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Say Something Bad About a Game You Love


FF7R, while I love you to bits, plz put some more effort into your dungeon design next time. And also spend more than 5 minutes on the side quests and their stories. I mean there is potential...buuuut it leaves much to be desired.
Cyberpunk 2077 is too short. Both the main story and the side-quests left me feeling unsatisfied because I wanted much more, much longer.

Skyrim should have dodge/roll and enemy lock-on. Fixable by mods though, which totally transforms the melee action ❤️


Gold Member
Having both run (hold) and dodge (tap) on the same button in FROM games, and not being able to de-couple it in layout settings, is a HORRIBLE idea, even though we all got used to it.
Especially painful in Sekiro, the default button layout forces you to play with claw grip and do all kinds of gymnastics.
Also, how many of you were re-mapping L3 to disable crouch during boss fights? Accidently pressing L3 while clutching the controller in the heat of the battle while running = slide and stop = DEATH.
Run BELONGS on L3, like in every other game, zero reasons why it shouldn't be possible while dodge should stay on circle.


Witcher 3 would have been flawless for me if the combat was actually good.

GTA V took too long to add heists to gtao.

Cyberpunk was mindlessly rushed.

Assassin's Creed franchise needs a main plot and a good story or it needs to die already.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
God of War (2018)

I kinda got sick fighting the same Troll boss multiple times. Game needed more variety of boss types. Using the same Troll, even a slight variation in Hel, seemed lazy.

No jump button? Why?

Still one of my favourite games of all time.

Fare thee well

Overleveled and underleveled gear overload in Witcher 3. You always have shit that you can't use or is so underleveled it is worthless. Even your elite crafted armor eventually gets outleveled. All that fashion and no way to keep it; tragic. There is a mod that autolevels all gear to be at your current level. I HIGHLY recommend it.


As much as I love the game‘s overall artstyle and world design, I really dislike a lot of the character designs in FF9. The chibi style just doesn‘t do it for me. Some of them are fine (especially Vivi and Garnet), but Steiner, Zidane and Eiko are by far the goofiest looking main characters of all the mainline FFs (so is Quina, but she‘s clearly comic relief, so her ridiculous design doesn‘t bother me). Zidane‘s huge head makes him look like a little kid (and what‘s with that stupid tail?), Eiko looks like a retarded toddler, and Steiner‘s goofy design makes it impossible for me to take him seriously as a character. And Kuja looks like a transvestite (seriously, where are his pants?!).

I like the game‘s whimsical feel, but I think they went a little overboard with some of the characters.
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Fair enough, my top 20 games of all time

WonderBoy 3 - The controls are too stiff

Psychonauts - The endings difficulty curve spikes WAY too hard lol

Tomba - The platforming would be a lot better if you could look up or down

Brutal Legend - The tower defense stuff is too rudimentary, either be an action title or a tower defense game

Ratchet and Clank Going Commando - The female (lorax?) character is WAY too simple

Super Metroid - The controls can be tricky when it comes to the wall jump

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - The framerate sucks

Zelda Majoras Mask - Way to much jumping in and out of the menu screen

Super Smash Bros Melee - They slowed down my 2nd (Fox)

Brave Fencer Musashi - That rhythm game gives you no heads up that you need to wait

Stacked - It could be difficult to know what to do next

Xenosaga - Had to be followed by Xenosaga 2 :(

Wild Arms - Very dated

Mystical Ninja Goemon (the N64 one) - Camera angles could suck more often than not

Super Mario Bros - Luigi is simply a Mario reskin (down to his model/sprite)

Mario 64 - That damn water level music was so relaxing I would lose all urgency lol

Onimusha - The extra dudgeon had HORRIFICLY bad camera angles

Way of the Samurai - Controls could be clunky

Ape Escape 2 - Great game, but a bit too much similar to the first (#3 mixed it up, but had it's own pitfalls)

Knights of the Old Republic - You could be barred from the water planet for ACCIDENTALLY killing their "God" lol
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Too many Gotys, and didn't kill Joel soon enough TLOU2.
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You get too much money after completing the Valentine heist in RDR2 that it ends up breaking the in-game economy of the singleplayer mode.


Dark Souls: Bed of Chaos. An awful huge gimmick boss that betrays everything about the gameplay and happily sweeps you into one of the many pits of death from off screen where you can’t really see it coming, and you have to accurately jump between platforms while risking the former. The only thing that has anything to do with the Dark Souls gameplay in that boss is attacking 3 times, and they’re spread out.


I love The Last Guardian but I would have liked having a movement speed between "slow tiptoe" and "run like hell".

Gravity Rush 2 is GOAT but there is content forever gated in the closed online features . Thanks Sony.

DriveClub has a "realistic" handling option that makes the cars slower and heavier and it's so satisfying to play. However, every time you hit a wall the game slows your cat for 5 seconds for no reason, it feels horrible and like the game is cheating against you despite the realistic setting.


Starcraft - that 12 unit limit makes totally no sense and ruins the gameplay.
Killzone 2 - the controls were absolutely god-awful and single-handedly killed the game.


Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (PSP) has ass framerate.

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together's (PSP) crafting is a dreadful mess I absolutely loathe.

My top two games of all time.


Gold Member
Alan Wake

Horrible combat and a few infinite enemy spawn areas. Absolutely adore the rest of this game.

There is no other game where the contrast between liking and hating aspects of it is this big..


Smackdown vs. RAW 2006
- Didn't have more Create-A-Championship parts
- It didn't make its way to the present because every wrestling game after 2007 has been complete garbage

And I got news for you... THAT GAME WAS FUCKING PERFECT, DAMMIT! :messenger_loudly_crying:


Chocobo breeding and racing in FFVII. Sadly required to get Knights of The Round.

It's where I usually stop playing on repeat playthroughs.


Gold Member
Demon’s Souls is a perfect has a game can be personally but the first 2 bosses on Valley of Defilement have horrible design and are so easy to cheese. For such a tough world, the bosses should’ve been harder and actually look like something you could draw again. They’re just blobs of something.


I have a love-hate relationship with my favorite games NPC’s.

This NPC music is sometimes used to meme Biden.
the witcher 3. love it but on my first playthrough the novigrad main story section was a pain to get through. i almost gave up on the game but i'm glad i stuck with it. once you leave to go to Skellige it picks back up. on my second playthrough it didn't feel so bad.

Persona 5 : That airlock puzzle can go straight to hell.
i didn't find that too difficult. what pissed me off was the boss fight for that palace in Persona 5 Royal. i had no idea WTF i was doing wrong and eventually had to check a guide. i knew to use weaknesses but not in the way the game forces you to.


King Snowflake
Cyberpunk - Main Quest was is too short. Making you wait for side quests to continue makes this even worse when you are trying to finish them before finishing the game.

Zelda BOTW - Whoever thought making you stop trying to climb something with random rain storms was cool is a fucking asshole. This loser must have also been the main proponent of the breakable weapons. Moron, swords don't break unless they are made out of ceramic.

3D Marios - No fucking way am I wasting all that time to get perfect on each level to unlock the harder levels. This shit may have been OK when I was a kid and had only 1 game, but now you can fuck off.

Assassins' Creeds - Way too fucking long. Give me a game that is over in the 30+ hours where it is still engaging or let me kill my character and have that be the ending.


the witcher 3. love it but on my first playthrough the novigrad main story section was a pain to get through. i almost gave up on the game but i'm glad i stuck with it. once you leave to go to Skellige it picks back up. on my second playthrough it didn't feel so bad.

i didn't find that too difficult. what pissed me off was the boss fight for that palace in Persona 5 Royal. i had no idea WTF i was doing wrong and eventually had to check a guide. i knew to use weaknesses but not in the way the game forces you to.

After failing over and over, I had to check a guide too. The dialogue gave hints but it just didn't click for me at all, I think for the reason you stated about weaknesses.


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
Persona 5 has insufferable fans, and extremely patchy writing quality (you can only blame so much of the incessant text messaging on a shoddy translation - it's still part of the game) and issues with pacing.

Kev Kev

BOTW not enough enemy variety
hands down my favorite game ever, but yeah this is a pretty glaring flaw. the breaking weapons never bothered me, but i wasnt a fan of the 100+ different trials (or whatever they are called). they were fun little puzzlers, but i was not a fan of them tbh. id have preferred 7 or 8 really well made dungeons, on top of the 4 animals temples (or whatever theyre are called.... lol its been a while since i played it).
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Bloodborne - I wish it didn't have the 30 FPS hardcoded limit.
FFVIIR - That one dungeon after the train was way, way too bloated. I like the idea of expanding the story, but good grief.
DMCV - It would be nice if there were other environments other than demonic guts.
GOW reboot - I missed having the huge boss battles.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
hands down my favorite game ever, but yeah this is a pretty glaring flaw. the breaking weapons never bothered me, but i wasnt a fan of the 100+ different trials (or whatever they are called). they were fun little puzzlers, but i was not a fan of them tbh. id have preferred 7 or 8 really well made dungeons, on top of the 4 animals temples (or whatever theyre are called.... lol its been a while since i played it).

shrines and ya i agree 100%.

Reduce them by half or more and give me just 4 well made dungeons and more enemies and it would be perfection. Hopefully BOTW2 will have all this.
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Resident Evil 3 Remake was way too short and after the first city segment that felt extremely well designed and fun to play the parts that followed were somewhat rushed.
The Last of Us Part II is not as clean as it could've been. There are 2-3 things you could cut or rearrange and it would have made for a better pacing.
Bloodborne needed a little bit more time cooking. More build/gameplay variety and a little bit longer. Yeah and obviously the technical side
Zelda BOTW. Basically what other mentioned as well. It lost a lot of soul compared to previous Zelda games. It is still high quality, but feels like the essence got diluted a bit.
Final Fantasy VII Remake. I hate to say it but this game being episodic makes it extremely hard to judge properly. Also the slow paced walking segments feel like they are only extending the game and not adding anything meaningful. Textures thankfully getting better with PS5 patch


Oblivion: NPC’s the most fun thing I hate. Ever.

Bloodborne: Micolah host of nightmares was a joke. I mean the buildup and path to him was so cool!

The Last of Us II : The death and Abby.

God Of War: Too many trolls and nilfheim broke me in my quest for platinum. Did it after hours of hard work.

GTA San Andreas: Helicopter missions suck

RE7: Midget Godzilla creatures. Everything else was perfect.

Call of Duties: Online MP.lolz.

Sekiro: F@ck Isshin. Took me almost a 100 tries.

Pokémon gold: Wild rattata appeared, Wild Pidgey appeared, Wild catterpee appeared 10 million times.

Silent Hill 3 - The subway


Gold Member
Pokémon Emerald. Too much water. Yeah, it’s a meme, but I played that game in like, 2017 and loved it, but the water is too much.

Chrono Cross: most non-compulsory boss battles are pure pattern repetition with basically zero variation or improvisation. Enemy does this, you do that. Avoid doing thing or the enemy will retaliate massively with the same move every time. These battles take a long time, but don’t even begin to exploit the peculiarities of the game’s battle system.

999: the DS version’s dual screen system adds immensely to the game’s meaning and interactivity, but having to do absolutely everything from scratch every time you’re going for a different ending is a chore.


Enemy variety seems to be a problem in many of our favorite games. Hope the powerful current gen CPUs can lead to more complex enemy designs and patterns.

For me, Half life was near perfect in this regard😅.


Mass Effect 2 is fucking amazing, but its human facial animations make my eyes bleed.

Persona 5 Royal is too short.

I can't play PSO1 on my Series X.

Nobody makes Rock Band instruments anymore and they're fucking expensive online.

NieR only has 5 endings.

My Super Mario Bros. 3 cartridge doesn't work anymore.
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