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Fighting Games Weekly | June 8-14 | We played a lot of SG and VF for some reason



gimme a name
On some level this generation is unique because we don't really grow out of things as we get older, since media is evolving and advancing so quickly. In the past you're expected to grow out of liking cartoons and games and comics and toys or whatever else kids like, but nowadays we either grow up and expect our media/hobbies to reflect our maturity or we can choose not to mature and grow out of things at all. I'm fully aware that me turning the corner on disliking anime is partially due to me getting older, and I would've been fully into the output from the industry today if I were the same sort of person I was at 12 years old who liked boobs and panties but hated women and artsy stuff.

It feels like a big thing in the fighting game community too, since for a lot of people it's a hobby that grew up with them that is the same as it was when they were much younger but also different in a lot of ways.


Slayer of Combofiends
Count Blacula said:
That look he gave that nigga, like he knew he wanted to beat his ass, but then realized that he was way too swole for him to take.

Yo damn, I was watching Rico the salt maker video again and count went in on Sanford lol

gimme a name

Hunter X Hunter Onemic gosh, if you were paying attention last page you would have noticed *napoleon dynamite accent*


Snake Eyez, Justin Wong, Smug, FChamp, uhhhh

I can't come up with other names that aren't japanese players lol

lol... F Champ? Really?

Snake Eyez, Justin Wong, Smug, KnuckleDu, 801 Strider, Chris T, Sanford Kelly, Sabin, Dieminion, PR Rog


MiniBoss is the only family man here. That's why.

I'm married in August of this year, but my daughter will be 7 years old in a week.

I still consume a ton of media, and my job has me travel at least half of the month to be gone around the state on the road in hotel rooms.

You have to make time for yourself and the things you love or else you can't be the best you for those people who love you. You'll just be a miserable shell of a person. It's okay to be selfish now and then to say, "Hey... I'm going to be a beanbag cheeto monster this weekend and play games while watching some anime."


Yo damn, I was watching Rico the salt maker video again and count went in on Sanford lol

Hunter X Hunter Onemic gosh, if you were paying attention last page you would have noticed *napoleon dynamite accent*

Ive been putting off that show for too long


Urien was top tier (but not top top).

Lots of things wrong with CFJ. It was just a mess of combining so many different mechanics. It wasn't universal mechanics either, each character had access to the stuff they had in their respective games. And when you consider how crazy Darkstalker characters are, you can expect them to be ridiculous over some of the other characters.

So balancing issues afoot?

Hm. Too bad I missed out on it. Seems like a good game.


I watched the old HXH. I have zero interest in the new one. I have much more required viewing stuff I need to get through.

Also, EU VS US would be a slaughter. Unless Luffy would run through everyone.


I feel like people complaining about anime being shallow pandering garbage should probably watch some of the better drama or mystery stuff like Mushishi, Stein's gate or movies like 5 Centimeters per Second or Grave of the Fireflies.

These shows are the exception, not the rule though.


Ive been putting off that show for too long

I put it off for forever, then a buddy of mine who is 100% the blackest man on Earth and has no feels told me he almost came to man tears in a certain episode I have not hit.

I asked him what it was about and what to compare it to. He said One Piece x Yu Yu, and I was like sold!

He said the first arc is really boring, but then picks up. For me the show was instant classic hooked on crack from episode 1. I engulfed like 10 episodes in one sitting.

It ONLY gets better. Holy hell on a stick when you get to Arc 3 with Kurapika vs the Phantom Troupe. Show is surprisingly VERY violent and bloody which you wouldn't think until you get further into it.

It's up on NetFlix for about 80% of the episodes out.

HIGHLY recommend if you are a fan of action anime with tournaments and crazy power fights.


I'm still mindfucked that Atlus is going to have competitive Catherine at Evo. Hoping some of it gets streamed.

Also it'd be great if they gave it some throwaway pot bonus just so Viscant can complain about it on Twitter.


I'm still mindfucked that Atlus is going to have competitive Catherine at Evo. Hoping some of it gets streamed.

Also it'd be great if they gave it some throwaway pot bonus just so Viscant can complain about it on Twitter.

I want it to get more viewers than a Perfect Legend stream so he can bitch about it.


I think the overriding problem I have with anime is that Japan as a whole seems to have little to say about anything. Their stories seem purely fantastical
How the hell do you guys consume so much media? Are you guys in front of the computer by choice or for work?

Work for me. I spend about 90% of my GAF time per day at work. Once I get home I don't really have time for much unless I stay up to 2am. Between work, lady, relaxation, meal prep, and training trying to get a bed at a decent time with gaming/media is extremely hard. If I don't get it in at work I usually never will.


I think the overriding problem I have with anime is that Japan as a whole seems to have little to say about anything. Their stories seem purely fantastical

Then you would probably enjoy Monster.

Tough to sum up, but it's 100% reality based and is character driven.

If I recall it's the story of a surgeon who had a great life, then he has to operate to save a young blonde and blue eyed boy. I won't go and spoil anything, but his life is ruined in doing so, because that boy was being brain washed by the Nazi German order to basically create the next Adolf Hitler.

They used a ton of children from orphanages to brain wish and try to create the next Adolf, and they succeeded with him.

Here's a trailer:


Click on promo. Can't find for some reason the youtube link for it? Weird.

Either way. 100% grounded in reality, and very well done. Completely story and character driven with a great mystery plot.
These shows are the exception, not the rule though.

Sure, i agree. But isn't that the case with most media? Most TV shows are crap and once in a while something great comes along. Most music is garbage and once in a while a masterwork comes along.

Singling out anime for that is just being willfully ignorant and hateful.

Most seasons there's at least 1-4 shows that aren't just tolerable, but are enjoyable or good or even better. And occasionally something fantastic comes along. In what way is that soooo much worse than other media that one needs a fuckanimevan.gif two times per page?


While I don't expect a bombshell on the level of say Nintendo/Marvel vs. Capcom or NEW Darkstalkers or whatever, this E3 should still have plenty of good stuff for fighting game fans :)

Even though I don't really like to self-identify as an otaku or whatever, anime and manga are probably my most-consumed sources of media in the last 10 or so years, but it just feels like there are fewer shows coming out every year that I'm interested in watching and from a demographics perspective I don't really matter at all to the people producing this content. Even though Cowboy Bebop and Ghost in the Shell: SAC are probably my two favorite pieces of media, there could be a dozen people with the same opinion but we'd collectively matter less than one otaku super-whale that buys every piece of merchandising for their favorite moe character. Honestly speaking I don't have any problem with fanservice in anime (or fanservice anime as a whole), it's just that nowadays it's done with such cynicism and an undercurrent of contempt for the audience that I can't really stomach it or try to defend it.

It's super reductive and unfair to say anime is all fanservice trash, yes, but at the same time people who say that anime was a mistake and it's nothing but trash have legitimate grievances too.

Oh there are certainly industry practices and trends that are worthy of reproach and critique. I just take issue with "Anime is all moe bullshit and I say this an an expert who hasn't watched anime in 15 years" or similar statements/sentiments which are surprisingly common. It's just intellectually dishonest/weak. It would be like swearing off American Television because Honey Boo Boo and whatever that show was with the 19 kids because they existed and were popular. Some styles and/or genres may wax and wane but neither the amount nor proportion of good stuff, the stuff really deserving your attention, has decreased over time.

These shows are the exception, not the rule though.

That's not an anime specific problem though

I think the overriding problem I have with anime is that Japan as a whole seems to have little to say about anything. Their stories seem purely fantastical

Hey now, not everything can be as good as Macklemore :p

But seriously I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Can you elaborate what "saying something means"? You want more ground/realistic products? Whatever your criteria is, I have a feeling there are probably a bunch of things that fit your criteria, you just don't know about them.
I think the overriding problem I have with anime is that Japan as a whole seems to have little to say about anything. Their stories seem purely fantastical

A decent amount of anime use fantastical settings to drive home a lot of real world morals/themes. On the topic, hunter x hunter does an amazing job of doing it.

And if anyone hasnt seen Gurren Lagann go do that. God damn that show is great.


I can see Europe beating US at a 5x5, but not a 10x10. US has more "great" players than Europe, but their three best players (Luffy, Valmaster and Ryan Hart) are better than most americans, if not all of them IMO


Then you would probably enjoy Monster.

Tough to sum up, but it's 100% reality based and is character driven.

If I recall it's the story of a surgeon who had a great life, then he has to operate to save a young blonde and blue eyed boy. I won't go and spoil anything, but his life is ruined in doing so, because that boy was being brain washed by the Nazi German order to basically create the next Adolf Hitler.

I won't spoil anything. Goes on to spoil.



I think the overriding problem I have with anime is that Japan as a whole seems to have little to say about anything. Their stories seem purely fantastical

I feel like people complaining about anime being shallow pandering garbage should probably watch some of the better drama or mystery stuff like Mushishi, Stein's gate or movies like 5 Centimeters per Second or Grave of the Fireflies.

(But personally i can also enjoy the shallow fanservice shows for what they are. Don't think it's a worse trend than all the shallow vampire TV series or shallow young adult movies to be honest)

Honestly they'd be better off reading manga. Most stuff that gets adapted into anime is aimed at kids. Manga generally has better art and storytelling and takes much less time to consume as well. There's way more stuff that skews towards an older crowd too.

Nyoro SF

Honestly they'd be better off reading manga. Most stuff that gets adapted into anime is aimed at kids. Manga generally has better art and storytelling and takes much less time to consume as well. There's way more stuff that skews towards an older crowd too.

Exactly. I stopped watching anime a long time ago because manga is a better experience.

Not only is there WAY more variety in terms of genre and characters, but there's something for all ages, and I enjoy reading the manga made for older audiences a lot. Also, I like reading at my own pace rather than be led along by the slow or frenetic pace of an anime. The writing is usually much better too because they're not constricted by an anime's time limit too.

I'm still waiting, wallet in hand for Kodansha to finish Zetsubou Sensei translation... :(


I won't spoil anything. Goes on to spoil.


??? That's not a spoiler? That shit is apparent from anything you read for an overall plot summary for the show.

I mean shit, if someone told you Zach died in FF7, and then you go play Crisis Core, and you KNOW what the ending is, it doesn't take away from the sum of its parts and how it happens and is shown.

You knowing the kid is brain washed is told to you quite early on, it's the events of the main character you are concerned about---none of which I have spoiled.
I could see America winning. There's guys worth of that team that haven't been brought up yet like Filipinoman and Tampa Bison.
Well, loaded up VF4 Evo for the first time in a couple years. Started a new game of Quest Mode with Sarah and cleared out the first arcade area.

Fuck, that mode is still so good, I'd say probably the best single player content made for any fighting game.

Still amazed in general how much shit is packed into that game, especially compared to Final Showdown.


My cousin has tried to get me into Hunter X Hunter numerous times and it's put me to sleep every time. I hate the art style and the few episodes I saw seemed very trope-ish.

What's it saying?

That comment was kinda stupid. I'm sure a lot of Japanese works have "something" to say, but I haven't seen or heard of anything much that resonates with my western sensibilities outside Kojima games. The reason for that is obvious: the dude has a fetish for western culture.

Also, I suspect that the island is so small and insular that it doesn't often have much of a global perspective and that's reflected in much of its storytelling.


Can you spectate and not play in a vf5 lobby?
My cousin has tried to get me into Hunter X Hunter numerous times and it's put me to sleep every time. I hate the art style and the few episodes I saw seemed very trope-ish.

What's it saying?

That comment was kinda stupid. I'm sure a lot of Japanese works have something to say, but I haven't seen or heard of anything much that resonates with my western sensibilities outside Kojima games. The reason for that is obvious: the dude has a fetish for western culture.
Maybe you'd like Angel's Egg. Very simple allegorical movie but it it had a pretty big impact on me.
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