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Japan is not happy with Assassin's Creed: Shadows

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Gold Member

The West doesn't seem to be universally liking it either but who knows at this point
Stupid people would buy those games and give ubisoft alot of money. Its easier to dislike something. But do you have the control to not buy it? I remember people trying to boycott alot of games, only to end up buying it the next day.

If you are angry, vote with your wallet. Dont bring your crybaby in to the internet, if you arent willing to follow your actions.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Ubisoft can make what it wants to make. The game could be great and really tell an interesting story about Yasuke.

But it won’t. It’ll be filled with time wasting and micro transactions at the very least, which makes it a hard pass. And Ubisoft has long since become creatively bankrupt.
I feel like I'm about to watch a bar fight in a 80s martial arts movie. This is how they all start.
you mean an 80s kung fu movie
Does anyone else see this endless loop people keep having to go through with StueyDuck StueyDuck ? All he has to do is point a finger and make a claim, and myself and others keep having to be the ones to provide proof.

Why does he never provide counterproof? or proof to his of his ‘wokeness’ claims? 🤔 Instead he just throws things out there and we all just have to accept his word. Meanwhile myself and others here have to dig through the mud to prove everything right. Over and over. You have it easy on this forum man, I am envious.

Brb, going do an expedition of searches.
State your opinion and then promptly fuckoff. Otherwise you have a motive. Tired of you long winded nerds who only talk like women and never stay their ground
I cannot wait for ending which Yasuke is the Japanese god reincarnation all along with his long lost love life noue ushered the new era of Japan with his became the first Black Japanese emperor in history.

I'd laugh but given the ending of AC Valhalla, this is actually a very real possibility.
People should be really angry about this, not the color of the character. They are forgetting who ubisoft is.
Nobody is forgetting Ubisoft shenanigans. You're acting like this is the first time they got controversy. And no, people are not angry primarily of the "colour" of the protagonist; what an incredibly reductive observation to point this out. No, it's it the lack of a leading male asian protagonist that's the source of this bullshit narrative that Ubisoft set up without a shred of awareness.


Now, to be fair, Yasuke did fight at least once.
There is no record of him killing or defeating anyone, but still, it's interesting how the Japanese talk about him.

On 21 June 1582, Oda Nobunaga was betrayed and attacked by his senior vassal Akechi Mitsuhide in the Hono-ji Incident; Yasuke was serving near Nobunaga at this time. After Nobunaga committed suicide, Yasuke went to Nijō Shin-gosho, the residence of Nobunaga's heir, Nobutada, where he engaged the Akechi forces. Luís Fróis's Annual Report on Japan contains the following statements:
A black man whom the visitor [Valignano] sent to Nobunaga went to the house of Nobunaga's son after his death and was fighting for quite a long time, when a vassal of Akechi approached him and said, 'Do not be afraid, give me that sword', so he gave him the sword. The vassal asked Akechi what should be done with the black man, and he said, 'A black slave is an animal (bestial) and knows nothing, nor is he Japanese, so do not kill him, and place him in the custody at the cathedral of Padre in India.
There are no historic documents to show the true meaning of Mitsuhide's statement, and it is not known whether it was a sign of his discriminatory mindset or an expedient to save Yasuke's life. As a result, Yasuke was sent to the Nanban-ji and treated by Jesuit missionaries. It is certain that Yasuke did not die, as Luís Fróis wrote five months after the Honnō-ji Incident, thanking God that he did not lose his life. However, there are no historic sources about him from then and it is not clear what happened to him afterwards.



Gold Member
Nobody is forgetting Ubisoft shenanigans. You're acting like this is the first time they got controversy. And no, people are not angry primarily of the "colour" of the protagonist; what an incredibly reductive observation to point this out. No, it's it the lack of a leading male asian protagonist that's the source of this bullshit narrative that Ubisoft set up without a shred of awareness.
Friend, ubisoft picked their protognist. They arent a japanese studios, and has no requirement that they should make a mandatory japanese main character.

Second, the game has a female japanese main character. A freaking asain/japanese characters.

We know why people are outraged. I am gonna end it here, and wont entertain this conversation any longer.


Cry more, you racist babies.
If you actually gave a shit about real racism instead of ham fisted virtue signalling you would observe how engaging in retarded culture war bullshit, "rubbing" peoples faces in petty, abrasive diversity increases the amount and severity of racism in the world. Those responsible for this shit are not black yet black people will get all the flack. People ask why are all these western AAA games so shit now? the answer moves away from shitty devs and money hungry corps with upside down priorities in an anti meritocratic system, it gets conflated with black people demanding representation in everything when they often aren't.

Read the endless reams of Japanese responses who feel insulted or disappointed by this, increasing levels of racism against a group that didn't ask to be clumsily represented in this way but who are used as a cultural battering ram by woke, white, virtue signalling morons anyway. You dont understand that every abrasive action has backlash and unless you are actually fighting over something worthwhile or making a real difference you are making shit worse. By all means die on the fucking retarded hill of skin colour in videogames while reactivating racial resentment across the globe, I'm sure one of the dwindling woke culture warriors will give you a pat on the back for being such a good boy.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Stupid people would buy those games and give ubisoft alot of money. Its easier to dislike something. But do you have the control to not buy it? I remember people trying to boycott alot of games, only to end up buying it the next day.

If you are angry, vote with your wallet. Dont bring your crybaby in to the internet, if you arent willing to follow your actions.

Ironically I think people crying so much over Yaduke is actually just bringing more attention to the game.
Free marketing for Ubi.

If they really want to punish Ubi they just don't talk about the game.

Look what happened to Ghost.....people just stopped talking about it and Ubi have had to reevaluate what they are doing with the series.
Devs making black characters into wedge "you're gonna shove this down your throat and you're gonna LIKE IT!" issues is going to be something they'll regret in the long run, do they really not see the problem with making this association for people? For making it to where gamers see a black protag and check out, because you know instantly what it means, what the tone will be?

Japan was not the setting to do this, remember when this was a STEALTH series? now we got a guy in clunky armor armor who literally couldn't be any more "there he is, get him!" in a crowd in feudal Japan? lmao
If you actually gave a shit about real racism instead of ham fisted virtue signalling you would observe how engaging in retarded culture war bullshit, "rubbing" peoples faces in petty, abrasive diversity increases the amount and severity of racism in the world. Those responsible for this shit are not black yet black people will get all the flack. People ask why are all these western AAA games so shit now? the answer moves away from shitty devs and money hungry corps with upside down priorities in an anti meritocratic system, it gets conflated with black people demanding representation in everything when they often aren't.

Read the endless reams of Japanese responses who feel insulted or disappointed by this, increasing levels of racism against a group that didn't ask to be clumsily represented in this way but who are used as a cultural battering ram by woke, white, virtue signalling morons anyway. You dont understand that every abrasive action has backlash and unless you are actually fighting over something worthwhile or making a real difference you are making shit worse. By all means die on the fucking retarded hill of skin colour in videogames while reactivating racial resentment across the globe, I'm sure one of the dwindling woke culture warriors will give you a pat on the back for being such a good boy.

I'm just posting to let you know that I didn't read any of this. Stay mad.
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Friend, ubisoft picked their protognist. They arent a japanese studios, and has no requirement that they should make a mandatory japanese main character.

Second, the game has a female japanese main character. A freaking asain/japanese characters.

We know why people are outraged. I am gonna end it here, and wont entertain this conversation any longer.
Oh, they are free to choose their own characters. But they aren't free from criticism for their choice, they don't get free points.

Second, the game has a female japanese main character. A freaking asain/japanese characters.
So? We want a male japanese character in a location taking place in Japan. Hell, we can do both japanese female/male characters like Valhalla/Odyssey. Why not now?

did anyone actually bother to look at this account, just a few scrolls tells you everything you need to know.

I thought we were all about the facts, nothing but the facts. but now you are praising a random tweet from a random person who very clearly has an activist profile...

So, having opinions on social and political matters means she can't have ancestors?


I'm just posting to let you know that I didn't read any of this. Stay mad.
No need to announce it we already knew you were a moron, that's why your beliefs are all fucked up and you run from any serious engagement. Dont worry, my messages aren't aimed at you, other people read it and enough people throwing the right ideas into the ether pops stupid echo chambers. One day even you, an illiterate human weather vane will adopt my world view.
No need to announce it we already knew you were a moron, that's why your beliefs are all fucked up and you run from any serious engagement. Dont worry, my messages aren't aimed at you, other people read it and enough people throwing the right ideas into the ether pops stupid echo chambers. One day even you, an illiterate human weather vane will adopt my world view.
I can smell your dishonesty through my screen. Run away? Why, my good man, you people simply aren't worth taking seriously.


Gold Member
Oh, they are free to choose their own characters. But they aren't free from criticism for their choice, they don't get free points.
Criticism doesnt work in gaming. They speak $$$$ and copy sold. That is the currency of this world right now. Why do you think they are all in on this IP? Because people mindless buy them.
They added 130$ package to this game. That is how much they dont care about people on the internet.


I can smell your dishonesty through my screen. Run away? Why, my good man, you people simply aren't worth taking seriously.
why my good man you aren't worth taking seriously, he says as he refuses to read and runs away covering his eyes and ears. Anyone reading this exchange can tell you're a fucking moron, thanks for proving my point by existing, holding shit opinions and being so dumb. By all means continue to post shitty empty bait about how uninterested you are in this argument despite choosing and continuing to engage, the cowardice and hypocrisy only makes my point stronger.


The Ancient Persians weren't black, but people had no problem with that in the movie Sparta when black Persians were getting kicked down deep wells and having their heads lopped off.
Actually a lot of people questioned it and a lot of Iranians were pissed off that why their people were being depicted as black. I remember someone rationalizing it that a lot of servants were most likely black.
I feel like people just have short memories.

Even The Last Samurai got quite a bit of criticism when it came out cause you had a "white saviour" type guy in the lead. Even today when someone mentions the movie there's someone chuckling a bit about Tom Cruise becoming a samurai.

Today it's just much easier to spread your opinion in the social media, so any backlash sounds 10 times louder.


Almost 20 years for Ass Creed to arrive in Japan...
Makes the main character a black person that was historically irrelevant in one of the most important periods of the Japanese history.

I would be pissed too.

At least they chose a character whose history isn't exactly well documented besides some heres and theres. This way UBI cannot be accused of distorting history, ultrakill shurikens and adamantium katanas apart .
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why my good man you aren't worth taking seriously, he says as he refuses to read and runs away covering his eyes and ears. Anyone reading this exchange can tell you're a fucking moron, thanks for proving my point by existing, holding shit opinions and being so dumb. By all means continue to post shitty empty bait about how uninterested you are in this argument despite choosing and continuing to engage, the cowardice and hypocrisy only makes my point stronger.
I changed my mind and decided to actually read your post, and dissect it point by point, because I am bored right now. Let's see how much you really believe in engaging discussion.

Stay mad
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Who the fuck care? They are fucking fictional video games and as far as I’m concerned devs can do whatever the fuck they want with their own games.

If devs lose their freedom to make what they want just because bunch of whiners on internet then gaming industry really is fucked.

Also this coming from someone who has no interest in this game.

You're absolutely right. Its asking for reverse pandering at this point.

Theres gonna be folks who don't wanna play the game because of this, let them not play it.

Don't try to tell game devs "only make it THIS WAY"


Asmongold made me laugh today.


"Whenever this game comes out, the main character's race is not even going to be in the Top 10 of issues. There's probably going to be issues downloading the game, issues with graphics, the PC version won't work properly, there's probably an anti-cheat issue where they have Denuvo and the game drops down to 20 FPS unless you have a NASA computer. This is the real problem with the new Assassin's Creed game."

You know he's right :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Where do you the Egyptians came from? Not Europe, not Asia. Guess.
You understand that continents are arbitrary concepts, right? North Africa, including Egypt, is largely cut off from sub-Saharan Africa (that is, the black part of Africa) by the Sahara. The Egyptians were and are genetically and linguistically closest to neighboring Middle Eastern populations as a result. Population exchange between Egypt and Nubia along the Nile was dwarfed by population exchange between Egypt and Syria, Greece, Anatolia, Italy, etc across the Mediterranean.


Almost 20 years for Ass Creed to arrive in Japan...
Makes the main character a black person that was historically irrelevant in one of the most important periods of the Japanese history.

I would be pissed too.

At least they chose a character whose history isn't exactly well documented besides some heres and theres. This way UBI cannot be accused of distorting history, ultrakill shurikens and adamantium katanas apart .
In the period where they have an "interesting" arc (whether direct or not with oda/hideyoshi/leyasu story) such as miyamoto, kojiro, yagyu, tachibana, chosokabe, date, hanzo, etc. It's mind boggling imo.

massive disappointment from someone who wanted ac japan even before Tsushima was announced. well, vote with your wallet.
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Tired of you long winded nerds who only talk like women and never stay their ground
You're on GAF. You'll stay perpetually tired I guess.
Show me earlier in this thread where I said that I'm purely fact driven. That was your point, you typed that, so I'm holding you to your words.

So what? Who cares if I comment in threads, so people are only allowed a limited numbers of messages in a thread or else... I am at least willing to stand by my convictions.

You literally said you were going to find posts and you literally @ my name so everyone else would respond to you. You really are captain contradictory.

I will say, at least the whole holier than though act is over and you are showing your true self. I mean... we all could tell what the true intentions were, but at least now it's out there.
For a “logical” and “centrist” individual, you are often the most illogical and more often than not heavily side with a particular group of ideologically composed individuals. Don’t even get me started on the whole “unemotional” nonsense.

Maybe be honest for once and drop the hypocrisy.

You know, I had an epiphany while doing this research. I realized no matter what I present, I can already picture the responses of those who simply won't look. Also, this whole act of trying to pin a personality on me like a pinata is cute guys. I appreciate the deflection, and comments, and the gotcha-fishing about my personality and my 'true self' like we're at some cheap therapy session. Keep trying to dig at bedrock I guess. Alright, here we go...

Some of this info will need a translation tool. You'll just have to deal.

Just so that I'm as careful as possible here, I will post information that is publicly available and not the private information I found:

(Thread of posts made just about 1 year ago, pre-Yasuke argument. Yes, click on it before saying something.)

She went on an evidence rant and posted some stuff, including her birth certificate showing proof of her father's origin(probably not the smartest idea for her to share):

There is some other information including family ancestry tree and info about her grandfather that I managed to dig up, but I'm not going to post them here. They are findable with google but she didn't post them, so I'm not going to either, especially not on this forum.

Here is info on the ancestor in question:

Here's detailed info about Yasuke:

Here is info related to Yasuke's position

Here is more detailed information, including detailed pictures of the texts and writings based on Yasuke(scroll down in the website) and additionally the various amounts of media Japan has made about him:

Here is information about what retainers are:

Here is info on what a Hatamoto is:

I really want to pin this specific comment below somewhere if I could. It truly represents all of the problems with the topic of Yasuke, encapsulated in one statement:
Why should I need to research.
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Where do you the Egyptians came from? Not Europe, not Asia. Guess.
Dna shows they're related to Levant Anatolia, middle eastern people from the middle east then. Ancient Egyptians are largely an ancient middle eastern people, as seen from their own depictions and culture in the hot bed of civilization the middle eastern area of Turkey Iran, Egypt Lebanon etc not sub Saharan. There were some people from the sub Saharan region there. They also had an invasion from sub Sahara and disposed them.


Waaahhhhh my fantasy video game where I can fall hundreds of feet kill thousands with no repercussions isn't historically accurate! How dare they put a black man in a game series where I get to fight the pope?
Waaahhhhh my fantasy video game where I can fall hundreds of feet kill thousands with no repercussions isn't historically accurate! How dare they put a black man in a game series where I get to fight the pope?
:pie_eyeroll:. Yes. It's all about the black man, surely nothing to do with the pandering to a certain demographic.


You're on GAF. You'll stay perpetually tired I guess.

You know, I had an epiphany while doing this research. I realized no matter what I present, I can already picture the responses of those who simply won't look. Also, this whole act of trying to pin a personality on me like a pinata is cute guys. I appreciate the deflection, and comments, and the gotcha-fishing about my personality and my 'true self' like we're at some cheap therapy session. Keep trying to dig at bedrock I guess. Alright, here we go...

Some of this info will need a translation tool. You'll just have to deal.

Just so that I'm as careful as possible here, I will post information that is publicly available and not the private information I found:

(Thread of posts made just about 1 year ago, pre-Yasuke argument. Yes, click on it before saying something.)

She went on an evidence rant and posted some stuff, including her birth certificate showing proof of her father's origin(probably not the smartest idea for her to share):

There is some other information including family ancestry tree and info about her grandfather that I managed to dig up, but I'm not going to post them here. They are findable with google but she didn't post them, so I'm not going to either, especially not on this forum.

Here is info on the ancestor in question:

Here's detailed info about Yasuke:

Here is info related to Yasuke's position

Here is more detailed information, including detailed pictures of the texts and writings based on Yasuke(scroll down in the website) and additionally the various amounts of media Japan has made about him:

Here is information about what retainers are:

Here is info on what a Hatamoto is:

I really want to pin this specific comment below somewhere if I could. It truly represents all of the problems with the topic of Yasuke, encapsulated in one statement:

None of that still proves that she is some expert in Japanese history. Looking at my grans birth certificate doesn't now give me insight into what it was like living in 1940.

The fact remains that she is just a random on the internet. If the tweet was from an ancient historian who studied these things then sure they have some knowledge. She is just an American who wants to be as Japanese as possible. I'm not gonna post any of her other tweets here but almost everyone starts with "in Japan" or "people think X about Japan"... only foreigners speak like that 🤣. She literally has a tweet claiming that samurai were all LGBT. Do we really all believe that? I bet if anything there's maybe one fringe case If even but she is openly declaring that all samurai were LGBT

Where can you show me that she personally has studied Japanese history and has in depth knowledge of all the intricacies.

All you did was paste a tweet where she has a Japanese family member and then post some completely unrelated articles from other websites. Nothing proves that her word is gospel.

I'm sure if I "did my research' I could find some conflicting arguments to all of those articles, because historians study these things and can only draw conclusions.



Now that phase one failed ("Yasuke was a legit samurai") they now effortlessly move to phase two: "AC was never historically accurate anyway so it doesn't matter".

Who was the Italian man that historically had a fight with the Pope or the Greek that fought with a Minotaur? Since when was Assassin's creed an accurate recreation of history? Also, what's wrong with depicting Yasuke as the Japanese themselves have already depicted him in THEIR media?
This is like, the first AAA game I can think of with a black male lead since fucking San Andreas.

Miles Morales - Spiderman
Lincoln Clay - Mafia 3
Marcus Holloway - Watch Dogs 2
The annoying chick - Forpsoken
Colt Vaugh & Juliana Blake - Deathloop

And theres way more but not strictly AAA games, not to mention side characters. So lets not pretend like they dont exist.
None of that still proves that she is some expert in Japanese history. Looking at my grans birth certificate doesn't now give me insight into what it was like living in 1940.

The fact remains that she is just a random on the internet. If the tweet was from an ancient historian who studied these things then sure they have some knowledge. She is just an American who wants to be as Japanese as possible. I'm not gonna post any of her other tweets here but almost everyone starts with "in Japan" or "people think X about Japan"... only foreigners speak like that 🤣. She literally has a tweet claiming that samurai were all LGBT. Do we really all believe that? I bet if anything there's maybe one fringe case If even but she is openly declaring that all samurai were LGBT

Where can you show me that she personally has studied Japanese history and has in depth knowledge of all the intricacies.

All you did was paste a tweet where she has a Japanese family member and then post some completely unrelated articles from other websites. Nothing proves that her word is gospel.

I'm sure if I "did my research' I could find some conflicting arguments to all of those articles, because historians study these things and can only draw conclusions.
I don’t care about her stance on LGBT samurai. You asked me to verify her claim about her family, not defend her entire being. I found verifiable information. I specifically said you should google and dig for it, because I am not posting a doxxing-level of information to win a GAF argument.

We are at a standstill where I can’t post proof and you’re too lazy to look yourself.

I'm sure if I "did my research' I could find some conflicting arguments to all of those articles
The answer is directly in front of you and you choose to ignore it.


And the whole thing of going from stealth to action and viceversa is kinda of a staple of every open world game that has stealth, from horizon to tsushima to far cry to watch dogs (except the last one) to spiderman to mgs5 to bethesda titles to past assassins creed games etc, you always have a protagonist that can do everything, in some you have to spend skills points to make it good at everything, but it is possible.
I tend to think this will work as 2 separate classes, each character with his own set of perks and skill from which to create a build. Yasuke will have probably "in your face" combat perks and skills, while Naoe will be more stealth, daggers etc.


Who was the Italian man that historically had a fight with the Pope or the Greek that fought with a Minotaur? Since when was Assassin's creed an accurate recreation of history? Also, what's wrong with depicting Yasuke as the Japanese themselves have already depicted him in THEIR media?
You just got to the crux of my reason for not using Yasuke. Ezio and Kasandra didn't exist. Yasuke did. None of the playable characters existed. Not even the other one in this game.
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