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The Factual Feminist

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American Enterprise Institute and Sommers, what a perfect match for each other.

She has basically found her niche in the anti-feminist/MRA movement.

And if you want to actually learn about these types of issues I would recommend the book Privilege, Power, and Difference by Allan Johnson, it's a great intro for the concepts of privilege and power.
Sommers is not a feminist. she's a reactionary calling herself one. i don't know whether she actually believes the bile and bullshit she spews or if she's only in it to part fools from their money. but it doesn't really matter at this point. she has engaged in harassment and actively incites hate groups. she should be condemned and ignored.


A broken clock is right twice a day, that doesn't mean I should rely on my broken clock to tell me what time it is.
The problem with Milo Yiannoplos isn't just that he has wrongheaded views.

The problem with Milo is that he's fucking slime who consistently does shoddy journalism and tries to ruin people's lives.

Christina Hoff Sommers is a broken clock. Milo Yiannoplos is radioactive waste.
Milo is an offensive douchebag, but incoming shitstorm at me, there have been a few things he's said I didn't object to. For the most neutral of things at least I'll happily say he should not be banned from campuses or prevented being able to speak by students.

Perhaps Milo should not be banned for his opinions, but he is also someone who actively paints targets for gamergaters to harass. So yeah, he doesn't deserve the oxygen on campus grounds.

Hoff Sommers is routinely called out for her dishonesty here. There's already something extremely suspicious about needing to mantle one's argument as 'factual' when the title assumes something as true without a shred of consensus like "The war on gamers."


Came in here expecting a crazy left wing feminist (from the name, mind you). Instead I find a crazy right wing feminist. Which is much much worse.


Perhaps Milo should not be banned for his opinions, but he is also someone who actively paints targets for gamergaters to harass. So yeah, he doesn't deserve the oxygen on campus grounds.

Hoff Sommers is routinely called out for her dishonesty here. There's already something extremely suspicious about needing to mantle one's argument as 'factual' when the title assumes something as true without a shred of consensus like "The war on gamers."

Maybe not, I'm only really interested in watching how students primarily in America are reacting. Some of the protesting borderlines on schizophrenic where personally I'd rather just leave speakers I detest to do their thing then leave and I carry on with my life. I understand the value in protest, but some of the scenes leave me shocked enough to feel I can't take my eyes away.

I'm from the UK though and campuses around here have always just been educational retreats with everyone going about their studies in their given fields. Campuses in America look genuinely terrifying right now in some instances.
"We should hear out all sides" is some phase we all went through until our BS filters became fully developed. I wouldn't ask the pope his opinion on LGBT issues. Or a conservative politician on global warming. Or Christina Hoff Sommers on Feminism.
Where do I rely on Milo? I don't rely, I just don't blanket mute people I may dislike by always having my fingers in my ears.

You also really haven't participated or created conversation.

This thread is a glorified advertisement for CHS. You haven't engaged in any sort of discussion about her views.

You just posted a Playlist and then jumped on a high horse to criticize people, most of whom have known about CHS for ages, for not being open minded or whatever.


Well critique the content then and post what things you like/think I should like and focus on. That comment does nothing really to debate a battle of ideas. But thanks for your input.

In your OP, you haven't even bothered to flesh out any of your thoughts. "I like her and a lot of what she says" is worthless.

If this is the type of content you like to consume with your limited time, then more power to you. Breitbart and KotakuInAction are also great resources.

Edit: What excelsiorlef said above.
Maybe not, I'm only really interested in watching how students primarily in America are reacting. Some of the protesting borderlines on schizophrenic where personally I'd rather just leave speakers I detest to do their thing then leave and I carry on with my life. I understand the value in protest, but some of the scenes leave me shocked enough to feel I can't take my eyes away.

I'm from the UK though and campuses around here have always just been educational retreats with everyone going about their studies in their given fields. Campuses in America look genuinely terrifying right now in some instances.

I guess I worry more about people who actively campaign against human rights and incite internet mobs to death threats than about campus protests.


You also really haven't participated or created conversation.

This thread is a glorified advertisement for CHS. You haven't engaged in any sort of discussion about her views.

You just posted a Playlist and then jumped on a high horse to criticize people, most of whom have known about CHS for ages, for not being open minded or whatever.

Shall we rename the thread to: "I'm a proud viewer of the Factual Feminist the last 2 days. AMA"


You also really haven't participated or created conversation.

This thread is a glorified advertisement for CHS. You haven't engaged in any sort of discussion about her views.

You just posted a Playlist and then jumped on a high horse to criticize people, most of whom have known about CHS for ages, for not being open minded or whatever.

I defended myself, not her. Cameron obliged in saying I hivemind hot garbage, so I'm able to at least ask about that. Please, what do you want to know about my opinions on feminism? What questions do you want to ask me to bring me down from whatever horse you have me pictured on?

I guess I worry more about people who actively campaign against human rights and incite internet mobs to death threats than about campus protests.

Well anyone should worry about that. In any case in regards to CHS I haven't seen here tell mobs to send death threats.


The problem with Milo Yiannoplos isn't just that he has wrongheaded views.

The problem with Milo is that he's fucking slime who consistently does shoddy journalism and tries to ruin people's lives.

Ya, Milo is actually a bad person who uses lies and tabloid "journalism" in order to try and tear down his enemies. Regardless of his views, he is an awful human being.

Sommers paling around with him is a bad enough look as is, but her "factual feminist" video series has always been ludicrously sourced and poorly researched.
Is it? Is that a bad obsession?

In some ways I think it is. Some people fetishize being "objective" and "logical" and "all about the facts" because it makes them feel superior over someone who is intuitive or emotional, when those are often just as valid or important.
Maybe not, I'm only really interested in watching how students primarily in America are reacting. Some of the protesting borderlines on schizophrenic where personally I'd rather just leave speakers I detest to do their thing then leave and I carry on with my life. I understand the value in protest, but some of the scenes leave me shocked enough to feel I can't take my eyes away.

I'm from the UK though and campuses around here have always just been educational retreats with everyone going about their studies in their given fields. Campuses in America look genuinely terrifying right now in some instances.

Plenty of UK campuses have speeches that get rightfully protested.
The obsession with objectivity and facts is weird.

There's nothing wrong in attempting to base your knowledge on reality. The problem is that some topics are subjective.

After seeing a few videos, the only thing I can be sure off is that this woman dislikes how activism may largely be missing the point. What I dislike is that she believes entire fields of study are unnecesary or even harmful because of the way activists may misuse them.
I defended myself, not her. Cameron obliged in saying I hivemind hot garbage, so I'm able to at least ask about that. Please, what do you want to know about my opinions on feminism? What questions do you want to ask me to bring me down from whatever horse you have me pictured on?

No offense dude, but you can't write shit like:

Where do I rely on Milo? I don't rely, I just don't blanket mute people I may dislike by always having my fingers in my ears.

And then accuse others of picturing you on a high-horse.


Plenty of UK campuses have speeches that get rightfully protested.

Protesting isn't trying bar entry or asking the University heads to block speakers, or even worse, fire current professors.

No offense dude, but you can't write shit like:

And then accuse others of picturing you on a high-horse.

That was me explaining why I have no issue listening to Milo, but not necessarily relying on him. Nothing to do personally with the GAFer I quoted.
Angry Steve, I liked that YT series.
I'm in the same situation as the author, where I used to be one of those dudes once upon a time. I feel incredibly lucky to have come across people who set me on the right path (some of them on Neogaf in fact) instead of some Gator type when I was that immature.

It's a bias, but I'd recommend it to anyone, because it's really more then just GGers, it's how internet assholery proliferates itself.


I agree with parts of what she's saying, so I guess i'm a right wing nut and I hate women/feminism

although I also agree with parts of what the other side has to say, so I guess i'm a dirty hippy liberal who smokes weed for a living

Thank god grey areas don't exist!

Depends. What do you agree with?


pfff what good are "facts" anyway

To Sommers they are mostly no good, as she relies on half-truths and out of context "facts" to come to most of her poor conclusions.

But, again, I will not encourage anyone to outright skip watching her videos if that's what you want.


In some ways I think it is. Some people fetishize being "objective" and "logical" and "all about the facts" because it makes them feel superior over someone who is intuitive or emotional, when those are often just as valid or important.
There's nothing wrong with prioritizing logic.

The problem is that many people who talk about being "objective" or "logical" are anything but. Hence the existence of shit like "race realists".

Just because you say you are logical doesn't mean you are. Just because you cite facts does not mean you are interpreting that evidence correctly. Just because you say you are between two extremes doesn't mean you are without biases.


I would be. Might be worth examining why you feel that way.

Dunno. Most of my exposure to her is through Joe Rogan and some freaking crazy viral videos of protesters at her events.

And of course, by merely browsing the internet, you mostly come across those far, far, far-left feminists whose views I find hard to agree with despite voting for leftist parties.

I guess it's another example of the schism on the left.


I defended myself, not her. Cameron obliged in saying I hivemind hot garbage, so I'm able to at least ask about that.

Note that you were the first to evoke "hivemind". You set that tone.

We don't all hivemind to the same sources, so sorry if I'm not an exact carbon copy of you. Although after learning more about PJW/Infowars I swiftly discounted them, I already said I wouldn't ever post them on GAF again. CHS however I don't see any reason to simply end watching her content as I think there is a lot of genuinely delivered talking points that aren't said through aggression/smearing.


Protesting isn't trying bar entry or asking the University heads to block speakers, or even worse, fire current professors.

Then I don't think you know what protesting is, because it can be that and more. There is no way to "correctly" protest, the whole point is to make a stand against the thing you're protesting and obstruction is one way of doing that.


elaborate? if this were a traditional feminism subject, you would fear being banned for not explaining such claims.

This isn't a double standard, btw, it's just well known that Sommers' ideas aren't worth the bits she uploads them on.

For a deeper example though:

You'll notice that she no long cites any sources once she starts coming up with her "problems" with her very narrow definition of intersectionality.


Depends. What do you agree with?

i'm going to limit myself to :

Feminism is good, but as with anything else, a portion of them will go overboard and push the feminist ideas to the extreme, to the point where they're beyond common sense (on the misandry side) to get their point across. Those people aren't any better than misogynist, and people like her are trying to point that out in some ways. Kinda. Sorta.


you know I like to promote discussion, rather than just shut down peoples opinions without any baseline.

I expanded on my thoughts above. But you can't expect everyone to constantly expand on their thoughts on someone like Sommers' who is almost universally reviled from an academic pov.





Note that you were the first to evoke "hivemind". You set that tone.

Fair enough, I apologise. Just wasn't expecting my mistakes with PJW to continue to haunt me. I guess if people see CHS as bad as him I should expect to live with that. So far I just haven't seen her anywhere near as aggressive as he is (after I started watching more than just that SA video).

Then I don't think you know what protesting is, because it can be that and more. There is no way to "correctly" protest, the whole point is to make a stand against the thing you're protesting and obstruction is one way of doing that.

On an educational campus which is protected within the confides of it's walls I sincerely look down on educational debate being outright prevented. It's speakers of ideas, not people running a country or in anyway changing laws/regulations on said campus with their presence. They are literally just speaking. They either asked to come and the Campus agreed, or they were invited. They are not going on a private campus without permission. So yeah, I think blocking in this instance is without a doubt way over the top and actually harms the protesters image.

A protest of the speakers, then followed up by said protesters going out and trying to invite their own guests with different ideas is a far better approach. Not trying to bar or block it outright.
a portion of them will go overboard and push the feminist ideas to the extreme, to the point where they're beyond common sense (on the misandry side) to get their point across.

I'll just say that the way you phrased this could literally include anything.
While some authors have called her works and positions anti-feminist,[26][27][28] Sommers rejects such claims.[29]

It's probably fairly telling when there are more sources prescribing her anti-feminist than those defending her as feminist.


elaborate? if this were a traditional feminism subject, you would fear being banned for not explaining such claims.

This isn't a double standard, btw, it's just well known that Sommers' ideas aren't worth the bits she uploads them on.

For a deeper example though:

You'll notice that she no long cites any sources once she starts coming up with her "problems" with her very narrow definition of intersectionality.

She turns intersectionalty into an attack on free speech, when it is the exact opposite. Then she goes to how they just want to be victims and cry in their safe space

aka Bullshit.
that's why I added "but as with anything else" before that part...

That's not what I'm saying.

I've heard the "feminists going too far and being misandrist" line about absolute nonsense, like the term feminism itself.

(it's misandrist cause it prioritizes womenz over men!!!")

The way you phrased it could mean you're a very left wing feminist or an outright MRA (views wise) depending on what you see as examples of "going overboard", as everyone will have a different idea what counts as "too much".


She turns intersectionalty into an attack on free speech, when it is the exact opposite. Then she goes to how they just want to be victims and cry in their safe space

aka Bullshit.

She is literally just giving her opinion to tear down a strawman she built.

Which, I guess if you built that strawman too it's cool to see someone tear theirs down with an opinion that matches yours, but it has little to do with the reality of intersectionality or oppression.
I don't see how this woman is a feminist, or something other than a reactionary for that matter. Every single video I've seen is her shooting down some current, video, movie or something else.


I don't see how this woman is a feminist, or something other than a reactionary for that matter. Every single video I've seen is her shooting down some current, video, movie or something else.

She didn't wanna get sued by the Fine Bro's so she changed her name from "the factual alt-right reactionary" to "the factual feminist".
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