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Sonic Lost World Review Thread [Embargo Ends: Oct. 18th, 4:00 AM EDT]


When it comes to reviews, not all sites and sources are created equal. If a consensus has formed between all of the more mainstream pubs, it's safe to say the game is probably a turd.

It's like saying something like Lair received mixed reviews.

True, but "mainstream" doesn't mean trustworthy. Out of the mainstream sites giving it poor scores, Eurogamer is the only one I've ever agreed with in the past. IGN & GT are usually way off on my own experience of whatever game they're reviewing. Others might find they're usually spot on. Point is: you should never decide if a game is worth buying or not based on reviews unless you personally trust that particular reviewer. Doesn't matter if they're mainstream or not. As long as there is a wide range of good/bad scores, then reviews for that game are fairly impotent.

(obviously if it's universally panned/loved then that's different)

NB: I'm not saying don't believe the bad scores or don't believe the good scores: I'm saying clearly it's a game worth trying yourself before deciding to buy.


I read the Jim Sterling review and him talking about replaying the levels before enjoying the game stuck out to me. I think reviewers are time crunched to try to beat a game as fast as possible so they can spit out a review on launch day. If there's something that doesn't fit the mold, has unique elements, or a learning curve, it won't be understood and will be written off as junk. But with that said, I'm not defending Sonic Lost World as I haven't actually played it myself.

Yeah. Actually I noticed that with Jet Set Radio HD. I had actually reviewed that for a website when it came out, and I found my experience mostly enjoyable, punctuated by a few frustrating moments. But I knew what I was getting into, because I know how these kinds of Sega games are. I gave it a good score, yet I went around and read a lot of reviewers saying things like "the game just does not hold up, too hard/frustrating, etc." and giving it pretty low scores. I felt like sometimes reviewers get frustrated when they have to crunch through a review of a hard game. Especially if they don't want to review the game. There are these hidden factors sometimes that will make their experience not like your own.
So the game sucks. But the engine is beautiful. I hope they use this engine to do a new Sonic Generations. SG gameplay was great but the 30fps engine really wasn't.


The bad reviews just fuel my desire to purchase this on day 1. It's at the point now where for any game going for originality - receiving bad reviews is a great compliment. It means that it actually must be doing something different. This will go down as "controversial," like Wonderful 101, and Resident Evil 6.

The game looks like it's tough to master, and the way you interact with the levels - while similar to Galaxy for sure - is really not quite like anything else I've ever seen. For that reason alone, I'm psyched to play it. And the last few Sonic games have been pretty fantastic.

People are wishing Mario 3D World followed Galaxy, but they'll pass this up? And for only $50, its a no brainer for me. Hopefully I end up enjoying it.


World 1 finished with all red rings, it was awesome, the only downside is the asteroid whisp, super hard to control.
The game is fast, beautiful and fun. Once again I'm glad I always make my mind myself instead of jumping to reviews's score and force me to hate/like a game.


Neo Member
I read the Jim Sterling review and him talking about replaying the levels before enjoying the game stuck out to me. I think reviewers are time crunched to try to beat a game as fast as possible so they can spit out a review on launch day. If there's something that doesn't fit the mold, has unique elements, or a learning curve, it won't be understood and will be written off as junk. But with that said, I'm not defending Sonic Lost World as I haven't actually played it myself.

Although with Sonic Lost World, the review copies went out over three weeks ago. They've had plenty of time to work through the game.

The Boat

I have given this game many chances, in fact the reason I haven't released the review yet is to play it again and give yet another chance before I give my final judgement. But every single time I stepped away from the game and came back with fresh eyes and head, the game would let me down again. It just fails on the fundamentals of what makes not just a good platformer but even a mediocre one. The controls are awkward, the physics bad, your actions unpredictable. Yes, there is a learning period, but even after that, I can't find the controls good. Actually the fact that the controls and the game aren't intuitive is a gigantic problem in a game that clearly gears itself towards children.w It's a frustrating game that rarely achieves high moments, certainly not enough to offset the bad parts.

There are good points of course, the graphics and art design are great, as is the soundtrack and the game concept is without doubt a step in the right direction, especially level design wise, but the execution fails miserably.

I'm not the kind of guy that picks up on one or two bad points, gets fixated on them and blows them out of proportion, perhaps because I've been playing so many great platformers I'm less lenient, but the fact is that the game fails on what it absolutely shouldn't and I can't look past that.


Although with Sonic Lost World, the review copies went out over three weeks ago. They've had plenty of time to work through the game.

Doesn't mean they will have spent the time with it, wasn't there one guy in this thread who stated that they are just playing it now?

People have other deadlines etc or may have just done the review early then left it in the hopper.

but its still better than the not send out until release day people :p


From the videos etc the game looks solid. I think there's a pretty good chance this will play as good as or better than Generations and Colors.


Gold Member
Played the first two levels. It doesn't feel like Sonic, more like Sonic trying to be Mario.
I have no problems with that, I never really got into Sonic.


There is nothing wrong with sequels... of good games. Sonic Colors was amazing, Sonic Colors 2 could have been amazing as well.

There is a problem when an industry relies to much on sequels vs introducing new types of games. As I understand, Sega is working on a new, probably more traditional, Sonic game anyway, so Im glad they took this chance to try something new with the franchise, and I hope there are enough consumers out there willing to give this game a chance.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt


It's pretty crazy how mixed reviews have been. Many agreed that Colors and Generations were great additions to the franchise, but it's a lot more complicated this time.

Unless its GOTY contender like Last of Us, GTA 5, Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda etc or a complete piece of crap like Big Rigs or Superman 64, then every other game has "crazy mixed reviews"

Its the norm with 90% of the games, so they are all "divisive". Sonic Lost World is not some special case, it belongs right there with the majority of games released.
I always hate it when people proudly state "I had no idea this game was coming out" thinking.. how could they have missed the hype thread? But I genuinely didn't know. Sent to die and possibly rushed.

Has all upcoming WiiU discussion gone into the 2013 games thread now?


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
God is a keek: 8/10
VERDICT: SEGA and Dimps have done an exceptional job in recapturing what makes a Sonic game work. The fact that they’ve done this, while creating that game for a handheld system, makes Lost World all the more impressive.

There are faults, however, such as a few terrible design decisions that can make things incredibly frustrating on occasion. However, if you can get past those issues, you’ll see a game that picks some of the best elements of modern and classic Sonic games and combines them with new elements to make the Blue Blur feel fresh again. In short: this is the handheld Sonic game that fans have been waiting for. The Sonic Cycle has been broken.


Holy shit thats a pretty big disparity in reviews (With a lot of reviewers going towards the low end).

W/e still gonna buy it eventually.
For what footage I have seen now I would say lost world is a spin-off sonic game, but also am amazing fun change to the last 10 years of the sonic formula.

I personally want to see their next sonic game be along the lines of sonic colours, sequel in name or not.
Crazy how mixed these reviews are. It seems the reviewers are either rating it too high or too low, so seeing a 7.5 from someone as trustworthy as Jim Sterling is nice. I'll check it out.


Hmmm. Jim Sterling is certainly someone who puts a lot of thought and reasoning into his reviews/discussion.

Might be worth giving the game a test run if it has potential.

yeah, i liked how he broke it down, too...it sounds like some of his biggest problems with it were

a) questionable camera control, which to varying degrees been a problem since adventure, sadly, and
b) padding the game by preventing you from later levels until you meet collect-a-thon's requirements...this was really what put me off on Unleashed, way more than were-hog, personally. i know it's kind've standard in platformers these days (fuck, 3D Land did it to me for skipping so many red coins) but i'm not a fan of it.

still, these - with the ability to skip whatever levels feel particularly poor - feel acceptable to me, so i'm still pretty hyped! don't have $50 at the moment but ill watch our buy/sell thread till i do.
Yeah, when something is different, "gaming journalism" is the last place I expect to write decent articles.

Not saying the game will be fantastic or anything, but a lot of reviews are saying "it's different!" like it's a bad thing and then bitch about the stupidest things ("The story and dialog are awful in a Sonic game, unheard of, 1/5!!!").

I keep laughing at all of the reviews complaining about the enemies "coming out of nowhere" considering this has been the case with Sonic since the first one. Then they complain about it not being traditional enough in the next sentence. This looks like it's be Zombi U and Wonderful 101 all over again, hahaha (except maybe not being GOTY material like those two were).
Does anyone know what the lowest score Official Nintendo Magazine UK has given to a Nintendo published retail game? I remember someone throwing around the 80 Wii Music got once.


Just because Sonic games always have bad story and dialog doesn't mean you shouldn't hold bad story and dialog against it. But as long as it isn't Sonic 06..


Meh, mixed reviews aren't really putting any piss in my oatmeal, the game looks pretty solid to me, and I trust Jim Sterling's judgment pretty well, despite him giving Colors a 4.5.

I'm expecting a game that I will be glad I bought. I doubt it will top Generations in terms of flat out replayable fun, but still be a good Sonic game.


Still not seeing anyrhing super bad here.

It looks like a Sonic game with some typical Sonic Game flaws (shit-meh bosses, some gameplay types that isn't exactly good or what we want, silly story, and platformer length).

It sucks that every Wii U game that tries to be different gets panned tho. It lends far to much credence to the tin foil hat threory of the industry trying to push Nintendo out. GT seems like a fair review tho 7.5. Good but not great. which is cool with me.

Worst part of this though?

This is going to give idiots the go ahead to bring back the Sonic Cycle bullshit.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm not understanding how half the reviews can praise it and say it does many things well while the other half say those things are done poorly. It's just so weird, usually there's some consistency with reviews about what works and what doesn't.


Sonic Lost World clumsily tears all the wrong pages out of the Super Mario Galaxy playbook, and in so doing, loses the breathless speed and fluidity that makes a Sonic game a Sonic game.
It’s just not very Sonic and the core of what makes the early games great – speed and simplicity, have been lost in this Lost World.
Sonic Lost World desperately wants to be Mario Galaxy, but in overtly coveting the great Italian plumber, it smothers the talents of its blazing blue hedgehog.
These three reviewers are all bashing the game for being "too slow for Sonic". I'm personally happy they tried with a different play-style after three games with the "Hedgehog Engine". They could've taken the easy way out and just made a sequel to Colors, but they opted for something different. I don't know if I'll enjoy this as much as the previous two games, but I'm having a hard time imagining me not liking it at all. At the very least, I really want to try it out.


I'm sure this game will have an audience that enjoys it, but this is probably not for me. Bummer too because the first trailer looked really promising.


Ouch @ my favourite review sites (Edge, Eurogamer, Gamekult).
Glad I only paid 24€. Will wait to play it before making a judgment as the videos looked varied and creative enough.


Ouch. Much lower scores from the big sites than I was expecting. IGN in particular.

Personally, based on what I've seen, this game looks decent at best. A big step down from Generations. There are some nice ideas like parkour, but the execution doesn't seem to be there at all.

Still, I was expecting the critics to be more generous to a Sonic game littered with classic goodies regardless of quality. Like how things went with Sonic 4. Guess not. Can't say that I'm heart broken though.


I think reviewers are time crunched to try to beat a game as fast as possible so they can spit out a review on launch day. If there's something that doesn't fit the mold, has unique elements, or a learning curve, it won't be understood and will be written off as junk.
In some cases I'd definitely agree with you, but, speaking as a writer from a considerably smaller outlet, we got Lost World extremely early. Like the earliest we've ever gotten a retail packaged game. People had plenty of time to play this before the embargo (or US release).

Whether they actually used that time is suspect, I guess.


Damnit, I guess the 3DS version didn't turn out as good as I hped it would... I don't think this will pull me away from FFXIV. Might have to wait for A Link between Worlds to achieve that...


The Chuck Norris of Peace
So I have not played the game, so therefore dont know if its good or bad. However, past experience with "divisive" games like this lead me to believe that the game had a lot of obstacles to overcome to get generally favourable reviews:

1. It is a Sonic-game. There exist a narrative among gamers and gaming-journalists that every 3D Sonic-game is bad, that the "Sonic-cycle" is a real thing, and that Sonic hasnt been relevant for years. This is the story most reviewers went into with when they reviewed decent-to-good games like Sonic and the Secret Rings, Unleashed, Colours, Generations and now this. All games that in my opinion scored in general lower than they deserved. Of course, this narrative wont influence all reviewers, but it will make many of them go into this game thinking "this probably sucks" and make it more likely that they will be looking for flaws rather than enjoying the game.

2. It is made in Japan. There is a narrative especially among gaming journalists that the japanese gaming industry doesnt know how to make good games anymore, that most of the games coming from there are only replicas of their past games, and that many of them are buggy, technically inferior and less innovative. While it is without a doubt true that japanese games sell less in the west than they used to, and therefore are less relevant, I am not convinced that the quality and uniqeness acually have dropped, however if you listen to podcasts or read reviews on the major gaming sites, you will know that the people in the industry definitely hold this view. A game I think got really docked for this was Resident Evil 6, being a huge project coming out of Japan, and while it did have some flaws and was a completely different game than the old RE-games, there is just NO WAY it deserved to score as low as it did on many sites. The narrative that big budget japanese games suck, made it much more easy for many of these guys that would score a mediocre western shooter in the 7's, to score the game a 3 or a 4. With Sonic: Lost World we have another game coming out of Japan, and while a lot of reviewers are of course not letting this narrative affect their focus, it makes many likely to search for flaws that reinforces their view, and also makes it more "acceptable" to give it a low score.

3. It is a thirdparty exclusive on a Nintendo-console. There is no doubt that there is a huge media bias against Nintendo among the general crowd running sites like IGN (you just have to listen to their general gaming podcast to notice this easily). ShockingAlberto wrote once about how he knew reviewers last summer who after having played Rayman Legends - a then upcomming Wii U-exclusive - was already searching for "reasons" why this game was not worth buying and had constructed a "wait for the PS360-version"-narrative even before the game was out. The Wonderful101 in the same way got a ton of complaining in reveiws about being a Wii U-exclusive, and by being that a lot of reviewers felt the need to judge the game in light of how much it needed the Gamepad or not, and even a firstparty game like Pikmin 3 was met with the same criticism. We all know how Zombi U was totally slammed by major sites like IGN, and there are a ton of good thirdparty-games on the Wii that got hit by the same fate (or even just completely ignored by the big sites). With a Wii U-exclusive, a lot of reviewers go into it thinking "why is this on Wii U", and therefore trying to find good reasons in the game for it being on there isntead of on the PS360 or just multiplatform. When they in general dont find this reason (because outside of Zombi U most games on the Wii U doesnt really use the Gamepad in good ways), they will also judge it for that - and the game gets a negative stigma to overcome from even before it is started.

In conclusion, I think everybody slamming this game for all the bad reviews already should think about these points, and TRY THE GAME FOR THEMSELVES. This game might be good, it might be terrible, but already from its inception it had three strong media narratives to overcome, and it is therefore highly likely that this game gets a lower metacritic score than what it deserves - just like games like Wonderful101 and Zombi U did before it.


So it seems a number of outlets are knocking the game because it's simply to hard for them!? Slow? The videos of the game look plenty fast to me and like all other Sonic games I've played you didn't really blaze through levels until you knew them and knew where the enemy placements were. The first time through a level was always slower until you learned it. Same with Mario games. Sure you could try to blaze through them if you wish on the first go but count getting hit a lot or dying because you don't have precognition. I'm not reading anything in these reviews or parts of reviews that is suggesting it's a bad game. However that they don't like having to learn the controls, don't have patience to approach the game as an unknown and wanted the game to be something else when Sega was quite clear about how it would control from the very start.

Nothing I've read is turning me off from buying the game.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Still not seeing anyrhing super bad here.

It looks like a Sonic game with some typical Sonic Game flaws (shit-meh bosses, some gameplay types that isn't exactly good or what we want, silly story, and platformer length).

This is going to give idiots the go ahead to bring back the Sonic Cycle bullshit.
Generations was almost totally free of chaff, though, and delivered an excellent game without gimmicks. This seems like a step back. :(
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