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Fighting Games Weekly | June 8-14 | We played a lot of SG and VF for some reason


Does anyone know if Yatagarasu: AoC will have an option for scan lines? Would be soo good.

Also, I'm having trouble deciding between Jackie and Lau as a main in VF. I feel more torn than Natalie Imbruglia.


??? That's not a spoiler? That shit is apparent from anything you read for an overall plot summary for the show.

I mean shit, if someone told you Zach died in FF7, and then you go play Crisis Core, and you KNOW what the ending is, it doesn't take away from the sum of its parts and how it happens and is shown.

You knowing the kid is brain washed is told to you quite early on, it's the events of the main character you are concerned about---none of which I have spoiled.

I'd definitely consider it a spoiler. A lot of the early stuff is trying to figure out who Johan is and why he is the way he is. A better summary would be "Gifted surgeon saves young boy's life who the surgeon discovers is at the center of huge mystery." Something like that, I haven't read the series in years and my memory is fuzzy.


My cousin has tried to get me into Hunter X Hunter numerous times and it's put me to sleep every time. I hate the art style and the few episodes I saw seemed very trope-ish.

What's it saying?

That comment was kinda stupid. I'm sure a lot of Japanese works have something to say, but I haven't seen or heard of anything much that resonates with my western sensibilities outside Kojima games. The reason for that is obvious: the dude has a fetish for western culture.

I tend to give shows(anime or not) about a 3-5 trial run. If after 5 episodes I don't see it picking up or I'm not already into it, then I say to hell with it.

That's the general approach you can try here.

Have you ever found a few anime you did watch from start to finish you were into? That could help with recommendations.

If nothing has ever grabbed you, then what did you try and couldn't get into?

A lot of these shows are packed in layers. You have to, like a fighting game, invest a lot of time before things unfold and click.

Full Metal Alchemist is a great example of a show that the deeper you go just keeps giving and giving in the rich story and great characters department. However, the initial 20 some episodes is a lot of building up. Introducing characters, events, the world, etc.

FMA is worth trying 3-5 to see if there's something there. Premise is this: Two young boys live in a world where alchemy is real. They lose their mother, and try to bring her back from the dead. Each loses something very important in return because they fail. This is the catalyst to a grandiose adventure that is bigger than the two of them, and the challenges they face are incredible. It's light hearted at a lot of times too, but the bigger gut wrenching moments hit hard and are well done. Characters are killed off and the show does a great job of developing those characters enough for you to care in one way or another. Not saying you'll cry or be sad, but you may be like "oh damn I hope they fuck that villain up for that shit."

My 2 pennies.


EU has Luffy who's leagues above the US players.

All the games at EVO are getting a pot bonus from the devs, thats cool.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Well, loaded up VF4 Evo for the first time in a couple years. Started a new game of Quest Mode with Sarah and cleared out the first arcade area.

Fuck, that mode is still so good, I'd say probably the best single player content made for any fighting game.

Still amazed in general how much shit is packed into that game, especially compared to Final Showdown.
make sure to do training->tactics advice (I think that's how to get there)
gives you max dmg combos and tells you what moves to use and when for every character in the game


I think Arturo recorded the last Europe vs US at EVO. If I remember correctly none of the big US players played in those sets.


What kind of tropes?

Probably outside the scope of the thread. Check out articles on Akira Kurosawa and the legacy of his film's influence in the west (influence on The Magnificent Seven, Star Wars, etc.). You could do worse with an evening than rent a Kurosawa flick. My fav is Ran, which is a retelling of King Lear, so the influence goes both ways. Dreams is a wild ride and has a Scorsese cameo to boot.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Does anyone know if Yatagarasu: AoC will have an option for scan lines? Would be soo good.

Also, I'm having trouble deciding between Jackie and Lau as a main in VF. I feel more torn than Natalie Imbruglia.
I know a lot about lau and would be happy to go over what he has that rules and what stuff he lacks when I get home tonight


Pretty much, yeah. Glad you acknowledged that.

Japanese literature is amazing. A lot of cinema - especially older stuff - is incredible. A lot of what people think of as "western" tropes is shit that directors stole from guys like Kurosawa and his ilk. Seven Samurai, etc.
You do realize Kurosawa was strongly influenced by western themes right?


Sure, i agree. But isn't that the case with most media? Most TV shows are crap and once in a while something great comes along. Most music is garbage and once in a while a masterwork comes along.

Singling out anime for that is just being willfully ignorant and hateful.

Most seasons there's at least 1-4 shows that aren't just tolerable, but are enjoyable or good or even better. And occasionally something fantastic comes along. In what way is that soooo much worse than other media that one needs a fuckanimevan.gif two times per page?

I agree but I'm growing disillusioned with pretty much every form of entertainment out there so it doesn't change my opinion.

I don't think it's worse than other forms of stuff necessarily though.


Can you spectate and not play in a vf5 lobby?

Maybe you'd like Angel's Egg. Very simple allegorical movie but it it had a pretty big impact on me.

I'll note that this is one of those divisive movies. Either it's enchanting in it's exploration of a dreamlike world, or it's ResidentSleeper.

wtf would anyone recommend Kill La Kill to someone who has said he doesn't like anime? That's just being stupid.

Indeed. It's pretty much the epitome of modern anime.

Fortunately, it's the better part of it, but still.


@gcyoshi13 haiku master
Round start Grand Viper
Why think when you can Fafnir
Oh well RIDE IT OUT!!!

Have at thee, Stun Edge
You'll never block Greed Sever
I love netplay

Have this Tandem Top
Will I go high or go low
Doesn't matter, you lose

I summon Eddie
Don't hit Eddie, ah damn it
time to stall, good-bye

I'm going my way
Let's see how lucky I am
Meteors, awesome

Dandy Step, Pile Bunker
Keep it simple, punch and kick
Wait, where'd your life go?

Slowly getting close
I will Pot Buster this fool
Wait, come back, don't run

K ball, then P ball
I look like a schemer huh
I'm just hitting balls

Really hate I-No
I'll air-to-air her air dash
Fuck, she air threw me

Jumping and swinging
Throw beach balls and ride dolphins
What's fundamentals?

Replay my specials
See this intricate set-up?
Stop mashing throw scrub

Why you hit my swords?
Now I have to play neutral
Revert this patch please

Sparrowhawk Stance go
Up high, down low, up high, mid
Please don't jab, aw fuck

Eat well and hit hard
How do I open you up?
I'm hungry again

Throw my pineberry
My normals are everywhere
The gorrila bride

I need to get in
Got the knockdown, Now I win
Turn brain off, Unga





I thought it was just right as far as length goes. Damn do I love that movie

I've seen a bunch of movies from the dude bc the art is Xrd-tier, but goddamn they all leave me feeling like I only had half a pizza slice instead of the whole thing.


That comment was kinda stupid. I'm sure a lot of Japanese works have "something" to say, but I haven't seen or heard of anything much that resonates with my western sensibilities outside Kojima games. The reason for that is obvious: the dude has a fetish for western culture.
Sounds like you need some Cowboy Bebop. And Monster.

In any case if you are actually interested in some anime then this is good to follow/check out: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=165766811&postcount=2

Gives recommendation based on what you are looking for.


Sure, i agree. But isn't that the case with most media? Most TV shows are crap and once in a while something great comes along. Most music is garbage and once in a while a masterwork comes along.

Singling out anime for that is just being willfully ignorant and hateful.

Most seasons there's at least 1-4 shows that aren't just tolerable, but are enjoyable or good or even better. And occasionally something fantastic comes along. In what way is that soooo much worse than other media that one needs a fuckanimevan.gif two times per page?


Anime is just an entertainment medium like TV or film. A lot of it sucks but there's also enough quality stuff out there for anyone to enjoy.

Watch these shows and then try telling me anime sucks:

Death Note
Black Lagoon
FullMetal Alchemist (original)
FullMetal Alchemist (Brotherhood)

These five alone are above and beyond most television shows and if you still hate "anime" after watching any one of these, then something's wrong with you.
Just beat Valle online in USF4 PC, ha ha. Time to upload that shit and go back to watch it every now and then to make myself feel better whenever I'm feeling down.



Anime is just an entertainment medium like TV or film. A lot of it sucks but there's also enough quality stuff out there for anyone to enjoy.

I agree...but...
Watch these shows and then try telling me anime sucks:

Death Note
Black Lagoon
FullMetal Alchemist (original)
FullMetal Alchemist (Brotherhood)

These five alone are above and beyond most television shows and if you still hate "anime" after watching any one of these, then something's wrong with you.

I think it depends on whether you really consider these to be emblematic of the genre, currently. None of these are recent, even.

Also, fuck Ultra Fei, AE 2012 was cooler.
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