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Final Fantasy XVI announced

It looks abit of both the boss battles or when they use ifrite for instances looks like ff xv they look like titans but for the actual fighting looks to or what to appear is ff 7 style


Stuff that caught my eye.

- No party system?

- The world reminds me a lot of Witcher 3.

- Blood? Thank god. Now SE...make sure to add blood to Remake part 2.

- Graphics looks disappointing? After VIIR i was expecting something mind blow on the PS5.

- Combat looks great, hopefully it's not similar to FFXV, where all you need to do is hold buttons to win, that was such a trash design.

We'll get more info in 2021, hopefully it's not that far off.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I honestly thought it was a FFXIV expansion until I saw the combat.

Graphics are not bad, but they're not super impressive like usual. The colors are pretty bland. I like that they're going for a more mature look, but I don't really like the cast so far. Wasn't blown away by any of the music either. I like that the combat is real time, should be interesting.

Hopefully the story is good. XIV is pretty good in that area.


those who complain about how the main character looks.. imagine if it actually features a character creation. What we see just placeholder like WoL in XIV.


This looks a lot more interesting setting wise, that I almost thought it was Ivalice when the voice acting first hit. The plot from a quick ear seemed somewhat reminiscent of XIII-2 with the Chaos and Crystal.

All that said, it looks like the visuak advancement a truck. Clearly still in development but you know what? I can’t even knock them. Focus on what matters more.
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Is this posted?
Naoki Yoshida, Final Fantasy XVI Producer
Final Fantasy XVI producer (that’s right, just producer) Naoki Yoshida here. How did you enjoy the trailer? The exclusive footage, comprised of both battles and cutscenes running in real-time, represents but a fraction of what our team has accomplished since the start of development on this, an all-new Final Fantasy game. In that span, the team’s size has grown from a handful of core members to a full-fledged unit that continues to polish and build upon what they have created so far, all to provide players an experience unmatched in terms of story and gameplay.

Our next big information reveal is scheduled for 2021, so in the meantime, I expect everyone to have fun speculating, as we have a lot in store—not only for Final Fantasy XVI, but for Final Fantasy XIV, too. Needless to say, I’ll be working hard on both!

Hiroshi Takai, Final Fantasy XVI Director
When Final Fantasy I was released, I was just another player─a young student with big dreams. By the time Final Fantasy V was in the works, I had earned myself a seat at the developers’ table… albeit at the very end. From there, I moved “online” leaving my mark on both Final Fantasy XI and XIV.

And now… XVI.

From the establishment of an all new development environment, to learning the ins-and-outs of the PlayStation 5, the team and I have taken on countless challenges during our journey to bring you the sixteenth chapter in the storied Final Fantasy franchise. And though we’re pouring our hearts and souls into this project each and every day, it may still be some time before we can get it into your hands. However, I promise it will be worth the wait!

Square just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase FFXVI for either system, nor will they purchase any of Square's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square has alienated an entire market with this move.

Square, publicly apologize and announce FFXVI for Xbox or you can kiss your business goodbye.
You are joking, right?
This does it.
Microsoft has awesome services like Game Pass, but they don't have the games I want. That's why I'm getting a PS5 for this game. I love Final Fantasy, loved this trailer, loved what the team behind this game did with FFXIV:ARR.

I know I can play this (and more!) games on PC, but in my current situation that's not a monetary possibility.

I'm a happy man today.
.......until I remember this game will get released around 2022.
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Neo Member
Confusing and bit too long. This trailer left me with zero excitement. For long time I wasn’t even sure if we’re seeing new FF main entry or just trailer to FFXIV MMO expansion.

Graphically it looks last gen. Some models look dated. Music is nothing special. Combat looks similar to FFXV. I hate FFXV… Presentation was so confusing I have no idea what this game premise is (other than saving the world). Bottom line – I’m way more excited for next part of FFVIIR.


Such vitriol for this game. I think it's looking amazing. It's steering away from the ff15 feel. It's more dark and gritty. Blood.




The visuals are very unimpressive, but I've been saying for years they should finally stop focusing so much on graphics and try to improve everything else. So I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.

What's really disappointing is that it looks like an action RPG with a single character. That would suck, specially after they finally made an awesome real time party based system with 7 remake.


Such vitriol for this game. I think it's looking amazing. It's steering away from the ff15 feel. It's more dark and gritty. Blood.
Versus XIII was initially going to be a more M-rated mature, dark & gritty FF entry until it was give a mainline as FFXV then was rated T.

I do like the traditional fantasy art direction, although the visuals aren't all that impressive tbh. Looks like Project Athia will be Square's next-gen graphical showcase.


Gold Member
Not feeling it. Boring fantasy medieval, British accents, GOT, Witcher tired look.

Yes it's fantasy in the sense that dragons, and magic don't exist in this world but, it doesn't excite my imagination. I can already picture the buildings, terrain, clothing, colour palette.

Where is the personality?
Was wanting something invoking FFIX or XII vibes.

I got Kingsglaive directors cut vibes from it when it was being revealed.

Seems like the cost of AAA production has stifled Squares reach/ability to be really creative. Sad to see Final Fantasy buckle under that weight.


It all makes sense why I was fully expecting this to be online (if going by the director and producer). Based on those graphics, and the presentation, it almost seems like this game was originally the next online entry (or some online off-shoot) that got moved to a single-player project. Something doesn’t seem awfully right.

They definitely took a more traditional(some would even say mundane medieval) turn, almost reminds me of the colonial era with pilgrims and witchcraft trials.
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This looks way off, just all around way off. I can only assume their engine specs. and design doc hasn’t been anywhere near finalized.

More importantly, they didn’t go full CG!? That they actually went with in-game footage? Chief called!

Is this an mmo?
But it seems like it originally was. I guess these two have been so heavily involved with online titles that you can see a bit of it reflected in this. I could swear by it, it feels it might have been planned as one.
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Ew, this is cross gen right? God god everything from the animation to the lighting looks butt ugly. Nothing about this looks next gen at all. FF is suppose to be the graphics standard bearer of every gen.

At least they're being honest, and it's not a CG trailer.
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