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Rainbow Six Siege updates system to handle toxic players


Good, I don't want to hear shitbags spewing garbage when I'm trying to enjoy a videogame, even if it's all meant in good fun.

I think having bans that extend across several days is too much. I want a text/speech recognition system that will silence toxic people only for the duration of that match.


.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand blocked. Clearly all you want to do is put words in my mouth and NOT have a conversation. I tried. Have a nice life friend. ------^^

What's the matter? Don't want to talk to someone who knows your talking points beat for beat? Can't warp the conversation when someone can instantly call you out on it? Where exactly did I put words in your mouth? I think you're hiding.

Sounds like someone needs a safe space from opposing ideas.
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Yeah I care about free speech. I don't want people being banned from a GAME for saying a word. But you are right its the publishers game and they can do what they want with it. I don't have to like it sure. I'm glad they are making a safe space for people who complained about being called a bad name. Good for them for sticking up for that vocal minority! They should pat themselves on the back!

Free speech? It's not free speech since it's their game and they can ban them if they see fit. You think free speech doesn't have consequences in the real world too?

.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand blocked. Clearly all you want to do is put words in my mouth and NOT have a conversation. I tried. Have a nice life friend. ------^^

How ironic, you can ignore all the hate and racism online but when someone calls you out here you block them.
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Seems like a pretty standard code of conduct, not really sure how you function in society if you can't follow these kinds of rules in establishments or when using services.

I mean if your ok with it here on NeoGAF

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use NeoGAF to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. Sexual, racial, or ethnic slurs will not be tolerated in any form and are bannable on the first offense. It is recommended that profanity be held to a minimum in order to keep the level of discourse high, and profanity should not be used when addressing others.

..why not elsewhere?

End of the day you don't have to use the service if you disagree, or use a different voice over IP service for communication.
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rofl, feel threatened because people don't want to put up with you screaming racial, sexual and other hateful discriminatory remarks at others?

I don't think you know what actual authoritarianism is

Congrats, you either didn't read my post or you understood only what you wanted to understand.


Neo Member
As long as they only ban alt-right people/nazis, antifa members/sympathizers and other problematic people in general, I'm all for it.
How long before trash talk is a bannable offense, period? It's like the people complaining have never played a competitive sport before - they would probably break down and cry as the D-line talks shit on the football field.

Wow, their system is so advanced it can't even tell the difference between nigga and the actual slur. This won't backfire at all! /s

So they are gonna ban hip hop?


I disable all chat instances right off the start in every game. 90% is just unrelevant bullshit, including things like "lol" "noob" "wtf" or more disrespectful slurs covered by the OP. Hell, even in Overwatch, at least in my league, nothing in the chat is REALLY worth to be read.

However, I'm all in for stricter actions against such behavior because if everyone would mute the chat like me, you wouldn't have a conversation at all and those 10% not talking bullshit wouldn't reach anyone. And if the chat weren't that toxic and unrelevant I wouldn't mute the chat. It's not oppression of free speech because you won't be punished by law. You can still say what you want without thinking of getting thrown into jail. Of course, if you threaten to come to someone's house and kill him, this is something different and also has nothing to do with free speech™. Also, you don't educate people in a multiplayer shooter and try to raise them as nice, respectable and honorable members of the community. This isn't your job and if adult people fail to behave like such members, other instances have already failed. You can't talk to most of toxic players because they do not want to change their behavior. That's how they roll. Because of the anonymity and lack of real consequences (nobody ever talked to me in real life like people do on the internet. Looking someone in the eye and telling things you would do behind your monitor is a completely different thing.)

In psychology it's as an ideal to work only with reward and clarification against misbehavior – not with punishment. That doesn't work in every scenario and really is more like an ideal, however. Sometimes people will only learn, if at all, through punishment.

Serious question: Why is the trash talk even a thing?
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Trying to equate words like "fuck" and "shit" to "nigger", "dyke", "cunt", and what ever vile things are thrown around commonly on public VOIP's is peak bad faith argument considering you know that

1) The game doesn't have those words in it from the characters
2) The ESRB always has disclaimers on about being unable to verify the online content and interactions.

Try again.

That’s the problem I see with this and the way I’m understanding it’s auto detected and vague. Are people gonna catch a ban for saying “fucking bullshit” or “son of a bitch”.

People are getting too hung up on the racial/homophobic/sexual slurs and just skipping the vague list of idk what they can auto detect and ban you for.

I couldn’t care less about saying slurs and attacking people. I just wanna know how far it’s gonna go, and if I can say “fuck this bitch ass game” if it pisses me off


That’s the problem I see with this and the way I’m understanding it’s auto detected and vague. Are people gonna catch a ban for saying “fucking bullshit” or “son of a bitch”.

People are getting too hung up on the racial/homophobic/sexual slurs and just skipping the vague list of idk what they can auto detect and ban you for.

I couldn’t care less about saying slurs and attacking people. I just wanna know how far it’s gonna go, and if I can say “fuck this bitch ass game” if it pisses me off
That is the problem I have with it. This statement is so vague it could mean evrything. If they use Youtube automatisation you can not even say stupid anymore for example. (Yes having a tupid in you title on youtube makes you lose advertisement) There is no automatic system that actually works right now and they are all very messy.


That’s the problem I see with this and the way I’m understanding it’s auto detected and vague. Are people gonna catch a ban for saying “fucking bullshit” or “son of a bitch”.

People are getting too hung up on the racial/homophobic/sexual slurs and just skipping the vague list of idk what they can auto detect and ban you for.

I couldn’t care less about saying slurs and attacking people. I just wanna know how far it’s gonna go, and if I can say “fuck this bitch ass game” if it pisses me off

I see nothing about this being an auto detect system, nothing they said shows they are going to extend it to something where swear general swear words are used and they made it clear that it's used to identify and punish players who are going out of their way to create toxic and hateful environments.

Worrying about slippery slopes is pretty silly when they are being rather clear what their goals are and the type fo speech that will be focused on. There is already a report system in many games and there are rather strict punishments for overusing it or simply creating false reports.

A good example of an actual auto detect system (which again, Ubi is not implementing) is Rocket League which has a system with a simple list of around 20 words that, depending on the severity and frequency of use, will cause an auto-ban to go off based on the frequency and word(s) used. Of course, this actually requires the person to write out the words, which is a bit of an added layer for producing hate speech because you can't just walk back saying something out of passion of the short moment, you have to type it out and use it repeatedly (or just once if it's one of the top words).

But, back to R6, the reddit post made it clear what this update is desgiend for,

Starting next week, we will be implementing an improvement on the system we have been using to ban players that use racial and homophobic slurs, or hate speech, in game. The bans for this will fall within the following durations, depending on severity:

Again, this is pretty straightforward stuff, so the slippery slope argument doesn't really work when they are going out of their way to define what they are specifically looking for.

In fact, someone even asked your very concern(s) in that thread,

Does this include vulgar language even when positive?

Like a teammate clutches a round and you tell him “good fucking shit dude” cause apparently I have the mouth of a sailor.

Community representative response,

That isn't what we're looking to crack down on, as that isn't toxic or even negative language. We're really focusing on slurs, homophobic language, and similarly offensive toxicity.

Another question that is specifically what you mentioned

Can I get banned for saying something like "Oh that's fucking stupid" Or only "You are fucking stupid"? We should be allowed to cuss as long as it's not toward another player and not a homophobic or racial slur for either.


I mentioned this above, but we understand that it is a competitive game and there will be some degree of trash talking/"swear words" used. We are expecting people not to take it too far with slurs and hate speech.

Nothing is vague and they have made explicit what they are going to target for bannable offenses. This last part isn't a specific dig at you, but other people in the thread used the slippery slope argument and it's clear they didn't actually read anything.
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Congrats, you either didn't read my post or you understood only what you wanted to understand.

It's funny you mentioned understanding posts considering you read off of the Code of Conduct, which was already in the game at launch.

If you actually read the posts and news articles you would understand they are simply creating an active system to target hate speech


Are not most people antifacsists though? Like if you are not, are you pro facsism?

Yeah most people are, but Antifa is just a communist totalitarian group. They implement fascist tactics to get their way. You can be anti-fascists and anti-antifa.

On topic, I'm fine with a company policing their own game. My friends and I trash talk each other but I'm rarely ever in game chat. I just hope these companies truly combat it and don't let "acceptable" forms of racism slip through.


It's funny you mentioned understanding posts considering you read off of the Code of Conduct, which was already in the game at launch.

If you actually read the posts and news articles you would understand they are simply creating an active system to target hate speech

And if you actually read his statement you'd see that he later talks about toxicity and other vague bullshit.


And if you actually read his statement you'd see that he later talks about toxicity and other vague bullshit.

I read his statement, the companies statement and the companies representatives statements on multiple websites and forums.

It's almost like cheery picking a single word and sentence that referenced the original code of conduct doesn't give you the actual context of the situation!

Now if you want to continue to argue that the situation is too vague, or it's a slippery slope, you're going to need to debunk the things previously posted about the specific scope of what they are aiming to punish and get rid of.
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Frozen Bagel

Neo Member
I’d actually argue even further in support for a system similar what the Korean devs do for their online platforms: requirements of some kind that mandates you must provide an SS# or state ID to participate on their services.

Folks, I don’t know how else to put it. We’re fast approaching mass saturation in online players with the next generation also starting to game online in general too. The Wild West of online gaming is dying and people are going have to see public servers as public spaces subject to basic common sense.
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Does a mature age rating remove the publisher/developers right to curate their GaaS in whatever way they see fit?
Nope. Didn’t think so.
Why would they need to curate their GaaS? I thought it was a mature community? You mean to tell me mature adults can't take a few insults they hear online? Weird.
Why would they need to curate their GaaS? I thought it was a mature community? You mean to tell me mature adults can't take a few insults they hear online? Weird.
Do you play the game? Not that your opinion is invalid if you don't.

I've been playing since launch. Still playing tho I do take breaks. It's bad. I'm not saying it's the worst ever, but it has a number of problems.

The idea that since it's rated M for Mature you need to not get upset by harassment. So the receivers of harassment, hate speech, and bullying need to toughen up and be adults. Not be such childish snowflakes. But the harassers in the M for Mature game may continue to not act mature... The only immature individuals in the mature community are the ones that aren't acting like immature ass whips?

I've been called names, harassed, and told to kill myself. Does that make me cry, rage quit, or hurt my self esteem? No. But it is annoying. It's annoying that i have to mute so many people. It's annoying that I don't play the game as intended anymore. And having a mic and communicating is a big part of that game. Listening to audio cues is also a big part of the game.

I've had rounds where I had to stop playing and mute someone because they were harassing the team. Not only was the harassment annoying, I couldn't hear what was going on in the game.

It's always the 0-4 shit heads that are telling everyone how much they suck. They are there to ruin your time.

So I guess my question to you is, why do you expect me to be the only adult? Why do I need to be the adult and not be bothered by immature members of this M for Mature community? Why do I need to deal with it instead of them stopping the immature bullshit?


Why would they need to curate their GaaS? I thought it was a mature community? You mean to tell me mature adults can't take a few insults they hear online? Weird.

Mature communities doesn't mean having unrestricted hate speech run rampant.

It's funny how you are really doing your best to defend those who spout hateful, derogatory language. Kinda a strange hill to die on,

Why would they need to curate their GaaS? I thought it was a mature community? You mean to tell me mature adults can't take a few insults they hear online? Weird.
Most mature adults just want to play the game, so why would you care if they removed those who aren't acting mature in a mature rated game?
Why would they need to curate their GaaS? I thought it was a mature community? You mean to tell me mature adults can't take a few insults they hear online? Weird.

You lost all credibility after you defend racists from being able to scream slurs in a private gaming companies video game but then blocked a member because you didn't like what he had to say..

Are you closest racists coming out of the woodwork? Are you guys the same ones we see online screaming slurs after you die in siege?


Do you play the game? Not that your opinion is invalid if you don't.

I've been playing since launch. Still playing tho I do take breaks. It's bad. I'm not saying it's the worst ever, but it has a number of problems.

The idea that since it's rated M for Mature you need to not get upset by harassment. So the receivers of harassment, hate speech, and bullying need to toughen up and be adults. Not be such childish snowflakes. But the harassers in the M for Mature game may continue to not act mature... The only immature individuals in the mature community are the ones that aren't acting like immature ass whips?

I've been called names, harassed, and told to kill myself. Does that make me cry, rage quit, or hurt my self esteem? No. But it is annoying. It's annoying that i have to mute so many people. It's annoying that I don't play the game as intended anymore. And having a mic and communicating is a big part of that game. Listening to audio cues is also a big part of the game.

I've had rounds where I had to stop playing and mute someone because they were harassing the team. Not only was the harassment annoying, I couldn't hear what was going on in the game.

It's always the 0-4 shit heads that are telling everyone how much they suck. They are there to ruin your time.

So I guess my question to you is, why do you expect me to be the only adult? Why do I need to be the adult and not be bothered by immature members of this M for Mature community? Why do I need to deal with it instead of them stopping the immature bullshit?
See these kind of messages are not ok. Saying that you should kill yourself while playing is something that is totally not ok. I personally talk about words like cunt which basically means idiot or asshole. Establishing these rules in such a vague language is always something I criticize since It often goes way too far
Why would they need to curate their GaaS? I thought it was a mature community? You mean to tell me mature adults can't take a few insults they hear online? Weird.

Why? Because it’s their game and their reputation. Ubisoft clearly don’t want to allow racism and homophobia in their game and they’re acting accordingly to curb that.

Age rating on the box has no correlation with the maturity of the player base. Regardless of that, point. Age/maturity has no relevance to racism or homophobia either. It again comes back to Ubisoft not wanting their game used as a platform for things they, and most civilised people, agree to be unacceptable.

Melon Husk

Back in the day, people would host their own servers. If you didn't like the culture, you'd go to a more civil server. Server owners were directly responsible for their domain.
I appreciate ranked matchmaking. For casual gaming, it's not so great. Playing with strangers, hosted on this sort of no-mans-land on some cloud server accentuates the ephemeral experience. You cannot return to that server ever again, as it does not have name or an address. All you have is a collection of strangers who you will probably never see again. Siege doesn't even display ip-based country flags.

This filter is a very minor update, many games before have had this feature. They ought to apply social engineering, not language filters, to improve players' multiplayer experience.


Maybe I just have thicker skin than most people. It does not bother me at all, that I have to mute people who I find annoying online. It does bother me that people have become so soft they need a company to change the online environment so they don't get upset.


"hate speech"

Pretty soon it's gonna be a selling feature for games to let you have normal conversations online without getting banned...


Maybe I just have thicker skin than most people. It does not bother me at all, that I have to mute people who I find annoying online. It does bother me that people have become so soft they need a company to change the online environment so they don't get upset.

It's probably because they want to retain new players. They are a business. If I had customers come to my business and give my other customers shit and spew bullshit at them I would kick them out and ban them from coming back. You don't want to run off other customers and potential future business by having this toxicity run rampant.


It's probably because they want to retain new players. They are a business. If I had customers come to my business and give my other customers shit and spew bullshit at them I would kick them out and ban them from coming back. You don't want to run off other customers and potential future business by having this toxicity run rampant.
If it's just all about business and making more money why hasn't EVERY game company banned 'hate speech' online? Why is it simply just this game being used as an example? Hell you know how to make the game sell better, take out those violent problomatic guns and blood and cuss words so you can market it to kids and make even more money.
Maybe I just have thicker skin than most people. It does not bother me at all, that I have to mute people who I find annoying online. It does bother me that people have become so soft they need a company to change the online environment so they don't get upset.
Well sir or miss, you are clearly misinformed. While they are starting a new procedure, you could have always (since launch) recorded and sent it in and had Ubisoft handle it. So they aren't changing their stance on the harassment.

This also isn't about being thin skinned. You aren't some thick skinned super hero. As I said, it doesn't hurt my thin skin. It's just incredibly annoying to have to mute other players on a regular basis. Although I think the topic is only in regards to text chat PC players.

I'll give you an example...

I'm on defense on Bartlett map Ranked. Defending Trophy Room as Rook. Prep stage starts and dude playing Jager puts up no Gadgets, reinforces no walls. He runs to Classroom. Match starts and he is killed within 10 seconds. He spends the the next 2+ minutes harassing his team. I'm in a 1v3 situation trying to win the round and he is screaming in the mic "you're a fag, who plays rook without the Acog". Breathing heavy into the mic. "You suck, your gonna lose". Faggot". I killed 2 but the third player killed me. I muted him at the end of the round. Next round starts, he tk's 2 and gets auto kicked. We now are down 0-2 in a permeant 4v5.

That's the guy you are defending. Assuming the 4 of us didn't have thick skin, how would having the thickness have changed that situation?
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If it's just all about business and making more money why hasn't EVERY game company banned 'hate speech' online? Why is it simply just this game being used as an example? Hell you know how to make the game sell better, take out those violent problomatic guns and blood and cuss words so you can market it to kids and make even more money.

That would make it sell worse. Kids like those things. I'm just saying it makes sense to ban people that are toxic online and are abusing chat. Same as you would be banned from this forum if you went around quoting someone and calling them a faggot repeatedly.

I can't believe there is anyone mad that they are enacting this to be honest. If there are accidental bans i'm sure there will be a way to appeal it.


It's their right to police the game however they want. Personally, I think trying to police voice chat is a waste of resources and not going to attract nearly as many players as investing the resources into new games modes and content. But if they have studies showing the people who bitch about games all day long will actually buy them once the little kids spewing nonsense are banned, I can't fault them for going this route.
Maybe I just have thicker skin than most people. It does not bother me at all, that I have to mute people who I find annoying online. It does bother me that people have become so soft they need a company to change the online environment so they don't get upset.

You don't have thick skin. If you did you wouldn't be blocking people here.

"hate speech"

Pretty soon it's gonna be a selling feature for games to let you have normal conversations online without getting banned...

This is the problem, some of your are identifying this as normal conversation. You don't act that way here so why would it be acceptable playing online?

If it's just all about business and making more money why hasn't EVERY game company banned 'hate speech' online? Why is it simply just this game being used as an example? Hell you know how to make the game sell better, take out those violent problomatic guns and blood and cuss words so you can market it to kids and make even more money.

Why are you trying so hard to marginalize hate speech and threats? Many private companies are trying to clean this up, this isn't about free speech. It's about trying to play games without being harassed, is that a bad thing?
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"hate speech"

Pretty soon it's gonna be a selling feature for games to let you have normal conversations online without getting banned...

Yeahhhhh no. I'm pretty sure you don't even believe that. Actually, I'm really hoping you don't. That's pretty dumb I'm sorry.


Seems like a pretty standard code of conduct, not really sure how you function in society if you can't follow these kinds of rules in establishments or when using services.

I mean if your ok with it here on NeoGAF

..why not elsewhere?

End of the day you don't have to use the service if you disagree, or use a different voice over IP service for communication.

This should have been the first and last post. It is hilarious that fretting about R6S's scary and troubling turn onto the road toward thought policing is taking place on a forum with rules that are basically identical. I can't even call someone a retard here! What is this, resetera??
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This is the problem, some of your are identifying this as normal conversation. You don't act that way here so why would it be acceptable playing online?
Actually, quite a bit of the normal conversation I have with my friends online would surely offend someone and be a ban-able offense in some circles. I don't act that way here because it's ban-able. Pretty simple really...
Yeahhhhh no. I'm pretty sure you don't even believe that. Actually, I'm really hoping you don't. That's pretty dumb I'm sorry.
Why would I pay for games that will just ban me for harmless banter when I could pay for other games that don't? Pretty simple really...


Neo Member
Wow you seem to have such a dog in the fight considering you keep saying you don't care.

It's almost like you do care.

Human interactions online are real, trying to raise the point that the game is a game is probably the silliest thing you've said yet. If it doesn't bother you, then why can't you have the slightest bit of empathy for anyone who isn't a white male who want to play games online without having racism and sexism thrown their way over VOIP?

Do you not think years of dealing with childish hateful remarks have created a tough skin? I mean, if they have been playing games for years then obviously they aren't these hyper sensitive snowflakes you try and portray them as. The only difference is now communities are becoming more like actual communities in which companies have a hands in crafting and keeping alive. Companies have a vested interest in not having their games as service be populated by child like attitudes who think other people should put up with their hateful language.

It's literally a child like mind, the world revolves around them, people have to bow down to their needs and rights to spew hate.

You're right, it is a choice. Now the companies and communities are giving people a choice. Stop creating toxic environments or leave.

Wow we got a racist and sexist comment here. I am so tired of people assuming that white males are all privileged and don't experience racist or sexist behavior towards them. In fact this whole SJW and overly PC movement with most of them virtue signaling to make themselves feel better or look good has made it far worse. People have been far more racist towards me more then even because I am a white male. I have constant stereo types thrown towards me. People tell me my opinion is not of any value because of the color of my skin and or sex or sexual preference. I would be OK if I was at least gay or transgender but since I am a straight white man, anything I say can be discounted or thrown out because I am a "privileged cis white male". I am so confused how that is OK to do. I have even seen people that are also white men be racist towards themselves or others of the same race/gender because they have gone full retard. I should not be judged based upon my race and or gender because of things that others have done. I have even seen people agree that white men should be taxed higher even if they are poor because they are "privileged". I am sick of this racism/sexism that is overlooked and basically thought of as PC and a valid way to think and or act towards people. It's not OK and it needs to stop.
If it's just all about business and making more money why hasn't EVERY game company banned 'hate speech' online? Why is it simply just this game being used as an example? Hell you know how to make the game sell better, take out those violent problomatic guns and blood and cuss words so you can market it to kids and make even more money.

Maybe other businesses looked at their player retention statistics and decided it wasn’t a problem worth fixing. Maybe Ubisoft looked at their own statistics and decided it was a problem and this is their solution.

I’m not a businessman though, and neither are you. Neither of us work for Ubisoft either so we won’t know the true reasoning behind this move.

Frankly, I doubt it was a decision made on the basis of protecting people with thin skin and a lot more likely that they don’t want their game to be used as a platform for racism and hate speech. Again, what do you find so disagreeable about a company taking a stance against racism and hate speech?


Maybe other businesses looked at their player retention statistics and decided it wasn’t a problem worth fixing. Maybe Ubisoft looked at their own statistics and decided it was a problem and this is their solution.

I’m not a businessman though, and neither are you. Neither of us work for Ubisoft either so we won’t know the true reasoning behind this move.

Frankly, I doubt it was a decision made on the basis of protecting people with thin skin and a lot more likely that they don’t want their game to be used as a platform for racism and hate speech. Again, what do you find so disagreeable about a company taking a stance against racism and hate speech?
It's fine they are taking a stance. Weird that they only care now considering how long the game has been out. To me it seems a bit like a PR stunt or something they are doing to cover their ass from lawsuits. It will be interesting to see how Ubisoft deals with this in their future games. Will they implement it in all games gong forward or is the R6 community just that bad.
As I understand, this is not a new thing. This was always against the ToS. It was always something that would have got you banned. But it required a player to record and submit. This is for text chat on PC only I believe. Console players will still have to record and submit. PC players will still have to record and submit Voice Chat harassment.

If my info is wrong let me know.

The community has had some issues. In 10 matches i would see teamkilling, quitting, or overall toxic B.S. in 9 of those matches. When they tightened on team killing, other abuses took hold. The harassment picked up. Damaging your team mates instead of outright killing them. Destroying team Gadgets. I've seen opposing players attempt to join my party to "help" us win. I'm not saying I am team killed in 9 of 10 matches... but that I see it going on.

I had a match last night on Theme Park Ranked, second round defending Drug Lab. I'm in a 1v4 as Frost. I kill 2, get killed by the third, no idea where the fourth was. A team mate who was 0-2 plugs his mic in (or un-mutes it) and says "you should have killed them both you fucking retard". We win the match 4 games to 1. I went 15-2 including an ace in the fourth round and a 4k in the last round. I got like 6 friend requests at the end, including 1 from the 0-2 dude (finished 2-5).

I'm not telling you these examples because i got skills. Not to swing my online gaming penis around. I am at best an average skilled player at best. The team I was against was really bad. Maybe they were trying to de-rank. I don't know.

I'm telling you because the toxic B.S. isn't rare to happen. It's pretty common. I try to be a mature, respectable member of the Siege community same as Gaf. I may not be perfect and without fault. But I do try.

The being mature is me not team killing in retaliation. It means me not insulting back. But it doesn't mean I'm immature in finding it annoying and exhausting.

As far as muting as a problem solver, it's not. I can mute someone and I do, but how is that helping the rest of the community who runs into these players after i do? It doesn't. They will continue to harass others. Muting is only after the insult. Or staying in Party Chat or muting everyone at the start isn't how the game was meant to be played anyway.

Pushing people in this game not to communicate is a negative.
It's fine they are taking a stance. Weird that they only care now considering how long the game has been out. To me it seems a bit like a PR stunt or something they are doing to cover their ass from lawsuits. It will be interesting to see how Ubisoft deals with this in their future games. Will they implement it in all games gong forward or is the R6 community just that bad.

What's so weird about a growing game still receiving regular support and updates two years post-release?
It has always been against their ToS, it has always been enforced. Notably, even temporarily banning two professional players in the past. So no, it's not new nor a publicity stunt. It's been there since day one, and their stance on the matter has only grown stronger since then. The ONLY people finding this stance unacceptable tend to be the ones effected by it. The trash talkers, the casual racists that still think flinging the N word around is humorous, the crass and rude that think they should be free to say whatever they want over a public server somebody else is paying for.
They're also the ones giving this the most publicity.

The majority of players are just happy to have a brand new game mode and third year of content.


As I understand, this is not a new thing. This was always against the ToS. It was always something that would have got you banned. But it required a player to record and submit. This is for text chat on PC only I believe. Console players will still have to record and submit. PC players will still have to record and submit Voice Chat harassment.

If my info is wrong let me know.

The community has had some issues. In 10 matches i would see teamkilling, quitting, or overall toxic B.S. in 9 of those matches. When they tightened on team killing, other abuses took hold. The harassment picked up. Damaging your team mates instead of outright killing them. Destroying team Gadgets. I've seen opposing players attempt to join my party to "help" us win. I'm not saying I am team killed in 9 of 10 matches... but that I see it going on.

I had a match last night on Theme Park Ranked, second round defending Drug Lab. I'm in a 1v4 as Frost. I kill 2, get killed by the third, no idea where the fourth was. A team mate who was 0-2 plugs his mic in (or un-mutes it) and says "you should have killed them both you fucking retard". We win the match 4 games to 1. I went 15-2 including an ace in the fourth round and a 4k in the last round. I got like 6 friend requests at the end, including 1 from the 0-2 dude (finished 2-5).

I'm not telling you these examples because i got skills. Not to swing my online gaming penis around. I am at best an average skilled player at best. The team I was against was really bad. Maybe they were trying to de-rank. I don't know.

I'm telling you because the toxic B.S. isn't rare to happen. It's pretty common. I try to be a mature, respectable member of the Siege community same as Gaf. I may not be perfect and without fault. But I do try.

The being mature is me not team killing in retaliation. It means me not insulting back. But it doesn't mean I'm immature in finding it annoying and exhausting.

As far as muting as a problem solver, it's not. I can mute someone and I do, but how is that helping the rest of the community who runs into these players after i do? It doesn't. They will continue to harass others. Muting is only after the insult. Or staying in Party Chat or muting everyone at the start isn't how the game was meant to be played anyway.

Pushing people in this game not to communicate is a negative.

Oh I didn't know this issue was ONLY for PC text chat. Thanks for pointing that out (missed it). Is that where most of the problems are? People typing slurs and insults? Or is it still a majority of players using team chat? The only other PC games that I play online(Paragon and GTA Online) have a filter on words so when someone wants to call you a {racist slur} it comes out looking like *****. I'm fine with that. Honestly if I was a part of the R6 community still, I would join a team discord or vent. What IS annoying about text chat is most of the time there is no option to turn it off, so censoring those certain key words is 100% fine by me. I thought this was a voice chat thing they were somehow trying to incorporate. I apologize for my ignorance. ;)
Oh I didn't know this issue was ONLY for PC text chat. Thanks for pointing that out (missed it). Is that where most of the problems are? People typing slurs and insults? Or is it still a majority of players using team chat? The only other PC games that I play online(Paragon and GTA Online) have a filter on words so when someone wants to call you a {racist slur} it comes out looking like *****. I'm fine with that. Honestly if I was a part of the R6 community still, I would join a team discord or vent. What IS annoying about text chat is most of the time there is no option to turn it off, so censoring those certain key words is 100% fine by me. I thought this was a voice chat thing they were somehow trying to incorporate. I apologize for my ignorance. ;)
That's my understanding of it. I could be wrong so I'd hate to misinform you. But to my knowledge, it's on you to record and submit anything that happens in game with voice chat. Or anything in game excluding team killing. You record, make a video, submit it to them.
This is dumb, the mute button exists for a reason. Speech shouldn't be a bannable offense and no I don't care how badly it made you felt. If you don't like it, don't play it and leave it to people who can handle a distasteful conversation without having a fit.


Gold Member
I see no problem with a company taking steps to curb something that could have a definite impact on their game's audience, especially given that their whole business strategy is to keep people playing the same games for as long as possible.

I do wish they'd opt to take away the person's talking privileges rather than outright banning them though. It's not that I feel bad for the poor tweens who are banned for spewing filth over mics. I just think that the punishment could better fit the crime. Cheating, team killing, glitching. or otherwise negatively affecting gameplay are the kinds of things companies should target with gameplay bans, IMO, whereas negatively impacting chat should earn you a communication ban (and perhaps a funny little icon for the duration of your ban). Depending on the game's active population, this could have a negative effect on the rest of the community too.

That said, a total ban is probably the best they can do for now, since chat is run though XBL/PSN. Maybe those services will give them more granular control in the future.
Actually, quite a bit of the normal conversation I have with my friends online would surely offend someone and be a ban-able offense in some circles. I don't act that way here because it's ban-able. Pretty simple really...

Why would I pay for games that will just ban me for harmless banter when I could pay for other games that don't? Pretty simple really...

God you are special. So your point is that you would rather pay for other games than siege solely for the fact that you could use racial and homophobic slurs in them. Am I understanding this right? Because that's what they are banning people for and you have the biggest issue with it. I think we found our racist.
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