened to the tracked period we have from GoT):


Very similar curve, the main difference being TLOU2 sold way more in the 1st week.

New PSN users (excluding 1st week, TLOU2 shortened to show only the same amount of days we have from GoT):


Very similar curve, and both games added slightly above 2M users during this period.
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True, but we saw a big spike in both consoles and game sales during the lockdown. Maybe stuff they planned to buy later they bought it at that moment.

If we look at the number of PSN users who played them, outside the 1st week sales (where TLOU2 sold way more), we can see TLOU2 is selling at the same pace TLOU1 did at the same point of its life cycle.

And after the point where TLOU2 is, TLOU1 sold a shit ton of units more. So no, TLOU2 sales didn't drop off of a cliff. It's selling very well right now and on track of selling more than TLOU1, the thing is that in the launch week it had too high, insanely rare record numbers that it wasn't possible to keep them there.

Same goes if we shorten the TLOU2 sales to the same period we have tracked from GoT: the curve is basically the same, with the difference that TLOU2 sold way more during the first week. Maybe due to hype from the previous entry, maybe because a ton of people just bought a PS4 because of the lockdown they had a few weeks ago and that was the only big PS4 AAA exclusive game released there.


1. Those are not sales graphs

2. You can see the numbers of 'New players' and 'Returning players' how GoT trumps TLOU2.

You pretend like TLOU2 doesnt have any legacy and help for its previous entry, but it does, and even with it, GoT is following it very closely.

ALso, look at the title, alot of you are ignoring it, and also, TLOU2 have been already disccounted.
You must be really blind if you cant see how TLOU2 is failing.

But hey, All Hail our savior Saint Druckmann.
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Simps for Amouranth
the shit grown fucking men argue about on the internet never ceases to fucking amaze me...

ya hated the game, good for you.. move on ffs, its a fucking game not your fucking first born child and not your property


the shit grown fucking men argue about on the internet never ceases to fucking amaze me...

ya hated the game, good for you.. move on ffs, its a fucking game not your fucking first born child and not your property
TLOU2 destroyed their families, kinda like they did to Charles Bronson's family in Deathwish. There's going to be life long revenge tour against it ah la Bronson.


The same applies to those who defend it like there's no tomorrow.
Not really. It makes more sense to defend something you love than to be this obsessed with a game that you claim to hate. Being overly enthusiastic about something that brought you enjoyment is understandable but to be constantly fixated on something you don't even like to the point that it's very existence seems offensive to some people and they hold a personal grudge against the creators is another thing.


Not really. It makes more sense to defend something you love than to be this obsessed with a game that you claim to hate. Being overly enthusiastic about something that brought you enjoyment is understandable but to be constantly fixated on something you don't even like to the point that it's very existence seems offensive to some people and they hold a personal grudge against the creators is another thing.
What the hell are you saying. It makes the same sense to express positive opinions than negative ones. And as long as anyone says the other have no sense, there will be discussion.


Not really. It makes more sense to defend something you love than to be this obsessed with a game that you claim to hate. Being overly enthusiastic about something that brought you enjoyment is understandable but to be constantly fixated on something you don't even like to the point that it's very existence seems offensive to some people and they hold a personal grudge against the creators is another thing.
Yeah, calling out insane irrational stupidity is called defending these days, I guess.


It's an extremely graphic horror game.

Don't these usually not sell super great?

I mean if the game truly underperformed and it was thanks in part to those shitty ass leaks then it's a goddamn shame.

Say what you will about the story but the game is really excellent and beautifully crafted. The gameplay is awesome and the game is super meaty. It's crazy how long it is.
It's an extremely graphic horror game.

Don't these usually not sell super great?

I mean if the game truly underperformed and it was thanks in part to those shitty ass leaks then it's a goddamn shame.

Say what you will about the story but the game is really excellent and beautifully crafted. The gameplay is awesome and the game is super meaty. It's crazy how long it is.
Its the best selling ps4 exclusive this year in 3 months of release . Npd just released the sale figures


Apparently you're not allowed to criticize or express negative opinions about TLOU2 :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Too bad he wasn't doing that. The naysayers are saying the sales are disappointing, which is factually incorrect. No matter how manys ways they want to frame it, only two releases have sold more this year so far, one is a multi the other is well an exclusive.
Too bad he wasn't doing that. The naysayers are saying the sales are disappointing, which is factually incorrect. No matter how manys ways they want to frame it, only two releases have sold more this year so far, one is a multi the other is well an exclusive.
34k in August is pretty underwhelming
I don't know how well this game will do long term but I think people are ignoring the backlash and bad word of mouth as if the game is selling like hot cakes
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1. Those are not sales graphs

2. You can see the numbers of 'New players' and 'Returning players' how GoT trumps TLOU2.

You pretend like TLOU2 doesnt have any legacy and help for its previous entry, but it does, and even with it, GoT is following it very closely.

ALso, look at the title, alot of you are ignoring it, and also, TLOU2 have been already disccounted.
You must be really blind if you cant see how TLOU2 is failing.

But hey, All Hail our savior Saint Druckmann.
1. Yes, but it's the most accurate metric we have to estimate if worldwide sales of a game are better than other games, of if what were talking about, if a sales of a game fell from a cliff compared to another one. Better estimation than if a game appears in the top 20 physical only sales of a certain country.

2. It happens because both games weren't released at the same time, and GoT is newer. This is why I shown aligned graphs.

With Nintendo as exception, all games get discounted, even the most successful games. GoT will be discounted too.

I shown that launch aligned TLOU2 had better numbers on the 1st week and after that had the same numbers than TLOU1 and GoT on the available periods we have to compare. Mr Spencer, this isn't failing, this is awesome sales for them, better than TLOU1 and GoT. If you consider TLO2, TLOU1 and GoT failures then something is wrong in your head.
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Ok. Doesn't discount everything else sir cherrypicker.
Back at you
A lot of the total sales are riding off the wave of that first week which was built of deception and hype from the first game
If everyone knew exactly what this game would be before buying it, that first week would not be the same
Bad word of mouth has spread and the backlash is real
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And after the point where TLOU2 is, TLOU1 sold a shit ton of units more. So no, TLOU2 sales didn't drop off of a cliff. It's selling very well right now and on track of selling more than TLOU1, the thing is that in the launch week it had too high, insanely rare record numbers that it wasn't possible to keep them there.

It is selling so well, that it is not in any Top 10 charts anymore and sells less than Zelda on the Switch at the moment?

Selling more than Last of Us? How is it going to do that, when it is already more than 2 millions behind Spiderman in the same time period or over million compared to God of War.


Back at you
A lot of the total sales are riding off the wave of that first week which was built of deception and hype from the first game
If everyone knew exactly what this game would be before buying it that first week would not be the same
Bad word of mouth has spread and the backlash is real
Here is where we pretend like all sales will magically just stop because reasons. Its not like new hardware or a holiday season won't add significantly to those sales, oh wait they will. One day it will stop selling, so I suppose you guys will be right, eventually.
It is selling so well, that it is not in any Top 10 charts anymore and sells less than Zelda on the Switch at the moment?

Selling more than Last of Us? How is it going to do that, when it is already more than 2 millions behind Spiderman in the same time period or over million compared to God of War.

It already outsold the first in the US. Nevermind half the first's sales came from this gen's version, TLOU II will get a similar boost on PS5.

Here is where we pretend like all sales will magically just stop because reasons. Its not like new hardware or a holiday season won't add significantly to those sales, oh wait they will. One day it will stop selling, so I suppose you guys will be right, eventually.
Look at your response
No one mentioned sales stopping
With all the hype this game had, it's declining and declining fast
That doesn't mean it will reach 0 :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Look at your response
No one mentioned sales stopping
With all the hype this game had, it's declining and declining fast
That doesn't mean it will reach 0 :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Those tears from the emot is oddly appropriate for your argument. You and your illk have crying since its release. Good luck to your continued jihad against a video game.
You mean because of the incredible word to mouth like the first one did or that people will buy it again like they did with the first one?

Yeah, good luck with that.

Word of mouth counts for something, could be why it isn't now the number 1 SONY game ever? Number 3 behind only God of War 2018 and Spider-Man isn't so bad, though.
Those tears from the emot is oddly appropriate for your argument. You and your illk have crying since its release. Good luck to your continued jihad against a video game.
Accept people have negative opinions and criticisms about a video game
A damn TLOU2 defense force forms every time someone has one
If I enjoyed a game, especially one that I thought was a masterpiece or game of the generation, I'm not wasting time worrying about people who didn't enjoy the game or have criticisms of it
I loved RE4 but gasp there are people who might not like it or even hate it
Boo hoo I don't care
Believe it or not I actually bought, beat, and enjoyed some aspects of the game including game play elements
The story and second half structure didn't work for me
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Accept that people love the game and it sold extremely well. You might want follow your own advice first hypocrite.
I expanded on my original post
I don't go around defending a game at every moment if I thought the game was amazing
Yet I'm a hypocrite for pointing out what goes on pretty much everywhere online with this game
No criticisms or negative opinions allowed
No discussions about sales other than it is doing well while there is building evidence suggesting it is declining, mainly due to bad word of mouth
People loved the game, and because the game is very divisive, there are people who also hate the game or don't think it's all that amazing
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